/* * © 2023, Fred Decker. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of DCC++EX API * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ /* * The VCNL4040 is a combination IR proximity sensor (PS) and ambient light sensor * (ALS) with a distance sensing range limit of 20cm (about 7.5 inches) and an * ambient light sensing range of 0.0125 to 6553 lux. For object (train) detection * purposes, we are only supporting the proximity features of the sensor. * * Can set: * * led duty cycle: 40, 80, 160, 320ms (???) * led drive current: 200 (Affects led brightness, therefore distance and sensitivity) * persistence: (higher values reduce false triggers) * * The basic PS function settings, such as duty ratio, integration time, interrupt, and PS enable / disable, and persistence, are handled by the register: PS_CONF1. Duty ratio controls the PS response time. Integration time represents the duration of the energy being received. The interrupt is triggered when the PS detection levels over the high threshold level setting (register: PS_THDH) or lower than low threshold (register: PS_THDL). If the interrupt function is enabled, the host can react to the interrupt pin, instead of polling the PS data registers. The INT flag (register: INT_Flag) indicates the type of interrupt that has been triggered, depending on the interrupt settings in the configuration registers. PS persistence (PS_PERS) sets up the PS INT trigger conditions, defining the amount of consecutive hits required before an interrupt event occurs. The intelligent cancellation level can be set on register: PS_CANC to reduce the cross talk phenomenon. VCNL4040 also supports an easy to use proximity detection logic mode, that triggers when the PS high threshold is exceeded and automatically resets the interrupt pin when the proximity reading falls beneath the PS low threshold. This functionality can be set in the register: PS_MS. A smart persistence is provided to be able to prevent false PS interrupt trigger events. Descriptions of each of these parameters are shown in table 1. REGISTER: PS_CONF1 COMMAND CODE: 0x03_L (0x03 DATA BYTE LOW) Command Bit Description PS_Duty 7 : 6 (0 : 0) = 1/40, (0 : 1) = 1/80, (1 : 0) = 1/160, (1 : 1) = 1/320 PS IRED on / off duty ratio setting PS_PERS 5 : 4 (0 : 0) = 1, (0 : 1) = 2, (1 : 0) = 3, (1 : 1) = 4 PS interrupt persistence setting PS_ IT 3 : 1 (0 : 0 : 0) = 1T, (0 : 0 : 1) = 1.5T, (0 : 1 : 0) = 2T, (0 : 1 : 1) = 2.5T (1 : 0 : 0) = 3T, (1 : 0 : 1) = 3.5T, (1 : 1 : 0) = 4T, (1 : 1 : 1) = 8T PS integration time setting PS_SD 0 0 = PS power on, 1 = PS shut down, default = 1 REGISTER: PS_CONF2 COMMAND CODE: 0x03_H (0x03 DATA BYTE HIGH) PS_HD 3 0 = PS output is 12 bits; 1 = PS output is 16 bits Reserved 2 Default = 0 PS_INT 1 : 0 (0 : 0) = interrupt disable, (0 : 1) = trigger when close, (1 : 0)= trigger when away, (1 : 1)= trigger when close or away fred gave up here. too many options to cover * * fnd stopped here * the reflection of the pulse. The time between the pulse and the receipt of reflections * is measured and used to determine the distance to the reflecting object. * * For economy of memory and processing time, this driver includes only part of the code * that ST provide in their API. Also, the API code isn't very clear and it is not easy * to identify what operations are useful and what are not. * The operation shown here doesn't include any calibration, so is probably not as accurate * as using the full driver, but it's probably accurate enough for the purpose. * * The device driver allocates up to 3 vpins to the device. A digital read on the first pin * will return a value that indicates whether the object is within the threshold range (1) * or not (0). An analogue read on the first pin returns the last measured distance (in mm), * the second pin returns the signal strength, and the third pin returns detected * ambient light level. By default the device takes around 60ms to complete a ranging * operation, so we do a 100ms cycle (10 samples per second). * * The VL53L0X is initially set to respond to I2C address 0x29. If you only have one module, * you can use this address. However, the address can be modified by software. If * you select another address, that address will be written to the device and used until the device is reset. * * If you have more than one module, then you will need to specify a digital VPIN (Arduino * digital output or I/O extender pin) which you connect to the module's XSHUT pin. Now, * when the device driver starts, the XSHUT pin is set LOW to turn the module off. Once * all VL53L0X modules are turned off, the driver works through each module in turn by * setting XSHUT to HIGH to turn the module on,, then writing the module's desired I2C address. * In this way, many VL53L0X modules can be connected to the one I2C bus, each one * using a distinct I2C address. * * WARNING: If the device's XSHUT pin is not connected, then it is very prone to noise, * and the device may even reset when handled. If you're not using XSHUT, then it's * best to tie it to +5V. * * The driver is configured as follows: * * Single VL53L0X module: * VL53L0X::create(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress, lowThreshold, highThreshold); * Where firstVpin is the first vpin reserved for reading the device, * nPins is 1, 2 or 3, * i2cAddress is the address of the device (normally 0x29), * lowThreshold is the distance at which the digital vpin state is set to 1 (in mm), * and highThreshold is the distance at which the digital vpin state is set to 0 (in mm). * * Multiple VL53L0X modules: * VL53L0X::create(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress, lowThreshold, highThreshold, xshutPin); * ... * Where firstVpin is the first vpin reserved for reading the device, * nPins is 1, 2 or 3, * i2cAddress is the address of the device (any valid address except 0x29), * lowThreshold is the distance at which the digital vpin state is set to 1 (in mm), * highThreshold is the distance at which the digital vpin state is set to 0 (in mm), * and xshutPin is the VPIN number corresponding to a digital output that is connected to the * XSHUT terminal on the module. * * Example: * In mySetup function within mySetup.cpp: * VL53L0X::create(4000, 3, 0x29, 200, 250); * Sensor::create(4000, 4000, 0); // Create a sensor * * When an object comes within 200mm of the sensor, a message * * will be sent over the serial USB, and when the object moves more than 250mm from the sensor, * a message * * will be sent. * */ #ifndef IO_VCNL4040_h #define IO_VCNL4040_h #include "IODevice.h" class VCNL4040 : public IODevice { private: uint8_t _i2cAddress; uint16_t _ambient; uint16_t _distance; uint16_t _signal; uint16_t _onThreshold; uint16_t _offThreshold; VPIN _xshutPin; bool _value; uint8_t _nextState = 0; I2CRB _rb; uint8_t _inBuffer[12]; uint8_t _outBuffer[2]; // State machine states. enum : uint8_t { STATE_INIT = 0, STATE_CONFIGUREADDRESS = 1, STATE_SKIP = 2, STATE_CONFIGUREDEVICE = 3, STATE_INITIATESCAN = 4, STATE_CHECKSTATUS = 5, STATE_GETRESULTS = 6, STATE_DECODERESULTS = 7, }; // Register addresses enum : uint8_t { VL53L0X_REG_SYSRANGE_START=0x00, VL53L0X_REG_RESULT_INTERRUPT_STATUS=0x13, VL53L0X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS=0x14, VL53L0X_CONFIG_PAD_SCL_SDA__EXTSUP_HV=0x89, VL53L0X_REG_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS=0x8A, }; const uint8_t VL53L0X_I2C_DEFAULT_ADDRESS=0x29; public: VL53L0X(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t i2cAddress, uint16_t onThreshold, uint16_t offThreshold, VPIN xshutPin = VPIN_NONE) { _firstVpin = firstVpin; _nPins = min(nPins, 3); _i2cAddress = i2cAddress; _onThreshold = onThreshold; _offThreshold = offThreshold; _xshutPin = xshutPin; _value = 0; addDevice(this); } static void create(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t i2cAddress, uint16_t onThreshold, uint16_t offThreshold, VPIN xshutPin = VPIN_NONE) { new VL53L0X(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress, onThreshold, offThreshold, xshutPin); } protected: void _begin() override { if (_xshutPin == VPIN_NONE) { // Check if device is already responding on the nominated address. if (I2CManager.exists(_i2cAddress)) { // Yes, it's already on this address, so skip the address initialisation. _nextState = STATE_CONFIGUREDEVICE; } else { _nextState = STATE_INIT; } } } void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override { uint8_t status; switch (_nextState) { case STATE_INIT: // On first entry to loop, reset this module by pulling XSHUT low. All modules // will be reset in turn. if (_xshutPin != VPIN_NONE) IODevice::write(_xshutPin, 0); _nextState = STATE_CONFIGUREADDRESS; break; case STATE_CONFIGUREADDRESS: // On second entry, set XSHUT pin high to allow the module to restart. // On the module, there is a diode in series with the XSHUT pin to // protect the low-voltage pin against +5V. if (_xshutPin != VPIN_NONE) IODevice::write(_xshutPin, 1); // Allow the module time to restart delay(10); // Then write the desired I2C address to the device, while this is the only // module responding to the default address. I2CManager.write(VL53L0X_I2C_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, 2, VL53L0X_REG_I2C_SLAVE_DEVICE_ADDRESS, _i2cAddress); _nextState = STATE_SKIP; break; case STATE_SKIP: // Do nothing on the third entry. _nextState = STATE_CONFIGUREDEVICE; break; case STATE_CONFIGUREDEVICE: // On next entry, check if device address has been set. if (I2CManager.exists(_i2cAddress)) { #ifdef DIAG_IO _display(); #endif // Set 2.8V mode write_reg(VL53L0X_CONFIG_PAD_SCL_SDA__EXTSUP_HV, read_reg(VL53L0X_CONFIG_PAD_SCL_SDA__EXTSUP_HV) | 0x01); } else { DIAG(F("VL53L0X I2C:x%x device not responding"), _i2cAddress); _deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED; } _nextState = STATE_INITIATESCAN; break; case STATE_INITIATESCAN: // Not scanning, so initiate a scan _outBuffer[0] = VL53L0X_REG_SYSRANGE_START; _outBuffer[1] = 0x01; I2CManager.write(_i2cAddress, _outBuffer, 2, &_rb); _nextState = STATE_CHECKSTATUS; break; case STATE_CHECKSTATUS: status = _rb.status; if (status == I2C_STATUS_PENDING) return; // try next time if (status != I2C_STATUS_OK) { DIAG(F("VL53L0X I2C:x%x Error:%d %S"), _i2cAddress, status, I2CManager.getErrorMessage(status)); _deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED; _value = false; } else _nextState = 2; delayUntil(currentMicros + 95000); // wait for 95 ms before checking. _nextState = STATE_GETRESULTS; break; case STATE_GETRESULTS: // Ranging completed. Request results _outBuffer[0] = VL53L0X_REG_RESULT_RANGE_STATUS; I2CManager.read(_i2cAddress, _inBuffer, 12, _outBuffer, 1, &_rb); _nextState = 3; delayUntil(currentMicros + 5000); // Allow 5ms to get data _nextState = STATE_DECODERESULTS; break; case STATE_DECODERESULTS: // If I2C write still busy, return. status = _rb.status; if (status == I2C_STATUS_PENDING) return; // try again next time if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK) { if (!(_inBuffer[0] & 1)) return; // device still busy uint8_t deviceRangeStatus = ((_inBuffer[0] & 0x78) >> 3); if (deviceRangeStatus == 0x0b) { // Range status OK, so use data _ambient = makeuint16(_inBuffer[7], _inBuffer[6]); _signal = makeuint16(_inBuffer[9], _inBuffer[8]); _distance = makeuint16(_inBuffer[11], _inBuffer[10]); if (_distance <= _onThreshold) _value = true; else if (_distance > _offThreshold) _value = false; } } // Completed. Restart scan on next loop entry. _nextState = STATE_INITIATESCAN; break; default: break; } } // For analogue read, first pin returns distance, second pin is signal strength, and third is ambient level. int _readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) override { int pin = vpin - _firstVpin; switch (pin) { case 0: return _distance; case 1: return _signal; case 2: return _ambient; default: return -1; } } // For digital read, return zero for all but first pin. int _read(VPIN vpin) override { if (vpin == _firstVpin) return _value; else return 0; } void _display() override { DIAG(F("VL53L0X I2C:x%x Configured on Vpins:%d-%d On:%dmm Off:%dmm %S"), _i2cAddress, _firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1, _onThreshold, _offThreshold, (_deviceState==DEVSTATE_FAILED) ? F("OFFLINE") : F("")); } private: inline uint16_t makeuint16(byte lsb, byte msb) { return (((uint16_t)msb) << 8) | lsb; } uint8_t write_reg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) { // write byte to register uint8_t outBuffer[2]; outBuffer[0] = reg; outBuffer[1] = data; return I2CManager.write(_i2cAddress, outBuffer, 2); } uint8_t read_reg(uint8_t reg) { // read byte from register and return value I2CManager.read(_i2cAddress, _inBuffer, 1, ®, 1); return _inBuffer[0]; } }; #endif // IO_VL53L0X_h