/* * © 2022 Paul M. Antoine * © 2021 Chris Harlow * © 2022 2024 Harald Barth * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of DCC++EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include "SerialManager.h" #include "DCCEXParser.h" #include "StringFormatter.h" #include "DIAG.h" #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #ifdef SERIAL_BT_COMMANDS #include //#include #if !defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) || !defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #error No Bluetooth library available #endif //ENABLED BluetoothSerial SerialBT; //BleSerial SerialBT; #endif //COMMANDS #endif //ESP32 static const byte PAYLOAD_FALSE = 0; static const byte PAYLOAD_NORMAL = 1; static const byte PAYLOAD_STRING = 2; SerialManager * SerialManager::first=NULL; SerialManager::SerialManager(Stream * myserial) { serial=myserial; next=first; first=this; bufferLength=0; inCommandPayload=PAYLOAD_FALSE; } void SerialManager::init() { USB_SERIAL.begin(115200); while (!USB_SERIAL && millis() < 5000); // wait max 5s for Serial to start new SerialManager(&USB_SERIAL); #ifdef SERIAL6_COMMANDS Serial6.begin(115200); new SerialManager(&Serial6); #endif #ifdef SERIAL5_COMMANDS Serial5.begin(115200); new SerialManager(&Serial5); #endif #ifdef SERIAL4_COMMANDS Serial4.begin(115200); new SerialManager(&Serial4); #endif #ifdef SERIAL3_COMMANDS Serial3.begin(115200); new SerialManager(&Serial3); #endif #ifdef SERIAL2_COMMANDS #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17); // GPIO 16 RXD2; GPIO 17 TXD2 on ESP32 #else // not ESP32 Serial2.begin(115200); #endif // ESP32 new SerialManager(&Serial2); #endif #ifdef SERIAL1_COMMANDS Serial1.begin(115200); new SerialManager(&Serial1); #endif #ifdef SERIAL_BT_COMMANDS { //SerialBT.setPin("6666"); // choose other pin uint64_t chipid = ESP.getEfuseMac(); char idstr[16] = {0}; snprintf(idstr, 15, "DCCEX-%08X", __builtin_bswap32((uint32_t)(chipid>>16))); SerialBT.begin(idstr); new SerialManager(&SerialBT); delay(1000); } #endif #ifdef SABERTOOTH #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 Serial2.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17); // GPIO 16 RXD2; GPIO 17 TXD2 on ESP32 #else Serial2.begin(9600); #endif #endif } void SerialManager::broadcast(char * stringBuffer) { for (SerialManager * s=first;s;s=s->next) s->broadcast2(stringBuffer); } void SerialManager::broadcast2(char * stringBuffer) { serial->print(stringBuffer); } void SerialManager::loop() { for (SerialManager * s=first;s;s=s->next) s->loop2(); } void SerialManager::loop2() { while (serial->available()) { char ch = serial->read(); if (!inCommandPayload) { if (ch == '<') { inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_NORMAL; bufferLength = 0; buffer[0] = '\0'; } } else { // if (inCommandPayload) if (bufferLength < (COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE-1)) { buffer[bufferLength++] = ch; // advance bufferLength if (inCommandPayload > PAYLOAD_NORMAL) { if (inCommandPayload > 32 + 2) { // String way too long ch = '>'; // we end this nonsense inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_NORMAL; DIAG(F("Parse error: Unbalanced string")); // fall through to ending parsing below } else if (ch == '"') { // String end inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_NORMAL; continue; // do not fall through } else inCommandPayload++; } if (inCommandPayload == PAYLOAD_NORMAL) { if (ch == '>') { buffer[bufferLength] = '\0'; // This \0 is after the '>' DCCEXParser::parse(serial, buffer, NULL); // buffer parsed with trailing '>' inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_FALSE; break; } else if (ch == '"') { inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_STRING; } } } else { DIAG(F("Parse error: input buffer overflow")); inCommandPayload = PAYLOAD_FALSE; } } } }