# © 2023 Peter Cole
# This file is part of EX-CommandStation
# This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with CommandStation.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

For script errors set ExecutionPolicy:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

Optional command line parameters:
  $buildDirectory - specify an existing directory rather than generating a new unique one
  $configDirectory - specify a directory containing existing files as per $configFiles

Define global parameters here such as known URLs etc.
$installerVersion = "v0.0.8"
$configFiles = @("config.h", "myAutomation.h", "myHal.cpp", "mySetup.h")
$wifiBoards = @("arduino:avr:mega", "esp32:esp32:esp32")
$userDirectory = $env:USERPROFILE + "\"
$gitHubAPITags = "https://api.github.com/repos/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX/git/refs/tags"
$gitHubURLPrefix = "https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX/archive/"
if ((Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | Select-Object osarchitecture).osarchitecture -eq "64-bit") {
  $arduinoCLIURL = "https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_64bit.zip"
  $arduinoCLIZip = $userDirectory + "Downloads\" + "arduino-cli_latest_Windows_64bit.zip"
} else {
  $arduinoCLIURL = "https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-cli/arduino-cli_latest_Windows_32bit.zip"
  $arduinoCLIZip = $userDirectory + "Downloads\" + "arduino-cli_latest_Windows_32bit.zip"
$arduinoCLIDirectory = $userDirectory + "arduino-cli"
$arduinoCLI = $arduinoCLIDirectory + "\arduino-cli.exe"

List of supported devices with FQBN in case clones used that aren't detected
$supportedDevices = @(
    name = "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560"
    fqbn = "arduino:avr:mega"
    name = "Arduino Nano"
    fqbn = "arduino:avr:nano"
    name = "Arduino Uno"
    fqbn = "arduino:avr:uno"
    name = "ESP32 Dev Module"
    fqbn = "esp32:esp32:esp32"

List of supported displays
$displayList = @(
    option = "LCD 16 columns x 2 rows"
    configLine = "#define LCD_DRIVER  0x27,16,2"
    option = "LCD 16 columns x 4 rows"
    configLine = "#define LCD_DRIVER  0x27,16,4"
    option = "OLED 128 x 32"
    configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,32"
    option = "OLED 128 x 64"
    configLine = "#define OLED_DRIVER 128,64"

Basics of config.h
$configLines = @(
  "This config.h file was generated by the DCC-EX PowerShell installer $installerVersion",
  "// Define standard motor shield",

Set default action for progress indicators, warnings, and errors
$global:ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$global:WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$global:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

If $buildDirectory not provided, generate a new time/date stamp based directory to use
if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('buildDirectory')) {
  $buildDate = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd-HHmmss'
  $buildDirectory = $userDirectory + "EX-CommandStation-Installer\" + $buildDate
$commandStationDirectory = $buildDirectory + "\CommandStation-EX"

Write out intro message and prompt to continue
Welcome to the DCC-EX PowerShell installer for EX-CommandStation ($installerVersion)

Current installer options:

- EX-CommandStation will be built in $commandStationDirectory
- Arduino CLI will downloaded and extracted to $arduinoCLIDirectory

Before continuing, please ensure:

- Your computer is connected to the internet
- The device you wish to install EX-CommandStation on is connected to a USB port

This installer will obtain the Arduino CLI (if not already present), and then download and install your chosen version of EX-CommandStation


Prompt user to confirm all is ready to proceed
$confirmation = Read-Host "Enter 'Y' or 'y' then press <Enter> to confirm you are ready to proceed, any other key to exit"
if ($confirmation -ne "Y" -and $confirmation -ne "y") {

See if we have the Arduino CLI already, otherwise download and extract it
if (!(Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path $arduinoCLI)) {
  if (!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $arduinoCLIDirectory)) {
    try {
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $arduinoCLIDirectory | Out-Null
    catch {
      Write-Output "Arduino CLI does not exist and cannot create directory $arduinoCLIDirectory"
  Write-Output "`r`nDownloading and extracting Arduino CLI"
  try {
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $arduinoCLIURL -OutFile $arduinoCLIZip
  catch {
    Write-Output "Failed to download Arduino CLI"
  try {
    Expand-Archive -Path $arduinoCLIZip -DestinationPath $arduinoCLIDirectory -Force
  catch {
    Write-Output "Failed to extract Arduino CLI"
} else {
  Write-Output "`r`nArduino CLI already downloaded, ensuring it is up to date and you have a board connected"

Make sure Arduino CLI core index updated and list of boards populated
# Need to do an initial board list to download everything first
try {
  & $arduinoCLI core update-index | Out-Null
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to update Arduino CLI core index"
# Need to do an initial board list to download everything first
try {
  & $arduinoCLI board list | Out-Null
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to update Arduino CLI board list"

Identify available board(s)
try {
  $boardList = & $arduinoCLI board list --format jsonmini | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to obtain list of boards"

Get user to select board
if ($boardList.count -eq 0) {
  Write-Output "Could not find any attached devices, please ensure your device is plugged in to a USB port and Windows recognises it"
} else {

Devices attached to COM ports:

  $boardSelect = 1
  foreach ($board in $boardList) {
    if ($board.matching_boards.name) {
      $boardName = $board.matching_boards.name
    } else {
      $boardName = "Unknown device"
    $port = $board.port.address
    Write-Output "$boardSelect - $boardName on port $port"
  Write-Output "$boardSelect - Exit"
  $userSelection = 0
  do {
    [int]$userSelection = Read-Host "`r`nSelect the device to use from the list above"
  } until (
    (($userSelection -ge 1) -and ($userSelection -le ($boardList.count + 1)))
  if ($userSelection -eq ($boardList.count + 1)) {
    Write-Output "Exiting installer"
  } else {
    $selectedBoard = $userSelection - 1

If the board is unknown, need to choose which one
if ($null -eq $boardList[$selectedBoard].matching_boards.name) {
  Write-Output "The device selected is unknown, these boards are supported:`r`n"
  $deviceSelect = 1
  foreach ($device in $supportedDevices) {
    Write-Output "$deviceSelect - $($supportedDevices[$deviceSelect - 1].name)"
  Write-Output "$deviceSelect - Exit"
  $userSelection = 0
  do {
    [int]$userSelection = Read-Host "Select the board type from the list above"
  } until (
    (($userSelection -ge 1) -and ($userSelection -le ($supportedDevices.count + 1)))
  if ($userSelection -eq ($supportedDevices.count + 1)) {
    Write-Output "Exiting installer"
  } else {
    $deviceName = $supportedDevices[$userSelection - 1].name
    $deviceFQBN = $supportedDevices[$userSelection - 1].fqbn
    $devicePort = $boardList[$selectedBoard].port.address
} else {
  $deviceName = $boardList[$selectedBoard].matching_boards.name
  $deviceFQBN = $boardList[$selectedBoard].matching_boards.fqbn
  $devicePort = $boardList[$selectedBoard].port.address

Get the list of tags
try {
  $gitHubTags = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $gitHubAPITags
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to obtain list of available EX-CommandStation versions"

Get our GitHub tag list in a hash so we can sort by version numbers and extract just the ones we want
$versionMatch = ".*?v(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)-(.*)"
$tagList = @{}
foreach ($tag in $gitHubTags) {
  $tagHash = @{}
  $tagHash["Ref"] = $tag.ref
  $version = $tag.ref.split("/")[2]
  $null = $version -match $versionMatch
  $tagHash["Major"] = [int]$Matches[1]
  $tagHash["Minor"] = [int]$Matches[2]
  $tagHash["Patch"] = [int]$Matches[3]
  $tagHash["Type"] = $Matches[4]
  $tagList.Add($version, $tagHash)

Get latest two Prod and Devel for user to select
$userList = @{}
$prodCount = 1
$devCount = 1
$select = 1
foreach ($tag in $tagList.Keys | Sort-Object {$tagList[$_]["Major"]},{$tagList[$_]["Minor"]},{$tagList[$_]["Patch"]} -Descending) {
  if (($tagList[$tag]["Type"] -eq "Prod") -and $prodCount -le 2) {
    $userList[$select] = $tag
  } elseif (($tagList[$tag]["Type"] -eq "Devel") -and $devCount -le 2) {
    $userList[$select] = $tag

Display options for user to select and get the selection

Available EX-CommandStation versions:
foreach ($selection in $userList.Keys | Sort-Object $selection) {
  Write-Output "$selection - $($userList[$selection])"
Write-Output "5 - Exit"
$userSelection = 0
do {
  [int]$userSelection = Read-Host "`r`nSelect the version to install from the list above (1 - 5)"
} until (
  (($userSelection -ge 1) -and ($userSelection -le 5))
if ($userSelection -eq 5) {
  Write-Output "Exiting installer"
} else {
  $downloadURL = $gitHubURLPrefix + $tagList[$userList[$userSelection]]["Ref"] + ".zip"

Create build directory if it doesn't exist, or fail
if (!(Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $buildDirectory)) {
  try {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $buildDirectory | Out-Null
  catch {
    Write-Output "Could not create build directory $buildDirectory"

Download the chosen version to the build directory
$downladFile = $buildDirectory + "\CommandStation-EX.zip"
Write-Output "Downloading and extracting $($userList[$userSelection])"
try {
  Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadURL -OutFile $downladFile
catch {
  Write-Output "Error downloading EX-CommandStation zip file"

If folder exists, bail out and tell user
if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path "$buildDirectory\CommandStation-EX") {
  Write-Output "EX-CommandStation directory already exists, please ensure you have copied any user files then delete manually: $buildDirectory\CommandStation-EX"

Extract and rename to CommandStation-EX to allow building
try {
  Expand-Archive -Path $downladFile -DestinationPath $buildDirectory -Force
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to extract EX-CommandStation zip file"

$folderName = $buildDirectory + "\CommandStation-EX-" + ($userList[$userSelection] -replace "^v", "")
try {
  Rename-Item -Path $folderName -NewName $commandStationDirectory
catch {
  Write-Output "Could not rename folder"

If config directory provided, copy files here
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('configDirectory')) {
  if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $configDirectory) {
    foreach ($file in $configFiles) {
      if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf -Path "$configDirectory\$file") {
        Copy-Item -Path "$configDirectory\$file" -Destination "$commandStationDirectory\$file"
  } else {
    Write-Output "User provided configuration directory $configDirectory does not exist, skipping"
} else {

If no config directory provided, prompt for display option
  Write-Output "`r`nIf you have an LCD or OLED display connected, you can configure it here`r`n"
  Write-Output "1 - I have no display, skip this step"
  $displaySelect = 2
  foreach ($display in $displayList) {
    Write-Output "$displaySelect - $($displayList[$displaySelect - 2].option)"
  Write-Output "$($displayList.Count + 2) - Exit"
  do {
    [int]$displayChoice = Read-Host "`r`nSelect a display option"
  } until (
    ($displayChoice -ge 1 -and $displayChoice -le ($displayList.Count + 2))
  if ($displayChoice -eq ($displayList.Count + 2)) {
  } elseif ($displayChoice -ge 2) {
    $configLines+= "// Display configuration"
    $configLines+= "$($displayList[$displayChoice - 2].configLine)"
    $configLines+= "#define SCROLLMODE 1 // Alternate between pages"
If device supports WiFi, prompt to configure
  if ($wifiBoards.Contains($deviceFQBN)) {
    Write-Output "`r`nYour chosen board supports WiFi`r`n"
    Write-Output "1 - I don't want WiFi, skip this step
2 - Configure my device as an access point I will connect to directly
3 - Configure my device to connect to my home WiFi network
4 - Exit"
    do {
      [int]$wifiChoice = Read-Host "`r`nSelect a WiFi option"
    } until (
      ($wifiChoice -ge 1 -and $wifiChoice -le 4)
    if ($wifiChoice -eq 4) {
    } elseif ($wifiChoice -ne 1) {
      $configLines+= ""
      $configLines+= "// WiFi configuration"
      $configLines+= "#define ENABLE_WIFI true"
      $configLines+= "#define IP_PORT 2560"
      $configLines+= "#define WIFI_HOSTNAME ""dccex"""
      $configLines+= "#define WIFI_CHANNEL 1"
      if ($wifiChoice -eq 2) {
        $configLines+= "#define WIFI_SSID ""Your network name"""
        $configLines+= "#define WIFI_PASSWORD ""Your network passwd"""
      if ($wifiChoice -eq 3) {
        $wifiSSID = Read-Host "Please enter the SSID of your home network here"
        $wifiPassword = Read-Host "Please enter your home network WiFi password here"
        $configLines+= "#define WIFI_SSID ""$($wifiSSID)"""
        $configLines+= "#define WIFI_PASSWORD ""$($wifiPassword)"""

Write out config.h to a file here only if config directory not provided
  $configH = $commandStationDirectory + "\config.h"
  try {
    $configLines | Out-File -FilePath $configH -Encoding ascii
  catch {
    Write-Output "Error writing config file to $configH"

Install core libraries for the platform
$platformArray = $deviceFQBN.split(":")
$platform = $platformArray[0] + ":" + $platformArray[1]
try {
  & $arduinoCLI core install $platform
catch {
  Write-Output "Error install core libraries"

Upload the sketch to the selected board
#$arduinoCLI upload -b fqbn -p port $commandStationDirectory
Write-Output "Compiling and uploading to $deviceName on $devicePort"
try {
  $output = & $arduinoCLI compile -b $deviceFQBN -u -t -p $devicePort $commandStationDirectory --format jsonmini | ConvertFrom-Json
catch {
  Write-Output "Failed to compile"
if ($output.success -eq "True") {
  Write-Output "`r`nCongratulations! DCC-EX EX-CommandStation $($userList[$userSelection]) has been installed on your $deviceName`r`n"
} else {
  Write-Output "`r`nThere was an error installing $($userList[$userSelection]) on your $($deviceName), please take note of the errors provided:`r`n"
  if ($null -ne $output.compiler_err) {
    Write-Output "Compiler error: $($output.compiler_err)`r`n"
  if ($null -ne $output.builder_result) {
    Write-Output "Builder result: $($output.builder_result)`r`n"

Write-Output "`r`nPress any key to exit the installer"