diff --git a/installer.ps1 b/installer.ps1 index e1cd44a..9436e0a 100644 --- a/installer.ps1 +++ b/installer.ps1 @@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ $displayList = @( }, @{ option = "OLED 128 x 32" - configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,32,0x3c" + configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,32" }, @{ option = "OLED 128 x 64" - configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,64,0x3c" + configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,64" } ) @@ -102,8 +102,12 @@ Basics of config.h ############################################> $configLines = @( "/*", - "This config.h file was generated by the DCC-EX PowerShell installer $version", - "*/`r`n" + "This config.h file was generated by the DCC-EX PowerShell installer $installerVersion", + "*/", + "", + "// Define standard motor shield", + "#define MOTOR_SHIELD_TYPE STANDARD_MOTOR_SHIELD", + "" ) <############################################ @@ -148,8 +152,6 @@ Prompt user to confirm all is ready to proceed $confirmation = Read-Host "Enter 'Y' or 'y' then press to confirm you are ready to proceed, any other key to exit" if ($confirmation -ne "Y" -and $confirmation -ne "y") { Exit -} else { - Write-Output "Proceeding to obtain the Arduino CLI..." } <############################################ @@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ if (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $arduinoCLI)) { Exit } } - Write-Output "Downloading and extracting Arduino CLI" + Write-Output "`r`nDownloading and extracting Arduino CLI" try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $arduinoCLIURL -OutFile $arduinoCLIZip } @@ -179,6 +181,8 @@ if (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $arduinoCLI)) { catch { Write-Output "Failed to extract Arduino CLI" } +} else { + Write-Output "`r`nArduino CLI already downloaded, ensuring it is up to date and you have a board connected" } <############################################ @@ -424,7 +428,7 @@ if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('configDirectory')) { } else { <############################################ -If no config directory provided, prompt for display option, and WiFi if using Mega +If no config directory provided, prompt for display option ############################################> Write-Output "`r`nIf you have an LCD or OLED display connected, you can configure it here`r`n" $displaySelect = 1 @@ -441,25 +445,49 @@ If no config directory provided, prompt for display option, and WiFi if using Me ) if ($displayChoice -eq ($displayList.Count + 2)) { Exit - } elseif ($displayChoice -le 1 -and ($displayList.Count + 1)) { - $configLines.Add("// Display configuration") - $configLines.Add($displayList[$displayChoice - 1].configLine) - $configLines.Add("#define SCROLLMODE 1 // Alternate between pages") + } elseif ($displayChoice -le ($displayList.Count)) { + $configLines+= "// Display configuration" + $configLines+= "$($displayList[$displayChoice - 1].configLine)" + $configLines+= "#define SCROLLMODE 1 // Alternate between pages" } +<############################################ +If device supports WiFi, prompt to configure +############################################> if ($wifiBoards.Contains($deviceFQBN)) { - # WiFi prompt + Write-Output "`r`nYour chosen board supports WiFi`r`n" + Write-Output "1 - I don't want WiFi, skip this step +2 - Configure my device as an access point I will connect to directly +3 - Configure my device to connect to my home WiFi network +4 - Exit" + do { + [int]$wifiChoice = Read-Host "`r`nSelect a WiFi option" + } until ( + ($wifiChoice -ge 1 -and $wifiChoice -le 4) + ) + if ($wifiChoice -eq 4) { + Exit + } elseif ($wifiChoice -ne 1) { + $configLines+= "" + $configLines+= "// WiFi configuration" + $configLines+= "#define ENABLE_WIFI true" + $configLines+= "#define IP_PORT 2560" + $configLines+= "#define WIFI_HOSTNAME ""dccex""" + $configLines+= "#define WIFI_CHANNEL 1" + if ($wifiChoice -eq 3) { + $wifiSSID = Read-Host "Please enter the SSID of your home network here" + $wifiPassword = Read-Host "Please enter your home network WiFi password here" + $configLines+= "#define WIFI_SSID ""$($wifiSSID)""" + $configLines+= "#define WIFI_PASSWORD ""$($wifiPassword)""" + } + } } <############################################ Write out config.h to a file here only if config directory not provided ############################################> $configH = $commandStationDirectory + "\config.h" - foreach ($line in $configLines) { - Write-Output $line - } - Pause try { - $configLines | Out-File -FilePath $configH + $configLines | Out-File -FilePath $configH -Encoding ascii } catch { Write-Output "Error writing config file to $configH"