mirror of https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX.git synced 2025-03-14 01:53:07 +01:00

Broker definition reconfig

This commit is contained in:
Gregor Baues 2021-04-27 17:01:03 +02:00
parent 4efa260003
commit a6a36b50e3
3 changed files with 110 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void setup()
#endif // ETHERNET_ON

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@ -30,20 +30,96 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EthernetInterface.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h> // Base (sync) MQTT library
#include <DIAG.h>
#include <DccMQTT.h>
// Defines
#define MAXTBUF 50 //!< max length of the buffer for building the topic name ;to be checked
#define MAXTMSG 120 //!< max length of the messages for a topic ;to be checked PROGMEM ?
#define MAXTSTR 30 //!< max length of a topic string
// Variables
char topicName[MAXTBUF];
char topicMessage[MAXTMSG];
// char keyword[MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH];
DccMQTT DccMQTT::singleton;
// callback when a message arrives from the broker
void mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
topicName[0] = '\0';
topicMessage[0] = '\0';
strcpy(topicName, topic);
strlcpy(topicMessage, (char *)payload, length + 1);
DIAG(F("MQTT Message arrived [%s]: %s"), topicName, topicMessage);
* @brief MQTT broker connection / reconnection
static void reconnect()
DIAG(F("MQTT (re)connecting ..."));
while (!mqttClient.connected())
DIAG(F("Attempting MQTT Broker connection..."));
// Attempt to connect
char *connectID = new char[40];
connectID[0] = '\0';
INFO(F("ConnectID: %s %s %s"), connectID, MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD);
DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Cloud/User) ..."));
if (mqttClient.connect(connectID, MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD, "$connected", 0, true, "0", 0))
DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Cloud) ..."));
if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID()))
DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Local/User) ..."));
if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID(), MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD))
DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Local) ..."));
if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID()))
INFO(F("MQTT broker connected ..."));
// publish on the $connected topic
DccMQTT::subscribe(); // required in case of a connection loss to do it again (this causes a mem leak !! of 200bytes each time!!)
INFO(F("MQTT broker connection failed, rc=%d, trying to reconnect"), mqttClient.state());
void DccMQTT::setup()
// IPAddress server(MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS);
// EthernetClient ethClient = ETHNetwork::getServer().available();
// // MQTT connection
// PubSubClient mqttClient(ethClient);
// PubSubClient *DccMQTT::mqClient = &mqttClient;
//Create the MQTT environment and establish inital connection to the Broker
// get a eth client session
ethClient = EthernetInterface::get()->getServer()->available();
@ -52,18 +128,19 @@ void DccMQTT::setup()
mqttClient = PubSubClient(ethClient);
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Server ok ..."));
// mqttClient.setCallback(mqttCallback); // Initalize callback function for incomming messages
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Callback set ..."));
DIAG(F("MQTT Client : Server ok ..."));
mqttClient.setCallback(mqttCallback); // Initalize callback function for incomming messages
DIAG(F("MQTT Client : Callback set ..."));
// DccMQTT::setDeviceID(); // set the unique device ID to bu used for creating / listening to topic
// /**
// * @todo check for connection failure
// */
// reconnect(); // inital connection as well as reconnects
reconnect(); // inital connection as well as reconnects
// DccMQTT::subscribe(); // set up all subscriptionn
// INFO(F("MQTT subscriptons done..."));
DIAG(F("MQTT subscriptons done..."));
// sprintf_P(_csidMsg, csidfmt, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// mqttClient.publish(DccMQTT::topics[ADMIN], _csidMsg); // say hello to the broker and the API who listens to this topic

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@ -16,6 +16,23 @@
#define MAXPAYLOAD 64
// Define Broker configurations; Values are provided in the following order
// MQTT_BROKER_DOMAIN "dcclms.modelrailroad.ovh"
// MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS 51, 210, 151, 143
// MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD "dcccs$3020"
#define LOCAL_MQTT_BROKER F("LOCAL_MQTT_BROKER"), new MQTTBroker( 1883, {10, 0, 0, 2}, "my.local.server", MQ_UNUSED, MQ_UNUSED, MQ_UNUSED)
#define DCCEX_MQTT_BROKER F("DCCEX_MQTT_BROKER"), new MQTTBroker( 9883, {51, 210, 151, 143}, "dcclms.modelrailroad.ovh", "dcccs", "dcccs$3020", "dcc$lms-")
struct MQTTBroker {
int port;
MQTTBroker(int p)(port(p)){};
struct DccMQTTMsg {
char payload[MAXPAYLOAD];