/* Arduino SSD1306Ascii Library * Copyright (C) 2015 by William Greiman * * This file is part of the Arduino SSD1306Ascii Library * * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the Arduino SSD1306Ascii Library. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * @file SSD1306Ascii.h * @brief Base class for ssd1306 displays. */ #ifndef SSD1306Ascii_h #define SSD1306Ascii_h #include "Arduino.h" #include "SSD1306init.h" #include "fonts/allFonts.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** SSD1306Ascii version */ #define SDD1306_ASCII_VERSION 1.3.0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Configuration options. /** Set Scrolling mode for newline. * * If INCLUDE_SCROLLING is defined to be zero, newline will not scroll * the display and code for scrolling will not be included. This option * will save some code space and three bytes of RAM. * * If INCLUDE_SCROLLING is nonzero, the scroll feature will included. */ #define INCLUDE_SCROLLING 1 /** Initial scroll mode, SCROLL_MODE_OFF, SCROLL_MODE_AUTO, or SCROLL_MODE_APP. */ #define INITIAL_SCROLL_MODE SCROLL_MODE_OFF /** Dimension of TickerState pointer queue */ #define TICKER_QUEUE_DIM 6 /** Use larger faster I2C code. */ #define OPTIMIZE_I2C 1 /** If MULTIPLE_I2C_PORTS is nonzero, define a constructor with port selection. */ #ifdef __AVR__ // Save memory on AVR. Set nonzero to use alternate I2C or software I2c on AVR. #define MULTIPLE_I2C_PORTS 0 #else // __AVR__ #define MULTIPLE_I2C_PORTS 1 #endif // __AVR__ /** AvrI2c uses 400 kHz fast mode if AVRI2C_FASTMODE is nonzero else 100 kHz. */ #define AVRI2C_FASTMODE 1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Values for setScrolMode(uint8_t mode) /** Newline will not scroll the display or RAM window. */ #define SCROLL_MODE_OFF 0 /** Newline will scroll both the display and RAM windows. */ #define SCROLL_MODE_AUTO 1 /** Newline scrolls the RAM window. The app scrolls the display window. */ #define SCROLL_MODE_APP 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Values for writeDisplay() mode parameter. /** Write to Command register. */ #define SSD1306_MODE_CMD 0 /** Write one byte to display RAM. */ #define SSD1306_MODE_RAM 1 /** Write to display RAM with possible buffering. */ #define SSD1306_MODE_RAM_BUF 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @brief Reset the display controller. * * @param[in] rst Reset pin number. */ inline void oledReset(uint8_t rst) { pinMode(rst, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(rst, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(rst, HIGH); delay(10); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @struct TickerState * @brief ticker status */ struct TickerState { const char* queue[TICKER_QUEUE_DIM]; ///< Queue of text pointers. uint8_t nQueue = 0; ///< Count of pointers in queue. const uint8_t* font = nullptr; ///< Font for ticker. bool mag2X; ///< Use mag2X if true. uint8_t row; ///< Row for ticker uint8_t bgnCol; ///< Begin column of ticker. uint8_t endCol; ///< End column of ticker. bool init; ///< clear and initialize display area if true. uint8_t col; ///< Column for start of displayed text. uint8_t skip; ///< Number of pixels to skip in first character. /// @return Count of free queue slots. uint8_t queueFree() {return TICKER_QUEUE_DIM - nQueue;} /// @return Count of used queue slots. uint8_t queueUsed() {return nQueue;} }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @class SSD1306Ascii * @brief SSD1306 base class */ class SSD1306Ascii : public Print { public: using Print::write; SSD1306Ascii() {} #if INCLUDE_SCROLLING //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @return the RAM page for top of the RAM window. */ uint8_t pageOffset() const {return m_pageOffset;} /** * @return the display line for pageOffset. */ uint8_t pageOffsetLine() const {return 8*m_pageOffset;} /** * @brief Scroll the Display window. * * @param[in] lines Number of lines to scroll the window. */ void scrollDisplay(int8_t lines) {setStartLine(m_startLine + lines);} /** * @brief Scroll the RAM window. * * @param[in] rows Number of rows to scroll the window. */ void scrollMemory(int8_t rows) {setPageOffset(m_pageOffset + rows);} /** * @return true if the first display line is equal to the * start of the RAM window. */ bool scrollIsSynced() const {return startLine() == pageOffsetLine();} /** * @brief Set page offset. * * @param[in] page the RAM page for start of the RAM window */ void setPageOffset(uint8_t page); /** * @brief Enable or disable scroll mode. Deprecated use setScrollMode(). * * @param[in] enable true enable scroll on newline false disable scroll. */ void setScroll(bool enable) __attribute__((deprecated("use setScrollMode"))) { setScrollMode(enable ? SCROLL_MODE_AUTO : SCROLL_MODE_OFF); } /** * @brief Set scroll mode. * * @param[in] mode One of the following. * * SCROLL_MODE_OFF - newline will not scroll the display or RAM window. * * SCROLL_MODE_AUTO - newline will scroll both the display and RAM windows. * * SCROLL_MODE_APP - newline scrolls the RAM window. * The app scrolls the display window. */ void setScrollMode(uint8_t mode) {m_scrollMode = mode;} /** * @brief Set the display start line register. * * @param[in] line RAM line to be mapped to first display line. */ void setStartLine(uint8_t line); /** * @return the display startline. */ uint8_t startLine() const {return m_startLine;} #endif // INCLUDE_SCROLLING //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Determine the spacing of a character. Spacing is width + space. * * @param[in] c Character code. * @return Spacing of the character in pixels. */ uint8_t charSpacing(uint8_t c) {return charWidth(c) + letterSpacing();} /** * @brief Determine the width of a character. * * @param[in] c Character code. * @return Width of the character in pixels. */ uint8_t charWidth(uint8_t c) const; /** * @brief Clear the display and set the cursor to (0, 0). */ void clear(); /** * @brief Clear a region of the display. * * @param[in] c0 Starting column. * @param[in] c1 Ending column. * @param[in] r0 Starting row; * @param[in] r1 Ending row; * @note The final cursor position will be (c0, r0). */ void clear(uint8_t c0, uint8_t c1, uint8_t r0, uint8_t r1); /** * @brief Clear a field of n fieldWidth() characters. * * @param[in] col Field start column. * * @param[in] row Field start row. * * @param[in] n Number of characters in the field. * */ void clearField(uint8_t col, uint8_t row, uint8_t n); /** * @brief Clear the display to the end of the current line. * @note The number of rows cleared will be determined by the height * of the current font. * @note The cursor will be returned to the original position. */ void clearToEOL(); /** * @return The current column in pixels. */ uint8_t col() const {return m_col;} /** * @return The display hight in pixels. */ uint8_t displayHeight() const {return m_displayHeight;} /** * @brief Set display to normal or 180 degree remap mode. * * @param[in] mode true for normal mode, false for remap mode. * * @note Adafruit and many ebay displays use remap mode. * Use normal mode to rotate these displays 180 degrees. */ void displayRemap(bool mode); /** * @return The display height in rows with eight pixels to a row. */ uint8_t displayRows() const {return m_displayHeight/8;} /** * @return The display width in pixels. */ uint8_t displayWidth() const {return m_displayWidth;} /** * @brief Width of a field in pixels. * * @param[in] n Number of characters in the field. * * @return Width of the field. */ size_t fieldWidth(uint8_t n); /** * @return The current font pointer. */ const uint8_t* font() const {return m_font;} /** * @return The count of characters in a font. */ uint8_t fontCharCount() const; /** * @return The first character in a font. */ char fontFirstChar() const; /** * @return The current font height in pixels. */ uint8_t fontHeight() const; /** * @return The number of eight pixel rows required to display a character * in the current font. */ uint8_t fontRows() const; /** * @return The maximum width of characters in the current font. */ uint8_t fontWidth() const; /** * @brief Set the cursor position to (0, 0). */ void home() {setCursor(0, 0);} /** * @brief Initialize the display controller. * * @param[in] dev A display initialization structure. */ void init(const DevType* dev); /** * @brief Set pixel mode for for entire display. * * @param[in] invert Inverted display if true or normal display if false. */ void invertDisplay(bool invert); /** * @return invert mode. */ bool invertMode() const {return !!m_invertMask;} /** * @brief Set invert mode for write/print. * * @param[in] mode Invert pixels if true and use normal mode if false. */ void setInvertMode(bool mode) {m_invertMask = mode ? 0XFF : 0;} /** * @return letter-spacing in pixels with magnification factor. */ uint8_t letterSpacing() const {return m_magFactor*m_letterSpacing;} /** * @return The character magnification factor. */ uint8_t magFactor() const {return m_magFactor;} /** * @return the current row number with eight pixels to a row. */ uint8_t row() const {return m_row;} /** * @brief Set the character magnification factor to one. */ void set1X() {m_magFactor = 1;} /** * @brief Set the character magnification factor to two. */ void set2X() {m_magFactor = 2;} /** * @brief Set the current column number. * * @param[in] col The desired column number in pixels. */ void setCol(uint8_t col); /** * @brief Set the display contrast. * * @param[in] value The contrast level in th range 0 to 255. */ void setContrast(uint8_t value); /** * @brief Set the cursor position. * * @param[in] col The column number in pixels. * @param[in] row the row number in eight pixel rows. */ void setCursor(uint8_t col, uint8_t row); /** * @brief Set the current font. * * @param[in] font Pointer to a font table. */ void setFont(const uint8_t* font); /** * @brief Set letter-spacing. setFont() will restore default letter-spacing. * * @param[in] pixels letter-spacing in pixels before magnification. */ void setLetterSpacing(uint8_t pixels) {m_letterSpacing = pixels;} /** * @brief Set the current row number. * * @param[in] row the row number in eight pixel rows. */ void setRow(uint8_t row); /** * @brief Write a command byte to the display controller. * * @param[in] c The command byte. * @note The byte will immediately be sent to the controller. */ void ssd1306WriteCmd(uint8_t c) {writeDisplay(c, SSD1306_MODE_CMD);} /** * @brief Write a byte to RAM in the display controller. * * @param[in] c The data byte. * @note The byte will immediately be sent to the controller. */ void ssd1306WriteRam(uint8_t c); /** * @brief Write a byte to RAM in the display controller. * * @param[in] c The data byte. * @note The byte may be buffered until a call to ssd1306WriteCmd * or ssd1306WriteRam. */ void ssd1306WriteRamBuf(uint8_t c); /** * @brief Skip leading pixels writing characters to display display RAM. * * @param[in] n Number of pixels to skip. */ void skipColumns(uint8_t n) {m_skip = n;} /** * @brief Character width. * * @param[in] str The pointer to string. * @return the width of the string in pixels. */ size_t strWidth(const char* str) const; // /** // * @brief Initialize TickerState struct and clear ticker field. // * // * @param[in,out] state Ticker state. // * @param[in] font to be displayed. // * @param[in] row Row for ticker. // * @param[in] mag2X set magFactor to two if true. // * @param[in] bgnCol First column of ticker. Default is zero. // * @param[in] endCol Last column of ticker. Default is last column of display. // */ // void tickerInit(TickerState* state, const uint8_t* font, uint8_t row, // bool mag2X = false, uint8_t bgnCol = 0, uint8_t endCol = 255); // /** // * @brief Add text pointer to display queue. // * // * @param[in,out] state Ticker state. // * @param[in] str Pointer to String object. Clear queue if nullptr. // * @return false if queue is full else true. // */ // bool tickerText(TickerState* state, const String &str) { // return tickerText(state, str ? str.c_str() : nullptr); // } // /** // * @brief Add text pointer to display queue. // * // * @param[in,out] state Ticker state. // * @param[in] text Pointer to C string. Clear queue if nullptr. // * @return false if queue is full else true. // */ // bool tickerText(TickerState* state, const char* text); // /** // * @brief Advance ticker by one pixel. // * // * @param[in,out] state Ticker state. // * // * @return Number of entries in text pointer queue. // */ // int8_t tickerTick(TickerState* state); /** * @brief Display a character. * * @param[in] c The character to display. * @return one for success else zero. */ size_t write(uint8_t c); protected: uint16_t fontSize() const; virtual void writeDisplay(uint8_t b, uint8_t mode) = 0; uint8_t m_col; // Cursor column. uint8_t m_row; // Cursor RAM row. uint8_t m_displayWidth; // Display width. uint8_t m_displayHeight; // Display height. uint8_t m_colOffset; // Column offset RAM to SEG. uint8_t m_letterSpacing; // Letter-spacing in pixels. #if INCLUDE_SCROLLING uint8_t m_startLine; // Top line of display uint8_t m_pageOffset; // Top page of RAM window. uint8_t m_scrollMode = INITIAL_SCROLL_MODE; // Scroll mode for newline. #endif // INCLUDE_SCROLLING uint8_t m_skip = 0; const uint8_t* m_font = nullptr; // Current font. uint8_t m_invertMask = 0; // font invert mask uint8_t m_magFactor = 1; // Magnification factor. }; #endif // SSD1306Ascii_h