/* * © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. * © 2020, Harald Barth. * * This file is part of Asbelos DCC API * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma GCC optimize ("-O3") #include <Arduino.h> #include "DCCWaveform.h" #include "DCCTimer.h" #include "DIAG.h" DCCWaveform DCCWaveform::mainTrack(PREAMBLE_BITS_MAIN, true); DCCWaveform DCCWaveform::progTrack(PREAMBLE_BITS_PROG, false); bool DCCWaveform::progTrackSyncMain=false; bool DCCWaveform::progTrackBoosted=false; int DCCWaveform::progTripValue=0; void DCCWaveform::begin(MotorDriver * mainDriver, MotorDriver * progDriver) { mainTrack.motorDriver=mainDriver; progTrack.motorDriver=progDriver; progTripValue = progDriver->mA2raw(TRIP_CURRENT_PROG); // need only calculate once hence static mainTrack.setPowerMode(POWERMODE::OFF); progTrack.setPowerMode(POWERMODE::OFF); MotorDriver::usePWM= mainDriver->isPWMCapable() && progDriver->isPWMCapable(); if (MotorDriver::usePWM) DIAG(F("\nWaveform using PWM pins for accuracy.")); else DIAG(F("\nWaveform accuracy limited by signal pin configuration.")); DCCTimer::begin(DCCWaveform::interruptHandler); } void DCCWaveform::loop() { mainTrack.checkPowerOverload(); progTrack.checkPowerOverload(); } void DCCWaveform::interruptHandler() { // call the timer edge sensitive actions for progtrack and maintrack // member functions would be cleaner but have more overhead byte sigMain=signalTransform[mainTrack.state]; byte sigProg=progTrackSyncMain? sigMain : signalTransform[progTrack.state]; // Set the signal state for both tracks mainTrack.motorDriver->setSignal(sigMain); progTrack.motorDriver->setSignal(sigProg); // Move on in the state engine mainTrack.state=stateTransform[mainTrack.state]; progTrack.state=stateTransform[progTrack.state]; // WAVE_PENDING means we dont yet know what the next bit is if (mainTrack.state==WAVE_PENDING) mainTrack.interrupt2(); if (progTrack.state==WAVE_PENDING) progTrack.interrupt2(); else if (progTrack.ackPending) progTrack.checkAck(); } // An instance of this class handles the DCC transmissions for one track. (main or prog) // Interrupts are marshalled via the statics. // A track has a current transmit buffer, and a pending buffer. // When the current buffer is exhausted, either the pending buffer (if there is one waiting) or an idle buffer. // This bitmask has 9 entries as each byte is trasmitted as a zero + 8 bits. const byte bitMask[] = {0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; DCCWaveform::DCCWaveform( byte preambleBits, bool isMain) { isMainTrack = isMain; packetPending = false; memcpy(transmitPacket, idlePacket, sizeof(idlePacket)); state = WAVE_START; // The +1 below is to allow the preamble generator to create the stop bit // for the previous packet. requiredPreambles = preambleBits+1; bytes_sent = 0; bits_sent = 0; sampleDelay = 0; lastSampleTaken = millis(); ackPending=false; } POWERMODE DCCWaveform::getPowerMode() { return powerMode; } void DCCWaveform::setPowerMode(POWERMODE mode) { powerMode = mode; bool ison = (mode == POWERMODE::ON); motorDriver->setPower( ison); } void DCCWaveform::checkPowerOverload() { if (millis() - lastSampleTaken < sampleDelay) return; lastSampleTaken = millis(); int tripValue= motorDriver->getRawCurrentTripValue(); if (!isMainTrack && !ackPending && !progTrackSyncMain && !progTrackBoosted) tripValue=progTripValue; switch (powerMode) { case POWERMODE::OFF: sampleDelay = POWER_SAMPLE_OFF_WAIT; break; case POWERMODE::ON: // Check current lastCurrent=motorDriver->getCurrentRaw(); if (lastCurrent < 0) { // We have a fault pin condition to take care of DIAG(F("\n*** %S FAULT PIN ACTIVE TOGGLE POWER ON THIS OR BOTH TRACKS ***\n"), isMainTrack ? F("MAIN") : F("PROG")); lastCurrent = -lastCurrent; } if (lastCurrent <= tripValue) { sampleDelay = POWER_SAMPLE_ON_WAIT; if(power_good_counter<100) power_good_counter++; else if (power_sample_overload_wait>POWER_SAMPLE_OVERLOAD_WAIT) power_sample_overload_wait=POWER_SAMPLE_OVERLOAD_WAIT; } else { setPowerMode(POWERMODE::OVERLOAD); unsigned int mA=motorDriver->raw2mA(lastCurrent); unsigned int maxmA=motorDriver->raw2mA(tripValue); power_good_counter=0; sampleDelay = power_sample_overload_wait; DIAG(F("\n*** %S TRACK POWER OVERLOAD current=%d max=%d offtime=%d ***\n"), isMainTrack ? F("MAIN") : F("PROG"), mA, maxmA, sampleDelay); if (power_sample_overload_wait >= 10000) power_sample_overload_wait = 10000; else power_sample_overload_wait *= 2; } break; case POWERMODE::OVERLOAD: // Try setting it back on after the OVERLOAD_WAIT setPowerMode(POWERMODE::ON); sampleDelay = POWER_SAMPLE_ON_WAIT; // Debug code.... DIAG(F("\n*** %S TRACK POWER RESET delay=%d ***\n"), isMainTrack ? F("MAIN") : F("PROG"), sampleDelay); break; default: sampleDelay = 999; // cant get here..meaningless statement to avoid compiler warning. } } // For each state of the wave nextState=stateTransform[currentState] const WAVE_STATE DCCWaveform::stateTransform[]={ /* WAVE_START -> */ WAVE_PENDING, /* WAVE_MID_1 -> */ WAVE_START, /* WAVE_HIGH_0 -> */ WAVE_MID_0, /* WAVE_MID_0 -> */ WAVE_LOW_0, /* WAVE_LOW_0 -> */ WAVE_START, /* WAVE_PENDING (should not happen) -> */ WAVE_PENDING}; // For each state of the wave, signal pin is HIGH or LOW const bool DCCWaveform::signalTransform[]={ /* WAVE_START -> */ HIGH, /* WAVE_MID_1 -> */ LOW, /* WAVE_HIGH_0 -> */ HIGH, /* WAVE_MID_0 -> */ LOW, /* WAVE_LOW_0 -> */ LOW, /* WAVE_PENDING (should not happen) -> */ LOW}; void DCCWaveform::interrupt2() { // calculate the next bit to be sent: // set state WAVE_MID_1 for a 1=bit // or WAVE_HIGH_0 for a 0 bit. if (remainingPreambles > 0 ) { state=WAVE_MID_1; // switch state to trigger LOW on next interrupt remainingPreambles--; return; } // Wave has gone HIGH but what happens next depends on the bit to be transmitted // beware OF 9-BIT MASK generating a zero to start each byte state=(transmitPacket[bytes_sent] & bitMask[bits_sent])? WAVE_MID_1 : WAVE_HIGH_0; bits_sent++; // If this is the last bit of a byte, prepare for the next byte if (bits_sent == 9) { // zero followed by 8 bits of a byte //end of Byte bits_sent = 0; bytes_sent++; // if this is the last byte, prepere for next packet if (bytes_sent >= transmitLength) { // end of transmission buffer... repeat or switch to next message bytes_sent = 0; remainingPreambles = requiredPreambles; if (transmitRepeats > 0) { transmitRepeats--; } else if (packetPending) { // Copy pending packet to transmit packet // a fixed length memcpy is faster than a variable length loop for these small lengths // for (int b = 0; b < pendingLength; b++) transmitPacket[b] = pendingPacket[b]; memcpy( transmitPacket, pendingPacket, sizeof(pendingPacket)); transmitLength = pendingLength; transmitRepeats = pendingRepeats; packetPending = false; sentResetsSincePacket=0; } else { // Fortunately reset and idle packets are the same length memcpy( transmitPacket, isMainTrack ? idlePacket : resetPacket, sizeof(idlePacket)); transmitLength = sizeof(idlePacket); transmitRepeats = 0; if (sentResetsSincePacket<250) sentResetsSincePacket++; } } } } // Wait until there is no packet pending, then make this pending void DCCWaveform::schedulePacket(const byte buffer[], byte byteCount, byte repeats) { if (byteCount >= MAX_PACKET_SIZE) return; // allow for chksum while (packetPending); byte checksum = 0; for (byte b = 0; b < byteCount; b++) { checksum ^= buffer[b]; pendingPacket[b] = buffer[b]; } pendingPacket[byteCount] = checksum; pendingLength = byteCount + 1; pendingRepeats = repeats; packetPending = true; sentResetsSincePacket=0; } // Operations applicable to PROG track ONLY. // (yes I know I could have subclassed the main track but...) void DCCWaveform::setAckBaseline() { if (isMainTrack) return; int baseline=motorDriver->getCurrentRaw(); ackThreshold= baseline + motorDriver->mA2raw(ackLimitmA); if (Diag::ACK) DIAG(F("\nACK baseline=%d/%dmA Threshold=%d/%dmA Duration: %dus <= pulse <= %dus"), baseline,motorDriver->raw2mA(baseline), ackThreshold,motorDriver->raw2mA(ackThreshold), minAckPulseDuration, maxAckPulseDuration); } void DCCWaveform::setAckPending() { if (isMainTrack) return; ackMaxCurrent=0; ackPulseStart=0; ackPulseDuration=0; ackDetected=false; ackCheckStart=millis(); ackPending=true; // interrupt routines will now take note } byte DCCWaveform::getAck() { if (ackPending) return (2); // still waiting if (Diag::ACK) DIAG(F("\n%S after %dmS max=%d/%dmA pulse=%duS"),ackDetected?F("ACK"):F("NO-ACK"), ackCheckDuration, ackMaxCurrent,motorDriver->raw2mA(ackMaxCurrent), ackPulseDuration); if (ackDetected) return (1); // Yes we had an ack return(0); // pending set off but not detected means no ACK. } void DCCWaveform::checkAck() { // This function operates in interrupt() time so must be fast and can't DIAG if (sentResetsSincePacket > 6) { //ACK timeout ackCheckDuration=millis()-ackCheckStart; ackPending = false; return; } int current=motorDriver->getCurrentRaw(); if (current > ackMaxCurrent) ackMaxCurrent=current; // An ACK is a pulse lasting between minAckPulseDuration and maxAckPulseDuration uSecs (refer @haba) if (current>ackThreshold) { if (ackPulseStart==0) ackPulseStart=micros(); // leading edge of pulse detected return; } // not in pulse if (ackPulseStart==0) return; // keep waiting for leading edge // detected trailing edge of pulse ackPulseDuration=micros()-ackPulseStart; if (ackPulseDuration>=minAckPulseDuration && ackPulseDuration<=maxAckPulseDuration) { ackCheckDuration=millis()-ackCheckStart; ackDetected=true; ackPending=false; transmitRepeats=0; // shortcut remaining repeat packets return; // we have a genuine ACK result } ackPulseStart=0; // We have detected a too-short or too-long pulse so ignore and wait for next leading edge }