/* * © 2023 Thierry Paris / Locoduino * © 2023,2024 Harald Barth * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include #include "defines.h" #include #include "Z21Throttle.h" #include "DCC.h" #include "WifiESP32.h" #include "DCCWaveform.h" #include "StringFormatter.h" #include "Turnouts.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "GITHUB_SHA.h" #include "version.h" #include "EXRAIL2.h" #include "CommandDistributor.h" #include "TrackManager.h" #include "DCCTimer.h" #ifdef USE_HMI #include "hmi.h" #endif static std::vector clientsUDP; // a list to hold all UDP clients Z21Throttle *Z21Throttle::firstThrottle=NULL; byte Z21Throttle::commBuffer[100]; byte Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[20]; Z21Throttle* Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = NULL; int Z21Throttle::cvAddress = -1; int Z21Throttle::cvValue = -1; void printClientsUDP(); WiFiUDP NetworkClientUDP::client; #define LOOPLOCOS(THROTTLECHAR, CAB) for (int loco=0;loco MAX_MTU) { DIAG(F("ERROR: len > MAX_MTU")); return; } IPAddress remoteIP = NetworkClientUDP::client.remoteIP(); int remotePort = NetworkClientUDP::client.remotePort(); if (len > 0) { for (clientId = 0; clientId < clientsUDP.size(); clientId++) { if (clientsUDP[clientId].inUse) { if (clientsUDP[clientId].remoteIP == remoteIP && clientsUDP[clientId].remotePort == remotePort) { //if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("UDP client %d : %s Already connected"), clientId, clientsUDP[clientId].remoteIP.toString().c_str()); break; } } } if (clientId >= clientsUDP.size()) { // not found, let's create it NetworkClientUDP nc; nc.remoteIP = NetworkClientUDP::client.remoteIP(); nc.remotePort = NetworkClientUDP::client.remotePort(); nc.connected = true; nc.inUse = true; clientsUDP.push_back(nc); if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("New UDP client %d, %s"), clientId, nc.remoteIP.toString().c_str()); printClientsUDP(); #ifdef USE_HMI if (hmi::CurrentInterface != NULL) hmi::CurrentInterface->NewClient(clientId, nc.remoteIP, 0); #endif // Fleischmann/Roco Android app starts with Power on ! // XXX this is the wrong place to do this TrackManager::setMainPower(POWERMODE::ON); } // now clientId is on "current client", either new or old int l = NetworkClientUDP::client.read(networkPacket, len); if (l != len) { DIAG(F(" l %d = len %d"), l, len); return; } Z21Throttle* pThrottle = getOrAddThrottle(clientId); if (pThrottle != NULL) pThrottle->parse(networkPacket, len); } } // Print the list of assigned locomotives void Z21Throttle::printLocomotives(bool addTab) { if (!Diag::Z21THROTTLE) return; DIAG(F(" Locomotives ------------------")); for (int loco = 0; loco < MAX_MY_LOCO; loco++) if (myLocos[loco].throttle != '\0') DIAG(F("%s %d : cab %d on throttle %c"), addTab ? " ":"", loco, myLocos[loco].cab, myLocos[loco].throttle); } // Print the list of UDP clients void printClientsUDP() { if (!Diag::Z21THROTTLE) return; DIAG(F(" UDP Clients ------------------")); for (int clientId = 0; clientId < clientsUDP.size(); clientId++) if (clientsUDP[clientId].ok()) DIAG(F(" %d %s: %s:%d"), clientId, clientsUDP[clientId].connected?"Connected":"Not connected", clientsUDP[clientId].remoteIP.toString().c_str(), clientsUDP[clientId].remotePort); else DIAG(F(" %d unused"), clientId); } // Print the list of throttles void Z21Throttle::printThrottles(bool inPrintLocomotives) { if (!Diag::Z21THROTTLE) return; DIAG(F(" Z21 Throttles ---------------")); for (Z21Throttle* wt = firstThrottle; wt != NULL; wt = wt->nextThrottle) { if (wt->clientid == -1) DIAG(F(" unused")); else { DIAG(F(" %d : %d.%d.%d.%d:%d"), wt->clientid, clientsUDP[wt->clientid].remoteIP[0], clientsUDP[wt->clientid].remoteIP[1], clientsUDP[wt->clientid].remoteIP[2], clientsUDP[wt->clientid].remoteIP[3], clientsUDP[wt->clientid].remotePort); if (inPrintLocomotives) wt->printLocomotives(true); } } } Z21Throttle* Z21Throttle::getOrAddThrottle(int clientId) { for (Z21Throttle* wt = firstThrottle; wt != NULL ; wt = wt->nextThrottle) { if (wt->clientid == clientId) return wt; } Z21Throttle *p = new Z21Throttle(clientId); printThrottles(false); return p; } void Z21Throttle::forget( byte clientId) { for (Z21Throttle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle) if (wt->clientid==clientId) { delete wt; break; } } bool Z21Throttle::isThrottleInUse(int cab) { for (Z21Throttle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle) if (wt->areYouUsingThrottle(cab)) return true; return false; } bool Z21Throttle::areYouUsingThrottle(int cab) { LOOPLOCOS('*', cab) { // see if I have this cab in use return true; } return false; } // One instance of Z21Throttle per connected client, so we know what the locos are Z21Throttle::Z21Throttle(int inClientId) { clientid = inClientId; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("New Z21Throttle for client UDP %d"), clientid); nextThrottle=firstThrottle; firstThrottle= this; initSent=false; // prevent sending heartbeats before connection completed turnoutListHash = -1; // make sure turnout list is sent once exRailSent=false; mostRecentCab=0; for (int loco=0;lococlientid); if (firstThrottle== this) { firstThrottle=this->nextThrottle; return; } for (Z21Throttle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle) { if (wt->nextThrottle==this) { wt->nextThrottle=this->nextThrottle; return; } } } void Z21Throttle::write(byte* inpData, int inLengthData) { size_t size = 0; // if (this->dontReply) // return; NetworkClientUDP::client.beginPacket(clientsUDP[this->clientid].remoteIP, clientsUDP[this->clientid].remotePort); size = NetworkClientUDP::client.write(inpData, inLengthData); NetworkClientUDP::client.endPacket(); if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEDATA && inpData[0] != 0x14 && inpData[2] != 0x84 ) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : %s SENT 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x"), clientid, size == 0 ? "BINARY NOT" :"", (inLengthData > 0)?inpData[0]:0, (inLengthData > 1)?inpData[1]:0, (inLengthData > 2)?inpData[2]:0, (inLengthData > 3)?inpData[3]:0, (inLengthData > 4)?inpData[4]:0, (inLengthData > 5)?inpData[5]:0, (inLengthData > 6)?inpData[6]:0, (inLengthData > 7)?inpData[7]:0, (inLengthData > 8)?inpData[8]:0, (inLengthData > 9)?inpData[9]:0); } // sizes : [ 2 ][ 2 ][inLengthData] // bytes : [length1, length2][Header1, Header2][Data........] bool Z21Throttle::notify(unsigned int inHeader, byte* inpData, unsigned int inLengthData, bool inXorInData) { int realLength = (inLengthData + 4 + (inXorInData == false ? 1 : 0)); Z21Throttle::commBuffer[0] = realLength % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[1] = realLength / 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[2] = inHeader % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[3] = inHeader / 256; memcpy(Z21Throttle::commBuffer + 4, inpData, inLengthData); if (!inXorInData) { // if xor byte not included in data, compute and write it ! byte xxor = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inLengthData; i++) xxor ^= inpData[i]; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[inLengthData+4] = xxor; } write(Z21Throttle::commBuffer, realLength); return true; } // sizes : [ 2 ][ 2 ][ 1 ][inLengthData] // bytes : [length1, length2][Header1, Header2][XHeader][Data........] bool Z21Throttle::notify(unsigned int inHeader, unsigned int inXHeader, byte* inpData, unsigned int inLengthData, bool inXorInData) { int realLength = (inLengthData + 5 + (inXorInData == false ? 1 : 0)); Z21Throttle::commBuffer[0] = realLength % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[1] = realLength / 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[2] = inHeader % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[3] = inHeader / 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[4] = inXHeader; memcpy(Z21Throttle::commBuffer + 5, inpData, inLengthData); if (!inXorInData) { // if xor byte not included in data, compute and write it ! byte xxor = inXHeader; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inLengthData; i++) xxor ^= inpData[i]; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[inLengthData + 5] = xxor; } write(Z21Throttle::commBuffer, realLength); return true; } // sizes : [ 2 ][ 2 ][ 1 ][ 1 ][inLengthData] // bytes : [length1, length2][Header1, Header2][XHeader][DB0][Data........] bool Z21Throttle::notify(unsigned int inHeader, unsigned int inXHeader, byte inDB0, byte* inpData, unsigned int inLengthData, bool inXorInData) { int realLength = (inLengthData + 6 + (inXorInData == false ? 1 : 0)); Z21Throttle::commBuffer[0] = realLength % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[1] = realLength / 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[2] = inHeader % 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[3] = inHeader / 256; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[4] = inXHeader; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[5] = inDB0; memcpy(Z21Throttle::commBuffer + 6, inpData, inLengthData); if (!inXorInData) { // if xor byte not included in data, compute and write it ! byte xxor = inXHeader^inDB0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inLengthData; i++) xxor ^= inpData[i]; Z21Throttle::commBuffer[inLengthData + 6] = xxor; } write(Z21Throttle::commBuffer, realLength); return true; } void Z21Throttle::notifyStatus() { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = 0; // main current 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = 0; // main current 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = 0; // prog current 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[3] = 0; // prog current 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[4] = 0; // filtered main current 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[5] = 0; // filtered main current 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[6] = 0; // Temperature 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[7] = 0; // Temperature 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[8] = 5; // Supply voltage 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[9] = 0; // supply voltage 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[10] = 16; // VCC voltage 1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[11] = 0; // VCC voltage 2 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[12] = 0b00000000; // CentralState Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[13] = 0b00000000; // CentralStateEx Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[14] = 0; Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[15] = 0; notify(HEADER_LAN_SYSTEMSTATE, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 16, true); } int Z21Throttle::getOrAddLoco(int cab) { int loco = 0; for (; loco < MAX_MY_LOCO; loco++) { if (myLocos[loco].throttle != '\0' && myLocos[loco].cab == cab) return loco; } if (loco >= MAX_MY_LOCO) { //use first empty "slot" on this client's list, will be added to DCC registration list for (int locoToAdd = 0; locoToAdd < MAX_MY_LOCO; locoToAdd++) { if (myLocos[locoToAdd].throttle == '\0') { myLocos[locoToAdd].throttle = '0' + this->clientid; myLocos[locoToAdd].cab = cab; myLocos[locoToAdd].functionMap = DCC::getFunctionMap(cab); myLocos[locoToAdd].broadcastPending = true; // means speed/dir will be sent later mostRecentCab = cab; myLocos[locoToAdd].functionToggles = 1<<2; // F2 (HORN) is a non-toggle return locoToAdd; } } } return -1; // no loco found, and no place to add one ! } void Z21Throttle::notifyLocoInfo(byte inMSB, byte inLSB) { int locoAddress = ((inMSB & 0x3F) << 8) + inLSB; int loco = getOrAddLoco(locoAddress); if (loco == -1) return; //'Too many locos !' Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = inMSB; // loco address msb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = inLSB; // loco address lsb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = B00000100; // 0000CKKK C = already controlled KKK = speed steps 000:14, 010:28, 100:128 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[3] = DCC::getThrottleSpeed(locoAddress); // RVVVVVVV R = forward VVVVVVV = speed if (DCC::getThrottleDirection(locoAddress)) bitSet(Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[3], 7); uint32_t functionMap = DCC::getFunctionMap(locoAddress); // Byte 4: 0DSLFGHJ // D = double traction S = Smartsearch L = F0 F = F4 G = F3 H = F2 J = F1 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[4] = (functionMap >> 1) & 0xF; // function F1 to F5 if (functionMap & 1) // set F0 (Light) Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[4] += 16; functionMap >>=5; // shift out the 5 bits which are not needed any more Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[5] = functionMap & 0xFF; // function F5 to F12; F5 is bit0 functionMap >>=8; // shift out 8 more Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[6] = functionMap & 0xFF; // function F13 to F20; F13 is bit0 functionMap >>=8; // shift out 8 more Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[7] = functionMap & 0xFF; // function F21 to F28; F21 is bit0 functionMap >>=8; // shift out 8 more Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[8] = functionMap & 0xFF; // function F29 to F31; F28 is bit0 notify(HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET, LAN_X_HEADER_LOCO_INFO, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 9, false); } void Z21Throttle::notifyTurnoutInfo(byte inMSB, byte inLSB) { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = inMSB; // turnout address msb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = inLSB; // turnout address lsb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = B00000000; // 000000ZZ ZZ : 00 not switched 01 pos1 10 pos2 11 invalid notify(HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET, LAN_X_HEADER_TURNOUT_INFO, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 3, false); } void Z21Throttle::notifyLocoMode(byte inMSB, byte inLSB) { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = inMSB; // loco address msb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = inLSB; // loco address lsb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = B00000000; // 00000000 DCC 00000001 MM notify(HEADER_LAN_GET_LOCOMODE, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 3, true); } void Z21Throttle::notifyFirmwareVersion() { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = 0x01; // Version major in BCD Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = 0x23; // Version minor in BCD notify(HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET, LAN_X_HEADER_FIRMWARE_VERSION, 0x0A, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 2, false); } void Z21Throttle::notifyHWInfo() { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = 0x00; // Hardware type in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = 0x02; // Hardware type in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = 0x00; // Hardware type in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[3] = 0x00; // Hardware type in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[4] = 0x23; // Firmware version in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[5] = 0x01; // Firmware version in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[6] = 0x00; // Firmware version in BCD on int32 Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[7] = 0x00; // Firmware version in BCD on int32 notify(HEADER_LAN_GET_HWINFO, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 8, true); } void Z21Throttle::notifyCvNACK(int inCvAddress) { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = highByte(inCvAddress); // cv address msb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = lowByte(inCvAddress); // cv address lsb notify(HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET, LAN_X_HEADER_CV_NACK, LAN_X_DB0_CV_NACK, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 0, false); } void Z21Throttle::notifyCvRead(int inCvAddress, int inValue) { Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[0] = highByte(inCvAddress); // cv address msb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[1] = lowByte(inCvAddress); // cv address lsb Z21Throttle::replyBuffer[2] = inValue; // cv value notify(HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET, LAN_X_HEADER_CV_RESULT, 0x14, Z21Throttle::replyBuffer, 3, false); } void Z21Throttle::setSpeed(byte inNbSteps, byte inDB1, byte inDB2, byte inDB3) { bool isForward = bitRead(inDB3, 7); byte speed = inDB3; bitClear(speed, 7); if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : speed %d"), clientid, speed * (isForward ? 1:-1)); int locoAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2; if (getOrAddLoco(locoAddress) == -1) return; DCC::setThrottle(locoAddress, speed, isForward); if ((this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_BASE) != 0) notifyLocoInfo(inDB1, inDB2); } // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // void Z21Throttle::setFunction(byte inDB1, byte inDB2, byte inDB3) { // inDB3 : TTNN NNNN TT:00 off, TT:01 on; TT:10 toggle NNNNNN function number byte action = bitRead(inDB3, 6) + 2 * bitRead(inDB3, 7); byte function = inDB3; bitClear(function, 6); bitClear(function, 7); bool activeFlag = action == 0b01; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : function %d %s"), clientid, function, activeFlag?"ON":"OFF"); int locoAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2; if (getOrAddLoco(locoAddress) == -1) return; if (action == 0b10) { // toggle bool isActivated = DCC::getFn(locoAddress, function); activeFlag = !isActivated; } DCC::setFn(locoAddress, function, activeFlag); if ((this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_BASE) != 0) notifyLocoInfo(inDB1, inDB2); } // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // void Z21CvValueCallback(int16_t inValue) { Z21Throttle::cvValue = inValue; if (inValue == -1) Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle->notifyCvNACK(Z21Throttle::cvAddress); else Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle->notifyCvRead(Z21Throttle::cvAddress, inValue); Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = NULL; } void Z21Throttle::cvReadProg(byte inDB1, byte inDB2) { if (Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle != NULL) return; int cvAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2 + 1; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : cvRead Prog %d"), clientid, cvAddress); Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = this; Z21Throttle::cvAddress = cvAddress - 1; void (*ptr)(int16_t) = &Z21CvValueCallback; DCC::readCV(cvAddress, ptr); } // Working as cvReadProg for the moment... void Z21Throttle::cvReadMain(byte inDB1, byte inDB2) { if (Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle != NULL) return; int cvAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2 + 1; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : cvRead Main cv %d"), clientid, cvAddress); Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = this; Z21Throttle::cvAddress = cvAddress - 1; void (*ptr)(int16_t) = &Z21CvValueCallback; DCC::readCV(cvAddress, ptr); } // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // void Z21Throttle::cvWriteProg(byte inDB1, byte inDB2, byte inDB3) { if (Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle != NULL) return; int cvAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2 + 1; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : cvWrite Prog cv %d value %d"), clientid, cvAddress, inDB3); Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = this; Z21Throttle::cvAddress = cvAddress - 1; void (*ptr)(int16_t) = &Z21CvValueCallback; DCC::writeCVByte(cvAddress, inDB3, ptr); } // Working as cvReadProg for the moment... void Z21Throttle::cvReadPom(byte inDB1, byte inDB2, byte inDB3, byte inDB4) { if (Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle != NULL) return; int locoAddress = ((inDB1 & 0x3F) << 8) + inDB2; int cvAddress = ((inDB3 & B00000011) << 8) + inDB4 + 1; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : cvRead Pom Loco %d cv %d"), clientid, locoAddress, cvAddress); Z21Throttle::readWriteThrottle = this; Z21Throttle::cvAddress = cvAddress - 1; void (*ptr)(int16_t) = &Z21CvValueCallback; DCC::readCV(cvAddress, ptr); } void diagPacket(byte *networkPacket, int len) { DIAG(F("len=%d 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x"), len, networkPacket[0], networkPacket[1], networkPacket[2], networkPacket[3], networkPacket[4], networkPacket[5], networkPacket[6], networkPacket[7], networkPacket[8], networkPacket[9], networkPacket[10], networkPacket[11], networkPacket[12], networkPacket[13], networkPacket[14]); } #define GETINT16(BUF) (int16_t((unsigned char)(*(BUF+1)) << 8 | (unsigned char)(*BUF))); bool Z21Throttle::parse(byte *networkPacket, int len) { bool done = false; // same names as in Z21 LAN Protocol Specification byte *DB; byte *Data; byte Xheader; int Header; byte *p = networkPacket; int l = len; while (l > 0) { int lengthData = GETINT16(p); l -= lengthData; if (p == networkPacket && lengthData != len) { diagPacket(networkPacket, len); } if (l < 0) { DIAG(F("ERROR: Xbus data exceeds UDP packet size: l < 0 pos=%d, l=%d"), p-networkPacket, l); diagPacket(networkPacket, len); return false; } if (l > 0 && lengthData < 4) { DIAG(F("WARNING: Xbus data does not fill UDP packet size: l > 0 pos=%d, l=%d"), p-networkPacket, l); diagPacket(networkPacket, len); return true; } // length of the data = total length - length of length (!) - length of header lengthData -= 4; if (lengthData < 0) { DIAG(F("ERROR: lengthData < 0 SHOULD NOT GET HERE")); diagPacket(networkPacket, len); return false; } p += 2; Header = GETINT16(p); p += 2; // now p is at start of Data, networkPacket + 4 Data = p; Xheader = Data[0]; DB = Data + 1; int nbLocos = CountLocos(); // set p for next round p += lengthData; if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEDATA && !((DB[0] == LAN_X_DB0_GET_STATUS) && (Xheader == LAN_X_HEADER_GENERAL))) DIAG(F("%d <- lengthData:%d Header:0x%02x : 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x"), this->clientid, lengthData, Header, (lengthData > 0)?Data[0]:0, (lengthData > 1)?Data[1]:0, (lengthData > 2)?Data[2]:0, (lengthData > 3)?Data[3]:0, (lengthData > 4)?Data[4]:0, (lengthData > 5)?Data[5]:0, (lengthData > 6)?Data[6]:0, (lengthData > 7)?Data[7]:0, (lengthData > 8)?Data[8]:0, (lengthData > 9)?Data[9]:0); if (l > 0 && Diag::Z21THROTTLEDATA) DIAG(F("next packet follows")); switch (Header) { case HEADER_LAN_XPRESS_NET: switch (Xheader) { case LAN_X_HEADER_GENERAL: switch (DB[0]) { case LAN_X_DB0_GET_VERSION: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d GET_VERSION"), this->clientid); break; case LAN_X_DB0_GET_STATUS: if (false && Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d GET_STATUS "), this->clientid); notifyStatus(); done = true; break; case LAN_X_DB0_SET_TRACK_POWER_OFF: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d POWER_OFF"), this->clientid); // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // TrackManager::setMainPower(POWERMODE::OFF); done = true; break; case LAN_X_DB0_SET_TRACK_POWER_ON: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d POWER_ON"), this->clientid); // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // TrackManager::setMainPower(POWERMODE::ON); done = true; break; } break; case LAN_X_HEADER_SET_STOP: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d EMERGENCY_STOP"), this->clientid); // // TODO Pass through a text message to avoid multi thread locks... // //Emergency Stop (speed code 1) // setThrottle will cause a broadcast so notification will be sent LOOPLOCOS('*', 0) { DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, 1, DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab)); } done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_SET_LOCO: switch (DB[0]) { case LAN_X_DB0_LOCO_DCC14: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOCO DCC 14 SPEED"), this->clientid); setSpeed(14, DB[1], DB[2], DB[3]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_DB0_LOCO_DCC28: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOCO DCC 28 SPEED"), this->clientid); setSpeed(28, DB[1], DB[2], DB[3]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_DB0_LOCO_DCC128: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOCO DCC 128 SPEED"), this->clientid); setSpeed(128, DB[1], DB[2], DB[3]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_DB0_SET_LOCO_FUNCTION: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOCO DCC FUNCTION"), this->clientid); setFunction(DB[1], DB[2], DB[3]); if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) { // Debug capacity to print data... byte function = DB[3]; bitClear(function, 6); bitClear(function, 7); if (function == 12) { // why not ? printClientsUDP(); printThrottles(true); } } done = true; break; } break; case LAN_X_HEADER_GET_LOCO_INFO: // XXX Should we switch(DB[0]) here? if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOCO INFO: "), this->clientid); notifyLocoInfo(DB[1], DB[2]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_GET_TURNOUT_INFO: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d TURNOUT INFO "), this->clientid); notifyTurnoutInfo(DB[0], DB[1]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d FIRMWARE VERSION "), this->clientid); notifyFirmwareVersion(); done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_CV_READ: if (TrackManager::getProgDriver() != NULL) { if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d CV READ PROG "), this->clientid); // DB0 should be 0x11 cvReadProg(DB[1], DB[2]); } else { // // TODO Dont work today... // // If no prog track, read on the main track ! if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d CV READ MAIN "), this->clientid); // DB0 should be 0x11 cvReadMain(DB[1], DB[2]); } done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_CV_POM: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d CV READ POM"), this->clientid); // DB0 should be 0x11 cvReadPom(DB[1], DB[2], DB[3], DB[4]); done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_CV_WRITE: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d CV WRITE "), this->clientid); notifyFirmwareVersion(); done = true; break; case LAN_X_HEADER_SET_TURNOUT: // XXX sent when operating a turnout if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d SET TURNOUT "), this->clientid); case LAN_X_HEADER_READ_REGISTER: break; } break; case HEADER_LAN_SET_BROADCASTFLAGS: this->broadcastFlags = int32_t(Data[3] << 24 | Data[2] << 16 | Data[1] << 8 | Data[0]); if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEDATA) DIAG(F("BROADCAST FLAGS %d : %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"), this->clientid, (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_BASE) ? "BASE " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_RBUS) ? "RBUS " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_RAILCOM) ? "RAILCOM " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_SYSTEM) ? "SYSTEM " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_BASE_LOCOINFO) ? "LOCOINFO " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_LOCONET) ? "LOCONET " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_LOCONET_LOCO) ? "LOCONET_LOCO " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_LOCONET_SWITCH) ? "LOCONET_SWITCH " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_LOCONET_DETECTOR) ? "LOCONET_DETECTOR " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_RAILCOM_AUTO) ? "RAILCOM_AUTO " : "" , (this->broadcastFlags & BROADCAST_CAN) ? "CAN" : "" ); done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_GET_LOCOMODE: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d GET LOCOMODE"), this->clientid); notifyLocoMode(Data[0], Data[1]); // big endian here, but resend the same as received, so no problem. done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_SET_LOCOMODE: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d SET LOCOMODE"), this->clientid); done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_GET_HWINFO: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d GET HWINFO"), this->clientid); notifyHWInfo(); // big endian here, but resend the same as received, so no problem. done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_LOGOFF: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d LOGOFF"), this->clientid); this->clientid = -1; done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_SYSTEMSTATE_GETDATA: if (Diag::Z21THROTTLEVERBOSE) DIAG(F("%d SYSTEMSTATE GETDATA"), this->clientid); notifyStatus(); // big endian here, but resend the same as received, so no problem. done = true; break; case HEADER_LAN_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER: // XXX this has been seen, return dummy number case HEADER_LAN_GET_BROADCASTFLAGS: case HEADER_LAN_GET_TURNOUTMODE: case HEADER_LAN_SET_TURNOUTMODE: case HEADER_LAN_RMBUS_DATACHANGED: case HEADER_LAN_RMBUS_GETDATA: case HEADER_LAN_RMBUS_PROGRAMMODULE: case HEADER_LAN_RAILCOM_DATACHANGED: case HEADER_LAN_RAILCOM_GETDATA: case HEADER_LAN_LOCONET_DISPATCH_ADDR: case HEADER_LAN_LOCONET_DETECTOR: break; } if (!done) { if (Diag::Z21THROTTLE) DIAG(F("Z21 Throttle %d : not treated : Header:%x Xheader:%x DB0:%x"), this->clientid, Header, Xheader, DB[0]); } else { int newNbLocos = CountLocos(); if (nbLocos != newNbLocos) printLocomotives(); } } // if we get here, we did parse one or several xbus packets inside USB packets return true; }