/* © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. © 2020, Harald Barth. This file is part of CommandStation-EX This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include "WifiInterface.h" /* config.h included there */ #include #include "DIAG.h" #include "StringFormatter.h" #include "WifiInboundHandler.h" const char PROGMEM READY_SEARCH[] = "\r\nready\r\n"; const char PROGMEM OK_SEARCH[] = "\r\nOK\r\n"; const char PROGMEM END_DETAIL_SEARCH[] = "@ 1000"; const char PROGMEM SEND_OK_SEARCH[] = "\r\nSEND OK\r\n"; const char PROGMEM IPD_SEARCH[] = "+IPD"; const unsigned long LOOP_TIMEOUT = 2000; bool WifiInterface::connected = false; Stream * WifiInterface::wifiStream; #ifndef WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT // Tested how long it takes to FAIL an unknown SSID on firmware 1.7.4. #define WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 14000 #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Figure out number of serial ports depending on hardware // #if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO) #define NUM_SERIAL 0 #endif #if (defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_MEGA2560)) #define NUM_SERIAL 3 #endif #ifndef NUM_SERIAL #define NUM_SERIAL 1 #endif bool WifiInterface::setup(long serial_link_speed, const __FlashStringHelper *wifiESSID, const __FlashStringHelper *wifiPassword, const __FlashStringHelper *hostname, const int port) { wifiSerialState wifiUp = WIFI_NOAT; #if NUM_SERIAL == 0 // no warning about unused parameters. (void) serial_link_speed; (void) wifiESSID; (void) wifiPassword; (void) hostname; (void) port; #endif #if NUM_SERIAL > 0 Serial1.begin(serial_link_speed); wifiUp = setup(Serial1, wifiESSID, wifiPassword, hostname, port); #endif // Other serials are tried, depending on hardware. #if NUM_SERIAL > 1 if (wifiUp == WIFI_NOAT) { Serial2.begin(serial_link_speed); wifiUp = setup(Serial2, wifiESSID, wifiPassword, hostname, port); } #endif #if NUM_SERIAL > 2 if (wifiUp == WIFI_NOAT) { Serial3.begin(serial_link_speed); wifiUp = setup(Serial3, wifiESSID, wifiPassword, hostname, port); } #endif if (wifiUp == WIFI_NOAT) // here and still not AT commands found return false; DCCEXParser::setAtCommandCallback(ATCommand); // CAUTION... ONLY CALL THIS ONCE WifiInboundHandler::setup(wifiStream); if (wifiUp == WIFI_CONNECTED) connected = true; else connected = false; return connected; } wifiSerialState WifiInterface::setup(Stream & setupStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password, const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port) { wifiSerialState wifiState; static uint8_t ntry = 0; ntry++; wifiStream = &setupStream; DIAG(F("\n++ Wifi Setup Try %d ++\n"), ntry); wifiState = setup2( SSid, password, hostname, port); if (wifiState == WIFI_NOAT) { DIAG(F("\n++ Wifi Setup NO AT ++\n")); return wifiState; } if (wifiState == WIFI_CONNECTED) { StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE0\r\n")); // turn off the echo checkForOK(200, OK_SEARCH, true); } DIAG(F("\n++ Wifi Setup %S ++\n"), wifiState == WIFI_CONNECTED ? F("CONNECTED") : F("DISCONNECTED")); return wifiState; } #ifdef DONT_TOUCH_WIFI_CONF #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #endif wifiSerialState WifiInterface::setup2(const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password, const __FlashStringHelper* hostname, int port) { bool ipOK = false; bool oldCmd = false; char macAddress[17]; // mac address extraction // First check... Restarting the Arduino does not restart the ES. // There may alrerady be a connection with data in the pipeline. // If there is, just shortcut the setup and continue to read the data as normal. if (checkForOK(200,IPD_SEARCH, true)) { DIAG(F("\nPreconfigured Wifi already running with data waiting\n")); // loopstate=4; // carry on from correct place... or not as the case may be return WIFI_CONNECTED; } StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT\r\n")); // Is something here that understands AT? if(!checkForOK(200, OK_SEARCH, true)) return WIFI_NOAT; // No AT compatible WiFi module here StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("ATE1\r\n")); // Turn on the echo, se we can see what's happening checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Makes this visible on the console // Display the AT version information StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+GMR\r\n")); checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true, false); // Makes this visible on the console #ifdef DONT_TOUCH_WIFI_CONF DIAG(F("\nDONT_TOUCH_WIFI_CONF was set: Using existing config\n")); #else StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n")); // configure as "station" = WiFi client checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change" // If the source code looks unconfigured, check if the // ESP8266 is preconfigured. We check the first 13 chars // of the password. if (strncmp_P("Your network ",(const char*)password,13) == 0) { delay(8000); // give a preconfigured ES8266 a chance to connect to a router // typical connect time approx 7 seconds StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); if (checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:STAIP"), true,false)) if (!checkForOK(1000, (const char*) F(""), true,false)) ipOK = true; } else { // Should this really be "else" here /haba if (!ipOK) { // Older ES versions have AT+CWJAP, newer ones have AT+CWJAP_CUR and AT+CWHOSTNAME StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP?\r\n")); if (checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true)) { oldCmd=true; while (wifiStream->available()) StringFormatter::printEscape( wifiStream->read()); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE // AT command early version supports CWJAP/CWSAP if (SSid) { StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password); ipOK = checkForOK(WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, OK_SEARCH, true); } DIAG(F("\n**\n")); } else { // later version supports CWJAP_CUR StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWHOSTNAME=\"%S\"\r\n"), hostname); // Set Host name for Wifi Client checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); // dont care if not supported if (SSid) { StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWJAP_CUR=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"), SSid, password); ipOK = checkForOK(WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, OK_SEARCH, true); } } if (ipOK) { // But we really only have the ESSID and password correct // Let's check for IP ipOK = false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); if (checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:STAIP"), true,false)) if (!checkForOK(1000, (const char*) F(""), true,false)) ipOK = true; } } } if (!ipOK) { // If we have not managed to get this going in station mode, go for AP mode StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWMODE=2\r\n")); // configure as AccessPoint. checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // Not always OK, sometimes "no change" // Figure out MAC addr StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // looking fpr mac addr eg +CIFSR:APMAC,"be:dd:c2:5c:6b:b7" if (checkForOK(5000, (const char*) F("+CIFSR:APMAC,\""), true,false)) { // Copy 17 byte mac address for (int i=0; i<17;i++) { while(!wifiStream->available()); macAddress[i]=wifiStream->read(); StringFormatter::printEscape(macAddress[i]); } } char macTail[]={macAddress[9],macAddress[10],macAddress[12],macAddress[13],macAddress[15],macAddress[16],'\0'}; if (oldCmd) { while (wifiStream->available()) StringFormatter::printEscape( wifiStream->read()); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE int i=0; do StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWSAP=\"DCCEX_%s\",\"PASS_%s\",1,4\r\n"), macTail, macTail); while (i++<2 && !checkForOK(WIFI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, OK_SEARCH, true)); // do twice if necessary but ignore failure as AP mode may still be ok } else { StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CWSAP_CUR=\"DCCEX_%s\",\"PASS_%s\",1,4\r\n"), macTail, macTail); checkForOK(20000, OK_SEARCH, true); // can ignore failure as SSid mode may still be ok StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPRECVMODE=0\r\n"), port); // make sure transfer mode is correct checkForOK(2000, OK_SEARCH, true); } } StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSERVER=0\r\n")); // turn off tcp server (to clean connections before CIPMUX=1) checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true); // ignore result in case it already was off StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n")); // configure for multiple connections if (!checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return WIFI_DISCONNECTED; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n"), port); // turn on server on port if (!checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true)) return WIFI_DISCONNECTED; #endif //DONT_TOUCH_WIFI_CONF StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // Display ip addresses to the DIAG if (!checkForOK(1000, OK_SEARCH, true, false)) return WIFI_DISCONNECTED; DIAG(F("\nPORT=%d\n"),port); return WIFI_CONNECTED; } #ifdef DONT_TOUCH_WIFI_CONF #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif // This function is used to allow users to enter <+ commands> through the DCCEXParser // Once the user has made whatever changes to the AT commands, a <+X> command can be used // to force on the connectd flag so that the loop will start picking up wifi traffic. // If the settings are corrupted <+RST> will clear this and then you must restart the arduino. void WifiInterface::ATCommand(const byte * command) { command++; if (*command=='X') { connected = true; DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Connction forced on ++++++++\n")); } else { StringFormatter:: send(wifiStream, F("AT+%s\r\n"), command); checkForOK(10000, OK_SEARCH, true); } } bool WifiInterface::checkForOK( const unsigned int timeout, const char * waitfor, bool echo, bool escapeEcho) { unsigned long startTime = millis(); char const *locator = waitfor; DIAG(F("\nWifi Check: [%E]"), waitfor); while ( millis() - startTime < timeout) { while (wifiStream->available()) { int ch = wifiStream->read(); if (echo) { if (escapeEcho) StringFormatter::printEscape( ch); /// THIS IS A DIAG IN DISGUISE else DIAG(F("%c"), ch); } if (ch != pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) locator = waitfor; if (ch == pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) { locator++; if (!pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) { DIAG(F("\nFound in %dms"), millis() - startTime); return true; } } } } DIAG(F("\nTIMEOUT after %dms\n"), timeout); return false; } void WifiInterface::loop() { if (connected) { WifiInboundHandler::loop(); } }