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synced 2025-03-19 12:23:07 +01:00
* FIX: return WiThrottle speedstep, not DCC speedstep, in response to speed change request. Should close #104 * use int, not byte for witSpeed
369 lines
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369 lines
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* © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
* © 2020, Harald Barth
* This file is part of Asbelos DCC API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Truncated JMRI WiThrottle server implementation for DCC-EX command station
* Credit is due to Valerie Valley RR https://sites.google.com/site/valerievalleyrr/
* for showing how it could be done, but this code is very different to the original
* implementation as it is designed to run on the Arduino and not the ESP and is
* also calling directly into the DCCEX Api rather than simulating JMRI text commands.
* Refer JMRI WiFi Throttle Communications Protocol https://www.jmri.org/help/en/package/jmri/jmrit/withrottle/Protocol.shtml
* There will be one WiThrottle instance created for each WiThrottle client detected by the WifiInterface.
* Some shortcuts have been taken and there are some things that are yet to be included:
* e.g. Full response to adding a loco.
* What to do about unknown turnouts.
* Broadcasting to other WiThrottles when things change.
* - Bear in mind that changes may have taken place due to
* other WiThrottles, OR JMRI commands received OR TPL automation.
* - I suggest that at the end of parse(), then anything that has changed and is of interest could
* be notified then. (e.g loco speeds, directions or functions, turnout states.
* WiThrottle.h sets the max locos per client at 10, this is ok to increase but requires just an extra 3 bytes per loco per client.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "WiThrottle.h"
#include "DCC.h"
#include "DCCWaveform.h"
#include "StringFormatter.h"
#include "Turnouts.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
#include "GITHUB_SHA.h"
#include "version.h"
#define LOOPLOCOS(THROTTLECHAR, CAB) for (int loco=0;loco<MAX_MY_LOCO;loco++) \
if ((myLocos[loco].throttle==THROTTLECHAR || '*'==THROTTLECHAR) && (CAB<0 || myLocos[loco].cab==CAB))
WiThrottle * WiThrottle::firstThrottle=NULL;
bool WiThrottle::annotateLeftRight=false;
WiThrottle* WiThrottle::getThrottle( int wifiClient) {
for (WiThrottle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle)
if (wt->clientid==wifiClient) return wt;
return new WiThrottle( wifiClient);
bool WiThrottle::isThrottleInUse(int cab) {
for (WiThrottle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle)
if (wt->areYouUsingThrottle(cab)) return true;
return false;
bool WiThrottle::areYouUsingThrottle(int cab) {
LOOPLOCOS('*', cab) { // see if I have this cab in use
return true;
return false;
// One instance of WiThrottle per connected client, so we know what the locos are
WiThrottle::WiThrottle( int wificlientid) {
if (Diag::WITHROTTLE) DIAG(F("\n%l Creating new WiThrottle for client %d\n"),millis(),wificlientid);
firstThrottle= this;
initSent=false; // prevent sending heartbeats before connection completed
heartBeatEnable=false; // until client turns it on
turnoutListHash = -1; // make sure turnout list is sent once
for (int loco=0;loco<MAX_MY_LOCO; loco++) myLocos[loco].throttle='\0';
WiThrottle::~WiThrottle() {
if (firstThrottle== this) {
for (WiThrottle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle) {
if (wt->nextThrottle==this) {
void WiThrottle::parse(RingStream * stream, byte * cmdx) {
byte * cmd=cmdx;
if (Diag::WITHROTTLE) DIAG(F("\n%l WiThrottle(%d)<-[%e]\n"),millis(),clientid,cmd);
if (initSent) {
// Send power state if different than last sent
bool currentPowerState = (DCCWaveform::mainTrack.getPowerMode()==POWERMODE::ON);
if (lastPowerState != currentPowerState) {
lastPowerState = currentPowerState;
// Send turnout list if changed since last sent (will replace list on client)
if (turnoutListHash != Turnout::turnoutlistHash) {
for(Turnout *tt=Turnout::firstTurnout;tt!=NULL;tt=tt->nextTurnout){
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("]\\[%d}|{%d}|{%c"), tt->data.id, tt->data.id, Turnout::isActive(tt->data.id)?'4':'2');
turnoutListHash = Turnout::turnoutlistHash; // keep a copy of hash for later comparison
while (cmd[0]) {
switch (cmd[0]) {
case '*': // heartbeat control
if (cmd[1]=='+') heartBeatEnable=true;
else if (cmd[1]=='-') heartBeatEnable=false;
case 'P':
if (cmd[1]=='P' && cmd[2]=='A' ) { //PPA power mode
lastPowerState = (DCCWaveform::mainTrack.getPowerMode()==POWERMODE::ON); //remember power state sent for comparison later
else if (cmd[1]=='T' && cmd[2]=='A') { // PTA accessory toggle
int id=getInt(cmd+4);
bool newstate=false;
Turnout * tt=Turnout::get(id);
if (!tt) {
// If turnout does not exist, create it
int addr = ((id - 1) / 4) + 1;
int subaddr = (id - 1) % 4;
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("HmTurnout %d created\n"),id);
switch (cmd[3]) {
case 'T': newstate=true; break;
case 'C': newstate=false; break;
case '2': newstate=!Turnout::isActive(id);
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("PTA%c%d\n"),newstate?'4':'2',id );
case 'N': // Heartbeat (2), only send if connection completed by 'HU' message
if (initSent) {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("*%d\n"),HEARTBEAT_SECONDS); // return timeout value
case 'M': // multithrottle
multithrottle(stream, cmd);
case 'H': // send initial connection info after receiving "HU" message
if (cmd[1] == 'U') {
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("HtDCC-EX v%S, %S, %S, %S\n"), F(VERSION), F(ARDUINO_TYPE), DCC::getMotorShieldName(), F(GITHUB_SHA));
if (annotateLeftRight) StringFormatter::send(stream,F("PTT]\\[Turnouts}|{Turnout]\\[Left}|{2]\\[Right}|{4\n"));
else StringFormatter::send(stream,F("PTT]\\[Turnouts}|{Turnout]\\[Closed}|{2]\\[Thrown}|{4\n"));
lastPowerState = (DCCWaveform::mainTrack.getPowerMode()==POWERMODE::ON); //remember power state sent for comparison later
initSent = true;
case 'Q': //
LOOPLOCOS('*', -1) { // tell client to drop any locos still assigned to this WiThrottle
if (myLocos[loco].throttle!='\0') {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%c-%c%d<;>\n"), myLocos[loco].throttle, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab);
if (Diag::WITHROTTLE) DIAG(F("%l WiThrottle(%d) Quit\n"),millis(),clientid);
delete this;
// skip over cmd until 0 or past \r or \n
while(*cmd !='\0' && *cmd != '\r' && *cmd !='\n') cmd++;
if (*cmd!='\0') cmd++; // skip \r or \n
int WiThrottle::getInt(byte * cmd) {
int i=0;
while (cmd[0]>='0' && cmd[0]<='9') {
i=i*10 + (cmd[0]-'0');
return i;
int WiThrottle::getLocoId(byte * cmd) {
if (cmd[0]=='*') return -1; // match all locos
if (cmd[0]!='L' && cmd[0]!='S') return 0; // should not match any locos
return getInt(cmd+1);
void WiThrottle::multithrottle(RingStream * stream, byte * cmd){
char throttleChar=cmd[1];
int locoid=getLocoId(cmd+3); // -1 for *
byte * aval=cmd;
while(*aval !=';' && *aval !='\0') aval++;
if (*aval) aval+=2; // skip ;>
// DIAG(F("\nMultithrottle aval=%c cab=%d"), aval[0],locoid);
switch(cmd[2]) {
case '+': // add loco request
//return error if address zero requested
if (locoid==0) {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("HMAddress '0' not supported!\n"), cmd[3] ,locoid);
//return error if L or S from request doesn't match DCC++ assumptions
if (cmd[3] != LorS(locoid)) {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("HMLength '%c' not valid for %d!\n"), cmd[3] ,locoid);
//use first empty "slot" on this client's list, will be added to DCC registration list
for (int loco=0;loco<MAX_MY_LOCO;loco++) {
if (myLocos[loco].throttle=='\0') {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%c+%c%d<;>\n"), throttleChar, cmd[3] ,locoid); //tell client to add loco
//Get known Fn states from DCC
for(int fKey=0; fKey<=28; fKey++) {
int fstate=DCC::getFn(locoid,fKey);
if (fstate>=0) StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c<;>F%d%d\n"),throttleChar,cmd[3],fstate,fKey);
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%cA%c%d<;>V%d\n"), throttleChar, cmd[3], locoid, DCCToWiTSpeed(DCC::getThrottleSpeed(locoid)));
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%cA%c%d<;>R%d\n"), throttleChar, cmd[3], locoid, DCC::getThrottleDirection(locoid));
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%cA%c%d<;>s1\n"), throttleChar, cmd[3], locoid); //default speed step 128
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("HMMax locos (%d) exceeded, %d not added!\n"), MAX_MY_LOCO ,locoid);
case '-': // remove loco(s) from this client (leave in DCC registration)
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, locoid) {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("M%c-%c%d<;>\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab);
case 'A':
locoAction(stream,aval, throttleChar, locoid);
void WiThrottle::locoAction(RingStream * stream, byte* aval, char throttleChar, int cab){
// Note cab=-1 for all cabs in the consist called throttleChar.
// DIAG(F("\nLoco Action aval=%c%c throttleChar=%c, cab=%d"), aval[0],aval[1],throttleChar, cab);
switch (aval[0]) {
case 'V': // Vspeed
int witSpeed=getInt(aval+1);
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, WiTToDCCSpeed(witSpeed), DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab));
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>V%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, witSpeed);
case 'F': //F onOff function
bool funcstate;
bool pressed=aval[1]=='1';
int fKey = getInt(aval+2);
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
funcstate = DCC::changeFn(myLocos[loco].cab, fKey, pressed);
if(funcstate==0 || funcstate==1)
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>F%d%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab),
myLocos[loco].cab, funcstate, fKey);
case 'q':
if (aval[1]=='V') { //qV
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>V%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, DCCToWiTSpeed(DCC::getThrottleSpeed(myLocos[loco].cab)));
else if (aval[1]=='R') { // qR
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>R%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab));
case 'R':
bool forward=aval[1]!='0';
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, DCC::getThrottleSpeed(myLocos[loco].cab), forward);
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>R%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, forward);
case 'X':
//Emergency Stop (speed code 1)
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, 1, DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab));
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>V%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, -1);
case 'I': // Idle, set speed to 0
case 'Q': // Quit, set speed to 0
LOOPLOCOS(throttleChar, cab) {
DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, 0, DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab));
StringFormatter::send(stream,F("M%cA%c%d<;>V%d\n"), throttleChar, LorS(myLocos[loco].cab), myLocos[loco].cab, 0);
// convert between DCC++ speed values and WiThrottle speed values
int WiThrottle::DCCToWiTSpeed(int DCCSpeed) {
if (DCCSpeed == 0) return 0; //stop is stop
if (DCCSpeed == 1) return -1; //eStop value
return DCCSpeed - 1; //offset others by 1
// convert between WiThrottle speed values and DCC++ speed values
int WiThrottle::WiTToDCCSpeed(int WiTSpeed) {
if (WiTSpeed == 0) return 0; //stop is stop
if (WiTSpeed == -1) return 1; //eStop value
return WiTSpeed + 1; //offset others by 1
void WiThrottle::loop(RingStream * stream) {
// for each WiThrottle, check the heartbeat
for (WiThrottle* wt=firstThrottle; wt!=NULL ; wt=wt->nextThrottle)
// TODO... any broadcasts to be done
/* MUST follow this model in this loop.
* stream->mark();
* send 1 digit client id, and any data
* stream->commit()
void WiThrottle::checkHeartbeat() {
// if eStop time passed... eStop any locos still assigned to this client and then drop the connection
if(heartBeatEnable && (millis()-heartBeat > ESTOP_SECONDS*1000)) {
if (Diag::WITHROTTLE) DIAG(F("\n\n%l WiThrottle(%d) eStop(%ds) timeout, drop connection\n"), millis(), clientid, ESTOP_SECONDS);
LOOPLOCOS('*', -1) {
if (myLocos[loco].throttle!='\0') {
if (Diag::WITHROTTLE) DIAG(F("%l eStopping cab %d\n"),millis(),myLocos[loco].cab);
DCC::setThrottle(myLocos[loco].cab, 1, DCC::getThrottleDirection(myLocos[loco].cab)); // speed 1 is eStop
delete this;
char WiThrottle::LorS(int cab) {
return (cab<127)?'S':'L';