//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DCC-EX CommandStation-EX Please see https://DCC-EX.com // // This file is the main sketch for the Command Station. // // CONFIGURATION: // Configuration is normally performed by editing a file called config.h. // This file is NOT shipped with the code so that if you pull a later version // of the code, your configuration will not be overwritten. // // If you used the automatic installer program, config.h will have been created automatically. // // To obtain a starting copy of config.h please copy the file config.example.h which is // shipped with the code and may be updated as new features are added. // // If config.h is not found, config.example.h will be used with all defaults. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if __has_include ( "config.h") #include "config.h" #ifndef MOTOR_SHIELD_TYPE #error Your config.h must include a MOTOR_SHIELD_TYPE definition. If you see this warning in spite not having a config.h, you have a buggy preprocessor and must copy config.example.h to config.h #endif #else #warning config.h not found. Using defaults from config.example.h #include "config.example.h" #endif /* * © 2021 Neil McKechnie * © 2020-2021 Chris Harlow, Harald Barth, David Cutting, * Fred Decker, Gregor Baues, Anthony W - Dayton * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ #include "DCCEX.h" #include "Display_Implementation.h" #ifdef CPU_TYPE_ERROR #error CANNOT COMPILE - DCC++ EX ONLY WORKS WITH THE ARCHITECTURES LISTED IN defines.h #endif #ifdef WIFI_WARNING #warning You have defined that you want WiFi but your hardware has not enough memory to do that, so WiFi DISABLED #endif #ifdef ETHERNET_WARNING #warning You have defined that you want Ethernet but your hardware has not enough memory to do that, so Ethernet DISABLED #endif #ifdef EXRAIL_WARNING #warning You have myAutomation.h but your hardware has not enough memory to do that, so EX-RAIL DISABLED #endif void setup() { // The main sketch has responsibilities during setup() // Responsibility 1: Start the usb connection for diagnostics // This is normally Serial but uses SerialUSB on a SAMD processor SerialManager::init(); DIAG(F("License GPLv3 fsf.org (c) dcc-ex.com")); // Initialise HAL layer before reading EEprom or setting up MotorDrivers IODevice::begin(); // Set up MotorDrivers early to initialize all pins TrackManager::Setup(MOTOR_SHIELD_TYPE); DISPLAY_START ( // This block is still executed for DIAGS if display not in use LCD(0,F("DCC-EX v%S"),F(VERSION)); LCD(1,F("Lic GPLv3")); ); // Responsibility 2: Start all the communications before the DCC engine // Start the WiFi interface on a MEGA, Uno cannot currently handle WiFi // Start Ethernet if it exists #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if WIFI_ON WifiInterface::setup(WIFI_SERIAL_LINK_SPEED, F(WIFI_SSID), F(WIFI_PASSWORD), F(WIFI_HOSTNAME), IP_PORT, WIFI_CHANNEL); #endif // WIFI_ON #else // ESP32 needs wifi on always WifiESP::setup(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD, WIFI_HOSTNAME, IP_PORT, WIFI_CHANNEL); #endif // ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if ETHERNET_ON EthernetInterface::setup(); #endif // ETHERNET_ON // As the setup of a motor shield may require a read of the current sense input from the ADC, // let's make sure to initialise the ADCee class! ADCee::begin(); // Responsibility 3: Start the DCC engine. DCC::begin(); // Start RMFT aka EX-RAIL (ignored if no automnation) RMFT::begin(); // Invoke any DCC++EX commands in the form "SETUP("xxxx");"" found in optional file mySetup.h. // This can be used to create turnouts, outputs, sensors etc. through the normal text commands. #if __has_include ( "mySetup.h") #define SETUP(cmd) DCCEXParser::parse(F(cmd)) #include "mySetup.h" #undef SETUP #endif #if defined(LCN_SERIAL) LCN_SERIAL.begin(115200); LCN::init(LCN_SERIAL); #endif LCD(3, F("Ready")); CommandDistributor::broadcastPower(); } void loop() { // The main sketch has responsibilities during loop() // Responsibility 1: Handle DCC background processes // (loco reminders and power checks) DCC::loop(); // Responsibility 2: handle any incoming commands on USB connection SerialManager::loop(); // Responsibility 3: Optionally handle any incoming WiFi traffic #ifndef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if WIFI_ON WifiInterface::loop(); #endif //WIFI_ON #else //ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #ifndef WIFI_TASK_ON_CORE0 WifiESP::loop(); #endif #endif //ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #if ETHERNET_ON EthernetInterface::loop(); #endif RMFT::loop(); // ignored if no automation #if defined(LCN_SERIAL) LCN::loop(); #endif // Display refresh DisplayInterface::loop(); // Handle/update IO devices. IODevice::loop(); Sensor::checkAll(); // Update and print changes // Report any decrease in memory (will automatically trigger on first call) static int ramLowWatermark = __INT_MAX__; // replaced on first loop int freeNow = DCCTimer::getMinimumFreeMemory(); if (freeNow < ramLowWatermark) { ramLowWatermark = freeNow; LCD(3,F("Free RAM=%5db"), ramLowWatermark); } }