mirror of https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX.git synced 2025-03-28 16:30:10 +01:00

Wifiinterfce AP mode

Create DCCEX_555555 with password PASS_555555    .... not yet using mac address.
This commit is contained in:
Asbelos 2020-08-26 13:18:34 +01:00
parent ef21b0f97e
commit 9efcad908c
3 changed files with 73 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
* This file is a demonstattion of xcalling the Asbelos DCC API
* This file is a demonstattion of calling the DCC-EX API
@ -104,12 +104,13 @@ void setup() {
// NOTE: On a Uno you will have to provide a SoftwareSerial
// configured for the pins connected to the Wifi card
// and a 9600 baud rate.
// setup(serial, F(router name), F(password) , port)
// setup(serial, F(router name) or NULL, F(router password), F(hostname), F(AcessPoint name) or NULL , port)
// (port 3532 is 0xDCC decimal.)
WifiInterface::setup(Serial1, F("BTHub5-M6PT"), F("49de8d4862"),F("DCCEX"),F("CVReader"),3532);
WifiInterface::setup(Serial1, F("BTHub5-M6PT"), F("49de8d4862"),F("DCCEX"),3532);
// Optionally tell the Wifi parser to use my http filter.
// This will intercept http commands from Wifi.

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@ -34,43 +34,52 @@ byte WifiInterface::loopstate = 0;
unsigned long WifiInterface::loopTimeoutStart = 0;
int WifiInterface::datalength = 0;
int WifiInterface::connectionId;
byte WifiInterface::buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER];
MemStream WifiInterface::streamer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
byte WifiInterface::buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER+1];
MemStream WifiInterface::streamer(buffer, MAX_WIFI_BUFFER);
Stream * WifiInterface::wifiStream = NULL;
HTTP_CALLBACK WifiInterface::httpCallback = 0;
void WifiInterface::setup(Stream & setupStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port) {
wifiStream = &setupStream;
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup In Progress ++++++++\n"));
connected = setup2( SSid, password, hostname, servername, port);
connected = setup2( SSid, password, hostname, port);
if (connected) StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE0\r\n")); // turn off the echo server on port
if (connected) {
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE0\r\n")); // turn off the echo
checkForOK(200, OK_SEARCH, true);
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup %S ++++++++\n"), connected ? F("OK") : F("FAILED"));
bool WifiInterface::setup2(const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port) {
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port) {
int ipOK = 0;
char macTail[]="555555"; // temporaray pending mac address extraction
// First check... Restarting the Arduino does not restart the ES.
// There may alrerady be a connection with data in the pipeline.
// If there is, just shortcut the setup and continue to read the data as normal.
if (checkForOK(200,IPD_SEARCH, true)) {
DIAG(F("\nPreconfigured Wifi already running with data waiting\n"));
loopstate=4; // carry on from correct place
return true;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE1\r\n")); // turn on the echo server on port
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+GMR\r\n")); // request AT version
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE1\r\n")); // Turn on the echo, se we can see what's happening
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Makes this visible on the console
// Diaplay the AT version information
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+GMR\r\n"));
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true, false); // Makes this visible on the console
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n")); // configure as client
checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change"
delay(8000); // give preconfigured ES8266 a chance to connect
delay(8000); // give a preconfigured ES8266 a chance to connect to a router
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n"));
if (checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:STAIP"), true,false))
@ -84,37 +93,51 @@ bool WifiInterface::setup2(const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringH
// Older ES versions have AT+CWJAP, newer ones have AT+CWJAP_CUR and AT+CWHOSTNAME
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP?\r\n"));
if (checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true)) {
// early version supports CWJAP
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
while (wifiStream->available()) StringFormatter::printEscape(&DIAGSERIAL, wifiStream->read()); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE
// AT command early version supports CWJAP/CWSAP
if (SSid) {
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(16000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
// establish the APname
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWSAP=\"DCCEX_%s\",\"PASS_%s\",1,4\r\n"), macTail, macTail);
checkForOK(16000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
else {
// later version supports CWJAP_CUR
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWHOSTNAME=\"%S\"\r\n"), hostname); // Set Host name for Wifi Client
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // dont care if not supported
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
if (SSid) {
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWSAP_CUR=\"DCCEX_%s\",\"PASS_%s\",1,4\r\n"), macTail, macTail);
checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as SSid mode may still be ok
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPRECVMODE=0\r\n"), port); // make sure transfer mode is correct
checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true);
// StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+MDNS=1,\"%S.local\",\"%S.local\",%d\r\n"), hostname, servername, port); // Setup mDNS for Server
// if (!checkForOK(5000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
(void)servername; // avoid compiler warning from commented out AT_MDNS above
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // get ip address //
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true, false)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n")); // configure for multiple connections
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n"), port); // turn on server on port
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return false;
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // Display ip addresses to the DIAG
if (!checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true, false)) return false;
return true;
@ -125,12 +148,13 @@ bool WifiInterface::setup2(const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringH
// If the settings are corrupted <+RST> will clear this and then you must restart the arduino.
void WifiInterface::ATCommand(const byte * command) {
if (*command=='X') {
connected = true;
DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Connction forced on ++++++++\n"));
else {
StringFormatter:: send(wifiStream, F("AT+%s\r\n"), command + 1);
StringFormatter:: send(wifiStream, F("AT+%s\r\n"), command);
checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true);
@ -224,9 +248,14 @@ void WifiInterface::loop() {
streamer.flush(); // basically sets write point at start of buffer
case 7: // reading data
streamer.write(ch); // NOTE: The MemStream will throw away bytes that do not fit in the buffer.
// This protects against buffer overflows even with things as innocent
// as a browser which send massive, irrlevent HTTP headers.
if (datalength == 0) loopstate = 99;
if (datalength == 0) {
buffer[streamer.available()]='\0'; // mark end of buffer, so it can be used as a string later
loopstate = 99;
case 10: // Waiting for > so we can send reply
@ -267,8 +296,8 @@ void WifiInterface::loop() {
loopstate = 1;
if (ch == 'K') { // assume its in SEND OK
DIAG(F("\n\n Wifi BUSY RETRYING.. AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available() - 1);
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available() - 1);
DIAG(F("\n\n Wifi BUSY RETRYING.. AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available());
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available());
loopTimeoutStart = millis();
loopstate = 10; // non-blocking loop waits for > before sending
@ -279,8 +308,7 @@ void WifiInterface::loop() {
if (loopstate != 99) return;
// AT this point we have read an incoming message into the buffer
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
DIAG(F("\n%l Wifi(%d)<-[%e]\n"), millis(),connectionId, buffer);
streamer.setBufferContentPosition(0, 0); // reset write position to start of buffer
@ -312,9 +340,10 @@ void WifiInterface::loop() {
// prepare to send reply
streamer.print('\0'); // null the end of the buffer so we can treat it as a string
DIAG(F("%l WiFi(%d)->[%e] l(%d)\n"), millis(), connectionId, buffer, streamer.available() - 1);
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available() - 1);
buffer[streamer.available()]='\0'; // mark end of buffer, so it can be used as a string later
DIAG(F("%l WiFi(%d)->[%e] l(%d)\n"), millis(), connectionId, buffer, streamer.available());
DIAG(F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available());
StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), connectionId, streamer.available());
loopTimeoutStart = millis();
loopstate = 10; // non-blocking loop waits for > before sending

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class WifiInterface {
static void setup(Stream & setupStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port);
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port);
static void loop();
static void ATCommand(const byte * command);
static void setHTTPCallback(HTTP_CALLBACK callback);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class WifiInterface {
static Stream * wifiStream;
static DCCEXParser parser;
static bool setup2( const __FlashStringHelper* SSSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password,
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, const __FlashStringHelper* servername, int port);
const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port);
static bool checkForOK(const unsigned int timeout, const char* waitfor, bool echo, bool escapeEcho=true);
static bool isHTTP();
static HTTP_CALLBACK httpCallback;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class WifiInterface {
static int connectionId;
static unsigned long loopTimeoutStart;
static const byte MAX_WIFI_BUFFER=250;
static byte buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER];
static byte buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER+1];
static MemStream streamer;