From 22b066c40044e6ad13c237f6044ff69725744227 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: kempe63 <>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2023 15:57:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Initial submit I2CDFPlayer
I2CManager.cpp | 5 +-
IODevice.h | 3 +-
IO_I2CDFPlayer.h | 589 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IO_Template.h | 69 ++++++
4 files changed, 664 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 IO_I2CDFPlayer.h
create mode 100644 IO_Template.h
diff --git a/I2CManager.cpp b/I2CManager.cpp
index 1d1387e..fadf8bb 100644
--- a/I2CManager.cpp
+++ b/I2CManager.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ static const FSH * guessI2CDeviceType(uint8_t address) {
return F("Time-of-flight sensor");
else if (address >= 0x3c && address <= 0x3d)
return F("OLED Display");
+ else if (address >= 0x48 && address <= 0x57) // Henkk: Added SC16IS752 UART detection
+ return F("SC16IS752 UART");
else if (address >= 0x48 && address <= 0x4f)
return F("Analogue Inputs or PWM");
else if (address >= 0x40 && address <= 0x4f)
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ static const FSH * guessI2CDeviceType(uint8_t address) {
return F("Real-time clock");
else if (address >= 0x70 && address <= 0x77)
return F("I2C Mux");
+ else if (address >= 0x90 && address <= 0xAE);
return F("?");
@@ -363,4 +366,4 @@ void I2CAddress::toHex(const uint8_t value, char *buffer) {
/* static */ bool I2CAddress::_addressWarningDone = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/IODevice.h b/IODevice.h
index 74fe49b..4a2fc48 100644
--- a/IODevice.h
+++ b/IODevice.h
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
#define iodevice_h
// Define symbol DIAG_IO to enable diagnostic output
-//#define DIAG_IO Y
+//#define DIAG_IO
// Define symbol DIAG_LOOPTIMES to enable CS loop execution time to be reported
diff --git a/IO_I2CDFPlayer.h b/IO_I2CDFPlayer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4905a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IO_I2CDFPlayer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+ * © 2023, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of DCC++EX API
+ *
+ * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with CommandStation. If not, see .
+ */
+ * DFPlayer is an MP3 player module with an SD card holder. It also has an integrated
+ * amplifier, so it only needs a power supply and a speaker.
+ *
+ * This driver allows the device to be controlled through IODevice::write() and
+ * IODevice::writeAnalogue() calls.
+ *
+ * The driver is configured as follows:
+ *
+ * DFPlayer::create(firstVpin, nPins, Serialn);
+ *
+ * Where firstVpin is the first vpin reserved for reading the device,
+ * nPins is the number of pins to be allocated (max 5)
+ * and Serialn is the name of the Serial port connected to the DFPlayer (e.g. Serial1).
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * In halSetup function within myHal.cpp:
+ * DFPlayer::create(3500, 5, Serial1);
+ * or in myAutomation.h:
+ * HAL(DFPlayer, 3500, 5, Serial1)
+ *
+ * Writing an analogue value 1-2999 to the first pin (3500) will play the numbered file from the
+ * SD card; e.g. a value of 1 will play the first file, 2 for the second file etc.
+ * Writing an analogue value 0 to the first pin (3500) will stop the file playing;
+ * Writing an analogue value 0-30 to the second pin (3501) will set the volume;
+ * Writing a digital value of 1 to a pin will play the file corresponding to that pin, e.g.
+ the first file will be played by setting pin 3500, the second by setting pin 3501 etc.;
+ * Writing a digital value of 0 to any pin will stop the player;
+ * Reading a digital value from any pin will return true(1) if the player is playing, false(0) otherwise.
+ *
+ * From EX-RAIL, the following commands may be used:
+ * SET(3500) -- starts playing the first file (file 1) on the SD card
+ * SET(3501) -- starts playing the second file (file 2) on the SD card
+ * etc.
+ * RESET(3500) -- stops all playing on the player
+ * WAITFOR(3500) -- wait for the file currently being played by the player to complete
+ * SERVO(3500,2,Instant) -- plays file 2 at current volume
+ * SERVO(3501,20,Instant) -- Sets the volume to 20
+ *
+ * NB The DFPlayer's serial lines are not 5V safe, so connecting the Arduino TX directly
+ * to the DFPlayer's RX terminal will cause lots of noise over the speaker, or worse.
+ * A 1k resistor in series with the module's RX terminal will alleviate this.
+ *
+ * Files on the SD card are numbered according to their order in the directory on the
+ * card (as listed by the DIR command in Windows). This may not match the order of the files
+ * as displayed by Windows File Manager, which sorts the file names. It is suggested that
+ * files be copied into an empty SDcard in the desired order, one at a time.
+ *
+ * The driver now polls the device for its current status every second. Should the device
+ * fail to respond it will be marked off-line and its busy indicator cleared, to avoid
+ * lock-ups in automation scripts that are executing for a WAITFOR().
+ *
+ * *********************************************************************************************
+ * 2023, Added NXP SC16IS752 I2C Dual UART to enable the DFPlayer connection over the I2C bus
+ * The SC16IS752 has 64 bytes TX & RX FIFO buffer
+ * First version without interrupts from I2C UART and only RX/TX are used, interrupts may not be needed as the RX Fifo holds the reply
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef IO_I2CDFPlayer_h
+#define IO_I2CDFPlayer_h
+#include "IODevice.h"
+#include "I2CManager.h"
+#include "DIAG.h"
+//#define DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+//#define DIAG_I2CDFplayer_data
+//#define DIAG_I2CDFplayer_reg
+class I2CDFPlayer : public IODevice {
+ const uint8_t MAXVOLUME=30;
+ bool _playing = false;
+ uint8_t _inputIndex = 0;
+ unsigned long _commandSendTime; // Time (us) that last transmit took place.
+ unsigned long _timeoutTime;
+ uint8_t _recvCMD; // Last received command code byte
+ bool _awaitingResponse = false;
+ uint8_t _requestedVolumeLevel = MAXVOLUME;
+ uint8_t _currentVolume = MAXVOLUME;
+ int _requestedSong = -1; // -1=none, 0=stop, >0=file number
+ // SC16IS752 defines
+ I2CAddress _I2CAddress;
+ I2CRB _rb;
+ uint8_t _UART_CH;
+ // Communication parameters for the DFPlayer are fixed at 8 bit, No parity, 1 stopbit
+ uint8_t WORD_LEN = 0x03; // Value LCR bit 0,1
+ uint8_t STOP_BIT = 0x00; // Value LCR bit 2
+ uint8_t PARITY_ENA = 0x00; // Value LCR bit 3
+ uint8_t PARITY_TYPE = 0x00; // Value LCR bit 4
+ uint32_t BAUD_RATE = 9600;
+ uint8_t PRESCALER = 0x01; // Value MCR bit 7
+ uint8_t TEMP_REG_VAL = 0x00;
+ uint8_t FIFO_RX_LEVEL = 0x00;
+ uint8_t FIFO_TX_LEVEL = 0x00;
+ uint8_t _outbuffer [11]; // DFPlayer command is 10 bytes + 1 byte register address & UART channel
+ uint8_t _inbuffer[10]; // expected DFPlayer return 10 bytes
+ unsigned long SC16IS752_XTAL_FREQ = 1843200; // May need to change xtal frequency to 14.7456Mhz (14745600) to allow for higher baud rates
+ //unsigned long SC16IS752_XTAL_FREQ = 14745600; // Support for higher baud rates
+ // Constructor
+ I2CDFPlayer(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, uint8_t UART_CH){
+ _firstVpin = firstVpin;
+ _nPins = nPins;
+ _I2CAddress = i2cAddress;
+ addDevice(this);
+ }
+ static void create(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, uint8_t UART_CH) {
+ if (checkNoOverlap(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress)) new I2CDFPlayer(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress, UART_CH);
+ }
+ void _begin() override {
+ // check if SC16IS752 exist first, initialize and then resume DFPlayer init via SC16IS752
+ I2CManager.begin();
+ //I2CManager.setClock(1000000);
+ if (I2CManager.exists(_I2CAddress)){
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752 I2C:%s UART detected"), _I2CAddress.toString());
+ Init_SC16IS752(); // Initialize UART
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED){
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752 I2C:%s UART initialization failed"), _I2CAddress.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752 I2C:%s UART not detected"), _I2CAddress.toString());
+ }
+ #if defined(DIAG_IO)
+ _display();
+ #endif
+ // Now init DFPlayer
+ // Send a query to the device to see if it responds
+ sendPacket(0x42);
+ _timeoutTime = micros() + 5000000UL; // 5 second timeout
+ //_timeoutTime = micros() + 10000000UL; // 5 second timeout
+ _awaitingResponse = true;
+ }
+ void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override {
+ // Read responses from device
+ processIncoming();
+ // Check if a command sent to device has timed out. Allow 0.5 second for response
+ if (_awaitingResponse && (int32_t)(currentMicros - _timeoutTime) > 0) {
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer:%s, DFPlayer not responding on UART channel: 0x%x"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ _deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
+ _awaitingResponse = false;
+ _playing = false;
+ }
+ // Send any commands that need to go.
+ processOutgoing(currentMicros);
+ delayUntil(currentMicros + 10000); // Only enter every 10ms
+ }
+ // Check for incoming data on _serial, and update busy flag and other state accordingly
+ void processIncoming() {
+ // Expected message is in the form "7E FF 06 3D xx xx xx xx xx EF"
+ RX_fifo_lvl();
+ if (FIFO_RX_LEVEL >= 10) {
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: %s Retrieving data from RX Fifo on UART_CH: 0x%x"),_I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ #endif
+ ReceiveI2CData();
+ } else {
+ return; // No data or not enough data in rx fifo, check again next time around
+ }
+ bool ok = false;
+ while (FIFO_RX_LEVEL != 0) {
+ int c = _inbuffer[_inputIndex]; // Start at 0, increment to FIFO_RX_LEVEL
+ switch (_inputIndex) {
+ case 0:
+ if (c == 0x7E) ok = true;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (c == 0xFF) ok = true;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (c== 0x06) ok = true;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _recvCMD = c; // CMD byte
+ ok = true;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ switch (_recvCMD) {
+ case 0x42:
+ // Response to status query
+ _playing = (c != 0);
+ // Mark the device online and cancel timeout
+ if (_deviceState==DEVSTATE_INITIALISING) {
+ _deviceState = DEVSTATE_NORMAL;
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: %s, UART_CH: 0x0%x, _deviceState: 0x0%x"),_I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH, _deviceState);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ _display();
+ #endif
+ }
+ _awaitingResponse = false;
+ break;
+ case 0x3d:
+ // End of play
+ if (_playing) {
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: Finished"));
+ #endif
+ _playing = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x40:
+ // Error codes; 1: Module Busy
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: Error %d returned from device"), c);
+ _playing = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ ok = true;
+ break;
+ case 4: case 5: case 7: case 8:
+ ok = true; // Skip over these bytes in message.
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ if (c==0xef) {
+ // Message finished
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ok){
+ _inputIndex++; // character as expected, so increment index
+ FIFO_RX_LEVEL --; // Decrease FIFO_RX_LEVEL with each character read from _inbuffer[_inputIndex]
+ } else {
+ _inputIndex = 0; // otherwise reset.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Send any commands that need to be sent
+ void processOutgoing(unsigned long currentMicros) {
+ // When two commands are sent in quick succession, the device will often fail to
+ // execute one. Testing has indicated that a delay of 100ms or more is required
+ // between successive commands to get reliable operation.
+ // If 100ms has elapsed since the last thing sent, then check if there's some output to do.
+ if (((int32_t)currentMicros - _commandSendTime) > 100000) {
+ if (_currentVolume > _requestedVolumeLevel) {
+ // Change volume before changing song if volume is reducing.
+ _currentVolume = _requestedVolumeLevel;
+ sendPacket(0x06, _currentVolume);
+ } else if (_requestedSong > 0) {
+ // Change song
+ sendPacket(0x03, _requestedSong);
+ _requestedSong = -1;
+ } else if (_requestedSong == 0) {
+ sendPacket(0x16); // Stop playing
+ _requestedSong = -1;
+ } else if (_currentVolume < _requestedVolumeLevel) {
+ // Change volume after changing song if volume is increasing.
+ _currentVolume = _requestedVolumeLevel;
+ sendPacket(0x06, _currentVolume);
+ } else if ((int32_t)currentMicros - _commandSendTime > 1000000) {
+ // Poll device every second that other commands aren't being sent,
+ // to check if it's still connected and responding.
+ sendPacket(0x42);
+ if (!_awaitingResponse) {
+ _timeoutTime = currentMicros + 5000000UL; // Timeout if no response within 5 seconds
+ _awaitingResponse = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write with value 1 starts playing a song. The relative pin number is the file number.
+ // Write with value 0 stops playing.
+ void _write(VPIN vpin, int value) override {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return;
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ if (value) {
+ // Value 1, start playing
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: Play %d"), pin+1);
+ #endif
+ _requestedSong = pin+1;
+ _playing = true;
+ } else {
+ // Value 0, stop playing
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: Stop"));
+ #endif
+ _requestedSong = 0; // No song
+ _playing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // WriteAnalogue on first pin uses the nominated value as a file number to start playing, if file number > 0.
+ // Volume may be specified as second parameter to writeAnalogue.
+ // If value is zero, the player stops playing.
+ // WriteAnalogue on second pin sets the output volume.
+ //
+ void _writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t volume=0, uint16_t=0) override {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return;
+ uint8_t pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer: VPIN:%u FileNo:%d Volume:%d"), vpin, value, volume);
+ #endif
+ // Validate parameter.
+ if (volume > MAXVOLUME) volume = MAXVOLUME;
+ if (pin == 0) {
+ // Play track
+ if (value > 0) {
+ if (volume > 0)
+ _requestedVolumeLevel = volume;
+ _requestedSong = value;
+ _playing = true;
+ } else {
+ _requestedSong = 0; // stop playing
+ _playing = false;
+ }
+ } else if (pin == 1) {
+ // Set volume (0-30)
+ _requestedVolumeLevel = value;
+ }
+ }
+ // A read on any pin indicates whether the player is still playing.
+ int _read(VPIN) override {
+ if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return false;
+ return _playing;
+ }
+ void _display() override {
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer Configured on Vpins:%u-%u %S"), _firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1,
+ (_deviceState==DEVSTATE_FAILED) ? F("OFFLINE") : F(""));
+ }
+ // 7E FF 06 0F 00 01 01 xx xx EF
+ // 0 -> 7E is start code
+ // 1 -> FF is version
+ // 2 -> 06 is length
+ // 3 -> 0F is command
+ // 4 -> 00 is no receive
+ // 5~6 -> 01 01 is argument
+ // 7~8 -> checksum = 0 - ( FF+06+0F+00+01+01 )
+ // 9 -> EF is end code
+ void sendPacket(uint8_t command, uint16_t arg = 0)
+ {
+ uint8_t out[] = {
+ 0x7E,
+ 0xFF,
+ 06,
+ command,
+ 00,
+ static_cast(arg >> 8),
+ static_cast(arg & 0x00ff),
+ 00,
+ 00,
+ 0xEF };
+ setChecksum(out);
+ // Prepend the DFPlayer command with REG address and UART Channel in _outbuffer
+ _outbuffer[0] = REG_THR << 3 | _UART_CH << 1; //TX FIFO and UART Channel
+ for ( int i = 1; i < sizeof(out)+1 ; i++){
+ _outbuffer[i] = out[i-1];
+ }
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer_data
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: I2C: %s Sent packet function"), _I2CAddress.toString());
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof _outbuffer; i++){
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: Data _outbuffer[0x%x]: 0x%x"), i, _outbuffer[i]);
+ }
+ #endif
+ TX_fifo_lvl();
+ if(FIFO_TX_LEVEL > 0){ //FIFO is empty
+ //I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, _outbuffer, sizeof(_outbuffer), &_rb);
+ I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, _outbuffer, sizeof(_outbuffer));
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: I2C: %s data transmit complete on UART: 0x%x"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ DIAG(F("I2CDFPlayer at: %s, TX FIFO not empty on UART: 0x%x"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ _deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED; // This should not happen
+ }
+ _commandSendTime = micros();
+ }
+ uint16_t calcChecksum(uint8_t* packet)
+ {
+ uint16_t sum = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
+ {
+ sum += packet[i];
+ }
+ return -sum;
+ }
+ void setChecksum(uint8_t* out)
+ {
+ uint16_t sum = calcChecksum(out);
+ out[7] = (sum >> 8);
+ out[8] = (sum & 0xff);
+ }
+ // SC16IS752 functions
+ // Initialise SC16IS752 only for this channel
+ // First a software reset
+ // Enable FIFO and clear TX & RX FIFO
+ // Need to set the following registers
+ // LCR bit 7=0 divisor latch (clock division registers DLH & DLL, they store 16 bit divisor),
+ // MCR bit 7=0 clock divisor devide-by-1 clock input
+ // DLH most significant part of divisor
+ // DLL least significant part of divisor
+ //
+ // BAUD_RATE, WORD_LEN, STOP_BIT, PARITY_ENA and PARITY_TYPE have been defined and initialized
+ //
+ void Init_SC16IS752(){ // Return value is in _deviceState
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: Initialize I2C: %s , UART Ch: 0x%x"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ #endif
+ uint16_t _divisor = (SC16IS752_XTAL_FREQ / PRESCALER) / (BAUD_RATE * 16);
+ TEMP_REG_VAL = 0x08; // UART Software reset
+ TEMP_REG_VAL = 0x07; // Reset FIFO, clear RX & TX FIFO
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_FCR, TEMP_REG_VAL);
+ TEMP_REG_VAL = 0x00; // Set MCR to all 0, includes Clock divisor
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_MCR, TEMP_REG_VAL);
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_LCR, TEMP_REG_VAL); // Divisor latch enabled
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_DLL, (uint8_t)_divisor); // Write DLL
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_DLH, (uint8_t)(_divisor >> 8)); // Write DLH
+ UART_ReadRegister(REG_LCR);
+ TEMP_REG_VAL = _inbuffer[0] & 0x7F; // Disable Divisor latch enabled bit
+ UART_WriteRegister(REG_LCR, TEMP_REG_VAL); // Divisor latch disabled
+ uint8_t status = _rb.wait();
+ if (status != I2C_STATUS_OK) {
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: I2C: %s failed %S"), _I2CAddress.toString(), I2CManager.getErrorMessage(status));
+ _deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
+ } else {
+ #ifdef DIAG_IO
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: I2C: %s, _deviceState == I2C_STATUS_OK"), _I2CAddress.toString());
+ #endif
+ _deviceState = DEVSTATE_NORMAL; // If I2C state is OK, then proceed to initialize DFPlayer
+ }
+ }
+ // Read the Receive FIFO Level register (RXLVL), return a single unsigned integer
+ // of nr of characters in the RX FIFO, bit 6:0, 7 not used, set to zero
+ // value from 0 (0x00) to 64 (0x40) Only display if RX FIFO has data
+ void RX_fifo_lvl(){
+ UART_ReadRegister(REG_RXLV);
+ FIFO_RX_LEVEL = _inbuffer[0];
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ if (FIFO_RX_LEVEL > 0){
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: At I2C: %s, UART channel: 0x%x, RX FIFO Level: 0d%d"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH, _inbuffer[0]);
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Read the Tranmit FIFO Level register (TXLVL), return a single unsigned integer
+ // of nr characters free in the TX FIFO, bit 6:0, 7 not used, set to zero
+ // value from 0 (0x00) to 64 (0x40)
+ //
+ void TX_fifo_lvl(){
+ UART_ReadRegister(REG_TXLV);
+ FIFO_TX_LEVEL = _inbuffer[0];
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: At I2C: %s, UART channel: 0x%x, TX FIFO Level: 0d%d"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH, FIFO_TX_LEVEL);
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Read from RX FIFO, we know the register REG_RHR
+ void ReceiveI2CData(){
+ //_inbuffer[0] = 0x00;
+ _outbuffer[0] = REG_RHR << 3 | _UART_CH << 1;
+ //, _inbuffer, FIFO_RX_LEVEL, _outbuffer, 1, &_rb); // inbuffer[] has the data now
+, _inbuffer, FIFO_RX_LEVEL, _outbuffer, 1); // _inbuffer[] has the data now
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer_data
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: At I2C: %s, UART channel: 0x%x, RX FIFO Data"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof _inbuffer; i++){
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: Data _inbuffer[0x%x]: 0x%x"), i, _inbuffer[i]);
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ //void UART_WriteRegister(I2CAddress _I2CAddress, uint8_t _UART_CH, uint8_t UART_REG, uint8_t Val, I2CRB &_rb){
+ void UART_WriteRegister(uint8_t UART_REG, uint8_t Val){
+ _outbuffer[0] = UART_REG << 3 | _UART_CH << 1;
+ _outbuffer[1] = Val;
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer_reg
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: Write register at I2C: %s, UART channel: 0x%x, Register: 0x%x, Data: 0b%b"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH, UART_REG, _outbuffer[1]);
+ #endif
+ I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, _outbuffer, 2);
+ }
+ void UART_ReadRegister(uint8_t UART_REG){
+ _outbuffer[0] = UART_REG << 3 | _UART_CH << 1; // _outbuffer[0] has now UART_REG and UART_CH
+, _inbuffer, 1, _outbuffer, 1);
+ // _inbuffer has the REG data
+ #ifdef DIAG_I2CDFplayer_reg
+ DIAG(F("SC16IS752: Read register at I2C: %s, UART channel: 0x%x, Register: 0x%x, Data: 0b%b"), _I2CAddress.toString(), _UART_CH, UART_REG, _inbuffer[0]);
+ #endif
+ }
+// SC16IS752 General register set (from the datasheet)
+enum : uint8_t{
+ REG_RHR = 0x00, // FIFO Read
+ REG_THR = 0x00, // FIFO Write
+ REG_IER = 0x01, // Interrupt Enable Register R/W
+ REG_FCR = 0x02, // FIFO Control Register Write
+ REG_IIR = 0x02, // Interrupt Identification Register Read
+ REG_LCR = 0x03, // Line Control Register R/W
+ REG_MCR = 0x04, // Modem Control Register R/W
+ REG_LSR = 0x05, // Line Status Register Read
+ REG_MSR = 0x06, // Modem Status Register Read
+ REG_SPR = 0x07, // Scratchpad Register R/W
+ REG_TCR = 0x06, // Transmission Control Register R/W
+ REG_TLR = 0x07, // Trigger Level Register R/W
+ REG_TXLV = 0x08, // Transmitter FIFO Level register Read
+ REG_RXLV = 0x09, // Receiver FIFO Level register Read
+ REG_IODIR = 0x0A, // Programmable I/O pins Direction register R/W
+ REG_IOSTATE = 0x0B, // Programmable I/O pins State register R/W
+ REG_IOINTENA = 0x0C, // I/O Interrupt Enable register R/W
+ REG_IOCONTROL = 0x0E, // I/O Control register R/W
+ REG_EFCR = 0x0F, // Extra Features Control Register R/W
+ };
+// SC16IS752 Special register set
+enum : uint8_t{
+ REG_DLL = 0x00, // Division registers R/W
+ REG_DLH = 0x01, // Division registers R/W
+ };
+// SC16IS752 Enhanced regiter set
+enum : uint8_t{
+ REG_EFR = 0X02, // Enhanced Features Register R/W
+ REG_XON1 = 0x04, // R/W
+ REG_XON2 = 0x05, // R/W
+ REG_XOFF1 = 0x06, // R/W
+ REG_XOFF2 = 0x07, // R/W
+ };
+#endif // IO_I2CDFPlayer_h
diff --git a/IO_Template.h b/IO_Template.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc545a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IO_Template.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+* Creation - a create() function and constructor are required;
+* Initialisation - a _begin() function is written (optional);
+* Background operations - a _loop() function is written (optional);
+* Operations - you can optionally supply any of _write() (digital) function, _writeAnalogue() function, _read() (digital) function and _readAnalogue() function.
+#ifndef IO_MYDEVICE_H
+#define IO_MYDEVICE_H
+#include "IODevice.h"
+#include "DIAG.h" // for DIAG calls
+class MyDevice: public IODevice {
+ // Constructor
+ MyDevice(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins) {
+ _firstVpin = firstVpin;
+ _nPins = min(nPins,16);
+ // Other object initialisation here
+ // ...
+ addDevice(this);
+ }
+ static void create(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t i2cAddress) {
+ new MyDevice(firstVpin, nPins);
+ }
+ void _begin() override {
+ // Initialise device
+ // ...
+ }
+ void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override {
+ // Regular operations, e.g. acquire data
+ // ...
+ delayUntil(currentMicros + 10*1000UL); // 10ms till next entry
+ }
+ int _readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) override {
+ // Return acquired data value, e.g.
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ return _value[pin];
+ }
+ int _read(VPIN vpin) override {
+ // Return acquired data value, e.g.
+ int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
+ return _value[pin];
+ }
+ void write(VPIN vpin, int value) override {
+ // Do something with value , e.g. write to device.
+ // ...
+ }
+ void writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value) override {
+ // Do something with value, e.g. write to device.
+ // ...
+ }
+ void _display() override {
+ DIAG(F("MyDevice Configured on Vpins:%d-%d %S"), _firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1,
+ _deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED ? F("OFFLINE") : F(""));
+ }
+ uint16_t _value[16];
+#endif // IO_MYDEVICE_H
\ No newline at end of file