## TM1638 ## The TM1638 board provides a very cheap way of implementing 8 buttons, 8 leds and an 8 digit 7segment display in a package requiring just 5 Dupont wires (vcc, gnd + 3 GPIO pins) from the command station without soldering. This is ideal for prototyping and testing, simulating sensors and signals, displaying states etc. For a built layout, this could provide a control for things that are not particularly suited to throttle 'route' buttons, perhaps lineside automations or fiddle yard lane selection. By adding a simple HAL statement to myAutomation.h it creates 8 buttons/sensors and 8 leds. `HAL(TM1638,500,29,31,33)` Creates VPINs 500-507 And desscribes the GPIO pins used to connect the clk,dio,stb pins on the TM1638 board. Setting each of the VPINs will control the associated LED (using for example SET, RESET or BLINK in Exrail or ` from a command). Unlike most pins, you can also read the same pin number and get the button state, using Exrail IF/AT/ONBUTTON etc. For example: ` HAL(TM1638,500,29,31,33) ` All the folowing examples assume you are using VPIN 500 as the first, leftmost, led/button on the TM1638 board. `ONBUTTON(500) SET(500) // light the first led BLINK(501,500,500) // blink the second led SETLOCO(3) FWD(50) // set a loco going AT(501) STOP // press second button to stop RESET(500) RESET(501) // turn leds off DONE ` Buttons behave like any other sensor, so using `` will cause the command station to issue `` and `` messages when the first button is pressed or released. Exrail `JMRI_SENSOR(500,8)` will create `