/* * © 2020 Gregor Baues. All rights reserved. * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details */ #include #include "NetworkDiag.h" #include "NetworkInterface.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "TransportProcessor.h" #ifdef DCCEX_ENABLED #include "DCCEXParser.h" #include "WiThrottle.h" #include "MemStream.h" DCCEXParser dccParser; #endif HttpRequest httpReq; uint16_t _rseq[MAX_SOCK_NUM] = {0}; // sequence number for packets recieved per connection uint16_t _sseq[MAX_SOCK_NUM] = {0}; // sequence number for replies send per connection uint16_t _pNum = 0; // number of total packets recieved uint64_t _tPayload = 0; // number of total bytes recieved unsigned int _nCmds = 0; // total number of commands processed char protocolName[5][11] = {"JMRI", "WITHROTTLE", "HTTP", "DIAG", "UNKNOWN"}; // change for Progmem bool diagNetwork = false; // if true diag data will be send to the connected telnet client uint8_t diagNetworkClient = 0; // client id for diag output #ifdef DCCEX_ENABLED void dumpRingStreamBuffer(byte *b, int len) { TRC(F("RingStream buffer length [%d] out of [%d] bytes"), strlen((char *)b), len); TRC(F("%e"), b); } RingStream streamer(512); // buffer into which to feed the commands for handling; there will not be an immediate reply // as this is async written to another RingStream i.e. we have to see where in the loop we // generate the replies. void sendWiThrottleToDCC(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t, bool blocking) { byte *_buffer = streamer.getBuffer(); memset(_buffer, 0, 512); // clear out the _buffer WiThrottle *wt = WiThrottle::getThrottle(c->id); // get a throttle for the Connection; will be created if it doesn't exist TRC(F("WiThrottle [%x:%x] parsing: [%e]"), wt, _buffer, t->command); wt->parse(&streamer, (byte *)t->command); // get the response; not all commands will produce a reply if (streamer.count() != -1) { dumpRingStreamBuffer(_buffer, 512); TRC(F("UDP %x"), t->udp); if ( t->udp != 0) { TRC(F("Sending UDP WiThrottle response ...")); t->udp->beginPacket(t->udp->remoteIP(), t->udp->remotePort()); t->udp->write(_buffer, strlen((char *)_buffer)); t->udp->endPacket(); } else if (c->client->connected()) { c->client->write(_buffer, strlen((char *)_buffer)); } } streamer.resetStream(); } void sendJmriToDCC(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t, bool blocking) { MemStream streamer((byte *)t->command, MAX_ETH_BUFFER, MAX_ETH_BUFFER, true); DBG(F("DCC parsing: [%e]"), t->command); // as we use buffer for recv and send we have to reset the write position streamer.setBufferContentPosition(0, 0); dccParser.parse(&streamer, (byte *)t->command, true); // set to true to that the execution in DCC is sync if (streamer.available() == 0) { DBG(F("No response")); } else { t->command[streamer.available()] = '\0'; // mark end of buffer, so it can be used as a string later DBG(F("Response: %s"), t->command); if (c->client->connected()) { c->client->write((byte *)t->command, streamer.available()); } } } /** * @brief Sending a reply by using the StringFormatter (this will result in every byte send individually which may/will create an important Network overhead). * Here we hook back into the DCC code for actually processing the command using a DCCParser. Alternatively we could use MemeStream in order to build the entiere reply * before ending it. * * @param stream Actually the Client to whom to send the reply. As Clients implement Print this is working * @param t TransportProcessor used for accessing the buffers to be send * @param blocking if set to true will instruct the DCC code to not use the async callback functions */ void sendToDCC(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t, bool blocking) { switch (c->p) { case WITHROTTLE: { sendWiThrottleToDCC(c, t, blocking); break; } case DCCEX: { sendJmriToDCC(c, t, blocking); break; } case N_DIAG: case HTTP: case UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL: { // we shall never get here they should have been caught before break; } } } #else /** * @brief Sending a reply without going through the StringFormatter. Sends the repy in one go * * @param client Client who send the command to which the reply shall be send * @param command Command initaliy recieved to be echoed back */ void sendReply(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { byte reply[MAX_ETH_BUFFER]; byte *response; char *number; char *command = t->command; char seqNumber[6]; int i = 0; memset(reply, 0, MAX_ETH_BUFFER); // reset reply // This expects messages to be send with a trailing sequence number // as of my stress test program to verify the arrival of messages number = strrchr(command, ':'); // replace the int after the last ':' if number != 0 if (number != 0) { while (&command[i] != number) { // copy command into the reply upto the last ':' reply[i] = command[i]; i++; } strcat((char *)reply, ":"); itoa(_sseq[c->id], seqNumber, 10); strcat((char *)reply, seqNumber); strcat((char *)reply, ">"); response = reply; } else { response = (byte *)command; } DBG(F("Response: [%e]"), (char *)response); if (c->client->connected()) { c->client->write(response, strlen((char *)response)); _sseq[c->id]++; DBG(F("Send")); } }; #endif /** * @brief creates a HttpRequest object for the user callback. Some conditions apply esp reagrding the length of the items in the Request * can be found in @file HttpRequest.h * * @param client Client object from whom we receievd the data * @param c id of the Client object */ void httpProcessor(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { if (httpReq.callback == 0) return; // no callback i.e. nothing to do /** * @todo look for jmri formatted uris and execute those if there is no callback. If no command found ignore and * ev. send a 401 error back */ uint8_t i, l = 0; ParsedRequest preq; l = strlen((char *)t->buffer); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { httpReq.parseRequest((char)t->buffer[i]); } if (httpReq.endOfRequest()) { preq = httpReq.getParsedRequest(); httpReq.callback(&preq, c->client); httpReq.resetRequest(); } // else do nothing and continue with the next packet } /** * @brief Set the App Protocol. The detection id done upon the very first message recieved. The client will then be bound to that protocol. Its very brittle * as e.g. The N message as first message for WiThrottle is not a requirement by the protocol; If any client talking Withrottle doesn't implement this the detection * will default to JMRI. For HTTP we base this only on a subset of th HTTP verbs which can be used. * * @param a First character of the recieved buffer upon first connection * @param b Second character of the recieved buffer upon first connection * @return appProtocol */ appProtocol setAppProtocol(char a, char b, Connection *c) { appProtocol p; switch (a) { case 'G': // GET case 'C': // CONNECT case 'O': // OPTIONS case 'T': // TRACE { p = HTTP; break; } case 'D': // DELETE or D plux hex value { if (b == 'E') { p = HTTP; } else { p = WITHROTTLE; } break; } case 'P': { if (b == 'T' || b == 'R') { p = WITHROTTLE; } else { p = HTTP; // PUT / PATCH / POST } break; } case 'H': { if (b == 'U') { p = WITHROTTLE; } else { p = HTTP; // HEAD } break; } case 'M': case '*': case 'R': case 'Q': // That doesn't make sense as it's the Q or close on app level case 'N': { p = WITHROTTLE; break; } case '<': { p = DCCEX; break; } case '#': { p = DCCEX; INFO(F("\nDiagnostics routed to network client")); NetworkDiag::setDiagOut(c); diagNetwork = true; diagNetworkClient = c->id; break; } default: { // here we don't know p = UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL; break; } } INFO(F("Client speaks: [%s]"), protocolName[p]); return p; } /** * @brief Parses the buffer to extract commands to be executed * */ void processStream(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { uint8_t i, j, k, l = 0; uint8_t *_buffer = t->buffer; DBG(F("Buffer: [%e]"), _buffer); memset(t->command, 0, MAX_JMRI_CMD); // clear out the command // copy overflow into the command if ((i = strlen(c->overflow)) != 0) { // DBG(F("Copy overflow to command: %e"), c->overflow); strncpy(t->command, c->overflow, i); k = i; } // reset the overflow memset(c->overflow, 0, MAX_OVERFLOW); // check if there is again an overflow and copy if needed if ((i = strlen((char *)_buffer)) == MAX_ETH_BUFFER - 1) { // DBG(F("Possible overflow situation detected: %d "), i); j = i; while (_buffer[i] != c->delimiter) { i--; } i++; // start of the buffer to copy l = i; k = j - i; // length to copy for (j = 0; j < k; j++, i++) { c->overflow[j] = _buffer[i]; // DBG(F("%d %d %d %c"),k,j,i, buffer[i]); } _buffer[l] = '\0'; // terminate buffer just after the last '>' // DBG(F("New buffer: [%s] New overflow: [%s]"), (char*) buffer, c->overflow ); } // breakup the buffer using its changed length i = 0; k = strlen(t->command); // current length of the command buffer telling us where to start copy in l = strlen((char *)_buffer); // DBG(F("Command buffer cid[%d]: [%s]:[%d:%d:%d:%x]"), c->id, t->command, i, l, k, c->delimiter ); unsigned long _startT = micros(); _nCmds = 0; while (i < l) { // DBG(F("l: %d - k: %d - i: %d - %c"), l, k, i, _buffer[i]); t->command[k] = _buffer[i]; if (_buffer[i] == c->delimiter) { // closing bracket need to fix if there is none before an opening bracket ? t->command[k + 1] = '\0'; DBG(F("Command: [%d:%e]"), _rseq[c->id], t->command); #ifdef DCCEX_ENABLED sendToDCC(c, t, true); // send the command into the parser and replies back to the client #else sendReply(c, t); // standalone version without CS-EX integration #endif _rseq[c->id]++; _nCmds++; j = 0; k = 0; } else { k++; } i++; } unsigned long _endT = micros(); char time[10] = {0}; ultoa(_endT - _startT, time, 10); INFO(F("[%d] Commands processed in [%s]uS\n"), _nCmds, time); } void echoProcessor(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { byte reply[MAX_ETH_BUFFER]; memset(reply, 0, MAX_ETH_BUFFER); sprintf((char *)reply, "ERROR: malformed content in [%s]\n", t->buffer); if (c->client->connected()) { c->client->write(reply, strlen((char *)reply)); _sseq[c->id]++; c->isProtocolDefined = false; // reset the protocol to not defined so that we can recover the next time } } void jmriProcessor(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { DBG(F("Processing JMRI ...")); processStream(c, t); } void withrottleProcessor(Connection *c, TransportProcessor *t) { DBG(F("Processing WiThrottle ...")); processStream(c, t); } /** * @brief Reads what is available on the incomming TCP stream and hands it over to the protocol handler. * * @param c Pointer to the connection struct contining relevant information handling the data from that connection */ void TransportProcessor::readStream(Connection *c, bool read) { int count = 0; // read bytes from a TCP client if required if (read) { int len = c->client->read(buffer, MAX_ETH_BUFFER - 1); // count is the amount of data ready for reading, -1 if there is no data, 0 is the connection has been closed buffer[len] = 0; count = len; } else { count = strlen((char *)buffer); } // figure out which protocol if (!c->isProtocolDefined) { c->p = setAppProtocol(buffer[0], buffer[1], c); c->isProtocolDefined = true; switch (c->p) { case N_DIAG: case DCCEX: { c->delimiter = '>'; c->appProtocolHandler = (appProtocolCallback)jmriProcessor; break; } case WITHROTTLE: { c->delimiter = '\n'; c->appProtocolHandler = (appProtocolCallback)withrottleProcessor; break; } case HTTP: { c->appProtocolHandler = (appProtocolCallback)httpProcessor; httpReq.callback = nwi->getHttpCallback(); break; } case UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL: { INFO(F("Requests will not be handeled and packet echoed back")); c->appProtocolHandler = (appProtocolCallback)echoProcessor; break; } } } _pNum++; _tPayload = _tPayload + count; #ifdef DCCEX_ENABLED INFO(F("Client #[%d] received packet #[%d] of size:[%d/%d]"), c->id, _pNum, count, _tPayload); #else IPAddress remote = c->client->remoteIP(); INFO(F("Client #[%d] Received packet #[%d] of size:[%d] from [%d.%d.%d.%d]"), c->id, _pNum, count, remote[0], remote[1], remote[2], remote[3]); #endif buffer[count] = '\0'; // terminate the string properly INFO(F("Packet: [%e]"), buffer); // chop the buffer into CS / WiThrottle commands || assemble command across buffer read boundaries c->appProtocolHandler(c, this); } /** * @brief Sending a reply by using the StringFormatter (this will result in every byte send individually which may/will create an important Network overhead). * Here we hook back into the DCC code for actually processing the command using a DCCParser. Alternatively we could use MemeStream in order to build the entiere reply * before ending it (cf. Scratch pad below) * * @param stream Actually the Client to whom to send the reply. As Clients implement Print this is working * @param command The reply to be send ( echo as in sendReply() ) * @param blocking if set to true will instruct the DCC code to not use the async callback functions */ void parse(Print *stream, byte *command, bool blocking) { DBG(F("DCC parsing: [%e]"), command); // echo back (as mock parser ) StringFormatter::send(stream, F("reply to: %s"), command); }