mirror of https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX.git synced 2025-03-28 16:30:10 +01:00

Restartable Wifi interface.

This commit is contained in:
Asbelos 2020-08-20 10:38:59 +01:00
parent 6ad50df2a7
commit 55d175adb0
2 changed files with 242 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -1,272 +1,299 @@
* © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Asbelos DCC API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
© 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Asbelos DCC API
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "WifiInterface.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
#include "StringFormatter.h"
#include "WiThrottle.h"
const char PROGMEM READY_SEARCH[] ="\r\nready\r\n";
const char PROGMEM OK_SEARCH[] ="\r\nOK\r\n";
const char PROGMEM END_DETAIL_SEARCH[] ="@ 1000";
const char PROGMEM PROMPT_SEARCH[] =">";
const char PROGMEM SEND_OK_SEARCH[] ="\r\nSEND OK\r\n";
const unsigned long LOOP_TIMEOUT=2000;
bool WifiInterface::connected=false;
bool WifiInterface::closeAfter=false;
const char PROGMEM READY_SEARCH[] = "\r\nready\r\n";
const char PROGMEM OK_SEARCH[] = "\r\nOK\r\n";
const char PROGMEM END_DETAIL_SEARCH[] = "@ 1000";
const char PROGMEM PROMPT_SEARCH[] = ">";
const char PROGMEM SEND_OK_SEARCH[] = "\r\nSEND OK\r\n";
const unsigned long LOOP_TIMEOUT = 2000;
bool WifiInterface::connected = false;
bool WifiInterface::closeAfter = false;
DCCEXParser WifiInterface::parser;
byte WifiInterface::loopstate=0;
unsigned long WifiInterface::loopTimeoutStart=0;
int WifiInterface::datalength=0;
byte WifiInterface::loopstate = 0;
unsigned long WifiInterface::loopTimeoutStart = 0;
int WifiInterface::datalength = 0;
int WifiInterface::connectionId;
byte WifiInterface::buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER];
MemStream WifiInterface::streamer(buffer,sizeof(buffer));
Stream * WifiInterface::wifiStream=NULL;
HTTP_CALLBACK WifiInterface::httpCallback=0;
MemStream WifiInterface::streamer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Stream * WifiInterface::wifiStream = NULL;
HTTP_CALLBACK WifiInterface::httpCallback = 0;
void WifiInterface::setup(Stream & setupStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
wifiStream = &setupStream;
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup In Progress ++++++++\n"));
connected=setup2( SSid, password,hostname, servername,port);
// TODO calloc the buffer and streamer and parser etc
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup %S ++++++++\n"), connected?F("OK"):F("FAILED"));
connected = setup2( SSid, password, hostname, servername, port);
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup %S ++++++++\n"), connected ? F("OK") : F("FAILED"));
bool WifiInterface::setup2(const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
int ipOK = 0;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+GMR\r\n")); // request AT version
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true, false); // Makes this visible on the console
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n")); // configure as client
checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change"
int ipOK=0;
delay(8000); // give preconfigured ES8266 a chance to connect
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n"));
if (checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:STAIP"), true,false))
if (!checkForOK(1000, (const char*) F(""), true,false))
ipOK = 1;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+RST\r\n")); // reset module
checkForOK(5000,READY_SEARCH,false); // generally not interesting to DCC
if (!ipOK) {
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n")); // configure as server or access point
checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change"
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+GMR\r\n")); // request AT version
checkForOK(2000,OK_SEARCH,true); // Makes this visible on the console
// Older ES versions have AT+CWJAP, newer ones have AT+CWJAP_CUR and AT+CWHOSTNAME
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP?\r\n"));
if (checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true)) {
// early version supports CWJAP
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
else {
// later version supports CWJAP_CUR
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWHOSTNAME=\"%S\"\r\n"), hostname); // Set Host name for Wifi Client
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // dont care if not supported
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n")); // configure as client
checkForOK(1000,OK_SEARCH,true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change"
if(checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:STAIP"),true))
if(!checkForOK(1000, (const char*) F(""),true))
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
if(!ipOK) {
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n")); // configure as server or access point
checkForOK(1000,OK_SEARCH,true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change"
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPRECVMODE=0\r\n"), port); // make sure transfer mode is correct
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true);
// Older ES versions have AT+CWJAP, newer ones have AT+CWJAP_CUR and AT+CWHOSTNAME
if (checkForOK(2000,OK_SEARCH,true)) {
// early version supports CWJAP
checkForOK(20000,OK_SEARCH,true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
else {
// later version supports CWJAP_CUR
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWHOSTNAME=\"%S\"\r\n"), hostname); // Set Host name for Wifi Client
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // dont care if not supported
// StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+MDNS=1,\"%S.local\",\"%S.local\",%d\r\n"), hostname, servername, port); // Setup mDNS for Server
// if (!checkForOK(5000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
checkForOK(20000,OK_SEARCH,true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPRECVMODE=0\r\n"),port); // make sure transfer mode is correct
// StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+MDNS=1,\"%S.local\",\"%S.local\",%d\r\n"), hostname, servername, port); // Setup mDNS for Server
// if (!checkForOK(5000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
(void)servername; // avoid compiler warning from commented out AT_MDNS above
(void)servername; // avoid compiler warning from commented out AT_MDNS above
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // get ip address //
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true, false)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // get ip address //
if (!checkForOK(10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n")); // configure for multiple connections
if (!checkForOK(10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n"),port); // turn on server on port
if (!checkForOK(10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n")); // configure for multiple connections
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n"), port); // turn on server on port
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
return true;
// This function is used to allow users to enter <+ commands> through the DCCEXParser
// Once the user has made whatever changes to the AT commands, a <+X> command can be used
// to force on the connectd flag so that the loop will start picking up wifi traffic.
// If the settings are corrupted <+RST> will clear this and then you must restart the arduino.
void WifiInterface::ATCommand(const byte * command) {
StringFormatter:: send(wifiStream,F("AT+%s\r\n"), command+1);
if (*command=='X') {
connected = true;
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Connction forced on ++++++++\n"));
else {
StringFormatter:: send(wifiStream, F("AT+%s\r\n"), command + 1);
checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true);
void WifiInterface::setHTTPCallback(HTTP_CALLBACK callback) {
httpCallback = callback;
bool WifiInterface::checkForOK( const unsigned int timeout, const char * waitfor, bool echo) {
bool WifiInterface::checkForOK( const unsigned int timeout, const char * waitfor, bool echo, bool escapeEcho) {
unsigned long startTime = millis();
char const *locator=waitfor;
DIAG(F("\nWifi Check: [%E]"),waitfor);
while( millis()-startTime < timeout) {
while(wifiStream->available()) {
int ch=wifiStream->read();
if (echo) StringFormatter::printEscape(&DIAGSERIAL,ch); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE
if (ch!=pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) locator=waitfor;
if (ch==pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) {
char const *locator = waitfor;
DIAG(F("\nWifi Check: [%E]"), waitfor);
while ( millis() - startTime < timeout) {
while (wifiStream->available()) {
int ch = wifiStream->read();
if (echo) {
if (escapeEcho) StringFormatter::printEscape(&DIAGSERIAL, ch); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE
else DIAG(F("%c"), ch);
if (ch != pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) locator = waitfor;
if (ch == pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) {
if (!pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) {
DIAG(F("\nFound in %dms"),millis()-startTime);
DIAG(F("\nFound in %dms"), millis() - startTime);
return true;
DIAG(F("\nTIMEOUT after %dms\n"),timeout);
DIAG(F("\nTIMEOUT after %dms\n"), timeout);
return false;
bool WifiInterface::isHTTP() {
// You may think a simple strstr() is better... but not when ram & time is in short supply
// You may think a simple strstr() is better... but not when ram & time is in short supply
switch (buffer[0]) {
case 'P':
if (buffer[1]=='U' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]==' ' ) return true;
if (buffer[1]=='O' && buffer[2]=='S' && buffer[3]=='T' && buffer[4]==' ') return true;
if (buffer[1]=='A' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]=='C' && buffer[4]=='H' && buffer[5]==' ') return true;
return false;
if (buffer[1] == 'U' && buffer[2] == 'T' && buffer[3] == ' ' ) return true;
if (buffer[1] == 'O' && buffer[2] == 'S' && buffer[3] == 'T' && buffer[4] == ' ') return true;
if (buffer[1] == 'A' && buffer[2] == 'T' && buffer[3] == 'C' && buffer[4] == 'H' && buffer[5] == ' ') return true;
return false;
case 'G':
if (buffer[1]=='E' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]==' ' ) return true;
return false;
if (buffer[1] == 'E' && buffer[2] == 'T' && buffer[3] == ' ' ) return true;
return false;
case 'D':
if (buffer[1]=='E' && buffer[2]=='L' && buffer[3]=='E' && buffer[4]=='T' && buffer[5]=='E' && buffer[6]==' ') return true;
return false;
if (buffer[1] == 'E' && buffer[2] == 'L' && buffer[3] == 'E' && buffer[4] == 'T' && buffer[5] == 'E' && buffer[6] == ' ') return true;
return false;
return false;
return false;
void WifiInterface::loop() {
if (!connected) return;
WiThrottle::loop(); // check heartbeats
// read anything into a buffer, collecting info on the way
while (loopstate!=99 && wifiStream->available()) {
int ch=wifiStream->read();
// echo the char to the diagnostic stream in escaped format
// StringFormatter::printEscape(&DIAGSERIAL,ch); // DIAG in disguise
switch (loopstate) {
case 0: // looking for +IPD
if (ch=='+') loopstate=1;
case 1: // Looking for I in +IPD
loopstate= (ch=='I')?2:0;
case 2: // Looking for P in +IPD
loopstate= (ch=='P')?3:0;
case 3: // Looking for D in +IPD
loopstate= (ch=='D')?4:0;
case 4: // Looking for , After +IPD
loopstate= (ch==',')?5:0;
case 5: // reading connection id
if (ch==',') loopstate=6;
else connectionId=10*connectionId+(ch-'0');
case 6: // reading for length
if (ch==':') loopstate=(datalength==0)?99:7; // 99 is getout without reading next char
else datalength=datalength*10 + (ch-'0');
streamer.flush(); // basically sets write point at start of buffer
case 7: // reading data
if (datalength==0) loopstate=99;
if (!connected) return;
case 10: // Waiting for > so we can send reply
if (millis()-loopTimeoutStart > LOOP_TIMEOUT) {
DIAG(F("\nWifi TIMEOUT on wait for > prompt or ERROR\n"));
loopstate=0; // go back to +IPD
if (ch=='>'){
// DIAG(F("\n> [%e]\n"),buffer);
wifiStream->print((char *) buffer);
case 11: // Waiting for SEND OK or ERROR to complete so we can closeAfter
if (millis()-loopTimeoutStart > LOOP_TIMEOUT) {
DIAG(F("\nWifi TIMEOUT on wait for SEND OK or ERROR\n"));
loopstate=0; // go back to +IPD
if (ch=='K') { // assume its in SEND OK
loopstate=0; // wait for +IPD
} // switch
} // while
if (loopstate!=99) return;
// AT this point we have read an incoming message into the buffer
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
WiThrottle::loop(); // check heartbeats
DIAG(F("\n%d Wifi(%d)<-[%e]\n"),millis(),connectionId,buffer);
streamer.setBufferContentPosition(0,0); // reset write position to start of buffer
// We know that parser will read the entire buffer before starting to write to it.
// Otherwise we would have to copy the buffer elsewhere and RAM is in short supply.
// read anything into a buffer, collecting info on the way
while (loopstate != 99 && wifiStream->available()) {
int ch = wifiStream->read();
// Intercept HTTP requests
if (isHTTP()) {
if (httpCallback) httpCallback(&streamer,buffer);
else {
StringFormatter::send(streamer,F("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\nContent-Type: text/html\nConnnection: close\n\n"));
StringFormatter::send(streamer,F("<html><body>This is <b>not</b> a web server.<br/></body></html>"));
// echo the char to the diagnostic stream in escaped format
StringFormatter::printEscape(&DIAGSERIAL,ch); // DIAG in disguise
switch (loopstate) {
case 0: // looking for +IPD
connectionId = 0;
if (ch == '+') loopstate = 1;
case 1: // Looking for I in +IPD
loopstate = (ch == 'I') ? 2 : 0;
case 2: // Looking for P in +IPD
loopstate = (ch == 'P') ? 3 : 0;
case 3: // Looking for D in +IPD
loopstate = (ch == 'D') ? 4 : 0;
case 4: // Looking for , After +IPD
loopstate = (ch == ',') ? 5 : 0;
case 5: // reading connection id
if (ch == ',') loopstate = 6;
else connectionId = 10 * connectionId + (ch - '0');
case 6: // reading for length
if (ch == ':') loopstate = (datalength == 0) ? 99 : 7; // 99 is getout without reading next char
else datalength = datalength * 10 + (ch - '0');
streamer.flush(); // basically sets write point at start of buffer
case 7: // reading data
if (datalength == 0) loopstate = 99;
case 10: // Waiting for > so we can send reply
if (millis() - loopTimeoutStart > LOOP_TIMEOUT) {
DIAG(F("\nWifi TIMEOUT on wait for > prompt or ERROR\n"));
loopstate = 0; // go back to +IPD
if (ch == '>') {
// DIAG(F("\n> [%e]\n"),buffer);
wifiStream->print((char *) buffer);
loopTimeoutStart = millis();
loopstate = closeAfter ? 11 : 0;
if (ch == '.') { // busy during send, delay and retry
loopstate = 12; // look for SEND OK finished
case 11: // Waiting for SEND OK or ERROR to complete so we can closeAfter
if (millis() - loopTimeoutStart > LOOP_TIMEOUT) {
DIAG(F("\nWifi TIMEOUT on wait for SEND OK or ERROR\n"));
loopstate = 0; // go back to +IPD
if (ch == 'K') { // assume its in SEND OK
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPCLOSE=%d\r\n"), connectionId);
loopstate = 0; // wait for +IPD
case 12: // Waiting for OK after send busy
if (ch == 'K') { // assume its in SEND OK
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available() - 1);
loopTimeoutStart = millis();
loopstate = 10; // non-blocking loop waits for > before sending
} // switch
} // while
if (loopstate != 99) return;
// AT this point we have read an incoming message into the buffer
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
DIAG(F("\n%l Wifi(%d)<-[%e]\n"), millis(),connectionId, buffer);
streamer.setBufferContentPosition(0, 0); // reset write position to start of buffer
// We know that parser will read the entire buffer before starting to write to it.
// Otherwise we would have to copy the buffer elsewhere and RAM is in short supply.
closeAfter = false;
// Intercept HTTP requests
if (isHTTP()) {
if (httpCallback) httpCallback(&streamer, buffer);
else {
StringFormatter::send(streamer, F("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\nContent-Type: text/html\nConnnection: close\n\n"));
StringFormatter::send(streamer, F("<html><body>This is <b>not</b> a web server.<br/></body></html>"));
else if (buffer[0]=='<') parser.parse(&streamer,buffer, true); // tell JMRI parser that ACKS are blocking because we can't handle the async
else WiThrottle::getThrottle(connectionId)->parse(streamer, buffer);
closeAfter = true;
else if (buffer[0] == '<') parser.parse(&streamer, buffer, true); // tell JMRI parser that ACKS are blocking because we can't handle the async
if (streamer.available()==0) {
// No reply
if (closeAfter) StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPCLOSE=%d\r\n"),connectionId);
loopstate=0; // go back to waiting for +IPD
// prepare to send reply
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
DIAG(F("%d WiFi(%d)->[%e] l(%d)\n"),millis(),connectionId,buffer,streamer.available()-1);
loopstate=10; // non-blocking loop waits for > before sending
else WiThrottle::getThrottle(connectionId)->parse(streamer, buffer);
if (streamer.available() == 0) {
// No reply
if (closeAfter) StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPCLOSE=%d\r\n"), connectionId);
loopstate = 0; // go back to waiting for +IPD
// prepare to send reply
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
DIAG(F("%l WiFi(%d)->[%e] l(%d)\n"), millis(), connectionId, buffer, streamer.available() - 1);
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available() - 1);
loopTimeoutStart = millis();
loopstate = 10; // non-blocking loop waits for > before sending

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class WifiInterface {
static DCCEXParser parser;
static bool setup2( const __FlashStringHelper* SSSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port);
static bool checkForOK(const unsigned int timeout, const char* waitfor, bool echo);
static bool checkForOK(const unsigned int timeout, const char* waitfor, bool echo, bool escapeEcho=true);
static bool isHTTP();
static HTTP_CALLBACK httpCallback;
static bool connected;