/* This is an automation example file. * The presence of a file called "myAutomation.h" brings EX-RAIL code into * the command station. * The automation may have multiple concurrent tasks. * A task may * - Act as a ROUTE setup macro for a user to drive over * - drive a loco through an AUTOMATION * - automate some cosmetic part of the layout without any loco. * * At startup, a single task is created to execute the startup sequence. * This task may simply follow a route, or may START * further tasks (that is.. send a loco out along a route). * * Where the loco id is not known at compile time, a new task * can be created with the command: * </ START [cab] route> * * A ROUTE, AUTOMATION or SEQUENCE are internally identical in ExRail terms * but are just represented differently to a Withrottle user: * ROUTE(n,"name") - as Route_n .. to setup a route through a layout * AUTOMATION(n,"name") as Auto_n .. to send the current loco off along an automated journey * SEQUENCE(n) is not visible to Withrottle. * */ // This is the startup sequence, AUTOSTART POWERON // turn on track power SENDLOCO(3,1) // send loco 3 off along route 1 SENDLOCO(10,2) // send loco 10 off along route 2 DONE // This just ends the startup thread, leaving 2 others running. /* SEQUENCE(1) is a simple shuttle between 2 sensors * S20 and S21 are sensors on arduino pins 20 and 21 * S20 S21 * === START->================ */ SEQUENCE(1) DELAY(10000) // wait 10 seconds FON(3) // Set Loco Function 3, Horn on DELAY(1000) // wait 1 second FOFF(3) // Horn off FWD(80) // Move forward at speed 80 AT(21) // until we hit sensor id 21 STOP // then stop DELAY(5000) // Wait 5 seconds FON(2) // ring bell REV(60) // reverse at speed 60 AT(20) // until we get to S20 STOP // then stop FOFF(2) // Bell off FOLLOW(1) // and follow sequence 1 again /* SEQUENCE(2) is an automation example for a single loco Y shaped journey * S31,S32,S33 are sensors, T4 is a turnout * * S33 T4 S31 * ===-START->============================================= * // * S32 // * ======================// * * Train runs from START to S31, back to S32, again to S31, Back to start. */ SEQUENCE(2) FWD(60) // go forward at DCC speed 60 AT(31) STOP // when we get to sensor 31 DELAY(10000) // wait 10 seconds THROW(4) // throw turnout for route to S32 REV(45) // go backwards at speed 45 AT(32) STOP // until we arrive at sensor 32 DELAY(5000) // wait 5 seconds FWD(50) // go forwards at speed 50 AT(31) STOP // and stop at sensor 31 DELAY(5000) // wait 5 seconds CLOSE(4) // set turnout closed REV(50) // reverse back to S3 AT(33) STOP DELAY(20000) // wait 20 seconds FOLLOW(2) // follow sequence 2... ie repeat the process