DCC-EX Team is pleased to release CommandStation-EX-v3.1.0 as a Production Release. Release v3.1.0 is a minor release that adds additional features and fixes a number of bugs. With the number of new features, this could have easily been a major release. The team is continually improving the architecture of DCC++EX to make it more flexible and optimizing the code so as to get more perfromance from the Arduino microprocessors. This release includes all of the Point Releases from v3.0.1 to v3.0.16.
- **Wi-Fi** - works, but requires sending <AT> commands from a serial monitor if you want to switch between AP mode and STA station mode.
- **Pololu Motor Shield** - is supported with this release, but the user may have to adjust timings to enable programming mode due to limitation in its current sensing circuitry
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.8**
- Wraps <* *> around DIAGS for the benefit of JMRI
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.7**
- Implemented support for older 28 apeed step decoders - Option to turn on 28 step speed decoders in addition to 128. If set, all locos will use 28 steps.
- Improved overload messages with raw values (relative to offset)
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.6**
- Prevent compiler warning about deprecated B constants
- Fix Bug that did not let us transmit 5 byte sized packets - 5 Byte commands like PoM (programming on main) were not being sent correctly
- Support for Huge function numbers (DCC BinaryStateControl) - Support Functions beyond F28
-<!> ESTOP all - New command to emergency stop all locos on the main track
-<-[cab]> estop and forget cab/all cabs - Stop and remove loco from the CS. Stops the repeating throttle messages
-`<D RESET>` command to reboot Arduino
- Automatic sensor offset detect
- Improved startup msgs from Motor Drivers (accuracy and auto sense factors)
- Drop post-write verify - No need to double check CV writes. Writes are now even faster.
- Allow current sense pin set to UNUSED_PIN - No need to ground an unused analog current pin. Produce startup warning and callback -2 for prog track cmds.
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.5**
- Fix Fn Key startup with loco ID and fix state change for F16-28
- Removed ethernet mac config and made it automatic
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.4**
- "Drive-Away" Feature - added so that throttles like Engine Driver can allow a loco to be programmed on a usable, electrically isolated programming track and then drive off onto the main track
- WiFi Startup Fixes
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.3**
- Command to write loco address and clear consist
- Command will allow for consist address
- Startup commands implemented
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.2:**
- Create new output for current in mA for `<c>` command - New current response outputs current in mA, overlimit current, and maximum board capable current
- Simultaneously update JMRI to handle new current meter
**Summary of the key new features added to CommandStation-EX V3.0.1:**
- Add back fix for jitter
- Add Turnouts, Outputs and Sensors to `<s>` command output
**CommandStation-EX V3.0.0:**
**Release v3.0.0 was a major rewrite if earlier versions of DCC++. The code base was re-architeced and core changes were made to the Waveform generator to reduce overhead and make better use of Arduino.** **Summary of the key new features added in Release v3.0.0 include:**
- **New USB Browser Based Throttle** - WebThrottle-EX is a full front-end to controller to control the CS to run trains.
- **WiFi Support** - AP and station modes supported. Auto-detection of an ESP8266 WiFi module with AT firmware on a Mega's serial port. Connection to JMRI and WiThrottle clients.
- **Withrottle Integrations** - Act as a host for up to four WiThrottle clients concurrently.
- **Add LCD/OLED support** - OLED supported on Mega only
- **Improved CV programming routines** - checks for length of CV pulse, and breaks out of the wait state once it has received an ACK, now reading one CV per second.
- **Improved current sensing** - rewrote current sensing routines for safer operation. Current thresholds based on milliamps, not magic numbers
- **Individual track power control** - Ability to toggle power on either or both tracks, and to "JOIN" the tracks and make them output the same waveform for multiple power districts.
- **Single or Dual-Pin PWM output** - Allows control of H-bridges with PH/EN or dual PWM inputs
- **New, simpler function command** - `<F>` command allows setting functions based on their number, not based on a code as in `<f>`
- **Function reminders** - Function reminders are sent in addition to speed reminders
- **Functions to F28** - All NMRA functions are now supported
- **Filters and user functions** - Ability to filter commands in the parser and execute custom code based on them. (ex: Redirect Turnout commands via NRF24)
- **Diagnostic `<D>` commands** - See documentation for a full list of new diagnostic commands
- **Rewrote DCC++ Parser** - more efficient operation, accepts multi-char input and uses less RAM
- **Rewritten waveform generator** - capable of using any pin for DCC waveform out, eliminating the need for jumpers
- **Rewritten packet generator** - Simplify and make smaller, remove idea of "registers" from original code
- **Add free RAM messages** - Free RAM messages are now printed whenever there is a decerase in available RAM
- **Fix EEPROM bugs**
- **Number of locos discovery command** - `<#>` command
- **Support for more locomotives** - 20 locomotives on an UNO and 50 an a Mega.
- **Automatic slot managment** - slot variable in throttle/function commands are ignored and slot management is taken care of automatically. `<!>` command added to release locos from memory.
**Key Contributors**
**Project Lead**
- Fred Decker - Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA (FlightRisk)
**CommandStation-EX Developers**
- Chris Harlow - Bournemouth, UK (UKBloke)
- Harald Barth - Stockholm, Sweden (Haba)
- Neil McKechnie - Worcestershire, UK (NeilMck)
- Fred Decker - Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA (FlightRisk)
- Dave Cutting - Logan, Utah, USA (Dave Cutting/ David Cutting)
- M Steve Todd - - Engine Driver and JMRI Interface