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Neil McKechnie 6c98f90151 Reduce I2C interrupt time
Reduce the time spent with interrupts disabled in I2CManager response code by enabling interrupts after the state machine has finished.
Also, some comment changes.
2021-11-15 14:30:27 +00:00

289 lines
11 KiB

* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of CommandStation-EX
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef I2CMANAGER_H
#define I2CMANAGER_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "FSH.h"
* Manager for I2C communications. For portability, it allows use
* of the Wire class, but also has a native implementation for AVR
* which supports non-blocking queued I/O requests.
* Helps to avoid calling Wire.begin() multiple times (which is not)
* entirely benign as it reinitialises).
* Also helps to avoid the Wire clock from being set, by another device
* driver, to a speed which is higher than a device supports.
* Thirdly, it provides a convenient way to check whether there is a
* device on a particular I2C address.
* Non-blocking requests are issued by creating an I2C Request Block
* (I2CRB) which is then added to the I2C manager's queue. The
* application refers to this block to check for completion of the
* operation, and for reading completion status.
* Examples:
* I2CRB rb;
* uint8_t status = I2CManager.write(address, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &rb);
* ...
* if (!rb.isBusy()) {
* status = rb.status;
* // Repeat write
* I2CManager.queueRequest(&rb);
* ...
* status = rb.wait(); // Wait for completion and read status
* }
* ...
* I2CRB rb2;
* outbuffer[0] = 12; // Register number in I2C device to be read
* rb2.setRequestParams(address, inBuffer, 1, outBuffer, 1);
* status = I2CManager.queueRequest(&rb2);
* if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK) {
* status = rb2.wait();
* if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK) {
* registerValue = inBuffer[0];
* }
* }
* ...
* Synchronous (blocking) calls are also possible, e.g.
* status = I2CManager.write(address, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
* When using non-blocking requests, neither the I2CRB nor the input or output
* buffers should be modified until the I2CRB is complete (not busy).
* Timeout monitoring is possible, but requires that the following call is made
* reasonably frequently in the program's loop() function:
* I2CManager.loop();
* Future enhancement possibility:
* I2C Multiplexer (e.g. TCA9547, TCA9548)
* A multiplexer offers a way of extending the address range of I2C devices. For example, GPIO extenders use address range 0x20-0x27
* to are limited to 8 on a bus. By adding a multiplexer, the limit becomes 8 for each of the multiplexer's 8 sub-buses, i.e. 64.
* And a single I2C bus can have up to 8 multiplexers, giving up to 64 sub-buses and, in theory, up to 512 I/O extenders; that's
* as many as 8192 input/output pins!
* Secondly, the capacitance of the bus is an electrical limiting factor of the length of the bus, speed and number of devices.
* The multiplexer isolates each sub-bus from the others, and so reduces the capacitance of the bus. For example, with one
* multiplexer and 64 GPIO extenders, only 9 devices are connected to the bus at any time (multiplexer plus 8 extenders).
* Thirdly, the multiplexer offers the ability to use mixed-speed devices more effectively, by allowing high-speed devices to be
* put on a different bus to low-speed devices, enabling the software to switch the I2C speed on-the-fly between I2C transactions.
* Changes required: Increase the size of the I2CAddress field in the IODevice class from uint8_t to uint16_t.
* The most significant byte would contain a '1' bit flag, the multiplexer number (0-7) and bus number (0-7). Then, when performing
* an I2C operation, the I2CManager would check this byte and, if zero, do what it currently does. If the byte is non-zero, then
* that means the device is connected via a multiplexer so the I2C transaction should be preceded by a select command issued to the
* relevant multiplexer.
* Non-interrupting I2C:
* I2C may be operated without interrupts (undefine I2C_USE_INTERRUPTS). Instead, the I2C state
* machine handler, currently invoked from the interrupt service routine, is invoked from the loop() function.
* The speed at which I2C operations can be performed then becomes highly dependent on the frequency that
* the loop() function is called, and may be adequate under some circumstances.
* The advantage of NOT using interrupts is that the impact of I2C upon the DCC waveform (when accurate timing mode isn't in use)
* becomes almost zero.
// Uncomment following line to enable Wire library instead of native I2C drivers
//#define I2C_USE_WIRE
// Uncomment following line to disable the use of interrupts by the native I2C drivers.
// Default to use interrupts within the native I2C drivers.
// Status codes for I2CRB structures.
enum : uint8_t {
// Codes used by Wire and by native drivers
// Code used by Wire only
I2C_STATUS_OTHER_TWI_ERROR=4, // catch-all error
// Codes used by native drivers only
// Status codes for the state machine (not returned to caller).
enum : uint8_t {
typedef enum : uint8_t
} OperationEnum;
// Default I2C frequency
#ifndef I2C_FREQ
#define I2C_FREQ 400000L
// Class defining a request context for an I2C operation.
class I2CRB {
volatile uint8_t status; // Completion status, or pending flag (updated from IRC)
volatile uint8_t nBytes; // Number of bytes read (updated from IRC)
inline I2CRB() { status = I2C_STATUS_OK; };
uint8_t wait();
bool isBusy();
void setReadParams(uint8_t i2cAddress, uint8_t *readBuffer, uint8_t readLen);
void setRequestParams(uint8_t i2cAddress, uint8_t *readBuffer, uint8_t readLen, const uint8_t *writeBuffer, uint8_t writeLen);
void setWriteParams(uint8_t i2cAddress, const uint8_t *writeBuffer, uint8_t writeLen);
uint8_t writeLen;
uint8_t readLen;
uint8_t operation;
uint8_t i2cAddress;
uint8_t *readBuffer;
const uint8_t *writeBuffer;
#if !defined(I2C_USE_WIRE)
I2CRB *nextRequest;
// I2C Manager
class I2CManagerClass {
// If not already initialised, initialise I2C (wire).
void begin(void);
// Set clock speed to the lowest requested one.
void setClock(uint32_t speed);
// Force clock speed
void forceClock(uint32_t speed);
// Check if specified I2C address is responding.
uint8_t checkAddress(uint8_t address);
inline bool exists(uint8_t address) {
return checkAddress(address)==I2C_STATUS_OK;
// Write a complete transmission to I2C from an array in RAM
uint8_t write(uint8_t address, const uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t size);
uint8_t write(uint8_t address, const uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t size, I2CRB *rb);
// Write a complete transmission to I2C from an array in Flash
uint8_t write_P(uint8_t address, const uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t size);
uint8_t write_P(uint8_t address, const uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t size, I2CRB *rb);
// Write a transmission to I2C from a list of bytes.
uint8_t write(uint8_t address, uint8_t nBytes, ...);
// Write a command from an array in RAM and read response
uint8_t read(uint8_t address, uint8_t readBuffer[], uint8_t readSize,
const uint8_t writeBuffer[]=NULL, uint8_t writeSize=0);
uint8_t read(uint8_t address, uint8_t readBuffer[], uint8_t readSize,
const uint8_t writeBuffer[], uint8_t writeSize, I2CRB *rb);
// Write a command from an arbitrary list of bytes and read response
uint8_t read(uint8_t address, uint8_t readBuffer[], uint8_t readSize,
uint8_t writeSize, ...);
void queueRequest(I2CRB *req);
// Function to abort long-running operations.
void checkForTimeout();
// Loop method
void loop();
// Expand error codes into text. Note that they are in flash so
// need to be printed using FSH.
static const FSH *getErrorMessage(uint8_t status);
bool _beginCompleted = false;
bool _clockSpeedFixed = false;
uint32_t _clockSpeed = 400000L; // 400kHz max on Arduino.
// Finish off request block by waiting for completion and posting status.
uint8_t finishRB(I2CRB *rb, uint8_t status);
void _initialise();
void _setClock(unsigned long);
#if !defined(I2C_USE_WIRE)
// I2CRB structs are queued on the following two links.
// If there are no requests, both are NULL.
// If there is only one request, then queueHead and queueTail both point to it.
// Otherwise, queueHead is the pointer to the first request in the queue and
// queueTail is the pointer to the last request in the queue.
// Within the queue, each request's nextRequest field points to the
// next request, or NULL.
// Mark volatile as they are updated by IRC and read/written elsewhere.
static I2CRB * volatile queueHead;
static I2CRB * volatile queueTail;
static volatile uint8_t state;
static I2CRB * volatile currentRequest;
static volatile uint8_t txCount;
static volatile uint8_t rxCount;
static volatile uint8_t bytesToSend;
static volatile uint8_t bytesToReceive;
static volatile uint8_t operation;
static volatile unsigned long startTime;
static unsigned long timeout; // Transaction timeout in microseconds. 0=disabled.
void startTransaction();
// Low-level hardware manipulation functions.
static void I2C_init();
static void I2C_setClock(unsigned long i2cClockSpeed);
static void I2C_handleInterrupt();
static void I2C_sendStart();
static void I2C_sendStop();
static void I2C_close();
// setTimeout sets the timout value for I2C transactions.
// TODO: Get I2C timeout working before uncommenting the code below.
void setTimeout(unsigned long value) { (void)value; /* timeout = value; */ };
// handleInterrupt needs to be public to be called from the ISR function!
static void handleInterrupt();
extern I2CManagerClass I2CManager;