byte_nInfoLevel=1;// (Second digit)runtime level of the details of the messages displayed; 1 = only the diag messagges, 2 - incl time / file / line / freemem information - TBD
byte_dOutput=1;// (First digit) where the diag messages shall be send; 1 = Serial, 2 = future CLI on port 23 - TBD (Hundreds)
// e.g. 124 Send up to TRACE with full info to Serial or 211 send basic INFO level messages to the CLI
// nLogLevel 0 to 5 send to serial according to the log level 0 = SILENT, 1 = INFO, 2 = WARNING, 3 = ERROR, 4 = TRACE, 5 = DEBUG
// nLoglevel 10 to 15 send to network client (10) + according to the log level 0 = SILENT, 1 = INFO, 2 = WARNING, 3 = ERROR, 4 = TRACE, 5 = DEBUG