/* * © 2020-2022 Chris Harlow. All rights reserved. * © 2022-2023 Colin Murdoch * © 2023 Harald Barth * * This file is part of CommandStation-EX * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see . */ // This file cleans and resets the RMFT2 Macros. // It is used between passes to reduce complexity in RMFT2Macros.h // DO NOT add an include guard to this file. // Undefine all RMFT macros #undef ACTIVATE #undef ACTIVATEL #undef AFTER #undef AFTEROVERLOAD #undef ALIAS #undef AMBER #undef ANOUT #undef ASPECT #undef AT #undef ATGTE #undef ATLT #undef ATTIMEOUT #undef AUTOMATION #undef AUTOSTART #undef BLINK #undef BROADCAST #undef CALL #undef CLEAR_STASH #undef CLEAR_ALL_STASH #undef CLOSE #undef CONFIGURE_SERVO #undef DCC_SIGNAL #undef DCCX_SIGNAL #undef DCC_TURNTABLE #undef DEACTIVATE #undef DEACTIVATEL #undef DELAY #undef DELAYMINS #undef DELAYRANDOM #undef DONE #undef DRIVE #undef ELSE #undef ENDEXRAIL #undef ENDIF #undef ENDTASK #undef ESTOP #undef ESTOPALL #undef EXRAIL #undef EXTT_TURNTABLE #undef FADE #undef FOFF #undef FOLLOW #undef FON #undef FORGET #undef FTOGGLE #undef FREE #undef FWD #undef GREEN #undef HAL #undef HAL_IGNORE_DEFAULTS #undef IF #undef IFAMBER #undef IFCLOSED #undef IFGREEN #undef IFGTE #undef IFLOCO #undef IFLT #undef IFNOT #undef IFRANDOM #undef IFRED #undef IFRESERVE #undef IFTHROWN #undef IFTIMEOUT #undef IFTTPOSITION #undef IFRE #undef INVERT_DIRECTION #undef JMRI_SENSOR #undef JOIN #undef KILLALL #undef LATCH #undef LCD #undef SCREEN #undef LCC #undef LCCX #undef LCN #undef MOVETT #undef NEOPIXEL #undef NEOPIXEL_OFF #undef NEOPIXEL_SIGNAL #undef ACON #undef ACOF #undef ONACON #undef ONACOF #undef MESSAGE #undef ONACTIVATE #undef ONACTIVATEL #undef ONAMBER #undef ONBLOCKENTER #undef ONBLOCKEXIT #undef ONDEACTIVATE #undef ONDEACTIVATEL #undef ONCLOSE #undef ONLCC #undef ONTIME #undef ONCLOCKTIME #undef ONCLOCKMINS #undef ONOVERLOAD #undef ONGREEN #undef ONRED #undef ONROTATE #undef ONBUTTON #undef ONSENSOR #undef ONTHROW #undef ONCHANGE #undef PARSE #undef PAUSE #undef PICKUP_STASH #undef PIN_TURNOUT #undef PRINT #ifndef DISABLE_PROG #undef POM #endif #undef POWEROFF #undef POWERON #undef READ_LOCO #undef RED #undef RESERVE #undef RESET #undef RESUME #undef RETURN #undef REV #undef ROSTER #undef ROTATE #undef ROTATE_DCC #undef ROUTE #undef ROUTE_ACTIVE #undef ROUTE_INACTIVE #undef ROUTE_HIDDEN #undef ROUTE_DISABLED #undef ROUTE_CAPTION #undef SENDLOCO #undef SEQUENCE #undef SERIAL #undef SERIAL1 #undef SERIAL2 #undef SERIAL3 #undef SERIAL4 #undef SERIAL5 #undef SERIAL6 #undef SERVO #undef SERVO2 #undef SERVO_TURNOUT #undef SERVO_SIGNAL #undef SET #undef SET_TRACK #undef SET_POWER #undef SETLOCO #undef SETFREQ #undef SIGNAL #undef SIGNALH #undef SPEED #undef START #undef STASH #undef STEALTH #undef STEALTH_GLOBAL #undef STOP #undef THROW #undef TOGGLE_TURNOUT #undef TT_ADDPOSITION #undef TURNOUT #undef TURNOUTL #undef UNJOIN #undef UNLATCH #undef VIRTUAL_SIGNAL #undef VIRTUAL_TURNOUT #undef WAITFOR #ifndef IO_NO_HAL #undef WAITFORTT #endif #undef WITHROTTLE #undef XFOFF #undef XFON #undef XFTOGGLE #ifndef RMFT2_UNDEF_ONLY #define ACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) #define ACTIVATEL(addr) #define AFTER(sensor_id,timer...) #define AFTEROVERLOAD(track_id) #define ALIAS(name,value...) #define AMBER(signal_id) #define ANOUT(vpin,value,param1,param2) #define AT(sensor_id) #define ASPECT(address,value) #define ATGTE(sensor_id,value) #define ATLT(sensor_id,value) #define ATTIMEOUT(sensor_id,timeout_ms) #define AUTOMATION(id,description) #define AUTOSTART #define BLINK(vpin,onDuty,offDuty) #define BROADCAST(msg) #define CALL(route) #define CLEAR_STASH(id) #define CLEAR_ALL_STASH(id) #define CLOSE(id) #define CONFIGURE_SERVO(vpin,pos1,pos2,profile) #define DCC_SIGNAL(id,add,subaddr) #define DCCX_SIGNAL(id,redAspect,amberAspect,greenAspect) #define DCC_TURNTABLE(id,home,description...) #define DEACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) #define DEACTIVATEL(addr) #define DELAY(mindelay) #define DELAYMINS(mindelay) #define DELAYRANDOM(mindelay,maxdelay) #define DONE #define DRIVE(analogpin) #define ELSE #define ENDEXRAIL #define ENDIF #define ENDTASK #define ESTOP #define ESTOPALL #define EXRAIL #define EXTT_TURNTABLE(id,vpin,home,description...) #define FADE(pin,value,ms) #define FOFF(func) #define FOLLOW(route) #define FON(func) #define FORGET #define FREE(blockid) #define FTOGGLE(func) #define FWD(speed) #define GREEN(signal_id) #define HAL(haltype,params...) #define HAL_IGNORE_DEFAULTS #define IF(sensor_id) #define IFAMBER(signal_id) #define IFCLOSED(turnout_id) #define IFGREEN(signal_id) #define IFGTE(sensor_id,value) #define IFLOCO(loco_id) #define IFLT(sensor_id,value) #define IFNOT(sensor_id) #define IFRANDOM(percent) #define IFRED(signal_id) #define IFTHROWN(turnout_id) #define IFRESERVE(block) #define IFTIMEOUT #define IFTTPOSITION(turntable_id,position) #define IFRE(sensor_id,value) #define INVERT_DIRECTION #define JMRI_SENSOR(vpin,count...) #define JOIN #define KILLALL #define LATCH(sensor_id) #define LCC(eventid) #define LCCX(senderid,eventid) #define LCD(row,msg) #define SCREEN(display,row,msg) #define LCN(msg) #define MESSAGE(msg) #define MOVETT(id,steps,activity) #define NEOPIXEL(id,r,g,b,count...) #define NEOPIXEL_SIGNAL(sigid,redcolour,ambercolour,greencolour) #define ACON(eventid) #define ACOF(eventid) #define ONACON(eventid) #define ONACOF(eventid) #define ONACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) #define ONACTIVATEL(linear) #define ONAMBER(signal_id) #define ONBLOCKENTER(blockid) #define ONBLOCKEXIT(blockid) #define ONTIME(value) #define ONCLOCKTIME(hours,mins) #define ONCLOCKMINS(mins) #define ONOVERLOAD(track_id) #define ONDEACTIVATE(addr,subaddr) #define ONDEACTIVATEL(linear) #define ONCLOSE(turnout_id) #define ONLCC(sender,event) #define ONGREEN(signal_id) #define ONRED(signal_id) #define ONROTATE(turntable_id) #define ONTHROW(turnout_id) #define ONCHANGE(sensor_id) #define ONSENSOR(sensor_id) #define ONBUTTON(sensor_id) #define PAUSE #define PIN_TURNOUT(id,pin,description...) #define PRINT(msg) #define PARSE(msg) #define PICKUP_STASH(id) #ifndef DISABLE_PROG #define POM(cv,value) #endif #define POWEROFF #define POWERON #define READ_LOCO #define RED(signal_id) #define RESERVE(blockid) #define RESET(pin,count...) #define RESUME #define RETURN #define REV(speed) #define ROTATE(turntable_id,position,activity) #define ROTATE_DCC(turntable_id,position) #define ROSTER(cab,name,funcmap...) #define ROUTE(id,description) #define ROUTE_ACTIVE(id) #define ROUTE_INACTIVE(id) #define ROUTE_HIDDEN(id) #define ROUTE_DISABLED(id) #define ROUTE_CAPTION(id,caption) #define SENDLOCO(cab,route) #define SEQUENCE(id) #define SERIAL(msg) #define SERIAL1(msg) #define SERIAL2(msg) #define SERIAL3(msg) #define SERIAL4(msg) #define SERIAL5(msg) #define SERIAL6(msg) #define SERVO(id,position,profile) #define SERVO2(id,position,duration) #define SERVO_SIGNAL(vpin,redpos,amberpos,greenpos) #define SERVO_TURNOUT(id,pin,activeAngle,inactiveAngle,profile,description...) #define SET(pin,count...) #define SET_TRACK(track,mode) #define SET_POWER(track,onoff) #define SETLOCO(loco) #define SETFREQ(freq) #define SIGNAL(redpin,amberpin,greenpin) #define SIGNALH(redpin,amberpin,greenpin) #define SPEED(speed) #define START(route) #define STASH(id) #define STEALTH(code...) #define STEALTH_GLOBAL(code...) #define STOP #define THROW(id) #define TOGGLE_TURNOUT(id) #define TT_ADDPOSITION(turntable_id,position,value,angle,description...) #define TURNOUT(id,addr,subaddr,description...) #define TURNOUTL(id,addr,description...) #define UNJOIN #define UNLATCH(sensor_id) #define VIRTUAL_SIGNAL(id) #define VIRTUAL_TURNOUT(id,description...) #define WAITFOR(pin) #ifndef IO_NO_HAL #define WAITFORTT(turntable_id) #endif #define WITHROTTLE(msg) #define XFOFF(cab,func) #define XFON(cab,func) #define XFTOGGLE(cab,func) #endif