/* * © 2022 Harald Barth * © 2020-2025 Chris Harlow * © 2020 Gregor Baues * © 2022 Colin Murdoch * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include #include "CommandDistributor.h" #include "SerialManager.h" #include "WiThrottle.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "defines.h" #include "DCCWaveform.h" #include "DCC.h" #include "TrackManager.h" #include "StringFormatter.h" #include "Websockets.h" // variables to hold clock time int16_t lastclocktime; int8_t lastclockrate; #if WIFI_ON || ETHERNET_ON || defined(SERIAL1_COMMANDS) || defined(SERIAL2_COMMANDS) || defined(SERIAL3_COMMANDS) || defined(SERIAL4_COMMANDS) || defined(SERIAL5_COMMANDS) || defined(SERIAL6_COMMANDS) // use a buffer to allow broadcast StringBuffer * CommandDistributor::broadcastBufferWriter=new StringBuffer(); template void CommandDistributor::broadcastReply(clientType type, Targs... msg){ broadcastBufferWriter->flush(); StringFormatter::send(broadcastBufferWriter, msg...); broadcastToClients(type); if (type==COMMAND_TYPE) broadcastToClients(WEBSOCKET_TYPE); } #else // on a single USB connection config, write direct to Serial and ignore flush/shove template void CommandDistributor::broadcastReply(clientType type, Targs... msg){ (void)type; //shut up compiler warning StringFormatter::send(&USB_SERIAL, msg...); } #endif #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING // wifi or ethernet ring streams with multiple client types RingStream * CommandDistributor::ring=0; CommandDistributor::clientType CommandDistributor::clients[MAX_NUM_TCP_CLIENTS]={ NONE_TYPE }; // 0 is and must be NONE_TYPE // Parse is called by Withrottle or Ethernet interface to determine which // protocol the client is using and call the appropriate part of dcc++Ex void CommandDistributor::parse(byte clientId,byte * buffer, RingStream * stream) { if (clientId>=sizeof (clients)) { // Caution, diag dump of buffer could corrupt ringstream // if headed by websocket bytes. DIAG(F("::parse invalid client=%d"),clientId); return; } ring=stream; // First check if the client is not known // yet and in that case determinine type // NOTE: First character of transmission determines if this // client is using the DCC++ protocol where all commands start // with '<' if (clients[clientId] == NONE_TYPE) { auto websock=Websockets::checkConnectionString(clientId,buffer,stream); if (websock) { clients[clientId]=WEBSOCK_CONNECTING_TYPE; // websockets will have replied already return; } if (buffer[0] == '<') clients[clientId]=COMMAND_TYPE; else clients[clientId]=WITHROTTLE_TYPE; } // after first inbound transmission the websocket is connected if (clients[clientId]==WEBSOCK_CONNECTING_TYPE) clients[clientId]=WEBSOCKET_TYPE; // mark buffer that is sent to parser // When type is known, send the string // to the right parser if (clients[clientId] == COMMAND_TYPE) { ring->mark(clientId); DCCEXParser::parse(stream, buffer, ring); } else if (clients[clientId] == WITHROTTLE_TYPE) { ring->mark(clientId); WiThrottle::getThrottle(clientId)->parse(ring, buffer); } else if (clients[clientId] == WEBSOCKET_TYPE) { buffer=Websockets::unmask(clientId,ring, buffer); if (!buffer) return; // unmask may have handled it alrerday (ping/pong) // mark ring with client flagged as websocket for transmission later ring->mark(clientId | Websockets::WEBSOCK_CLIENT_MARKER); DCCEXParser::parse(stream, buffer, ring); } if (ring->peekTargetMark()!=RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { // The commit call will either write the length bytes // OR rollback to the mark because the reply is empty // or the command generated more output than fits in // the buffer if (!ring->commit()) { DIAG(F("OUTBOUND FULL processing cmd:%s"),buffer); } } else { DIAG(F("CD parse: was alredy committed")); //XXX Could have been committed by broadcastClient?! } } void CommandDistributor::forget(byte clientId) { if (clients[clientId]==WITHROTTLE_TYPE) WiThrottle::forget(clientId); clients[clientId]=NONE_TYPE; if (virtualLCDClient==clientId) virtualLCDClient=RingStream::NO_CLIENT; } #endif // This will not be called on a uno void CommandDistributor::broadcastToClients(clientType type) { byte rememberClient; (void)rememberClient; // shut up compiler warning // Broadcast to Serials if (type==COMMAND_TYPE) SerialManager::broadcast(broadcastBufferWriter->getString()); #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING // If we are broadcasting from a wifi/eth process we need to complete its output // before merging broadcasts in the ring, then reinstate it in case // the process continues to output to its client. if (ring) { if ((rememberClient = ring->peekTargetMark()) != RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { //DIAG(F("CD precommit client %d"), rememberClient); ring->commit(); } // loop through ring clients for (byte clientId=0; clientIdmark(clientId | (type==WEBSOCKET_TYPE? Websockets::WEBSOCK_CLIENT_MARKER : 0)); ring->print(broadcastBufferWriter->getString()); //DIAG(F("CD commit client %d"), clientId); ring->commit(); } } // at this point ring is committed (NO_CLIENT) either from // 4 or 13 lines above. if (rememberClient != RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { //DIAG(F("CD postmark client %d"), rememberClient); ring->mark(rememberClient); } } #endif } // Public broadcast functions below void CommandDistributor::broadcastSensor(int16_t id, bool on ) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("<%c %d>\n"), on?'Q':'q', id); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastTurnout(int16_t id, bool isClosed ) { // For DCC++ classic compatibility, state reported to JMRI is 1 for thrown and 0 for closed; // The string below contains serial and Withrottle protocols which should // be safe for both types. broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"),id, !isClosed); #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING broadcastReply(WITHROTTLE_TYPE, F("PTA%c%d\n"), isClosed?'2':'4', id); #endif } void CommandDistributor::broadcastTurntable(int16_t id, uint8_t position, bool moving) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"), id, position, moving); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastClockTime(int16_t time, int8_t rate) { // The JMRI clock command is of the form : PFT65871<;>4 // The CS broadcast is of the form "\n"),time, rate); #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING broadcastReply(WITHROTTLE_TYPE, F("PFT%l<;>%d\n"), (int32_t)time*60, rate); #endif } void CommandDistributor::setClockTime(int16_t clocktime, int8_t clockrate, byte opt) { // opt - case 1 save the latest time if changed // case 2 broadcast the time when requested // case 3 display latest time switch (opt) { case 1: if (clocktime != lastclocktime){ auto difference = clocktime - lastclocktime; if (difference<0) difference+=1440; DCC::setTime(clocktime,clockrate,difference>2); // CAH. DIAG removed because LCD does it anyway. LCD(6,F("Clk Time:%d Sp %d"), clocktime, clockrate); // look for an event for this time #ifdef EXRAIL_ACTIVE RMFT2::clockEvent(clocktime,1); #endif // Now tell everyone else what the time is. CommandDistributor::broadcastClockTime(clocktime, clockrate); lastclocktime = clocktime; lastclockrate = clockrate; } return; case 2: CommandDistributor::broadcastClockTime(lastclocktime, lastclockrate); return; } } int16_t CommandDistributor::retClockTime() { return lastclocktime; } void CommandDistributor::broadcastLoco(DCC::LOCO* sp) { if (!sp) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE,F("\n")); return; } broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"), sp->loco,sp->targetSpeed,sp->functions); #ifdef SABERTOOTH if (Serial2 && sp->loco == SABERTOOTH) { static uint8_t rampingmode = 0; bool direction = (sp->speedCode & 0x80) !=0; // true for forward int32_t speed = sp->speedCode & 0x7f; if (speed == 1) { // emergency stop if (rampingmode != 1) { rampingmode = 1; Serial2.print("R1: 0\r\n"); Serial2.print("R2: 0\r\n"); } Serial2.print("MD: 0\r\n"); } else { if (speed != 0) { // speed is here 2 to 127 speed = (speed - 1) * 1625 / 100; speed = speed * (direction ? 1 : -1); // speed is here -2047 to 2047 } if (rampingmode != 2) { rampingmode = 2; Serial2.print("R1: 2047\r\n"); Serial2.print("R2: 2047\r\n"); } Serial2.print("M1: "); Serial2.print(speed); Serial2.print("\r\n"); Serial2.print("M2: "); Serial2.print(speed); Serial2.print("\r\n"); } } #endif #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING WiThrottle::markForBroadcast(sp->loco); #endif } void CommandDistributor::broadcastForgetLoco(int16_t loco) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n<- %d>\n"), loco,loco); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastPower() { char pstr[] = "? x"; for(byte t=0; t\n"),pstr); byte trackcount=0; byte oncount=0; byte offcount=0; for(byte t=0; t\n"),reason); } else { if (main) { //reason = F("MAIN"); broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n")); } if (prog) { //reason = F("PROG"); broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n")); } } if (state != '2') broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"),state); #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING // send '1' if all main are on, otherwise global state (which in that case is '0' or '2') broadcastReply(WITHROTTLE_TYPE, F("PPA%c\n"), main?'1': state); #endif LCD(2,F("Power %S%S"),state=='1'?F("On"): ( state=='0'? F("Off") : F("SC") ),reason); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastRaw(clientType type, char * msg) { broadcastReply(type, F("%s"),msg); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastMessage(char * message) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"),message); broadcastReply(WITHROTTLE_TYPE, F("Hm%s\n"),message); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastTrackState(const FSH* format, byte trackLetter, const FSH *modename, int16_t dcAddr) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, format, trackLetter, modename, dcAddr); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastRouteState(uint16_t routeId, byte state ) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"),routeId,state); } void CommandDistributor::broadcastRouteCaption(uint16_t routeId, const FSH* caption ) { broadcastReply(COMMAND_TYPE, F("\n"),routeId,caption); } Print * CommandDistributor::getVirtualLCDSerial(byte screen, byte row) { Print * stream=virtualLCDSerial; #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING rememberVLCDClient=RingStream::NO_CLIENT; if (!stream && virtualLCDClient!=RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { // If we are broadcasting from a wifi/eth process we need to complete its output // before merging broadcasts in the ring, then reinstate it in case // the process continues to output to its client. if ((rememberVLCDClient = ring->peekTargetMark()) != RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { ring->commit(); } ring->mark(virtualLCDClient); stream=ring; } #endif if (stream) StringFormatter::send(stream,F("<@ %d %d \""), screen,row); return stream; } void CommandDistributor::commitVirtualLCDSerial() { #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING if (virtualLCDClient!=RingStream::NO_CLIENT) { StringFormatter::send(ring,F("\">\n")); ring->commit(); if (rememberVLCDClient!=RingStream::NO_CLIENT) ring->mark(rememberVLCDClient); return; } #endif StringFormatter::send(virtualLCDSerial,F("\">\n")); } void CommandDistributor::setVirtualLCDSerial(Print * stream) { #ifdef CD_HANDLE_RING virtualLCDClient=RingStream::NO_CLIENT; if (stream && stream->availableForWrite()==RingStream::THIS_IS_A_RINGSTREAM) { virtualLCDClient=((RingStream *) stream)->peekTargetMark(); virtualLCDSerial=nullptr; return; } #endif virtualLCDSerial=stream; } Print* CommandDistributor::virtualLCDSerial=&USB_SERIAL; byte CommandDistributor::virtualLCDClient=0xFF; byte CommandDistributor::rememberVLCDClient=0;