diff --git a/IO_PCA9555.h b/IO_PCA9555.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..137e287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IO_PCA9555.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ * © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This file is part of DCC++EX API
+ *
+ * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with CommandStation. If not, see .
+ */
+#ifndef io_pca9555_h
+#define io_pca9555_h
+#include "IO_GPIOBase.h"
+#include "FSH.h"
+ * IODevice subclass for PCA9555 16-bit I/O expander (NXP & Texas Instruments).
+ */
+class PCA9555 : public GPIOBase {
+ static void create(VPIN vpin, int nPins, uint8_t I2CAddress, int interruptPin=-1) {
+ new PCA9555(vpin, min(nPins,16), I2CAddress, interruptPin);
+ }
+ // Constructor
+ PCA9555(VPIN vpin, int nPins, uint8_t I2CAddress, int interruptPin=-1)
+ : GPIOBase((FSH *)F("PCA9555"), vpin, nPins, I2CAddress, interruptPin)
+ {
+ requestBlock.setRequestParams(_I2CAddress, inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer),
+ outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer));
+ outputBuffer[0] = REG_INPUT_P0;
+ }
+ void _writeGpioPort() override {
+ I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 3, REG_OUTPUT_P0, _portOutputState, _portOutputState>>8);
+ }
+ void _writePullups() override {
+ // Do nothing, pull-ups are always in place for input ports
+ // This function is here for HAL GPIOBase API compatibilitiy
+ }
+ void _writePortModes() override {
+ // Write 0 to REG_CONF_P0 & REG_CONF_P1 for in-use pins that are outputs, 1 for others.
+ // PCA9555 & TCA9555, Interrupt is always enabled for raising and falling edge
+ uint16_t temp = ~(_portMode & _portInUse);
+ I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 3, REG_CONF_P0, temp, temp>>8);
+ }
+ void _readGpioPort(bool immediate) override {
+ if (immediate) {
+ uint8_t buffer[2];
+ I2CManager.read(_I2CAddress, buffer, 2, 1, REG_INPUT_P0);
+ _portInputState = ((uint16_t)buffer[1]<<8) | buffer[0];
+ /* PCA9555 Int bug fix, from PCA9555 datasheet: "must change command byte to something besides 00h
+ * after a Read operation to the PCA9555 device or before reading from
+ * another device"
+ * Recommended solution, read from REG_OUTPUT_P0, then do nothing with the received data
+ * Issue not seen during testing, uncomment if needed
+ */
+ //I2CManager.read(_I2CAddress, buffer, 2, 1, REG_OUTPUT_P0);
+ } else {
+ // Queue new request
+ requestBlock.wait(); // Wait for preceding operation to complete
+ // Issue new request to read GPIO register
+ I2CManager.queueRequest(&requestBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ // This function is invoked when an I/O operation on the requestBlock completes.
+ void _processCompletion(uint8_t status) override {
+ if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK)
+ _portInputState = ((uint16_t)inputBuffer[1]<<8) | inputBuffer[0];
+ else
+ _portInputState = 0xffff;
+ }
+ void _setupDevice() override {
+ // HAL API calls
+ _writePortModes();
+ _writePullups();
+ _writeGpioPort();
+ }
+ uint8_t inputBuffer[2];
+ uint8_t outputBuffer[1];
+ enum {
+ REG_INPUT_P0 = 0x00,
+ REG_INPUT_P1 = 0x01,
+ REG_OUTPUT_P0 = 0x02,
+ REG_OUTPUT_P1 = 0x03,
+ REG_POL_INV_P0 = 0x04,
+ REG_POL_INV_P1 = 0x05,
+ REG_CONF_P0 = 0x06,
+ REG_CONF_P1 = 0x07,
+ };
diff --git a/myHal.cpp_example.txt b/myHal.cpp_example.txt
index 32aa12e..fb5ef55 100644
--- a/myHal.cpp_example.txt
+++ b/myHal.cpp_example.txt
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
#if !defined(IO_NO_HAL)
// Include devices you need.
-#include "IODevice.h"
+#include "IODevice.h" // Always recommended to include this
+// Optional includes, comment out if not in use
#include "IO_HCSR04.h" // Ultrasonic range sensor
#include "IO_VL53L0X.h" // Laser time-of-flight sensor
#include "IO_DFPlayer.h" // MP3 sound player
+#include "IO_PCA9555.h" // PCA/TCA9555
@@ -60,6 +63,33 @@ void halSetup() {
//MCP23017::create(196, 16, 0x22, 40);
+ //=======================================================================
+ // The following directive defines an PCA9555 / TCA95555 16-port I2C GPIO Extender module.
+ //=======================================================================
+ // The parameters are:
+ // First Vpin=196
+ // Number of VPINs=16 (numbered 196-211)
+ // I2C address of module=0x22
+ //PCA9555::create(196, 16, 0x22);
+ // Alternative form, which allows the INT pin of the module to request a scan
+ // by pulling Arduino pin 22 to ground. Means that the I2C isn't being polled
+ // all the time, only when a change takes place. Multiple modules' INT pins
+ // may be connected to the same Arduino pin.
+ //PCA9555::create(196, 16, 0x22, 22);
+ //=======================================================================
+ // The following directive defines an MCP23008 8-port I2C GPIO Extender module.
+ //=======================================================================
+ // The parameters are:
+ // First Vpin=300
+ // Number of VPINs=8 (numbered 300-307)
+ // I2C address of module=0x22
// The following directive defines an MCP23008 8-port I2C GPIO Extender module.