/* * © 2021 Fred Decker * © 2021 Fred Decker * © 2020-2025 Chris Harlow * © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. * © 2020, Harald Barth. * * This file is part of Asbelos DCC API * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef ARDUINO_AVR_UNO_WIFI_REV2 #include <Arduino.h> #include "WifiInboundHandler.h" #include "RingStream.h" #include "CommandDistributor.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "Websockets.h" WifiInboundHandler * WifiInboundHandler::singleton; void WifiInboundHandler::setup(Stream * ESStream) { singleton=new WifiInboundHandler(ESStream); } void WifiInboundHandler::loop() { singleton->loop1(); } WifiInboundHandler::WifiInboundHandler(Stream * ESStream) { wifiStream=ESStream; clientPendingCIPSEND=-1; inboundRing=new RingStream(INBOUND_RING); outboundRing=new RingStream(OUTBOUND_RING); pendingCipsend=false; } // Handle any inbound transmission // +IPD,x,lll:data is stored in streamer[x] // Other input returns void WifiInboundHandler::loop1() { // First handle all inbound traffic events because they will block the sending if (loop2()!=INBOUND_IDLE) return; WiThrottle::loop(outboundRing); // if nothing is already CIPSEND pending, we can CIPSEND one reply if (clientPendingCIPSEND<0) { clientPendingCIPSEND=outboundRing->read(); if (clientPendingCIPSEND>=0) { currentReplySize=outboundRing->count(); pendingCipsend=true; } } if (pendingCipsend && millis()-lastCIPSEND > CIPSENDgap) { // add allowances for websockets bool websocket=clientPendingCIPSEND & Websockets::WEBSOCK_CLIENT_MARKER; byte realClient=clientPendingCIPSEND & ~Websockets::WEBSOCK_CLIENT_MARKER; int16_t realSize=currentReplySize; if (websocket) realSize+=Websockets::getOutboundHeaderSize(currentReplySize); if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG( F("WiFi: [[CIPSEND=%d,%d]]"), realClient, realSize); StringFormatter::send(wifiStream, F("AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n"), realClient,realSize); pendingCipsend=false; return; } // if something waiting to execute, we can call it int clientId=inboundRing->read(); if (clientId>=0) { int count=inboundRing->count(); if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG(F("Wifi EXEC: %d %d:"),clientId,count); byte cmd[count+1]; // Copy raw bytes to avoid websocket masked data being // confused with a ram-saving flash insert marker. for (int i=0;i<count;i++) cmd[i]=inboundRing->readRawByte(); cmd[count]=0; if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG(F("%e"),cmd); CommandDistributor::parse(clientId,cmd,outboundRing); return; } } // This is a Finite State Automation (FSA) handling the inbound bytes from an ES AT command processor WifiInboundHandler::INBOUND_STATE WifiInboundHandler::loop2() { const char WebSocketKeyName[]="Sec-WebSocket-Key: "; static byte prescanPoint=0; while (wifiStream->available()) { int ch = wifiStream->read(); // echo the char to the diagnostic stream in escaped format if (Diag::WIFI) { // DIAG(F(" %d/"), loopState); StringFormatter::printEscape(ch); // DIAG in disguise } switch (loopState) { case ANYTHING: // looking for +IPD, > , busy , n,CONNECTED, n,CLOSED, ERROR, SEND OK if (ch == '+') { loopState = IPD; break; } if (ch=='>') { bool websocket=clientPendingCIPSEND & Websockets::WEBSOCK_CLIENT_MARKER; if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG(F("[XMIT %d ws=%b]"),currentReplySize,websocket); if (websocket) Websockets::writeOutboundHeader(wifiStream,currentReplySize); for (int i=0;i<currentReplySize;i++) { int cout=outboundRing->read(); if (websocket && (cout=='\n')) cout='\r'; wifiStream->write(cout); if (Diag::WIFI) StringFormatter::printEscape(cout); // DIAG in disguise } clientPendingCIPSEND=-1; pendingCipsend=false; loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; } if (ch=='R') { // Received ... bytes loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; } if (ch=='S') { // SEND OK probably loopState=SKIPTOEND; lastCIPSEND=0; // no need to wait next time break; } if (ch=='b') { // This is a busy indicator... probabaly must restart a CIPSEND pendingCipsend=(clientPendingCIPSEND>=0); if (pendingCipsend) lastCIPSEND=millis(); // forces a gap to next CIPSEND loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; } if (ch>='0' && ch<='9') { runningClientId=ch-'0'; loopState=GOT_CLIENT_ID; break; } if (ch=='E' || ch=='l') { // ERROR or "link is not valid" if (clientPendingCIPSEND>=0) { // A CIPSEND was errored... just toss it away purgeCurrentCIPSEND(); } loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; } break; case IPD: // Looking for I in +IPD loopState = (ch == 'I') ? IPD1 : SKIPTOEND; break; case IPD1: // Looking for P in +IPD loopState = (ch == 'P') ? IPD2 : SKIPTOEND; break; case IPD2: // Looking for D in +IPD loopState = (ch == 'D') ? IPD3 : SKIPTOEND; break; case IPD3: // Looking for , After +IPD loopState = (ch == ',') ? IPD4_CLIENT : SKIPTOEND; break; case IPD4_CLIENT: // reading connection id if (ch >= '0' || ch <='9'){ runningClientId=ch-'0'; loopState=IPD5; } else loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; case IPD5: // Looking for , After +IPD,client loopState = (ch == ',') ? IPD6_LENGTH : SKIPTOEND; dataLength=0; // ready to start collecting the length break; case IPD6_LENGTH: // reading for length if (ch == ':') { if (dataLength==0) { loopState=ANYTHING; break; } if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG(F("Wifi inbound data(%d:%d):"),runningClientId,dataLength); // we normally dont read >100 bytes // so assume its an HTTP GET or similar if (dataLength<100 && inboundRing->freeSpace()<=(dataLength+1)) { // This input would overflow the inbound ring, ignore it loopState=IPD_IGNORE_DATA; if (Diag::WIFI) DIAG(F("Wifi OVERFLOW IGNORING:")); break; } inboundRing->mark(runningClientId); prescanPoint=0; loopState=(dataLength>100)? IPD_PRESCAN: IPD_DATA; break; } dataLength = dataLength * 10 + (ch - '0'); break; case IPD_DATA: // reading data inboundRing->write(ch); dataLength--; if (dataLength == 0) { inboundRing->commit(); loopState = ANYTHING; } break; case IPD_PRESCAN: // prescan reading data dataLength--; if (dataLength == 0) { // Nothing found, this input is lost DIAG(F("Wifi prescan for websock not found")); inboundRing->commit(); loopState = ANYTHING; } if (ch!=WebSocketKeyName[prescanPoint]) { prescanPoint=0; break; } // matched the next char of the key prescanPoint++; if (WebSocketKeyName[prescanPoint]==0) { if (Diag::WEBSOCKET) DIAG(F("Wifi prescan found")); // prescan has detected full key inboundRing->print(WebSocketKeyName); loopState=IPD_POSTSCAN; // continmue as normal } break; case IPD_POSTSCAN: // reading data inboundRing->write(ch); dataLength--; if (ch=='\n') { inboundRing->commit(); loopState = IPD_IGNORE_DATA; } break; case IPD_IGNORE_DATA: // ignoring data that would not fit in inbound ring dataLength--; if (dataLength == 0) loopState = ANYTHING; break; case GOT_CLIENT_ID: // got x before CLOSE or CONNECTED loopState=(ch==',') ? GOT_CLIENT_ID2: SKIPTOEND; break; case GOT_CLIENT_ID2: // got "x," if (ch=='C') { // got "x C" before CLOSE or CONNECTED, or CONNECT FAILED if (runningClientId==clientPendingCIPSEND) purgeCurrentCIPSEND(); else CommandDistributor::forget(runningClientId); } loopState=SKIPTOEND; break; case SKIPTOEND: // skipping for /n if (ch=='\n') loopState=ANYTHING; break; } // switch } // available return (loopState==ANYTHING) ? INBOUND_IDLE: INBOUND_BUSY; } void WifiInboundHandler::purgeCurrentCIPSEND() { // A CIPSEND was sent but errored... or the client closed just toss it away CommandDistributor::forget(clientPendingCIPSEND); DIAG(F("Wifi: DROPPING CIPSEND=%d,%d"),clientPendingCIPSEND,currentReplySize); for (int i=0;i<currentReplySize;i++) outboundRing->read(); pendingCipsend=false; clientPendingCIPSEND=-1; } #endif