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Gregor Baues c30f1c7cbe freememory() available more generally
fixed some mem diags
2021-06-04 13:46:21 +02:00

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* © 2021, Gregor Baues, All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _MQTTInterface_h_
#define _MQTTInterface_h_
#if __has_include("config.h")
#include "config.h"
#warning config.h not found. Using defaults from config.example.h
#include "config.example.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <Dns.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include "DCCEXParser.h"
#include "Queue.h"
#include "ObjectPool.h"
// #include "MemoryFree.h"
#include "freeMemory.h"
#define MAXPAYLOAD 64 // max length of a payload recieved
#define MAXDOMAINLENGTH 32 // domain name length for the broker e.g. test.mosquitto.org
#define MAXTBUF 64 //!< max length of the buffer for building the topic name ;to be checked
#define MAXTMSG 64 //!< max length of the messages for a topic ;to be checked PROGMEM ?
#define MAXTSTR 32 //!< max length of a topic string
#define MAXCONNECTID 32 // broker connection id length incl possible prefixes
#define CLIENTIDSIZE 6 // max length of the clientid used for connection to the broker
#define MAXRECONNECT 5 // reconnection tries before final failure
#define MAXMQTTCONNECTIONS 20 // maximum number of unique tpoics available for subscribers
#define OUT_BOUND_SIZE 128 // Size of the RingStream used to provide results from the parser and publish
#define MAX_POOL_SIZE 16 // recieved command store size
#define MAX_CALLBACKS 10
// extern int freeMemory();
struct MQTTBroker
int port;
IPAddress ip;
const FSH *domain = nullptr;
const FSH *user = nullptr;
const FSH *pwd = nullptr;
const FSH *prefix = nullptr;
byte cType; // connection type to identify valid params
IPAddress resovleBroker(const FSH *d)
DNSClient dns;
IPAddress bip;
strcpy_P(domain, (const char *)d);
if (dns.getHostByName(domain, bip) == 1)
DIAG(F("[%d] MQTT Broker: %s = %d.%d.%d.%d"), freeMemory(), domain, bip[0], bip[1], bip[2], bip[3]);
DIAG(F("MQTT Dns lookup for %s failed"), domain);
return bip;
// all boils down to the ip address type = 1 without user authentication 2 with user authentication
// no ssl support !
// port & ip address
MQTTBroker(int p, IPAddress i) : port(p), ip(i), cType(1){};
// port & domain name
MQTTBroker(int p, const FSH *d) : port(p), domain(d), cType(1)
ip = resovleBroker(d);
// port & ip & prefix
MQTTBroker(int p, IPAddress i, const FSH *pfix) : port(p), ip(i), prefix(pfix), cType(1){};
// port & domain & prefix
MQTTBroker(int p, const FSH *d, const FSH *pfix) : port(p), domain(d), prefix(pfix), cType(1)
ip = resovleBroker(d);
// port & ip & user & pwd
MQTTBroker(int p, IPAddress i, const FSH *uid, const FSH *pass) : port(p), ip(i), user(uid), pwd(pass), cType(2){};
// port & domain & user & pwd
MQTTBroker(int p, const FSH *d, const FSH *uid, const FSH *pass) : port(p), domain(d), user(uid), pwd(pass), cType(2)
ip = resovleBroker(d);
// port & ip & user & pwd & prefix
MQTTBroker(int p, IPAddress i, const FSH *uid, const FSH *pass, const FSH *pfix) : port(p), ip(i), user(uid), pwd(pass), prefix(pfix), cType(2){};
// port & domain & user & pwd & prefix
MQTTBroker(int p, const FSH *d, const FSH *uid, const FSH *pass, const FSH *pfix) : port(p), domain(d), user(uid), pwd(pass), prefix(pfix), cType(2)
ip = resovleBroker(d);
* @brief dcc-ex command as recieved via MQ
typedef struct csmsg_t
char cmd[MAXPAYLOAD]; // recieved command message
byte mqsocket; // from which mqsocket / subscriberid
} csmsg_t;
typedef struct csmqttclient_t
int distant; // random int number recieved from the subscriber
byte mqsocket; // mqtt socket = subscriberid provided by the cs
long topic; // cantor(subscriber,cs) encoded tpoic used to send / recieve commands
bool open; // true as soon as we have send the id to the mq broker for the client to pickup
} csmqttclient_t;
enum MQTTInterfaceState
CONFIGURED, // server/client objects set
CONNECTED, // mqtt broker is connected
CONNECTION_FAILED // Impossible to get the connection set after MAXRECONNECT tries
class MQTTInterface
// Methods
MQTTInterface(const MQTTInterface &); // non construction-copyable
MQTTInterface &operator=(const MQTTInterface &); // non copyable
void setup(const FSH *id, MQTTBroker *broker); // instantiates the broker
void connect(); // (re)connects to the broker
bool setupNetwork(); // sets up the network connection for the PubSub system
void loop2();
// Members
static MQTTInterface *singleton; // unique instance of the MQTTInterface object
EthernetClient ethClient; // TCP Client object for the MQ Connection
byte mac[6]; // simulated mac address
IPAddress server; // MQTT server object
MQTTBroker *broker; // Broker configuration object as set in config.h
ObjectPool<csmsg_t, MAXPOOLSIZE> pool; // Pool of commands recieved for the CS
Queue<int> in; // Queue of indexes into the pool according to incomming cmds
Queue<int> subscriberQueue; // Queue for incomming subscribers; push the subscriber into the queue for setup in a loop cycle
char clientID[(CLIENTIDSIZE * 2) + 1]; // unique ID of the commandstation; not to confused with the connectionID
csmqttclient_t clients[MAXMQTTCONNECTIONS]; // array of connected mqtt clients
char connectID[MAXCONNECTID]; // clientId plus possible prefix if required by the broker
byte subscriberid = 0; // id assigned to a mqtt client when recieving the inital handshake; +1 at each connection
byte activeSubscriber = 0; // if its 0 no active Subscriber; set as soon as we recieve a command of go into processing on the CS
bool connected = false; // set to true if the ethernet connection is available
MQTTInterfaceState mqState = INIT; // Status of the MQBroker connection
RingStream *outboundRing; // Buffer for collecting the results from the command parser
PubSubClient *mqttClient; // PubSub Endpoint for data exchange
static MQTTInterface *get() noexcept { return singleton;}
boolean subscribe(const char *topic);
void publish(const char *topic, const char *payload);
ObjectPool<csmsg_t, MAXPOOLSIZE> *getPool() { return &pool; };
Queue<int> *getIncomming() { return &in; };
Queue<int> *getSubscriptionQueue() { return &subscriberQueue; };
MQTTInterfaceState getState() { return mqState; };
byte getActive() { return activeSubscriber; };
void setActive(byte mqSocket) { activeSubscriber = mqSocket; };
char *getClientID() { return clientID; };
uint8_t getClientSize() { return subscriberid; };
// initalized to 0 so that the first id comming back is 1
// index 0 in the clients array is not used therefore
uint8_t obtainSubscriberID()
if (subscriberid == MAXMQTTCONNECTIONS)
return 0; // no more subscriber id available
return (++subscriberid);
csmqttclient_t *getClients() { return clients; };
RingStream *getRingStream() { return outboundRing; };
static void setup();
static void loop();
~MQTTInterface() = default;