/* * © 2024, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of EX-CommandStation * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * The IO_EncoderThrottle device driver uses a rotary encoder connected to vpins * to drive a loco. * Loco id is selected by writeAnalog. */ #include "IODevice.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "DCC.h" const byte _DIR_CW = 0x10; // Clockwise step const byte _DIR_CCW = 0x20; // Counter-clockwise step const byte transition_table[5][4]= { {0,1,3,0}, // 0: 00 {1,1,1,2 | _DIR_CW}, // 1: 00->01 {2,2,0,2}, // 2: 00->01->11 {3,3,3,4 | _DIR_CCW}, // 3: 00->10 {4,0,4,4} // 4: 00->10->11 }; const byte _STATE_MASK = 0x07; const byte _DIR_MASK = 0x30; void EncoderThrottle::create(VPIN firstVpin, int dtPin, int clkPin, int clickPin, byte notch) { if (checkNoOverlap(firstVpin)) new EncoderThrottle(firstVpin, dtPin,clkPin,clickPin,notch); } // Constructor EncoderThrottle::EncoderThrottle(VPIN firstVpin, int dtPin, int clkPin, int clickPin, byte notch){ _firstVpin = firstVpin; _nPins = 1; _I2CAddress = 0; _dtPin=dtPin; _clkPin=clkPin; _clickPin=clickPin; _notch=notch; _locoid=0; _stopState=xrSTOP; _rocoState=0; _prevpinstate=4; // not 01..11 IODevice::configureInput(dtPin,true); IODevice::configureInput(clkPin,true); IODevice::configureInput(clickPin,true); addDevice(this); _display(); } void EncoderThrottle::_loop(unsigned long currentMicros) { if (_locoid==0) return; // not in use // Clicking down on the roco, stops the loco and sets the direction as unknown. if (IODevice::read(_clickPin)) { if (_stopState==xrSTOP) return; // debounced multiple stops DCC::setThrottle(_locoid,1,DCC::getThrottleDirection(_locoid)); _stopState=xrSTOP; DIAG(F("DRIVE %d STOP"),_locoid); return; } // read roco pins and detect state change byte pinstate = (IODevice::read(_dtPin) << 1) | IODevice::read(_clkPin); if (pinstate==_prevpinstate) return; _prevpinstate=pinstate; _rocoState = transition_table[_rocoState & _STATE_MASK][pinstate]; if ((_rocoState & _DIR_MASK) == 0) return; // no value change int change=(_rocoState & _DIR_CW)?+1:-1; // handle roco change -1 or +1 (clockwise) if (_stopState==xrSTOP) { // first move after button press sets the direction. (clockwise=fwd) _stopState=change>0?xrFWD:xrREV; } // when going fwd, clockwise increases speed. // but when reversing, anticlockwise increases speed. // This is similar to a center-zero pot control but with // the added safety that you cant panic-spin into the other // direction. if (_stopState==xrREV) change=-change; // manage limits int oldspeed=DCC::getThrottleSpeed(_locoid); if (oldspeed==1)oldspeed=0; // break out of estop int newspeed=change>0 ? (min((oldspeed+_notch),126)) : (max(0,(oldspeed-_notch))); if (newspeed==1) newspeed=0; // normal decelereated stop. if (oldspeed!=newspeed) { DIAG(F("DRIVE %d notch %S %d %S"),_locoid, change>0?F("UP"):F("DOWN"),_notch, _stopState==xrFWD?F("FWD"):F("REV")); DCC::setThrottle(_locoid,newspeed,_stopState==xrFWD); } } // Selocoid as analog value to start drive // use <z vpin locoid [notch]> void EncoderThrottle::_writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2) { (void) param2; _locoid=value; if (param1>0) _notch=param1; _rocoState=0; // If loco is moving, we inherit direction from it. _stopState=xrSTOP; if (_locoid>0) { auto speedbyte=DCC::getThrottleSpeedByte(_locoid); if ((speedbyte & 0x7f) >1) { // loco is moving _stopState= (speedbyte & 0x80)?xrFWD:xrREV; } } _display(); } void EncoderThrottle::_display() { DIAG(F("DRIVE vpin %d loco %d notch %d"),_firstVpin,_locoid,_notch); }