mirror of https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX.git synced 2025-03-12 00:53:09 +01:00

add own mDNS files

This commit is contained in:
Harald Barth 2024-11-10 11:31:49 +01:00
parent 64a34b3a32
commit 9a6e1707e7
2 changed files with 159 additions and 0 deletions

EXmDNS.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "EthernetInterface.h"
#include "EXmDNS.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
static IPAddress mdnsMulticastIPAddr = IPAddress(224, 0, 0, 251);
#define MDNS_SERVER_PORT 5353
MDNS::MDNS(EthernetUDP& udp) {
_udp = &udp;
int MDNS::begin(const IPAddress& ip, char* name) {
// if we were called very soon after the board was booted, we need to give the
// EthernetShield (WIZnet) some time to come up. Hence, we delay until millis() is at
// least 3000. This is necessary, so that if we need to add a service record directly
// after begin, the announce packet does not get lost in the bowels of the WIZnet chip.
//while (millis() < 3000)
// delay(100);
_ipAddress = ip;
_name = name;
return _udp->beginMulticast(mdnsMulticastIPAddr, MDNS_SERVER_PORT);
int MDNS::addServiceRecord(const char* name, uint16_t port, MDNSServiceProtocol_t proto) {
// we ignore proto, assume TCP
_serviceName = (char *)malloc(strlen(name +2));
DIAG("name %d %s", strlen(name), name);
byte n;
for(n = 0; n<strlen(name); n++)
_serviceName[n+1] = name[n];
_serviceName[n+1] = '\0';
//strcpy(&_serviceName[1], name);
_serviceName[0] = (byte)strlen(name);
DIAG("sn %d", *_serviceName);
_servicePort = port;
DIAG("Sevicename %d %s", strlen(_serviceName), _serviceName);
return 1;
static char dns_rr_services[] = "\x09_services\x07_dns-sd\x04_udp\x05local";
static char dns_rr_withrottle[] = "\x0b_withrottle\x04_tcp\x05local";
static char *dns_rr_tcplocal = dns_rr_withrottle + dns_rr_withrottle[0] + 1; // jump over first record
static char *dns_rr_local = dns_rr_tcplocal + dns_rr_tcplocal[0] + 1;
typedef struct _DNSHeader_t
uint16_t xid;
uint16_t flags;
uint8_t recursionDesired : 1;
uint8_t truncated : 1;
uint8_t authoritiveAnswer : 1;
uint8_t opCode : 4;
uint8_t queryResponse : 1;
uint8_t responseCode : 4;
uint8_t checkingDisabled : 1;
uint8_t authenticatedData : 1;
uint8_t zReserved : 1;
uint8_t recursionAvailable : 1;
uint16_t queryCount;
uint16_t answerCount;
uint16_t authorityCount;
uint16_t additionalCount;
} __attribute__((__packed__)) DNSHeader_t;
void MDNS::run() {
static long int lastrun = 10000;
unsigned long int now = millis();
if (!(now - lastrun > 10000)) {
lastrun = now;
DNSHeader_t dnsHeader = { 0 };
_udp->beginPacket(mdnsMulticastIPAddr, MDNS_SERVER_PORT);
// dns header
dnsHeader.flags = lwip_htons(0x8400); // Response, authorative
dnsHeader.answerCount = lwip_htons(4 /*5*/);
_udp->write((uint8_t*)&dnsHeader, sizeof(DNSHeader_t));
// rr #1
_udp->write((uint8_t*)dns_rr_services, sizeof(dns_rr_services));
byte buf[10];
buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x0c; //PTR
buf[2] = 0x00;
buf[3] = 0x01; //IN
*((uint32_t*)(buf+4)) = lwip_htonl(120); //TTL in sec
*((uint16_t*)(buf+8)) = lwip_htons(sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle));
_udp->write(buf, 10);
_udp->write(dns_rr_withrottle, sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle));
// rr #2
_udp->write(dns_rr_withrottle, sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle));
*((uint16_t*)(buf+8)) = lwip_htons(strlen(_serviceName) + sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle)); // recycle most of buf
_udp->write(buf, 10);
_udp->write(_serviceName, _serviceName[0]+1);
_udp->write(dns_rr_withrottle, sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle));
// rr #3
_udp->write(_serviceName, _serviceName[0]+1);
_udp->write(dns_rr_withrottle, sizeof(dns_rr_withrottle));
buf[1] = 0x21; // recycle most of buf but here SRV
buf[2] = 0x80; // cache flush
*((uint16_t*)(buf+8)) = lwip_htons(strlen(_serviceName) + strlen(dns_rr_local) + 1 + 6);
_udp->write(buf, 10);
byte srv[6];
// priority and weight
srv[0] = srv[1] = srv[2] = srv[3] = 0;
// port
*((uint16_t*)(srv+4)) = lwip_htons(_servicePort);
_udp->write(srv, 6);
// target
_udp->write(_serviceName, _serviceName[0]+1);
_udp->write(dns_rr_local, strlen(dns_rr_local)+1);
// rr #4
_udp->write(_serviceName, _serviceName[0]+1);
_udp->write(dns_rr_local, strlen(dns_rr_local)+1);
buf[1] = 0x01; // recycle most of buf but here A
*((uint16_t*)(buf+8)) = lwip_htons(4);
_udp->write(buf, 10);
byte ip[4];
ip[0] = _ipAddress[0];
ip[1] = _ipAddress[1];
ip[2] = _ipAddress[2];
ip[3] = _ipAddress[3];
_udp->write(ip, 4);

EXmDNS.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
typedef enum _MDNSServiceProtocol_t
} MDNSServiceProtocol_t;
class MDNS {
MDNS(EthernetUDP& udp);
int begin(const IPAddress& ip, char* name);
int addServiceRecord(const char* name, uint16_t port, MDNSServiceProtocol_t proto);
void run();
EthernetUDP *_udp;
IPAddress _ipAddress;
char* _name;
char* _serviceName;
int _servicePort;