/* * © 2021 Neil McKechnie * © 2021 Harald Barth * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of DCC++EX API * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <Arduino.h> #include "IODevice.h" #include "DIAG.h" #include "FSH.h" #include "IO_MCP23017.h" #include "DCCTimer.h" #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_MEGAAVR) #define USE_FAST_IO #endif // Link to halSetup function. If not defined, the function reference will be NULL. extern __attribute__((weak)) void halSetup(); extern __attribute__((weak)) bool exrailHalSetup(); //================================================================================================================== // Static methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Static functions // Static method to initialise the IODevice subsystem. #if !defined(IO_NO_HAL) // Create any standard device instances that may be required, such as the Arduino pins // and PCA9685. void IODevice::begin() { // Initialise the IO subsystem defaults ArduinoPins::create(2, NUM_DIGITAL_PINS-2); // Reserve pins for direct access // Call user's halSetup() function (if defined in the build in myHal.cpp). // The contents will depend on the user's system hardware configuration. // The myHal.cpp file is a standard C++ module so has access to all of the DCC++EX APIs. // This is done early so that the subsequent defaults will detect an overlap and not // create something that conflicts with the user's vpin definitions. if (halSetup) halSetup(); // include any HAL devices defined in exrail. bool ignoreDefaults=false; if (exrailHalSetup) ignoreDefaults=exrailHalSetup(); if (ignoreDefaults) return; // Predefine two PCA9685 modules 0x40-0x41 if no conflicts // Allocates 32 pins 100-131 const bool silent=true; // no message if these conflict if (checkNoOverlap(100, 16, 0x40, silent)) { PCA9685::create(100, 16, 0x40); } if (checkNoOverlap(116, 16, 0x41, silent)) { PCA9685::create(116, 16, 0x41); } // Predefine two MCP23017 module 0x20/0x21 if no conflicts // Allocates 32 pins 164-195 if (checkNoOverlap(164, 16, 0x20, silent)) { MCP23017::create(164, 16, 0x20); } if (checkNoOverlap(180, 16, 0x21, silent)) { MCP23017::create(180, 16, 0x21); } } // reset() function to reinitialise all devices void IODevice::reset() { unsigned long currentMicros = micros(); for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != NULL; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { dev->_deviceState = DEVSTATE_DORMANT; // First ensure that _loop isn't delaying dev->delayUntil(currentMicros); // Then invoke _begin to restart driver dev->_begin(); } } // Overarching static loop() method for the IODevice subsystem. Works through the // list of installed devices and calls their individual _loop() method. // Devices may or may not implement this, but if they do it is useful for things like animations // or flashing LEDs. // The current value of micros() is passed as a parameter, so the called loop function // doesn't need to invoke it. void IODevice::loop() { unsigned long currentMicros = micros(); IODevice *lastLoopDevice = _nextLoopDevice; // So we know when to stop... // Loop through devices until we find one ready to be serviced. do { if (!_nextLoopDevice) _nextLoopDevice = _firstDevice; if (_nextLoopDevice) { if (_nextLoopDevice->_deviceState != DEVSTATE_FAILED && ((long)(currentMicros - _nextLoopDevice->_nextEntryTime)) >= 0) { // Found one ready to run, so invoke its _loop method. _nextLoopDevice->_nextEntryTime = currentMicros; _nextLoopDevice->_loop(currentMicros); _nextLoopDevice = _nextLoopDevice->_nextDevice; break; } // Not this one, move to next one _nextLoopDevice = _nextLoopDevice->_nextDevice; } } while (_nextLoopDevice != lastLoopDevice); // Stop looking when we've done all. // Report loop time if diags enabled #if defined(DIAG_LOOPTIMES) unsigned long diagMicros = micros(); static unsigned long lastMicros = 0; // Measure time since HAL's loop() method started. unsigned long halElapsed = diagMicros - currentMicros; // Measure time between loop() method entries (excluding this diagnostic). unsigned long elapsed = diagMicros - lastMicros; static unsigned long maxElapsed = 0, maxHalElapsed = 0; static unsigned long lastOutputTime = 0; static unsigned long halTotal = 0, total = 0; static unsigned long count = 0; const unsigned long interval = (unsigned long)5 * 1000 * 1000; // 5 seconds in microsec // Ignore long loop counts while message is still outputting (~3 milliseconds) if (currentMicros - lastOutputTime > 3000UL) { if (elapsed > maxElapsed) maxElapsed = elapsed; if (halElapsed > maxHalElapsed) maxHalElapsed = halElapsed; halTotal += halElapsed; total += elapsed; count++; } if (diagMicros - lastOutputTime > interval) { if (lastOutputTime > 0) DIAG(F("Loop Total:%lus (%lus max) HAL:%lus (%lus max)"), total/count, maxElapsed, halTotal/count, maxHalElapsed); maxElapsed = maxHalElapsed = total = halTotal = count = 0; lastOutputTime = diagMicros; } // Read microsecond count after calculations, so they aren't // included in the overall timings. lastMicros = micros(); #endif } // Display a list of all the devices on the diagnostic stream. void IODevice::DumpAll() { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { dev->_display(); } } // Determine if the specified vpin is allocated to a device. bool IODevice::exists(VPIN vpin) { return findDevice(vpin) != NULL; } // Return the status of the device att vpin. uint8_t IODevice::getStatus(VPIN vpin) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (!dev) return false; return dev->_deviceState; } // check whether the pin supports notification. If so, then regular _read calls are not required. bool IODevice::hasCallback(VPIN vpin) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (!dev) return false; return dev->_hasCallback; } // Display (to diagnostics) details of the device. void IODevice::_display() { DIAG(F("Unknown device Vpins:%u-%u %S"), (int)_firstVpin, (int)_firstVpin+_nPins-1, _deviceState==DEVSTATE_FAILED ? F("OFFLINE") : F("")); } // Find device associated with nominated Vpin and pass configuration values on to it. // Return false if not found. bool IODevice::configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) return dev->_configure(vpin, configType, paramCount, params); #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::configure(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif return false; } // Read value from virtual pin. int IODevice::read(VPIN vpin) { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { if (dev->owns(vpin)) return dev->_read(vpin); } #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::read(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif return false; } // Read analogue value from virtual pin. int IODevice::readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { if (dev->owns(vpin)) return dev->_readAnalogue(vpin); } #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::readAnalogue(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif return -1023; } int IODevice::configureAnalogIn(VPIN vpin) { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { if (dev->owns(vpin)) return dev->_configureAnalogIn(vpin); } #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::configureAnalogIn(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif return -1023; } // Write value to virtual pin(s). If multiple devices are allocated the same pin // then only the first one found will be used. void IODevice::write(VPIN vpin, int value) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) { dev->_write(vpin, value); return; } #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::write(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif } // Write value to count virtual pin(s). // these may be within one driver or separated over several drivers void IODevice::writeRange(VPIN vpin, int value, int count) { while(count) { auto dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) { auto vpinBefore=vpin; // write to driver, driver will return next vpin it cant handle vpin=dev->_writeRange(vpin, value,count); count-= vpin-vpinBefore; // decrement by number of vpins changed } else { // skip a vpin if no device handler vpin++; count--; } } } // Write analogue value to virtual pin(s). If multiple devices are allocated // the same pin then only the first one found will be used. // // The significance of param1 and param2 may vary from device to device. // For servo controllers, param1 is the profile of the transition and param2 // the duration, i.e. the time that the operation is to be animated over // in deciseconds (0-3276 sec) // void IODevice::writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) { dev->_writeAnalogue(vpin, value, param1, param2); return; } #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("IODevice::writeAnalogue(): VPIN %u not found!"), (int)vpin); #endif } // void IODevice::writeAnalogueRange(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2,int count) { while(count) { auto dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) { auto vpinBefore=vpin; // write to driver, driver will return next vpin it cant handle vpin=dev->_writeAnalogueRange(vpin, value, param1, param2,count); count-= vpin-vpinBefore; // decrement by number of vpins changed } else { // skip a vpin if no device handler vpin++; count--; } } } // isBusy, when called for a device pin is always a digital output or analogue output, // returns input feedback state of the pin, i.e. whether the pin is busy performing // an animation or fade over a period of time. bool IODevice::isBusy(VPIN vpin) { IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin); if (dev) return dev->_read(vpin); else return false; } void IODevice::setGPIOInterruptPin(int16_t pinNumber) { if (pinNumber >= 0) pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLUP); _gpioInterruptPin = pinNumber; } // Helper function to add a new device to the device chain. If // slaveDevice is NULL then the device is added to the end of the chain. // Otherwise, the chain is searched for slaveDevice and the new device linked // in front of it (to support filter devices that share the same VPIN range // as the devices they control). If slaveDevice isn't found, then the // device is linked to the end of the chain. void IODevice::addDevice(IODevice *newDevice, IODevice *slaveDevice /* = NULL */) { if (slaveDevice == _firstDevice) { newDevice->_nextDevice = _firstDevice; _firstDevice = newDevice; } else { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { if (dev->_nextDevice == slaveDevice || dev->_nextDevice == NULL) { // Link new device between dev and slaveDevice (or at end of chain) newDevice->_nextDevice = dev->_nextDevice; dev->_nextDevice = newDevice; break; } } } newDevice->_begin(); } // Private helper function to locate a device by VPIN. Returns NULL if not found. // This is performance-critical, so minimises the calculation and function calls necessary. IODevice *IODevice::findDevice(VPIN vpin) { for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { VPIN firstVpin = dev->_firstVpin; if (vpin >= firstVpin && vpin < firstVpin+dev->_nPins) return dev; } return NULL; } // Instance helper function for filter devices (layered over others). Looks for // a device that is further down the chain than the current device. IODevice *IODevice::findDeviceFollowing(VPIN vpin) { for (IODevice *dev = _nextDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { VPIN firstVpin = dev->_firstVpin; if (vpin >= firstVpin && vpin < firstVpin+dev->_nPins) return dev; } return NULL; } // Private helper function to check for vpin overlap. Run during setup only. // returns true if pins DONT overlap with existing device // TODO: Move the I2C address reservation and checks into the I2CManager code. // That will enable non-HAL devices to reserve I2C addresses too. // Silent is used by the default setup so that there is no message if the default // device has already been handled by the user setup. bool IODevice::checkNoOverlap(VPIN firstPin, uint8_t nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, bool silent) { #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("Check no overlap %u %u %s"), firstPin,nPins,i2cAddress.toString()); #endif VPIN lastPin=firstPin+nPins-1; for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) { if (nPins > 0 && dev->_nPins > 0) { // check for pin range overlaps (verbose but compiler will fix that) VPIN firstDevPin=dev->_firstVpin; VPIN lastDevPin=firstDevPin+dev->_nPins-1; bool noOverlap= firstPin>lastDevPin || lastPin<firstDevPin; if (!noOverlap) { if (!silent) DIAG(F("WARNING HAL Overlap, redefinition of Vpins %u to %u ignored."), firstPin, lastPin); return false; } } // Check for overlapping I2C address if (i2cAddress && dev->_I2CAddress==i2cAddress) { if (!silent) DIAG(F("WARNING HAL Overlap. i2c Addr %s ignored."),i2cAddress.toString()); return false; } } return true; // no overlaps... OK to go on with constructor } //================================================================================================================== // Static data //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Chain of callback blocks (identifying registered callback functions for state changes) IONotifyCallback *IONotifyCallback::first = 0; // Start and end of chain of devices. IODevice *IODevice::_firstDevice = 0; // Reference to next device to be called on _loop() method. IODevice *IODevice::_nextLoopDevice = 0; //================================================================================================================== // Instance members //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Method to check whether the id corresponds to this device bool IODevice::owns(VPIN id) { return (id >= _firstVpin && id < _firstVpin + _nPins); } #else // !defined(IO_NO_HAL) // Minimal implementations of public HAL interface, to support Arduino pin I/O and nothing more. void IODevice::begin() { DIAG(F("NO HAL CONFIGURED!")); } bool IODevice::configure(VPIN pin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int nParams, int p[]) { if (configType!=CONFIGURE_INPUT || nParams!=1 || pin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return false; #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("Arduino _configurePullup pin:%d Val:%d"), pin, p[0]); #endif pinMode(pin, p[0] ? INPUT_PULLUP : INPUT); return true; } void IODevice::write(VPIN vpin, int value) { if (vpin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return; digitalWrite(vpin, value); pinMode(vpin, OUTPUT); } void IODevice::writeAnalogue(VPIN, int, uint8_t, uint16_t) {} bool IODevice::isBusy(VPIN) { return false; } bool IODevice::hasCallback(VPIN) { return false; } int IODevice::read(VPIN vpin) { if (vpin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return 0; return !digitalRead(vpin); // Return inverted state (5v=0, 0v=1) } int IODevice::readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) { return ADCee::read(vpin); } int IODevice::configureAnalogIn(VPIN vpin) { return ADCee::init(vpin); } void IODevice::loop() {} void IODevice::DumpAll() { DIAG(F("NO HAL CONFIGURED!")); } bool IODevice::exists(VPIN vpin) { return (vpin > 2 && vpin < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS); } void IODevice::setGPIOInterruptPin(int16_t) {} // Chain of callback blocks (identifying registered callback functions for state changes) // Not used in IO_NO_HAL but must be declared. IONotifyCallback *IONotifyCallback::first = 0; #endif // IO_NO_HAL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor ArduinoPins::ArduinoPins(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins) { _firstVpin = firstVpin; _nPins = nPins; int arrayLen = (_nPins+7)/8; _pinPullups = (uint8_t *)calloc(3, arrayLen); _pinModes = (&_pinPullups[0]) + arrayLen; _pinInUse = (&_pinPullups[0]) + 2*arrayLen; for (int i=0; i<arrayLen; i++) { _pinPullups[i] = 0xff; // default to pullup on, for inputs _pinModes[i] = 0; _pinInUse[i] = 0; } } // Device-specific pin configuration. Configure should be called infrequently so simplify // code by using the standard pinMode function. bool ArduinoPins::_configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) { if (configType != CONFIGURE_INPUT) return false; if (paramCount != 1) return false; bool pullup = params[0]; int pin = vpin; #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("Arduino _configurePullup Pin:%d Val:%d"), pin, pullup); #endif uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8); uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8; _pinModes[index] &= ~mask; // set to input mode if (pullup) { _pinPullups[index] |= mask; pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); } else { _pinPullups[index] &= ~mask; pinMode(pin, INPUT); } _pinInUse[index] |= mask; return true; } // Device-specific write function. void ArduinoPins::_write(VPIN vpin, int value) { int pin = vpin; #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("Arduino Write Pin:%d Val:%d"), pin, value); #endif uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8); uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8; // First update the output state, then set into write mode if not already. fastWriteDigital(pin, value); if (!(_pinModes[index] & mask)) { // Currently in read mode, change to write mode _pinModes[index] |= mask; // Since mode changes should be infrequent, use standard pinMode function pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); _pinInUse[index] |= mask; } } // Device-specific read function (digital input). int ArduinoPins::_read(VPIN vpin) { int pin = vpin; uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8); uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8; if ((_pinModes[index] | ~_pinInUse[index]) & mask) { // Currently in write mode or not initialised, change to read mode _pinModes[index] &= ~mask; // Since mode changes should be infrequent, use standard pinMode function if (_pinPullups[index] & mask) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); _pinInUse[index] |= mask; } int value = !fastReadDigital(pin); // Invert (5v=0, 0v=1) #ifdef DIAG_IO //DIAG(F("Arduino Read Pin:%d Value:%d"), pin, value); #endif return value; } // Device-specific readAnalogue function (analogue input) int ArduinoPins::_readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) { if (vpin > 255) return -1023; uint8_t pin = vpin; int value = ADCee::read(pin); #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("Arduino Read Pin:%d Value:%d"), pin, value); #endif return value; } int ArduinoPins::_configureAnalogIn(VPIN vpin) { if (vpin > 255) return -1023; uint8_t pin = vpin; uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8); uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8; if (_pinModes[index] & mask) { // Currently in write mode, change to read mode _pinModes[index] &= ~mask; // Since mode changes should be infrequent, use standard pinMode function if (_pinPullups[index] & mask) pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); else pinMode(pin, INPUT); } int value = ADCee::init(pin); #ifdef DIAG_IO DIAG(F("configureAnalogIn Pin:%d Value:%d"), pin, value); #endif return value; } void ArduinoPins::_display() { DIAG(F("Arduino Vpins:%u-%u"), (int)_firstVpin, (int)_firstVpin+_nPins-1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) { #if defined(USE_FAST_IO) if (pin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return; uint8_t mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin); volatile uint8_t *outPortAdr = portOutputRegister(port); noInterrupts(); if (value) *outPortAdr |= mask; else *outPortAdr &= ~mask; interrupts(); #else digitalWrite(pin, value); #endif } bool ArduinoPins::fastReadDigital(uint8_t pin) { #if defined(USE_FAST_IO) if (pin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return false; uint8_t mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin); uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin); volatile uint8_t *inPortAdr = portInputRegister(port); // read input bool result = (*inPortAdr & mask) != 0; #else bool result = digitalRead(pin); #endif return result; }