/* * © 2020,2021 Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include #include "RMFT2.h" #include "DCC.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "WiThrottle.h" #include "DCCEXParser.h" #include "Turnouts.h" // Command parsing keywords const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_EXRAIL=15435; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_ON = 2657; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_START=23232; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_RESERVE=11392; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_FREE=-23052; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_LATCH=1618; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_UNLATCH=1353; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_PAUSE=-4142; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_RESUME=27609; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_KILL=5218; const int16_t HASH_KEYWORD_ROUTES=-3702; // One instance of RMFT clas is used for each "thread" in the automation. // Each thread manages a loco on a journey through the layout, and/or may manage a scenery automation. // The thrrads exist in a ring, each time through loop() the next thread in the ring is serviced. // Statics int16_t RMFT2::progtrackLocoId; // used for callback when detecting a loco on prograck bool RMFT2::diag=false; // RMFT2 * RMFT2::loopTask=NULL; // loopTask contains the address of ONE of the tasks in a ring. RMFT2 * RMFT2::pausingTask=NULL; // Task causing a PAUSE. // when pausingTask is set, that is the ONLY task that gets any service, // and all others will have their locos stopped, then resumed after the pausing task resumes. byte RMFT2::flags[MAX_FLAGS]; #define GET_OPCODE GETFLASH(RMFT2::RouteCode+progCounter) #define GET_OPERAND(n) GETFLASHW(RMFT2::RouteCode+progCounter+1+(n*3)) #define SKIPOP progCounter+=3 /* static */ void RMFT2::begin() { DCCEXParser::setRMFTFilter(RMFT2::ComandFilter); for (int f=0;f commands to do the following: // - Implement RMFT specific commands/diagnostics // - Reject/modify JMRI commands that would interfere with RMFT processing void RMFT2::ComandFilter(Print * stream, byte & opcode, byte & paramCount, int16_t p[]) { (void)stream; // avoid compiler warning if we don't access this parameter bool reject=false; switch(opcode) { case 'D': if (p[0]==HASH_KEYWORD_EXRAIL) { // diag = paramCount==2 && (p[1]==HASH_KEYWORD_ON || p[1]==1); opcode=0; } break; case '/': // New EXRAIL command reject=!parseSlash(stream,paramCount,p); opcode=0; break; default: // other commands pass through break; } if (reject) { opcode=0; StringFormatter::send(stream,F("")); } } bool RMFT2::parseSlash(Print * stream, byte & paramCount, int16_t p[]) { if (paramCount==0) { // STATUS StringFormatter::send(stream, F("<* EXRAIL STATUS")); RMFT2 * task=loopTask; while(task) { StringFormatter::send(stream,F("\nID=%d,PC=%d,LOCO=%d%c,SPEED=%d%c"), (int)(task->taskId),task->progCounter,task->loco, task->invert?'I':' ', task->speedo, task->forward?'F':'R' ); task=task->next; if (task==loopTask) break; } // Now stream the flags for (int id=0;id\n")); return true; } switch (p[0]) { case HASH_KEYWORD_PAUSE: // if (paramCount!=1) return false; DCC::setThrottle(0,1,true); // pause all locos on the track pausingTask=(RMFT2 *)1; // Impossible task address return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_RESUME: // if (paramCount!=1) return false; pausingTask=NULL; { RMFT2 * task=loopTask; while(task) { if (task->loco) task->driveLoco(task->speedo); task=task->next; if (task==loopTask) break; } } return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_START: // if (paramCount<2 || paramCount>3) return false; { int route=(paramCount==2) ? p[1] : p[2]; uint16_t cab=(paramCount==2)? 0 : p[1]; int pc=locateRouteStart(route); if (pc<0) return false; RMFT2* task=new RMFT2(pc); task->loco=cab; } return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_ROUTES: // JMRI withrottle support if (paramCount>1) return false; StringFormatter::send(stream,F("")); return true; default: break; } // all other / commands take 1 parameter 0 to MAX_FLAGS-1 if (paramCount!=2 || p[1]<0 || p[1]>=MAX_FLAGS) return false; switch (p[0]) { case HASH_KEYWORD_KILL: // Kill taskid { RMFT2 * task=loopTask; while(task) { if (task->taskId==p[1]) { delete task; return true; } task=task->next; if (task==loopTask) break; } } return false; case HASH_KEYWORD_RESERVE: // force reserve a section setFlag(p[1],SECTION_FLAG); return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_FREE: // force free a section setFlag(p[1],0,SECTION_FLAG); return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_LATCH: setFlag(p[1], LATCH_FLAG); return true; case HASH_KEYWORD_UNLATCH: setFlag(p[1], 0, LATCH_FLAG); return true; default: return false; } } // This emits Routes and Automations to Withrottle // Automations are given a state to set the button to "handoff" which implies // handing over the loco to the automation. // Routes are given "Set" buttons and do not cause the loco to be handed over. void RMFT2::emitWithrottleRouteList(Print* stream) { StringFormatter::send(stream,F("PRT]\\[Routes}|{Route]\\[Set}|{2]\\[Handoff}|{4\nPRL")); emitWithrottleDescriptions(stream); StringFormatter::send(stream,F("\n")); } RMFT2::RMFT2(int progCtr) { progCounter=progCtr; // get an unused task id from the flags table taskId=255; // in case of overflow for (int f=0;fnext; loopTask->next=this; } } RMFT2::~RMFT2() { driveLoco(1); // ESTOP my loco if any setFlag(taskId,0,TASK_FLAG); // we are no longer using this id if (next==this) loopTask=NULL; else for (RMFT2* ring=next;;ring=ring->next) if (ring->next == this) { ring->next=next; loopTask=next; break; } } void RMFT2::createNewTask(int route, uint16_t cab) { int pc=locateRouteStart(route); if (pc<0) return; RMFT2* task=new RMFT2(pc); task->loco=cab; } int RMFT2::locateRouteStart(int16_t _route) { if (_route==0) return 0; // Route 0 is always start of ROUTES for default startup for (int progCounter=0;;SKIPOP) { byte opcode=GET_OPCODE; if (opcode==OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL) { DIAG(F("RMFT2 sequence %d not found"), _route); return -1; } if ((opcode==OPCODE_ROUTE || opcode==OPCODE_AUTOMATION || opcode==OPCODE_SEQUENCE) && _route==(int)GET_OPERAND(0)) return progCounter; } return -1; } void RMFT2::driveLoco(byte speed) { if (loco<=0) return; // Prevent broadcast! if (diag) DIAG(F("EXRAIL drive %d %d %d"),loco,speed,forward^invert); DCC::setThrottle(loco,speed, forward^invert); speedo=speed; } bool RMFT2::readSensor(uint16_t sensorId) { // Exrail operands are unsigned but we need the signed version as inserted by the macros. int16_t sId=(int16_t) sensorId; VPIN vpin=abs(sId); if (getFlag(vpin,LATCH_FLAG)) return true; // latched on // negative sensorIds invert the logic (e.g. for a break-beam sensor which goes OFF when detecting) bool s= IODevice::read(vpin) ^ (sId<0); if (s && diag) DIAG(F("EXRAIL Sensor %d hit"),sId); return s; } bool RMFT2::skipIfBlock() { // returns false if killed short nest = 1; while (nest > 0) { SKIPOP; byte opcode = GET_OPCODE; switch(opcode) { case OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL: kill(F("missing ENDIF"), nest); return false; case OPCODE_IF: case OPCODE_IFNOT: case OPCODE_IFRANDOM: case OPCODE_IFRESERVE: nest++; break; case OPCODE_ENDIF: nest--; break; default: break; } } return true; } /* static */ void RMFT2::readLocoCallback(int16_t cv) { progtrackLocoId=cv; } void RMFT2::loop() { // Round Robin call to a RMFT task each time if (loopTask==NULL) return; loopTask=loopTask->next; if (pausingTask==NULL || pausingTask==loopTask) loopTask->loop2(); } void RMFT2::loop2() { if (delayTime!=0 && millis()-delayStart < delayTime) return; byte opcode = GET_OPCODE; int16_t operand = GET_OPERAND(0); // if (diag) DIAG(F("RMFT2 %d %d"),opcode,operand); // Attention: Returning from this switch leaves the program counter unchanged. // This is used for unfinished waits for timers or sensors. // Breaking from this switch will step to the next step in the route. switch ((OPCODE)opcode) { case OPCODE_THROW: Turnout::setClosed(operand, false); break; case OPCODE_CLOSE: Turnout::setClosed(operand, true); break; case OPCODE_REV: forward = false; driveLoco(operand); break; case OPCODE_FWD: forward = true; driveLoco(operand); break; case OPCODE_SPEED: driveLoco(operand); break; case OPCODE_INVERT_DIRECTION: invert= !invert; driveLoco(speedo); break; case OPCODE_RESERVE: if (getFlag(operand,SECTION_FLAG)) { driveLoco(0); delayMe(500); return; } setFlag(operand,SECTION_FLAG); break; case OPCODE_FREE: setFlag(operand,0,SECTION_FLAG); break; case OPCODE_AT: if (readSensor(operand)) break; delayMe(50); return; case OPCODE_AFTER: // waits for sensor to hit and then remain off for 0.5 seconds. (must come after an AT operation) if (readSensor(operand)) { // reset timer to half a second and keep waiting waitAfter=millis(); delayMe(50); return; } if (millis()-waitAfter < 500 ) return; break; case OPCODE_LATCH: setFlag(operand,LATCH_FLAG); break; case OPCODE_UNLATCH: setFlag(operand,0,LATCH_FLAG); break; case OPCODE_SET: IODevice::write(operand,true); break; case OPCODE_RESET: IODevice::write(operand,false); break; case OPCODE_PAUSE: DCC::setThrottle(0,1,true); // pause all locos on the track pausingTask=this; break; case OPCODE_POM: if (loco) DCC::writeCVByteMain(loco, operand, GET_OPERAND(1)); break; case OPCODE_RESUME: pausingTask=NULL; driveLoco(speedo); for (RMFT2 * t=next; t!=this;t=t->next) if (t->loco >0) t->driveLoco(t->speedo); break; case OPCODE_IF: // do next operand if sensor set if (!readSensor(operand)) if (!skipIfBlock()) return; break; case OPCODE_IFNOT: // do next operand if sensor not set if (readSensor(operand)) if (!skipIfBlock()) return; break; case OPCODE_IFRANDOM: // do block on random percentage if (random(100)>=operand) if (!skipIfBlock()) return; break; case OPCODE_IFRESERVE: // do block if we successfully RERSERVE if (!getFlag(operand,SECTION_FLAG)) setFlag(operand,SECTION_FLAG); else if (!skipIfBlock()) return; break; case OPCODE_ENDIF: break; case OPCODE_DELAY: delayMe(operand*100L); break; case OPCODE_DELAYMINS: delayMe(operand*60L*1000L); break; case OPCODE_RANDWAIT: delayMe(random(operand)*100L); break; case OPCODE_RED: doSignal(operand,true,false,false); break; case OPCODE_AMBER: doSignal(operand,false,true,false); break; case OPCODE_GREEN: doSignal(operand,false,false,true); break; case OPCODE_FON: if (loco) DCC::setFn(loco,operand,true); break; case OPCODE_FOFF: if (loco) DCC::setFn(loco,operand,false); break; case OPCODE_FOLLOW: progCounter=locateRouteStart(operand); if (progCounter<0) kill(F("FOLLOW unknown"), operand); return; case OPCODE_CALL: if (stackDepth==MAX_STACK_DEPTH) { kill(F("CALL stack"), stackDepth); return; } callStack[stackDepth++]=progCounter+3; progCounter=locateRouteStart(operand); if (progCounter<0) kill(F("CALL unknown"),operand); return; case OPCODE_RETURN: if (stackDepth==0) { kill(F("RETURN stack")); return; } progCounter=callStack[--stackDepth]; return; case OPCODE_ENDTASK: case OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL: kill(); return; case OPCODE_JOIN: DCC::setProgTrackSyncMain(true); break; case OPCODE_UNJOIN: DCC::setProgTrackSyncMain(false); break; case OPCODE_READ_LOCO1: // READ_LOCO is implemented as 2 separate opcodes DCC::getLocoId(readLocoCallback); break; case OPCODE_READ_LOCO2: if (progtrackLocoId<0) { delayMe(100); return; // still waiting for callback } loco=progtrackLocoId; speedo=0; forward=true; invert=false; break; case OPCODE_START: { int newPc=locateRouteStart(operand); if (newPc<0) break; new RMFT2(newPc); } break; case OPCODE_SENDLOCO: // cab, route { int newPc=locateRouteStart(GET_OPERAND(1)); if (newPc<0) break; RMFT2* newtask=new RMFT2(newPc); // create new task newtask->loco=operand; } break; case OPCODE_SETLOCO: { loco=operand; speedo=0; forward=true; invert=false; } break; case OPCODE_SERVO: // OPCODE_SERVO,V(vpin),OPCODE_PAD,V(position),OPCODE_PAD,V(profile),OPCODE_PAD,V(duration) IODevice::writeAnalogue(operand,GET_OPERAND(1),GET_OPERAND(2),GET_OPERAND(3)); break; case OPCODE_WAITFOR: // OPCODE_SERVO,V(pin) if (IODevice::isBusy(operand)) { delayMe(100); return; } break; case OPCODE_PRINT: printMessage(operand); break; case OPCODE_ROUTE: case OPCODE_AUTOMATION: case OPCODE_SEQUENCE: DIAG(F("EXRAIL begin(%d)"),operand); break; case OPCODE_PAD: // Just a padding for previous opcode needing >1 operad byte. case OPCODE_SIGNAL: // Signal definition ignore at run time case OPCODE_TURNOUT: // Turnout definition ignored at runtime case OPCODE_SERVOTURNOUT: // Turnout definition ignored at runtime case OPCODE_PINTURNOUT: // Turnout definition ignored at runtime case OPCODE_ONCLOSE: // Turnout event catcers ignored here case OPCODE_ONTHROW: // Turnout definition ignored at runtime break; default: kill(F("INVOP"),operand); } // Falling out of the switch means move on to the next opcode SKIPOP; } void RMFT2::delayMe(long delay) { delayTime=delay; delayStart=millis(); } void RMFT2::setFlag(VPIN id,byte onMask, byte offMask) { if (FLAGOVERFLOW(id)) return; // Outside range limit byte f=flags[id]; f &= ~offMask; f |= onMask; flags[id]=f; } bool RMFT2::getFlag(VPIN id,byte mask) { if (FLAGOVERFLOW(id)) return 0; // Outside range limit return flags[id]&mask; } void RMFT2::kill(const FSH * reason, int operand) { if (reason) DIAG(F("EXRAIL ERROR pc=%d, cab=%d, %S %d"), progCounter,loco, reason, operand); else if (diag) DIAG(F("ENDTASK at pc=%d"), progCounter); delete this; } /* static */ void RMFT2::doSignal(VPIN id,bool red, bool amber, bool green) { // CAUTION: hides class member progCounter for (int progCounter=0;; SKIPOP){ byte opcode=GET_OPCODE; if (opcode==OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL) return; if (opcode!=OPCODE_SIGNAL) continue; byte redpin=GET_OPERAND(0); if (redpin!=id)continue; byte amberpin=GET_OPERAND(1); byte greenpin=GET_OPERAND(2); // If amberpin is zero, synthesise amber from red+green IODevice::write(redpin,red || (amber && (amberpin==0))); if (amberpin) IODevice::write(amberpin,amber); if (greenpin) IODevice::write(greenpin,green || (amber && (amberpin==0))); return; } } void RMFT2::turnoutEvent(int16_t turnoutId, bool closed) { // Check we dont already have a task running this turnout RMFT2 * task=loopTask; while(task) { if (task->onTurnoutId==turnoutId) { DIAG(F("Recursive ONTHROW/ONCLOSE for Turnout %d"),turnoutId); return; } task=task->next; if (task==loopTask) break; } // Hunt for an ONTHROW/ONCLOSE for this turnout byte huntFor=closed ? OPCODE_ONCLOSE : OPCODE_ONTHROW ; // caution hides class progCounter; for (int progCounter=0;; SKIPOP){ byte opcode=GET_OPCODE; if (opcode==OPCODE_ENDEXRAIL) return; if (opcode!=huntFor) continue; if (turnoutId!=(int16_t)GET_OPERAND(0)) continue; task=new RMFT2(progCounter); // new task starts at this instruction task->onTurnoutId=turnoutId; // flag for recursion detector return; } } void RMFT2::printMessage2(const FSH * msg) { DIAG(F("EXRAIL(%d) %S"),loco,msg); } // This is called by emitRouteDescriptions to emit a withrottle description for a route or autoomation. void RMFT2::emitRouteDescription(Print * stream, char type, int id, const FSH * description) { StringFormatter::send(stream,F("]\\[%c%d}|{%S}|{%c"), type,id,description, type=='R'?'2':'4'); }