/* * © 2021 Mike S * © 2021-2023 Harald Barth * © 2021 Fred Decker * © 2021 Chris Harlow * © 2021 David Cutting * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Asbelos DCC API * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // ATTENTION: this file only compiles on a UNO or MEGA // Please refer to DCCTimer.h for general comments about how this class works // This is to avoid repetition and duplication. #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR #include <avr/boot.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include "DCCTimer.h" #include "DIAG.h" #ifdef DEBUG_ADC #include "TrackManager.h" #endif INTERRUPT_CALLBACK interruptHandler=0; // Arduino nano, uno, mega etc #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) #define TIMER1_A_PIN 11 #define TIMER1_B_PIN 12 #define TIMER1_C_PIN 13 #define TIMER2_A_PIN 10 #define TIMER2_B_PIN 9 #else #define TIMER1_A_PIN 9 #define TIMER1_B_PIN 10 #endif void DCCTimer::begin(INTERRUPT_CALLBACK callback) { interruptHandler=callback; noInterrupts(); TCCR1A = 0; ICR1 = CLOCK_CYCLES; TCNT1 = 0; TCCR1B = _BV(WGM13) | _BV(CS10); // Mode 8, clock select 1 TIMSK1 = _BV(TOIE1); // Enable Software interrupt interrupts(); } void DCCTimer::startRailcomTimer(byte brakePin) { /* The Railcom timer is started in such a way that it - First triggers 28uS after the last TIMER1 tick. This provides an accurate offset (in High Accuracy mode) for the start of the Railcom cutout. - Sets the Railcom pin high at first tick, because its been setup with 100% PWM duty cycle. - Cycles at 436uS so the second tick is the correct distance from the cutout. - Waveform code is responsible for altering the PWM duty cycle to 0% any time between the first and last tick. (there will be 7 DCC timer1 ticks in which to do this.) */ (void) brakePin; // Ignored... works on pin 9 only const int cutoutDuration = 430; // Desired interval in microseconds // Set up Timer2 for CTC mode (Clear Timer on Compare Match) TCCR2A = 0; // Clear Timer2 control register A TCCR2B = 0; // Clear Timer2 control register B TCNT2 = 0; // Initialize Timer2 counter value to 0 // Configure Phase and Frequency Correct PWM mode TCCR2A = (1 << COM2B1); // enable pwm on pin 9 TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM20); // Set Timer 2 prescaler to 32 TCCR2B = (1 << CS21) | (1 << CS20); // 32 prescaler // Set the compare match value for desired interval OCR2A = (F_CPU / 1000000) * cutoutDuration / 64 - 1; // Calculate the compare match value for desired duty cycle OCR2B = OCR2A+1; // set duty cycle to 100%= OCR2A) // Enable Timer2 output on pin 9 (OC2B) DDRB |= (1 << DDB1); // TODO Fudge TCNT2 to sync with last tcnt1 tick + 28uS // Previous TIMER1 Tick was at rising end-of-packet bit // Cutout starts half way through first preamble // that is 2.5 * 58uS later. // TCNT1 ticks 8 times / microsecond // auto microsendsToFirstRailcomTick=(58+58+29)-(TCNT1/8); // set the railcom timer counter allowing for phase-correct // CHris's NOTE: // I dont kniow quite how this calculation works out but // it does seems to get a good answer. TCNT2=193 + (ICR1 - TCNT1)/8; } void DCCTimer::ackRailcomTimer() { OCR2B= 0x00; // brake pin pwm duty cycle 0 at next tick } // ISR called by timer interrupt every 58uS ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect){ interruptHandler(); } // Alternative pin manipulation via PWM control. bool DCCTimer::isPWMPin(byte pin) { return pin==TIMER1_A_PIN || pin==TIMER1_B_PIN #ifdef TIMER1_C_PIN || pin==TIMER1_C_PIN #endif ; } void DCCTimer::setPWM(byte pin, bool high) { if (pin==TIMER1_A_PIN) { TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1A1); OCR1A= high?1024:0; } else if (pin==TIMER1_B_PIN) { TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1B1); OCR1B= high?1024:0; } #ifdef TIMER1_C_PIN else if (pin==TIMER1_C_PIN) { TCCR1A |= _BV(COM1C1); OCR1C= high?1024:0; } #endif } void DCCTimer::clearPWM() { TCCR1A= 0; } void DCCTimer::getSimulatedMacAddress(byte mac[6]) { for (byte i=0; i<6; i++) { // take the fist 3 and last 3 of the serial. // the first 5 of 8 are at 0x0E to 0x013 // the last 3 of 8 are at 0x15 to 0x017 mac[i]=boot_signature_byte_get(0x0E + i + (i>2? 4 : 0)); } mac[0] &= 0xFE; mac[0] |= 0x02; } volatile int DCCTimer::minimum_free_memory=__INT_MAX__; // Return low memory value... int DCCTimer::getMinimumFreeMemory() { noInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts to get volatile value int retval = minimum_free_memory; interrupts(); return retval; } extern char *__brkval; extern char *__malloc_heap_start; int DCCTimer::freeMemory() { char top; return __brkval ? &top - __brkval : &top - __malloc_heap_start; } void DCCTimer::reset() { // 250ms chosen to circumwent bootloader bug which // hangs at too short timepout (like 15ms) wdt_enable( WDTO_250MS); // set Arduino watchdog timer for 250ms delay(500); // wait for it to happen } void DCCTimer::DCCEXanalogWriteFrequency(uint8_t pin, uint32_t f) { DCCTimer::DCCEXanalogWriteFrequencyInternal(pin, f); } void DCCTimer::DCCEXanalogWriteFrequencyInternal(uint8_t pin, uint32_t fbits) { #if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) // Not worth doin something here as: // If we are on pin 9 or 10 we are on Timer1 and we can not touch Timer1 as that is our DCC source. // If we are on pin 5 or 6 we are on Timer 0 ad we can not touch Timer0 as that is millis() etc. // We are most likely not on pin 3 or 11 as no known motor shield has that as brake. #endif #if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560) // Speed mapping is done like this: // No functions buttons: 000 0 -> low 131Hz // Only F29 pressed 001 1 -> mid 490Hz // F30 with or w/o F29 01x 2-3 -> high 3400Hz // F31 with or w/o F29/30 1xx 4-7 -> supersonic 62500Hz uint8_t abits; uint8_t bbits; if (pin == 9 || pin == 10) { // timer 2 is different if (fbits >= 4) abits = B00000011; else abits = B00000001; if (fbits >= 4) bbits = B0001; else if (fbits >= 2) bbits = B0010; else if (fbits == 1) bbits = B0100; else // fbits == 0 bbits = B0110; TCCR2A = (TCCR2A & B11111100) | abits; // set WGM0 and WGM1 TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & B11110000) | bbits; // set WGM2 and 3 bits of prescaler DIAG(F("Timer 2 A=%x B=%x"), TCCR2A, TCCR2B); } else { // not timer 9 or 10 abits = B01; if (fbits >= 4) bbits = B1001; else if (fbits >= 2) bbits = B0010; else if (fbits == 1) bbits = B0011; else bbits = B0100; switch (pin) { // case 9 and 10 taken care of above by if() case 6: case 7: case 8: // Timer4 TCCR4A = (TCCR4A & B11111100) | abits; // set WGM0 and WGM1 TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & B11100000) | bbits; // set WGM2 and WGM3 and divisor //DIAG(F("Timer 4 A=%x B=%x"), TCCR4A, TCCR4B); break; case 46: case 45: case 44: // Timer5 TCCR5A = (TCCR5A & B11111100) | abits; // set WGM0 and WGM1 TCCR5B = (TCCR5B & B11100000) | bbits; // set WGM2 and WGM3 and divisor //DIAG(F("Timer 5 A=%x B=%x"), TCCR5A, TCCR5B); break; default: break; } } #endif } #if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560) #define NUM_ADC_INPUTS 16 #else #define NUM_ADC_INPUTS 8 #endif uint16_t ADCee::usedpins = 0; uint8_t ADCee::highestPin = 0; int * ADCee::analogvals = NULL; static bool ADCusesHighPort = false; /* * Register a new pin to be scanned * Returns current reading of pin and * stores that as well */ int ADCee::init(uint8_t pin) { uint8_t id = pin - A0; if (id >= NUM_ADC_INPUTS) return -1023; if (id > 7) ADCusesHighPort = true; pinMode(pin, INPUT); int value = analogRead(pin); if (analogvals == NULL) analogvals = (int *)calloc(NUM_ADC_INPUTS, sizeof(int)); analogvals[id] = value; usedpins |= (1<<id); if (id > highestPin) highestPin = id; return value; } int16_t ADCee::ADCmax() { return 1023; } /* * Read function ADCee::read(pin) to get value instead of analogRead(pin) */ int ADCee::read(uint8_t pin, bool fromISR) { uint8_t id = pin - A0; if ((usedpins & (1<<id) ) == 0) return -1023; // we do not need to check (analogvals == NULL) // because usedpins would still be 0 in that case if (!fromISR) noInterrupts(); int a = analogvals[id]; if (!fromISR) interrupts(); return a; } /* * Scan function that is called from interrupt */ #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC optimize ("-O3") void ADCee::scan() { static byte id = 0; // id and mask are the same thing but it is faster to static uint16_t mask = 1; // increment and shift instead to calculate mask from id static bool waiting = false; if (waiting) { // look if we have a result byte low, high; if (bit_is_set(ADCSRA, ADSC)) return; // no result, continue to wait // found value low = ADCL; //must read low before high high = ADCH; bitSet(ADCSRA, ADIF); analogvals[id] = (high << 8) | low; // advance at least one track #ifdef DEBUG_ADC if (id == 1) TrackManager::track[1]->setBrake(0); #endif waiting = false; id++; mask = mask << 1; if (id > highestPin) { id = 0; mask = 1; } } if (!waiting) { if (usedpins == 0) // otherwise we would loop forever return; // look for a valid track to sample or until we are around while (true) { if (mask & usedpins) { // start new ADC aquire on id #if defined(ADCSRB) && defined(MUX5) if (ADCusesHighPort) { // if we ever have started to use high pins) if (id > 7) // if we use a high ADC pin bitSet(ADCSRB, MUX5); // set MUX5 bit else bitClear(ADCSRB, MUX5); } #endif ADMUX=(1<<REFS0)|(id & 0x07); //select AVCC as reference and set MUX bitSet(ADCSRA,ADSC); // start conversion #ifdef DEBUG_ADC if (id == 1) TrackManager::track[1]->setBrake(1); #endif waiting = true; return; } id++; mask = mask << 1; if (id > highestPin) { id = 0; mask = 1; } } } } #pragma GCC pop_options void ADCee::begin() { noInterrupts(); // ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & 0b11111000) | 0b00000100; // speed up analogRead sample time // Set up ADC for free running mode ADMUX=(1<<REFS0); //select AVCC as reference. We set MUX later ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN)|(1 << ADPS2); // ADPS2 means divisor 32 and 16Mhz/32=500kHz. //bitSet(ADCSRA, ADSC); //do not start the ADC yet. Done when we have set the MUX interrupts(); } #endif