diff --git a/WifiESP32.cpp b/WifiESP32.cpp
index 3b9d6bd..9483501 100644
--- a/WifiESP32.cpp
+++ b/WifiESP32.cpp
@@ -392,21 +392,19 @@ void WifiESP::loop() {
       int count=outboundRing->count();
       auto wsHeaderLen=useWebsocket? Websockets::getOutboundHeaderSize(count) : 0;
-	byte buffer[wsHeaderLen+count+1]; // one extra for '\0'
-  if (useWebsocket) Websockets::fillOutboundHeader(count, buffer);
-	for(int i=0;i<count;i++) {
-	  int c = outboundRing->read();
-	  if (c >= 0) // Panic check, should never be false
-      // websocket implementations at browser end can barf at \b 
-      if (websocket && (cout=='\n')) cout='\r'; 
-	    buffer[i+wsHeaderLen] = (char)c;
-	  else {
-	    DIAG(F("Ringread fail at %d"),i);
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-	// buffer filled, end with '\0' so we can use it as C string
+        byte buffer[wsHeaderLen + count + 1];  // one extra for '\0'
+        if (useWebsocket) Websockets::fillOutboundHeader(count, buffer);
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+          int c = outboundRing->read();
+          if (!c) {
+            DIAG(F("Ringread fail at %d"), i);
+            break;
+          }
+          // websocket implementations at browser end can barf at \n
+          if (useWebsocket && (c == '\n')) c = '\r';
+          buffer[i + wsHeaderLen] = (char)c;
+        }
+        // buffer filled, end with '\0' so we can use it as C string
 	if((unsigned int)clientId <= clients.size() && clients[clientId].active(clientId)) {
 	  if (Diag::CMD || Diag::WITHROTTLE)
diff --git a/objdump.bat b/objdump.bat
index 26e3233..8f8ab7f 100644
--- a/objdump.bat
+++ b/objdump.bat
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir %TMP%\arduino_build_* /b /ad-h /t:c /od') DO SET a=%%i
-echo Most recent subfolder: %a% >%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-SET ELF=%TMP%\%a%\CommandStation-EX.ino.elf
+FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir %TMP%\arduino\sketches\CommandStation-EX.ino.elf /s /b /o-D') DO SET ELF=%%i
+echo Most recent subfolder: %ELF% >%DUMP%
 set PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\";%PATH%
-avr-objdump --private=mem-usage  %ELF%  >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".text" | sort /+25 /R >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".data" | sort /+25 /R >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".bss" | sort /+25 /R >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
-avr-objdump -D -S %ELF%  >>%TMP%\OBJDUMP_%a%.txt
+avr-objdump --private=mem-usage  %ELF%  >>%DUMP%
+ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%DUMP%
+avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".text" | sort /+25 /R >>%DUMP%
+ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%DUMP%
+avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".data" | sort /+25 /R >>%DUMP%
+ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%DUMP%
+avr-objdump -x -C %ELF% | find ".bss" | sort /+25 /R >>%DUMP%
+ECHO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >>%DUMP%
+avr-objdump -D -S %ELF%  >>%DUMP%