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* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC++EX API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* nRF24 default mode of operation:
* Channel: 108
* Bit rate: 2MHz
* CRC: 16-bit
* Power Level: High
* Each node on the network is configured with a node number in the range 0-254.
* The remoting configuration defines, for each pin to be available remotely,
* the node number and the VPIN number on that node. The configuration must
* match in all nodes, since it is used by the sending node to identify the node
* and VPIN to which a write command is to be sent, and the VPIN number for a
* sensor/input, and on the receiving node to identify the node from which a
* sensor/input value is being sourced.
* The node number is also used as the first byte of the nRF24's 5-byte address
* field. Number 255 is treated as a multicast address. All stations listen on
* their own address and on the multicast address.
* All nodes send regular multicast packets containing the latest values of the
* sensors as they know them. On receipt of such a packet, each node extracts
* the states of the sensors which are sourced by the originating node, and
* updates the values in its own local data. Thus, each node has a copy of the
* states of all digital input pin values that are defined in the remoting
* configuration. Multicasts are sent frequently, so if one is missed
* then, like a London bus, another will be along shortly.
* Commands (originating from write() or writeAnalogue() calls) are sent
* immediately, directly from the originating node to the target node. This
* is done with acknowlegements enabled to maximise the probability of
* successful delivery.
* The nRF24 device receives and acknowledges data packets autonomously.
* Therefore, this driver just needs to detect when a packet is received and
* read and process its contents. The time to read the packet is under 200us
* typically.
* The nRF24 is also capable of autonomously sending packets, processing
* acknowledgements, and generating retries. The driver writes the packet to
* the device and then waits for notification of completion (success, or retries
* exceeded) through the device's registers. Similarly, the time to write a
* packet is under 200us and, if we don't wait for the completion, we can allow
* the processor to do other things while the transmission is in progress.
* A write with ack can complete in under 600us, plus the time of turning the
* receiver off and on.
* Usage:
* First declare, for each remote pin in the common area, the mapping onto
* a node and VPIN number. The array below assumes that the first remote
* VPIN is 4000. The nRF24L01 device is connected to the standard SPI pins
* plus two others referred to as CE and CSN. The Arduino pin numbers used
* for these are specified in the create() call. The REMOTEPINS definition
* should be the same on all nodes in the network. For outputs, it is the
* definition in the sending node that dictates which node and VPIN the
* action is performed on. For inputs, the value is placed into the
* VPIN location defined in the sending node (that scans the input value),
* but the value is only accepted in the receiving node if its definition
* shows that the signal originates in the sending node.
* Example to go into mySetup() function in mySetup.cpp:
* REMOTEPINS rpins[] = {
* {0,30,RPIN_OUT}, //4000 Node 0 GPIO pin 30 (output)
* {1,30,RPIN_IN}, //4001 Node 1 GPIO pin 30 (input)
* {1,100,RPIN_INOUT}, //4002 Node 1 Servo (PCA9685) pin (output to servo, input busy flag)
* {1,164,RPIN_IN}, //4003 Node 1 GPIO extender (MCP23017) pin (input)
* {2,164,RPIN_IN} //4004 Node 2 GPIO extender (MCP23017) pin (input)
* }
* // FirstVPIN, nPins, thisNode, pinDefs, CEPin, CSNPin
* RF24Net::create(4000, NUMREMOTEPINS(rpins), 0, rpins, 48, 49);
* This example defines VPINs 4000-4004 which map onto pins on nodes 0, 1 and 2.
* The nRF24 device has to be connected to the hardware MISO, MOSI, SCK and CS pins of the
* microcontroller; in addition, the CE and CSN pins on the nRF24 are connected to
* two pins (48 and 49 above).
* If any of pins 4000-4004 are referenced by turnouts, outputs or sensors, or by EX-RAIL,
* then the corresponding remote pin state will be retrieved or updated.
* For example, in EX-RAIL,
* SET(4000) on node 1 or 2 will set pin 30 on Node 0 to +5V (pin is put into output mode on first write).
* AT(4001) on node 0 or 2 will wait until the sensor attached to pin 30 on Node 1 activates.
* SERVO(4002,300,2) on node 0 or 2 will reposition the servo on Node 1 PCA9685 module to position 300, and
* AT(-4002) will wait until the servo has finished moving.
* The following sensor definition on node 0 will map onto VPIN 4004, i.e. Node 2 VPIN 164,
* which is the first pin on the first MCP23017:
* <S 1 4004 0>
* and when a sensor attached to the pin on node 2 is activated (pin pulled down to 0V) the following
* message will be generated on node 0:
* <Q 1>
* When the sensor deactivates, the following message will be generated on node 0:
* <q 1>
#ifndef IO_RF24_H
#define IO_RF24_H
#include "IODevice.h"
#include "RF24.h"
// Macros and type for creating the remote pin definitions.
// The definitions are stored in PROGMEM to reduce RAM requirements.
// The flags byte contains, in the low 2 bits, RPIN_IN, RPIN_OUT or RPIN_INOUT.
typedef struct { uint8_t node; VPIN vpin; uint8_t flags; } RPIN;
#define REMOTEPINS static const RPIN PROGMEM
#define NUMREMOTEPINS(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(RPIN))
enum {
class RF24Net : public IODevice {
// pins must be arduino GPIO pins, not extender pins or HAL pins.
int _cePin = -1;
int _csnPin = -1;
const RPIN *_pinDefs; // May need to become a far pointer!
// Time of last loop execution
unsigned long _lastExecutionTime;
// Current digital values for remoted pins, stored as a bit field
uint8_t *_pinValues;
// Number of the current node (0-254)
uint8_t _thisNode;
// 5-byte nRF24L01 address. First byte will contain the node number (0-254) or 255 for broadcast
byte _address[5] = {0x00, 0xCC, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xCC};
// Maximum size of payload (must be 32 or less)
static const uint8_t maxPayloadSize = 32;
// Current node being sent sensor data and polled
uint8_t _currentSendNode = 0;
bool _sendInProgress = false;
bool _changesPending;
int _nextSendPin = 0;
unsigned long _lastMulticastTime;
int _firstPinToSend; // must be a multiple of 8
int _numPinsToSend; // need not be a multiple of 8
RF24 _radio;
// List of network commands
enum : uint8_t {
// Constructor performs static initialisation of the device object
RF24Net (VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t thisNode, const RPIN pinDefs[], int cePin, int csnPin) {
_firstVpin = firstVpin;
_nPins = nPins;
_cePin = cePin;
_csnPin = csnPin;
_thisNode = thisNode;
_pinDefs = pinDefs;
_address[0] = 0x00;
_address[1] = 0xCC;
_address[2] = 0xEE;
_address[3] = 0xEE;
_address[4] = 0xCC;
_pinValues = (uint8_t *)calloc((nPins+7)/8, 1); // Allocate space for input values.
// Identify which pins are allocated to this node.
_firstPinToSend = -1;
_numPinsToSend = 0;
for (int pin=0; pin<_nPins; pin++) {
uint8_t node = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].node);
uint8_t flags = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].flags);
// Check if the pin is an input on this node?
if (node == _thisNode && (flags & RPIN_IN)) {
if (_firstPinToSend==-1) _firstPinToSend = pin;
_numPinsToSend = pin - _firstPinToSend + 1;
//DIAG(F("Node=%d FirstPin=%d, NumPins=%d"), node, _firstPinToSend, _numPinsToSend);
// Round down to multiple of 8 (byte boundary).
_firstPinToSend /= 8;
_firstPinToSend *= 8;
_nextSendPin = _firstPinToSend;
//DIAG(F("FirstPin=%d, NumPins=%d"), _firstPinToSend, _numPinsToSend);
// Static create function provides alternative way to create object
static void create(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins, uint8_t thisNode, const RPIN pinDefs[], int cePin, int csnPin) {
new RF24Net(firstVpin, nPins, thisNode, pinDefs, cePin, csnPin);
// _begin function called to perform dynamic initialisation of the device
void _begin() override {
#if defined(DIAG_IO)
if (_radio.begin(_cePin, _csnPin)) {
// Device initialisation OK, set up parameters
_radio.enableDynamicPayloads(); // variable length packets
_radio.enableDynamicAck(); // required for multicast to work
_radio.setRetries(1, 5); // Retry time=1*250+250us=500us, count=5.
// Set to listen on the address 255
_address[0] = 255;
_radio.openReadingPipe(1, _address);
// Also allow receives on own node address
_address[0] = _thisNode;
_radio.openReadingPipe(2, _address);
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_NORMAL;
} else {
// Error in initialising
DIAG(F("nRF24L01 Failed to initialise"));
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
_lastMulticastTime = _lastExecutionTime = micros();
// _read function - just return _value (updated in _loop when message received from remote node)
int _read(VPIN vpin) override {
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
uint8_t mask = 1 << (pin & 7);
int byteIndex = pin / 8;
return (_pinValues[byteIndex] & mask) ? 1 : 0;
// _write (digital) - send command directly to the appropriate remote node.
void _write(VPIN vpin, int value) override {
// Send message
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
uint8_t node = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].node);
uint8_t flags = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].flags);
VPIN remoteVpin = GETFLASHW(&_pinDefs[pin].vpin);
if (node != _thisNode && remoteVpin != VPIN_NONE && (flags & RPIN_OUT)) {
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("RF24: write(%d,%d)=>send(%d,\"write(%d,%d)\")"), vpin, value, node, remoteVpin, value);
outBuffer[0] = node;
outBuffer[1] = NET_CMD_WRITE;
outBuffer[2] = getMsb(remoteVpin);
outBuffer[3] = getLsb(remoteVpin);
outBuffer[4] = (uint8_t)value;
// Set up to send to the specified node address
sendCommand(node, outBuffer, 5);
// _writeAnalogue - send command directly to the appropriate remote node.
void _writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t param1, uint16_t param2) override {
// Send message
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
uint8_t node = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].node);
uint8_t flags = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].flags);
VPIN remoteVpin = GETFLASHW(&_pinDefs[pin].vpin);
if (node != _thisNode && remoteVpin != VPIN_NONE && (flags & RPIN_OUT)) {
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("RF24: writeAnalogue(%d,%d,%d,%d)=>send(%d,\"writeAnalogue(%d,%d,...)\")"),
vpin, value, param1, param2, node, remoteVpin, value);
outBuffer[0] = node;
outBuffer[2] = getMsb(remoteVpin);
outBuffer[3] = getLsb(remoteVpin);
outBuffer[4] = getMsb(value);
outBuffer[5] = getLsb(value);
outBuffer[6] = param1;
outBuffer[7] = getMsb(param2);
outBuffer[8] = getLsb(param2);
// Set up to send to the specified node address
sendCommand(node, outBuffer, 9);
// _loop function - check for, and process, received data from RF24, and send any
// updates that are due.
void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override {
// Check for incoming data
if (_radio.available(NULL))
// Force a data update broadcast every 500ms irrespective of whether there are
// data changes or not.
if (currentMicros - _lastMulticastTime > (500 * 1000UL))
_changesPending = true;
// Send out data update broadcasts once every 100ms if there are changes
if (currentMicros - _lastExecutionTime > (100 * 1000UL)) {
// Broadcast updates to all other nodes. The preparation is done in a number of
// successive calls, and when sendSensorUpdates() returns true it has completed.
if (sendSensorUpdates()) {
_lastExecutionTime = currentMicros; // Send complete, wait another 100ms
// Check if outstanding writes have completed. If so, move to Standby-I mode
// and enable the receiver.
if (_sendInProgress && _radio.isWriteFinished()) {
_sendInProgress = false;
void _display() override {
DIAG(F("nRF24L01 Configured on Vpin:%d-%d CEPin:%d CSNPin:%d"),
_firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1, _cePin, _csnPin);
// Send sensor updates only if one or more locally sourced inputs that
// are mapped to remote VPINs have changed state.
bool sendSensorUpdates() {
// This loop is split into multiple loop() entries, so as not to hog
// the cpu for too long. Otherwise it could take over 2700us with 108 remote
// pins configured, for example. So we do just 5 pins per call.
// We could make digital state change notification mandatory, which would
// allow us to remove the loop altogether!
if (_numPinsToSend == 0) return true; // No pins to send from this node.
// Update the _pinValues bitfield to reflect the current values of local pins.
uint8_t count = 5;
bool state;
for (int pin=_nextSendPin; pin<_firstPinToSend+_numPinsToSend; pin++) {
uint8_t flags = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].flags);
if ((flags & RPIN_IN) && GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[pin].node) == _thisNode) {
// Local input pin, read and update current state of input
VPIN localVpin = GETFLASHW(&_pinDefs[pin].vpin);
if (localVpin != VPIN_NONE) {
state = IODevice::read(localVpin);
uint16_t byteIndex = pin / 8;
uint8_t bitMask = 1 << (pin & 7);
uint8_t byteValue = _pinValues[byteIndex];
bool oldState = byteValue & bitMask;
if (state != oldState) {
// Store state in remote values array
if (state)
byteValue |= bitMask;
byteValue &= ~bitMask;
_pinValues[byteIndex] = byteValue;
_changesPending = true;
//DIAG(F("RF24 VPIN:%d Val:%d"), _firstVpin+pin, state);
if (--count == 0) {
// Done enough checks for this entry, resume on next one.
_nextSendPin = pin+1;
return false;
if (_changesPending) {
// On master and on slave, send pin states to other nodes
outBuffer[0] = _thisNode; // Originating node
// The packet size is 32 bytes, header is 4 bytes, so 28 bytes of data.
// We can therefore send up to 224 binary states per packet.
int byteCount = _numPinsToSend/8+1;
VPIN remoteVpin = _firstVpin+_firstPinToSend;
outBuffer[2] = getMsb(remoteVpin);
outBuffer[3] = getLsb(remoteVpin);
// Copy from pinValues array into buffer. This is why _firstPinToSend must be a multiple of 8.
memcpy(&outBuffer[4], &_pinValues[_firstPinToSend/8], byteCount);
// Broadcast update
sendCommand(255, outBuffer, byteCount + 4);
//DIAG(F("Sent %d bytes: %x %x ..."), byteCount, outBuffer[4], outBuffer[5]);
_lastMulticastTime = micros();
_changesPending = false;
// Set next pin ready for next entry.
_nextSendPin = _firstPinToSend;
return true; // Done all we need to for this cycle.
// Read next packet from the device's input buffers. Decode the message,
// and take the appropriate action.
// The packet may be a command to do an output write (digital or analogue), or
// it may be an update for digital input signals.
// For digital input signals, the values are propagated from the node that is
// the pin source, via the master, to all the other nodes.
void processReceivedData() {
// Read received data from input pipe
byte size = _radio.getDynamicPayloadSize();
// if (size > maxPayloadSize) return; // Packet too long to read!!
// Read packet
_radio.read(inBuffer, size);
// Extract command type from packet.
uint8_t command = inBuffer[1];
// Process received data
switch (command) {
case NET_CMD_WRITE: // Digital write command
uint8_t targetNode = inBuffer[0];
if (targetNode == _thisNode) {
VPIN vpin = makeWord(inBuffer[2], inBuffer[3]);
uint8_t state = inBuffer[4];
IODevice::write(vpin, state);
} else {
sendCommand(targetNode, inBuffer, size);
case NET_CMD_WRITEANALOGUE: // Analogue write command
uint8_t targetNode = inBuffer[0];
if (targetNode == _thisNode) {
VPIN vpin = makeWord(inBuffer[2], inBuffer[3]);
int value = makeWord(inBuffer[4], inBuffer[5]);
uint8_t param1 = inBuffer[6];
uint16_t param2 = makeWord(inBuffer[7], inBuffer[8]);
IODevice::writeAnalogue(vpin, value, param1, param2);
// Set the local value for the pin, used by isBusy(),
// and subsequently updated by the remote node.
_pinValues[vpin-_firstVpin] = true;
} else {
sendCommand(targetNode, inBuffer, size);
case NET_CMD_VALUEUPDATE: // Updates of input states (sensors etc).
uint8_t sendingNode = inBuffer[0];
//DIAG(F("Node %d Rx %x"), sendingNode, inBuffer[4]);
VPIN vpin = makeWord(inBuffer[2], inBuffer[3]);
// Read through the buffer one byte at a time.
uint8_t *buffPtr = &inBuffer[4];
uint8_t *bitFieldPtr = &_pinValues[(vpin-_firstVpin)/8];
int currentPin = vpin - _firstVpin;
for (int byteNo=0; byteNo<size-4 && currentPin<_nPins; byteNo++) {
// Now work through the byte examining each bit.
uint8_t byteValue = *buffPtr++;
uint8_t bitMask = 1;
for (int bitNo=0; bitNo<8 && currentPin<_nPins; bitNo++) {
// Process incoming value if it's come from the pin source node
uint8_t pinSource = GETFLASH(&_pinDefs[currentPin].node);
if (sendingNode == pinSource) {
if (byteValue & bitMask)
byteValue |= bitMask;
byteValue &= ~bitMask;
// if (pinNode == _thisNode) { // Local pin }
bitMask <<= 1;
// Store the modified byte back
*bitFieldPtr++ = byteValue;
// Wrapper functions for RF24 send functions. If node=255, then
// the packet is to be sent as a multicast without acknowledgements.
// The multicast message takes ~400us. A further 260us is required to turn
// the receiver off and on for the transmission, totalling 660us.
// If the node is not 255, then the packet will be sent directly to the
// addressed node, with acknowledgement requested. If no acknowledgement is
// received, then the device will retry up to the defined maximum number of
// retries. This will take longer than a multicast. For example, with
// setRetries(1,3) the timeout is 500us and a maximum of 3 retries are
// carried out, so the operation will take as much as 2.26 milliseconds if
// the node in question is not responding, and as little as 890us if the
// ack is received immediately (including turning receiver on/off).
bool sendCommand(uint8_t node, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t len) {
_address[0] = node;
// We have to stop the receiver before we can transmit.
// Copy the message into the radio and start the transmitter.
// Multicast (no ack expected) if destination node is 255.
bool ok = _radio.writeFast(buffer, len, (node==255));
// We will poll the radio later on to see when the transmit queue
// has emptied. When that happens, we will go back to receive mode.
// This prevents txStandBy() from blocking while the transmission
// is in progress.
_sendInProgress = true;;
return ok;
// Helper functions for packing/unpacking buffers.
inline uint16_t makeWord(uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb) {
return ((uint16_t)msb << 8) | lsb;
inline uint8_t getMsb(uint16_t w) {
return w >> 8;
inline uint8_t getLsb(uint16_t w) {
return w & 0xff;
// Data space for actual input and output buffers.
uint8_t inBuffer[maxPayloadSize];
uint8_t outBuffer[maxPayloadSize];
#endif //IO_RF24Net4_H