/* * © 2022 Peter Cole. All rights reserved. * * This is the example configuration file for the EX-IOExpander pin map file. * * It is highly recommended to copy this to "myPinMap.h" and modify to suit your specific * requirements. * * NOTE: Modifications to this file will be overwritten by future software updates. */ #ifndef MYPINMAP_H #define MYPINMAP_H ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the number of I/O pins to be configured on the EX-IOExpander device // #define NUMBER_OF_DIGITAL_PINS 12 #define NUMBER_OF_ANALOGUE_PINS 4 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define the pin map // // You must define the correct number of pins as per NUMBER_OF_PINS above // static uint8_t digitalPinMap[NUMBER_OF_DIGITAL_PINS] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}; static uint8_t analoguePinMap[NUMBER_OF_ANALOGUE_PINS] = {A0, A1, A2, A3}; #endif