#include "WifiInterface.h" #include "Config.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "StringFormatter.h" #include "WiThrottle.h" #include "HTTPParser.h" const char PROGMEM READY_SEARCH[] ="\r\nready\r\n"; const char PROGMEM OK_SEARCH[] ="\r\nOK\r\n"; const char PROGMEM END_DETAIL_SEARCH[] ="@ 1000"; const char PROGMEM PROMPT_SEARCH[] =">"; const char PROGMEM SEND_OK_SEARCH[] ="\r\nSEND OK\r\n"; bool WifiInterface::connected=false; DCCEXParser WifiInterface::parser; byte WifiInterface::loopstate=0; int WifiInterface::datalength=0; int WifiInterface::connectionId; byte WifiInterface::buffer[MAX_WIFI_BUFFER]; MemStream WifiInterface::streamer(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); void WifiInterface::setup(Stream & wifiStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password, int port) { DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup In Progress ++++++++\n")); connected=setup2(wifiStream, SSid, password,port); // TODO calloc the buffer and streamer and parser etc DIAG(F("\n++++++ Wifi Setup %S ++++++++\n"), connected?F("OK"):F("FAILED")); } bool WifiInterface::setup2(Stream & wifiStream, const __FlashStringHelper* SSid, const __FlashStringHelper* password, int port) { delay(1000); StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+RST\r\n")); // reset module checkForOK(wifiStream,5000,END_DETAIL_SEARCH,true); // Show startup but ignore unreadable upto ready if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,5000,READY_SEARCH,false)) return false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n")); // configure as access point if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CWJAP=\"%S\",\"%S\"\r\n"),SSid,password); if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,20000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIFSR\r\n")); // get ip address // if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n")); // configure for multiple connections if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false; StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n"),port); // turn on server on port 80 if (!checkForOK(wifiStream,10000,OK_SEARCH,true)) return false; return true; } bool WifiInterface::checkForOK(Stream & wifiStream, const unsigned int timeout, const char * waitfor, bool echo) { unsigned long startTime = millis(); char const *locator=waitfor; DIAG(F("\nWifi setup Check: %S\n"),waitfor); while( millis()-startTime < timeout) { while(wifiStream.available()) { int ch=wifiStream.read(); if (echo) Serial.write(ch); if (ch!=pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) locator=waitfor; if (ch==pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) { locator++; if (!pgm_read_byte_near(locator)) { DIAG(F("\nOK after %dms\n"),millis()-startTime); return true; } } } } DIAG(F("\nTIMEOUT after %dms\n"),timeout); return false; } bool WifiInterface::isHTML() { // POST GET PUT PATCH DELETE // You may think a simple strstr() is better... but not when ram & time is in short supply switch (buffer[0]) { case 'P': if (buffer[1]=='U' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]==' ' ) return true; if (buffer[1]=='O' && buffer[2]=='S' && buffer[3]=='T' && buffer[4]==' ') return true; if (buffer[1]=='A' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]=='C' && buffer[4]=='H' && buffer[5]==' ') return true; return false; case 'G': if (buffer[1]=='E' && buffer[2]=='T' && buffer[3]==' ' ) return true; return false; case 'D': if (buffer[1]=='E' && buffer[2]=='L' && buffer[3]=='E' && buffer[4]=='T' && buffer[5]=='E' && buffer[6]==' ') return true; return false; default: return false; } } void WifiInterface::loop(Stream & wifiStream) { if (!connected) return; WiThrottle::loop(); // check heartbeats // read anything into a buffer, collecting info on the way while (loopstate!=99 && wifiStream.available()) { int ch=wifiStream.read(); switch (loopstate) { case 0: // looking for + connectionId=0; streamer.flush(); if (ch=='+') loopstate=1; break; case 1: // Looking for I loopstate= (ch=='I')?2:0; break; case 2: // Looking for P loopstate= (ch=='P')?3:0; break; case 3: // Looking for D loopstate= (ch=='D')?4:0; break; case 4: // Looking for , loopstate= (ch==',')?5:0; break; case 5: // reading connection id if (ch==',') loopstate=6; else connectionId=10*connectionId+(ch-'0'); break; case 6: // reading for length if (ch==':') loopstate=(datalength==0)?99:7; // 99 is getout without reading next char else datalength=datalength*10 + (ch-'0'); break; case 7: // reading data streamer.write(ch); datalength--; if (datalength==0) loopstate=99; break; } // switch } // while if (loopstate!=99) return; streamer.write('\0'); DIAG(F("\nWifiRead:%d:%s\n"),connectionId,buffer); streamer.setBufferContentPosition(0,0); // reset write position to start of buffer // SIDE EFFECT WARNING::: // We know that parser will read the entire buffer before starting to write to it. // Otherwise we would have to copy the buffer elsewhere and RAM is in short supply. // TODO ... tell JMRI parser that callbacks are diallowed because we dont want to handle the async bool closeAfter=false; // Intercept HTTP requests if (isHTML()) { HTTPParser::parse(streamer,buffer); closeAfter=true; } else if (buffer[0]=='<') parser.parse(streamer,buffer); else WiThrottle::getThrottle(streamer, connectionId)->parse(streamer, buffer); if (streamer.available()) { // there is a reply to send streamer.write('\0'); DIAG(F("WiFiInterface Responding client (%d) l(%d) %s\n"),connectionId,streamer.available()-1,buffer); StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"),connectionId,streamer.available()-1); if (checkForOK(wifiStream,1000,PROMPT_SEARCH,true)) wifiStream.print((char *) buffer); checkForOK(wifiStream,3000,SEND_OK_SEARCH,true); } if (closeAfter) { StringFormatter::send(wifiStream,F("AT+CIPCLOSE=%d\r\n"),connectionId); checkForOK(wifiStream,2000,OK_SEARCH,true); } loopstate=0; // go back to looking for +IPD }