/* * © 2021 Neil McKechnie * © 2020-2022 Chris Harlow * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #ifndef EXRAILMacros_H #define EXRAILMacros_H // remove normal code LCD & SERIAL macros (will be restored later) #undef LCD #undef SERIAL // This file will include and build the EXRAIL script and associated helper tricks. // It does this by including myAutomation.h several times, each with a set of macros to // extract the relevant parts. // The entire automation script is contained within a byte array RMFT2::RouteCode[] // made up of opcode and parameter pairs. // ech opcode is a 1 byte operation plus 2 byte operand. // The array is normally built using the macros below as this makes it easier // to manage the cases where: // - padding must be applied to ensure the correct alignment of the next instruction // - large parameters must be split up // - multiple parameters aligned correctly // - a single macro requires multiple operations // Descriptive texts for routes and animations are created in a sepaerate function which // can be called to emit a list of routes/automatuions in a form suitable for Withrottle. // PRINT(msg) and LCD(row,msg) is implemented in a separate pass to create // a getMessageText(id) function. // CAUTION: The macros below are multiple passed over myAutomation.h // Pass 1 Implements aliases #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef ALIAS #define ALIAS(name,value) const int name=value; #include "myAutomation.h" // Pass 2 convert descriptions to withrottle format emitter function #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef ROUTE #define ROUTE(id, description) emitRouteDescription(stream,'R',id,F(description)); #undef AUTOMATION #define AUTOMATION(id, description) emitRouteDescription(stream,'A',id,F(description)); void RMFT2::emitWithrottleDescriptions(Print * stream) { (void)stream; #include "myAutomation.h" } // Pass 3... Create Text sending functions #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" const int StringMacroTracker1=__COUNTER__; #undef PRINT #define PRINT(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : printMessage2(F(msg));break; #undef LCN #define LCN(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::send(&LCN_SERIAL,F(msg));break; #undef SERIAL #define SERIAL(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::send(&Serial,F(msg));break; #undef SERIAL1 #define SERIAL1(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::send(&Serial1,F(msg));break; #undef SERIAL2 #define SERIAL2(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::send(&Serial2,F(msg));break; #undef SERIAL3 #define SERIAL3(msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::send(&Serial3,F(msg));break; #undef LCD #define LCD(id,msg) case (__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker1) : StringFormatter::lcd(id,F(msg));break; void RMFT2::printMessage(uint16_t id) { switch(id) { #include "myAutomation.h" default: break ; } } // Pass 4: Turnout descriptions (optional) #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef TURNOUT #define TURNOUT(id,addr,subaddr,description...) case id: desc=F("" description); break; #undef PIN_TURNOUT #define PIN_TURNOUT(id,pin,description...) case id: desc=F("" description); break; #undef SERVO_TURNOUT #define SERVO_TURNOUT(id,pin,activeAngle,inactiveAngle,profile,description...) case id: desc=F("" description); break; void RMFT2::emitTurnoutDescription(Print* stream,int16_t turnoutid) { const FSH * desc=F(""); switch (turnoutid) { #include "myAutomation.h" default: break; } if (GETFLASH(desc)=='\0') desc=F("%d"); StringFormatter::send(stream,desc,turnoutid); } // Pass 5: Roster names (count) #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef ROSTER #define ROSTER(cabid,name,funcmap...) +1 const byte RMFT2::rosterNameCount=0 #include "myAutomation.h" ; // Pass 6: Roster names emitter #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef ROSTER #define ROSTER(cabid,name,funcmap...) StringFormatter::send(stream,(FSH *)format,F(name),cabid,cabid<128?'S':'L'); void RMFT2::emitWithrottleRoster(Print * stream) { static const char format[] FLASH ="]\\[%S}|{%d}|{%c"; (void)format; StringFormatter::send(stream,F("RL%d"), rosterNameCount); #include "myAutomation.h" stream->write('\n'); } // Pass 7: functions getter #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef ROSTER #define ROSTER(cabid,name,funcmap...) case cabid: return F("" funcmap); const FSH * RMFT2::getRosterFunctions(int16_t cabid) { switch(cabid) { #include "myAutomation.h" default: return NULL; } } // Pass 8 Signal definitions #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" #undef SIGNAL #define SIGNAL(redpin,amberpin,greenpin) redpin,redpin,amberpin,greenpin, #undef SERVO_SIGNAL #define SERVO_SIGNAL(vpin,redval,amberval,greenval) vpin | RMFT2::SERVO_SIGNAL_FLAG,redval,amberval,greenval, const FLASH int16_t RMFT2::SignalDefinitions[] = { #include "myAutomation.h" 0,0,0,0 }; // Last Pass : create main routes table // Only undef the macros, not dummy them. #define RMFT2_UNDEF_ONLY #include "EXRAIL2MacroReset.h" // Define internal helper macros. // Everything we generate here has to be compile-time evaluated to // a constant. #define V(val) (byte)(((int16_t)(val))&0x00FF),(byte)(((int16_t)(val)>>8)&0x00FF) // Define macros for route code creation #define ACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) OPCODE_DCCACTIVATE,V(addr<<3 | subaddr<<1 | 1), #define ACTIVATEL(addr) OPCODE_DCCACTIVATE,V((addr+3)<<1 | 1), #define AFTER(sensor_id) OPCODE_AT,V(sensor_id),OPCODE_AFTER,V(sensor_id), #define ALIAS(name,value) #define AMBER(signal_id) OPCODE_AMBER,V(signal_id), #define AT(sensor_id) OPCODE_AT,V(sensor_id), #define ATTIMEOUT(sensor_id,timeout) OPCODE_ATTIMEOUT1,0,0,OPCODE_ATTIMEOUT2,V(sensor_id),OPCODE_PAD,V(timeout/100L), #define AUTOMATION(id, description) OPCODE_AUTOMATION, V(id), #define AUTOSTART OPCODE_AUTOSTART,0,0, #define CALL(route) OPCODE_CALL,V(route), #define CLOSE(id) OPCODE_CLOSE,V(id), #define DEACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) OPCODE_DCCACTIVATE,V(addr<<3 | subaddr<<1), #define DEACTIVATEL(addr) OPCODE_DCCACTIVATE,V((addr+3)<<1), #define DELAY(ms) ms<30000?OPCODE_DELAYMS:OPCODE_DELAY,V(ms/(ms<30000?1L:100L)), #define DELAYMINS(mindelay) OPCODE_DELAYMINS,V(mindelay), #define DELAYRANDOM(mindelay,maxdelay) DELAY(mindelay) OPCODE_RANDWAIT,V((maxdelay-mindelay)/100L), #define DONE OPCODE_ENDTASK,0,0, #define DRIVE(analogpin) OPCODE_DRIVE,V(analogpin), #define ELSE OPCODE_ELSE,0,0, #define ENDEXRAIL #define ENDIF OPCODE_ENDIF,0,0, #define ENDTASK OPCODE_ENDTASK,0,0, #define ESTOP OPCODE_SPEED,V(1), #define EXRAIL #define FADE(pin,value,ms) OPCODE_SERVO,V(pin),OPCODE_PAD,V(value),OPCODE_PAD,V(PCA9685::ProfileType::UseDuration|PCA9685::NoPowerOff),OPCODE_PAD,V(ms/100L), #define FOFF(func) OPCODE_FOFF,V(func), #define FOLLOW(route) OPCODE_FOLLOW,V(route), #define FON(func) OPCODE_FON,V(func), #define FREE(blockid) OPCODE_FREE,V(blockid), #define FWD(speed) OPCODE_FWD,V(speed), #define GREEN(signal_id) OPCODE_GREEN,V(signal_id), #define IF(sensor_id) OPCODE_IF,V(sensor_id), #define IFCLOSED(turnout_id) OPCODE_IFCLOSED,V(turnout_id), #define IFGTE(sensor_id,value) OPCODE_IFGTE,V(sensor_id),OPCODE_PAD,V(value), #define IFLT(sensor_id,value) OPCODE_IFLT,V(sensor_id),OPCODE_PAD,V(value), #define IFNOT(sensor_id) OPCODE_IFNOT,V(sensor_id), #define IFRANDOM(percent) OPCODE_IFRANDOM,V(percent), #define IFRESERVE(block) OPCODE_IFRESERVE,V(block), #define IFTHROWN(turnout_id) OPCODE_IFTHROWN,V(turnout_id), #define IFTIMEOUT OPCODE_IFTIMEOUT,0,0, #define INVERT_DIRECTION OPCODE_INVERT_DIRECTION,0,0, #define JOIN OPCODE_JOIN,0,0, #define LATCH(sensor_id) OPCODE_LATCH,V(sensor_id), #define LCD(id,msg) PRINT(msg) #define LCN(msg) PRINT(msg) #define ONACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) OPCODE_ONACTIVATE,V(addr<<2|subaddr), #define ONACTIVATEL(linear) OPCODE_ONACTIVATE,V(linear+3), #define ONCLOSE(turnout_id) OPCODE_ONCLOSE,V(turnout_id), #define ONDEACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) OPCODE_ONDEACTIVATE,V(addr<<2|subaddr), #define ONDEACTIVATEL(linear) OPCODE_ONDEACTIVATE,V(linear+3), #define ONTHROW(turnout_id) OPCODE_ONTHROW,V(turnout_id), #define PAUSE OPCODE_PAUSE,0,0, #define PIN_TURNOUT(id,pin,description...) OPCODE_PINTURNOUT,V(id),OPCODE_PAD,V(pin), #define POM(cv,value) OPCODE_POM,V(cv),OPCODE_PAD,V(value), #define POWEROFF OPCODE_POWEROFF,0,0, #define PRINT(msg) OPCODE_PRINT,V(__COUNTER__ - StringMacroTracker2), #define READ_LOCO OPCODE_READ_LOCO1,0,0,OPCODE_READ_LOCO2,0,0, #define RED(signal_id) OPCODE_RED,V(signal_id), #define RESERVE(blockid) OPCODE_RESERVE,V(blockid), #define RESET(pin) OPCODE_RESET,V(pin), #define RESUME OPCODE_RESUME,0,0, #define RETURN OPCODE_RETURN,0,0, #define REV(speed) OPCODE_REV,V(speed), #define ROSTER(cabid,name,funcmap...) #define ROUTE(id, description) OPCODE_ROUTE, V(id), #define SENDLOCO(cab,route) OPCODE_SENDLOCO,V(cab),OPCODE_PAD,V(route), #define SEQUENCE(id) OPCODE_SEQUENCE, V(id), #define SERIAL(msg) PRINT(msg) #define SERIAL1(msg) PRINT(msg) #define SERIAL2(msg) PRINT(msg) #define SERIAL3(msg) PRINT(msg) #define SERVO(id,position,profile) OPCODE_SERVO,V(id),OPCODE_PAD,V(position),OPCODE_PAD,V(PCA9685::profile),OPCODE_PAD,V(0), #define SERVO2(id,position,ms) OPCODE_SERVO,V(id),OPCODE_PAD,V(position),OPCODE_PAD,V(PCA9685::Instant),OPCODE_PAD,V(ms/100L), #define SERVO_SIGNAL(vpin,redpos,amberpos,greenpos) #define SERVO_TURNOUT(id,pin,activeAngle,inactiveAngle,profile,description...) OPCODE_SERVOTURNOUT,V(id),OPCODE_PAD,V(pin),OPCODE_PAD,V(activeAngle),OPCODE_PAD,V(inactiveAngle),OPCODE_PAD,V(PCA9685::ProfileType::profile), #define SET(pin) OPCODE_SET,V(pin), #define SETLOCO(loco) OPCODE_SETLOCO,V(loco), #define SIGNAL(redpin,amberpin,greenpin) #define SPEED(speed) OPCODE_SPEED,V(speed), #define START(route) OPCODE_START,V(route), #define STOP OPCODE_SPEED,V(0), #define THROW(id) OPCODE_THROW,V(id), #define TURNOUT(id,addr,subaddr,description...) OPCODE_TURNOUT,V(id),OPCODE_PAD,V(addr),OPCODE_PAD,V(subaddr), #define UNJOIN OPCODE_UNJOIN,0,0, #define UNLATCH(sensor_id) OPCODE_UNLATCH,V(sensor_id), #define WAITFOR(pin) OPCODE_WAITFOR,V(pin), #define XFOFF(cab,func) OPCODE_XFOFF,V(cab),OPCODE_PAD,V(func), #define XFON(cab,func) OPCODE_XFON,V(cab),OPCODE_PAD,V(func), // Build RouteCode const int StringMacroTracker2=__COUNTER__; const FLASH byte RMFT2::RouteCode[] = { #include "myAutomation.h" OPCODE_ENDTASK,0,0,OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL,0,0 }; // Restore normal code LCD & SERIAL macro #undef LCD #define LCD StringFormatter::lcd #undef SERIAL #define SERIAL 0x0 #endif