#ifndef version_h #define version_h #include "StringFormatter.h" #define VERSION "5.2.80" // 5.2.80 - EthernetInterface upgrade // 5.2.79 - serial manager loop that handles quoted strings // - WiFiESP32 reconfig // 5.2.78 - NeoPixel support. // - <o command // - HAL driver // - EXRAIL NEOPIXEL and NEOPIXEL_SIGNAL // 5.2.77 - Withrottle: Implement "force function" subcommand "f" // 5.2.76 - Bugfix: EXRAIL: Catch CV read errors in the callback // 5.2.75 - Bugfix: Serial lines 4 to 6 OK // 5.2.74 - Bugfix: ESP32 turn on the joined prog (as main) again after a prog operation // 5.2.73 - Bugfix: STM32 further fixes to shadowPORT entries in TrackManager.cpp for PORTG and PORTH // 5.2.72 - Bugfix: added shadowPORT entries in TrackManager.cpp for PORTG and PORTH on STM32, fixed typo in MotorDriver.cpp // 5.2.71 - Broadcasts of loco forgets. // 5.2.70 - IO_RocoDriver renamed to IO_EncoderThrottle. // - and included in IODEvice.h (circular dependency removed) // 5.2.69 - IO_RocoDriver. Direct drive train with rotary encoder hw. // 5.2.68 - Revert function map to signed (from 5.2.66) to avoid // incompatibilities with ED etc for F31 frequency flag. // 5.2.67 - EXRAIL AFTER optional debounce time variable (default 500mS) // - AFTER(42) == AFTER(42,500) sets time sensor must // - be continuously off. // 5.2.66 - <F cab DCFREQ 0..3> // - EXRAIL SETFREQ drop loco param (breaking since 5.2.28) // 5.2.65 - Speedup Exrail SETFREQ // 5.2.64 - Bugfix: <0 PROG> updated to undo JOIN // 5.2.63 - Implement WIFI_LED for ESP32, ESPduino32 and EX-CSB1, that is turned on when STA mode connects or AP mode is up // - Add BOOSTER_INPUT definitions for ESPduino32 and EX-CSB1 to config.example.h // - Add WIFI_LED definitions for ESPduino32 and EX-CSB1 to config.example.h // 5.2.62 - Allow acks way longer than standard // 5.2.61 - Merg CBUS ACON/ACOF/ONACON/ONACOF Adapter interface. // - LCC Adapter interface throttled startup, // (Breaking change with Adapter base code) // 5.2.60 - Bugfix: Opcode AFTEROVERLOAD does not have an argument that is a pin and needs to be initialized // - Remove inrush throttle after half good time so that we go to mode overload if problem persists // 5.2.59 - STM32 bugfix correct Serial1 definition for Nucleo-F401RE // - STM32 add support for ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F4X9ZI type to span F429/F439 in upcoming STM32duino release v2.8 as a result of our PR // 5.2.58 - EXRAIL ALIAS allows named pins // 5.2.57 - Bugfix autoreverse: Apply mode by binart bit match and not by equality // 5.2.56 - Bugfix and refactor for EXRAIL getSignalSlot // 5.2.55 - Move EXRAIL isSignal() to public to allow use in STEALTH call // 5.2.54 - Bugfix for EXRAIL signal handling for active high // 5.2.53 - Bugfix for EX-Fastclock, call I2CManager.begin() before checking I2C address // 5.2.52 - Bugfix for ADCee() to handle ADC2 and ADC3 channel inputs on F446ZE and others // - Add support for ports G and H on STM32 for ADCee() and MotorDriver pins/shadow regs // 5.2.51 - Bugfix for SIGNAL: Distinguish between sighandle and sigid // 5.2.50 - EXRAIL ONBUTTON/ONSENSOR observe LATCH // 5.2.49 - EXRAIL additions: // ONBUTTON, ONSENSOR // 5.2.48 - Bugfix: HALDisplay was generating I2C traffic prior to I2C being initialised // 5.2.47 - EXRAIL additions: // STEALTH_GLOBAL // BLINK // TOGGLE_TURNOUT // FTOGGLE, XFTOGGLE // Reduced code-developmenmt DIAG noise // 5.2.46 - Support for extended consist CV20 in <R> and <W id> // - New cmd <W CONSIST id [REVERSE]> to handle long/short consist ids // 5.2.45 - ESP32 Trackmanager reset cab number to 0 when track is not DC // ESP32 fix PWM LEDC inverted pin mode // ESP32 rewrite PWM LEDC to use pin mux // 5.2.42 - ESP32 Bugfix: Uninitialized stack variable // 5.2.41 - Update rotary encoder default address to 0x67 // 5.2.40 - Allow no shield // 5.2.39 - Functions for DC frequency: Use func up to F31 // 5.2.38 - Exrail MESSAGE("text") to send a user message to all // connected throttles (uses <m "text"> and withrottle Hmtext. // 5.2.37 - Bugfix ESP32: Use BOOSTER_INPUT define // 5.2.36 - Variable frequency for DC mode // 5.2.35 - Bugfix: Make DCC Extended Accessories follow RCN-213 // 5.2.34 - <A address aspect> Command fopr DCC Extended Accessories // - Exrail ASPECT(address,aspect) for above. // - EXRAIL DCCX_SIGNAL(Address,redAspect,amberAspect,greenAspect) // - Exrail intercept <A ...> for DCC Signals. // 5.2.33 - Exrail CONFIGURE_SERVO(vpin,pos1,pos2,profile) // 5.2.32 - Railcom Cutout (Initial trial Mega2560 only) // 5.2.31 - Exrail JMRI_SENSOR(vpin [,count]) creates <S> types. // 5.2.30 - Bugfix: WiThrottle sendIntro after initial N message as well // 5.2.29 - Added IO_I2CDFPlayer.h to support DFPLayer over I2C connected to NXP SC16IS750/SC16IS752 (currently only single UART for SC16IS752) // - Added enhanced IO_I2CDFPLayer enum commands to EXRAIL2.h // - Added PLAYSOUND alias of ANOUT to EXRAILMacros.h // - Added UART detection to I2CManager.cpp // 5.2.28 - ESP32: Can all Wifi channels. // - ESP32: Only write Wifi password to display if it is a well known one // 5.2.27 - Bugfix: IOExpander memory allocation // 5.2.26 - Silently ignore overridden HAL defaults // - include HAL_IGNORE_DEFAULTS macro in EXRAIL // 5.2.25 - Fix bug causing <X> after working <D commands // 5.2.24 - Exrail macro asserts to catch // : duplicate/missing automation/route/sequence/call ids // : latches and reserves out of range // : speeds out of range // 5.2.23 - KeywordHasher _hk (no functional change) // 5.2.22 - Bugfixes: Empty turnout descriptions ok; negative route numbers valid. // 5.2.21 - Add STARTUP_DELAY config option to delay CS bootup // 5.2.20 - Check return of Ethernet.begin() // 5.2.19 - ESP32: Determine if the RMT hardware can handle DCC // 5.2.18 - Display network IP fix // 5.2.17 - ESP32 simplify network logic // 5.2.16 - Bugfix to allow for devices using the EX-IOExpander protocol to have no analogue or no digital pins // 5.2.15 - move call to CommandDistributor::broadcastPower() into the TrackManager::setTrackPower(*) functions // - add repeats to function packets that are not reminded in accordance with accessory packets // 5.2.14 - Reminder window DCC packet optimization // - Optional #define DISABLE_FUNCTION_REMINDERS // 5.2.13 - EXRAIL STEALTH // 5.2.12 - ESP32 add AP mode LCD messages with SSID/PW for // - STM32 change to UID_BASE constants in DCCTimerSTM32 rather than raw hex addresses for UID registers // - STM32 extra UART/USARTs for larger Nucleo models // 5.2.11 - Change from TrackManager::returnMode to TrackManager::getMode // 5.2.10 - Include trainbrains.eu block unoccupancy driver // - include IO_PCA9555 // 5.2.9 - Bugfix LCD startup with no LCD, uses <@ // 5.2.9 - EXRAIL STASH feature // 5.2.8 - Bugfix: Do not turn off all tracks on change // give better power messages // 5.2.7 - Bugfix: EXRAIL ling segment // - Bugfix: Back out wrongly added const // - Bugfix ESP32: Do not inverse DCX direction signal twice // 5.2.6 - Trackmanager broadcast power state on track mode change // 5.2.5 - Trackmanager: Do not treat TRACK_MODE_ALL as TRACK_MODE_DC // 5.2.4 - LCD macro will not do diag if that duplicates @ to same target. // - Added ROUTE_DISABLED macro in EXRAIL // 5.2.3 - Bugfix: Catch stange input to parser // 5.2.2 - Added option to allow MAX_CHARACTER_ROWS to be defined in config.h // 5.2.1 - Trackmanager rework for simpler structure // 5.2.0 - ESP32: Autoreverse and booster mode support // 5.1.21 - EXRAIL invoke multiple ON handlers for same event // 5.1.20 - EXRAIL Tidy and ROUTE_STATE, ROUTE_CAPTION // 5.1.19 - Only flag as broken, not // 5.1.18 - TURNOUTL bugfix // 5.1.17 - Divide out C for config and D for diag commands // 5.1.16 - Remove I2C address from EXTT_TURNTABLE macro to work with MUX, requires separate HAL macro to create // 5.1.15 - LCC/Adapter support and Exrail feature-compile-out. // 5.1.14 - Fixed IFTTPOSITION // 5.1.13 - Changed turntable broadcast from i to I due to server string conflict // 5.1.12 - Added Power commands <0 A> & <1 A> etc. and update to <=> // Added EXRAIL SET_POWER(track, ON/OFF) // Fixed a problem whereby <1 MAIN> also powered on PROG track // Added functions to TrackManager.cpp to allow UserAddin code for power display on OLED/LCD // Added - returnMode(byte t), returnDCAddr(byte t) & getModeName(byte Mode) // 5.1.11 - STM32F4xx revised I2C clock setup, no correctly sets clock and has fully variable frequency selection // 5.1.10 - STM32F4xx DCCEXanalogWrite to handle PWM generation for TrackManager DC/DCX // - STM32F4xx DCC 58uS timer now using non-PWM output timers where possible // - ESP32 brakeCanPWM check now detects UNUSED_PIN // - ARM architecture brakeCanPWM now uses digitalPinHasPWM() // - STM32F4xx shadowpin extensions to handle pins on ports D, E and F // 5.1.9 - Fixed IO_PCA9555'h to work with PCA9548 mux, tested OK // 5.1.8 - STM32Fxx ADCee extension to support ADCs #2 and #3 // 5.1.7 - Fix turntable broadcasts for non-movement activities and <JP> result // 5.1.6 - STM32F4xx native I2C driver added // 5.1.5 - Added turntable object and EXRAIL commands // - <I ...>, <JO ...>, <JP ...> - turntable commands // - DCC_TURNTABLE, EXTT_TURNTABLE, IFTTPOSITION, ONROTATE, ROTATE, ROTATE_DCC, TT_ADDPOSITION, WAITFORTT EXRAIL // 5.1.4 - Added ONOVERLOAD & AFTEROVERLOAD to EXRAIL // 5.1.3 - Make parser more fool proof // 5.1.2 - Bugfix: ESP32 30ms off time // 5.1.1 - Check bad AT firmware version // - Update IO_PCA9555.h reflecting IO_MCP23017.h changes to support PCA9548 mux // 5.0.1 - Bugfix: execute 30ms off time before rejoin // 5.0.0 - Make 4.2.69 the 5.0.0 release // 4.2.69 - Bugfix: Make <!> work in DC mode // 4.2.68 - Rename track mode OFF to NONE // 4.2.67 - AVR: Pin specific timer register seting // - Protect Uno user from choosing DC(X) // - More Nucleo variant defines // - GPIO PCA9555 / TCA9555 support // 4.2.66 - Throttle inrush current by applying PWM to brake pin when // fault pin goes active // 4.2.65 - new config WIFI_FORCE_AP option // 4.2.63 - completely new overcurrent detection // - ESP32 protect from race in RMT code // 4.2.62 - Update IO_RotaryEncoder.h to ignore sending current position // - Update IO_EXTurntable.h to remove forced I2C clock speed // - Show device offline if EX-Turntable not connected // 4.2.61 - MAX_CURRENT restriction (caps motor shield value) // 4.2.60 - Add mDNS capability to ESP32 for autodiscovery // 4.2.59 - Fix: AP SSID was DCC_ instead of DCCEX_ // 4.2.58 - Start motordriver as soon as possible but without waveform // 4.2.57 - New overload handling (faster and handles commonFaultPin again) // - Optimize analog read STM32 // 4.2.56 - Update IO_RotaryEncoder.h: // - Improved I2C communication, non-blocking reads // - Enable sending positions to the encoder from EXRAIL via SERVO() // 4.2.55 - Optimize analog read for AVR // 4.2.54 - EX8874 shield in config.example.h // - Fix: Better warnings for pin number errors // - Fix: Default roster list possible in Withrottle and <jR> // - Fix: Pin handling supports pins up to 254 // 4.2.53 - Fix: Fault pin handling made more straight forward // 4.2.52 - Experimental support for sabertooth motor controller on ESP32 // 4.2.51 - Add DISABLE_PROG to disable programming to save RAM/Flash // 4.2.50 - Fixes: estop all, turnout eeprom, cab ID check // 4.2.49 - Exrail SPEED take notice of external direction change // 4.2.48 - BROADCAST/WITHROTTLE Exrail macros // 4.2.47 - Correct response to <JA 0> // 4.2.46 - Support boards with inverted fault pin // 4.2.45 - Add ONCLOCKMINS to FastClock to allow hourly repeat events // 4.2.44 - Add PowerShell installer EX-CommandStation-installer.exe // 4.2.43 - Fix STM32 set right port mode bits for analog // 4.2.42 - Added EXRAIL TURNOUTL Macro definition // 4.2.41 - Move HAl startup to ASAP in setup() // - Fix DNOU8 output pin setup to all LOW // 4.2.40 - Automatically detect conflicting default I2C devices and disable // 4.2.39 - DFplayer driver now polls device to detect failures and errors. // 4.2.38 - Clean up compiler warning when IO_RotaryEncoder.h included // 4.2.37 - Add new FLAGS HAL device for communications to/from EX-RAIL; // - Fix diag display of high VPINs within IODevice class. // 4.2.36 - do not broadcast a turnout state that has not changed // - Use A2/A3 for current sensing on ESP32 + Motor Shield // 4.2.35 - add <z> direct pin manipulation command // 4.2.34 - Completely fix EX-IOExpander analogue inputs // 4.2.33 - Fix EX-IOExpander non-working analogue inputs // 4.2.32 - Fix LCD/Display bugfixes from 4.2.29 // 4.2.31 - Removes EXRAIL statup from top of file. (BREAKING CHANGE !!) // Just add AUTOSTART to the top of your myAutomation.h to restore this function. // 4.2.30 - Fixes/enhancements to EX-IOExpander device driver. // 4.2.29 - Bugfix Scroll LCD without empty lines and consistent // 4.2.28 - Reinstate use of timer11 in STM32 - remove HA mode. // - Update IO_DFPlayer to work with MP3-TF-16P rev3. // 4.2.27 - Bugfix LCD showed random characters in SCROLLMODE 2 // 4.2.26 - EX-IOExpander device driver enhancements // - Enhance I2C error checking // - Introduce delays to _loop to allow room for other I2C device comms // - Improve analogue read reliability // 4.2.25 - Bugfix SAMD21 Exrail odd byte boundary // 4.2.24 - Bugfix Ethernet shield: Static IP now possible // 4.2.23 - Bugfix signalpin2 was not set up in shadow port // 4.2.22 - Implement broadcast of Track Manager changes // 4.2.21 - Implement non-blocking I2C for EX-IOExpander device driver // 4.2.20 - <JG> & <JI> commands for multi-track gauges // - Reinstate <c> but remember its a bit useless when TM involved. // 4.2.19 - Bugfix for analog reading of track current sensor offset. // 4.2.18 - I2C Multiplexer support through Extended Addresses, // added for Wire, 4209 and AVR I2C drivers. // - I2C retries when an operation fails. // - I2C timeout handling and recovery completed. // - I2C SAMD Driver Read code completed. // - PCF8575 I2C GPIO driver added. // - EX-RAIL ANOUT function for triggering analogue // HAL drivers (e.g. analogue outputs, DFPlayer, PWM). // - EX-RAIL SCREEN function for writing to screens other // than the primary one. // - Installable HALDisplay Driver, with support // for multiple displays. // - Layered HAL Drivers PCA9685pwm and Servo added for // native PWM on PCA9685 module and // for animations of servo movement via PCA9685pwm. // This is intended to support EXIOExpander and also // replace the existing PCA9685 driver. // - Add <D HAL RESET> to reinitialise failed drivers. // - Add UserAddin facility to allow a user-written C++ function to be // declared in myHal.cpp, to be called at a user-specified frequency. // - Add ability to configure clock speed of PCA9685 drivers // (to allow flicker-free LED control). // - Improve stability of VL53L0X driver when XSHUT pin connected. // - Enable DCC high accuracy mode for STM32 on standard motor shield (pins D12/D13). // - Incorporate improvements to ADC scanning performance (courtesy of HABA). // 4.2.17 LCN bugfix // 4.2.16 Move EX-IOExpander servo support to the EX-IOExpander software // 4.2.15 Add basic experimental PWM support to EX-IOExpander // EX-IOExpander 0.0.14 minimum required // 4.2.14 STM32F4xx fast ADC read implementation // 4.2.13 Broadcast power for <s> again // 4.2.12 Bugfix for issue #299 TurnoutDescription NULL // 4.2.11 Exrail IFLOCO feature added // 4.2.10 SIGNAL/SIGNALH bug fix as they were inverted // IO_EXIOExpander.h input speed optimisation // ONCLOCK and ONCLOCKTIME command added to EXRAIL for EX-FastCLock // <JC> Serial command added for EX-FastClock // <jC> Broadcast added for EX-FastClock // IO_EXFastClock.h added for I2C FastClock connection // 4.2.9 duinoNodes support // 4.2.8 HIGHMEM (EXRAIL support beyond 64kb) // Withrottle connect/disconnect improvements // Report BOARD_TYPE if provided by compiler // 4.2.7 FIX: Static IP addr // FIX: Reuse WiThrottle list entries // 4.2.6 FIX: Remove RAM thief // FIX: ADC port 8-15 fix // 4.2.5 Make GETFLASHW code more universal // FIX: Withrottle roster index // Ethernet start improvement and link detection // 4.2.4 ESP32 experimental BT support // More DC configurations possible and lower frequency // Handle decoders that do not ack at write better // 4.2.3 Bugfix direction when togging between MAIN and DC // Bugfix return fail when F/f argument out of range // More error checking for out of bounds motor driver current trip limit // 4.2.2 ESP32 beta // JOIN/UMJOIN on ESP32 // 4.2.1 ESP32 alpha // Ready for alpha test on ESP32. Track switching with <=> untested // Send DCC signal on MAIN // Detects ACK on PROG // 4.2.0 Track Manager additions: // Broadcast improvements to separate <> and Withrottle responses // Float eliminated saving >1.5kb PROGMEM and speed. // SET_TRACK(track,mode) Functions (A-H, MAIN|PROG|DC|DCX|OFF) // New DC track function and DCX reverse polarity function // TrackManager DCC & DC up to 8 Districts Architecture // Automatic ALIAS(name) // Command Parser now accepts Underscore in Alias Names // 4.1.1 Bugfix: preserve turnout format // Bugfix: parse multiple commands in one buffer string correct // Bugfix: </> command signal status in Exrail // 4.1.0 ... // // 4.0.2 EXRAIL additions: // ACK defaults set to 50mA LIMIT, 2000uS MIN, 20000uS MAX // myFilter automatic detection (no need to call setFilter) // FIX negative route ids in WIthrottle problem. // IFRED(signal_id), IFAMBER(signal_id), IFGREEN(signal_id) // </RED signal_id> </AMBER signal_id> </GREEN signal_id> commands // <t cab> command to obtain current throttle settings // JA, JR, JT commands to obtain route, roster and turnout descriptions // HIDDEN turnouts // PARSE <> commands in EXRAIL // VIRTUAL_TURNOUT // </KILL ALL> and KILLALL command to stop all tasks. // FORGET forgets the current loco in DCC reminder tables. // Servo signals (SERVO_SIGNAL) // High-On signal pins (SIGNALH) // Wait for analog value (ATGTE, ATLT) // 4.0.1 Small EXRAIL updates // EXRAIL BROADCAST("msg") // EXRAIL POWERON // 4.0.0 Major functional and non-functional changes. // Engine Driver "DriveAway" feature enhancement // 'Discovered Server' multicast Dynamic Network Server (mDNS) displays available WiFi connections to a DCC++EX Command Station // New EX-RAIL "Extended Railroad Automation Instruction Language" automation capability. // EX-Rail Function commands for creating Automation, Route & Sequence Scripts // EX-RAIL “ROSTER” Engines Id & Function key layout on Engine Driver or WiThrottle // EX-RAIL DCC++EX Commands to Control EX-RAIL via JMRI Send pane and IDE Serial monitors // New JMRI feature enhancements; // Reads DCC++EX EEPROM & automatically uploades any Signals, DCC Turnouts, Servo Turnouts, Vpin Turnouts , & Output pane // Turnout class revised to expand turnout capabilities, new commands added. // Provides for multiple additional DCC++EX WiFi connections as accessory controllers or CS for a programming track when Motor Shields are added // Supports Multiple Command Station connections and individual tracking of Send DCC++ Command panes and DCC++ Traffic Monitor panes // New HAL added for I/O (digital and analogue inputs and outputs, servos etc) // Automatically detects & connects to supported devices included in your config.h file // Support for MCP23008, MCP23017 and PCF9584 I2C GPIO Extender modules. // Support for PCA9685 PWM (servo) control modules. // Support for analogue inputs on Arduino pins and on ADS111x I2C modules. // Support for MP3 sound playback via DFPlayer module. // Support for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic range sensor module. // Support for VL53L0X Laser range sensor module (Time-Of-Flight). // Added <D HAL SHOW> diagnostic command to show configured devices // New Processor Support added // Compiles on Nano Every and Teensy // Native non-blocking I2C drivers for AVR and Nano architectures (fallback to blocking Wire library for other platforms). // Can disable EEPROM code // EEPROM layout change - deletes EEPROM contents on first start following upgrade. // Output class now allows ID > 255. // Configuration options to globally flip polarity of DCC Accessory states when driven from <a> command and <T> command. // Increased use of display for showing loco decoder programming information. // Can define border between long and short addresses // Turnout and accessory states (thrown/closed = 0/1 or 1/0) can be set to match RCN-213 // Bugfix: one-off error in CIPSEND drop // Bugfix: disgnostic display of ack pulses >32kus // Bugfix: Current read from wrong ADC during interrupt // 3.2.0 Development Release Includes all of 3.1.1 thru 3.1.7 enhancements // 3.1.7 Bugfix: Unknown locos should have speed forward // 3.1.6 Make output ID two bytes and guess format/size of registered outputs found in EEPROM // 3.1.5 Fix LCD corruption on power-up // 3.1.4 Refactor OLED and LCD drivers and remove unused code // 3.1.3 Add a loop delay to give more time for sensing an Ethernet cable connection // 3.1.2 Eliminate wait after write when prog is joined or prog power is off // 3.1.1 SH1106 OLED Display Offset Fix // 3.0.16 Ignore CV1 bit 7 read rejected by decoder when identifying loco id. // 3.0.15 only send function commands once, not 4 times // 3.0.14 gap in ack tolerant fix, prog track power management over join fix. // 3.0.13 Functions>127 fix // 3.0.12 Fix HOSTNAME function for STA mode for WiFi // 3.0.11 28 speedstep support // 3.0.10 Teensy Support // 3.0.9 rearranges serial newlines for the benefit of JMRI. // 3.0.8 Includes <* *> wraps around DIAGs for the benefit of JMRI. // 3.0.7 Includes merge from assortedBits (many changes) and ACK manager change for lazy decoders // 3.0.6 Includes: // Fix Bug that did not let us transmit 5 byte sized packets like PoM // 3.0.5 Includes: // Fix Fn Key startup with loco ID and fix state change for F16-28 // 3.0.4 Includes: // Wifi startup bugfixes // 3.0.3 Includes: // <W addr> command to write loco address and clear consist // <R> command will allow for consist address // Startup commands implemented #endif