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Neil McKechnie 4a1210fa64 Remove HA mode from STM32
In some pin configurations for DC track mode, the use of analogWrite will conflict with other timer uses including HA mode.
 Consequently, the HA mode support has been temporarily removed pending a suitable solution for this.  Original use of Timer11 has been reinstated.
2023-03-15 09:31:54 +00:00

371 lines
12 KiB

* © 2023 Neil McKechnie
* © 2022 Paul M. Antoine
* © 2021 Mike S
* © 2021 Harald Barth
* © 2021 Fred Decker
* © 2021 Chris Harlow
* © 2021 David Cutting
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Asbelos DCC API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ATTENTION: this file only compiles on a STM32 based boards
// Please refer to DCCTimer.h for general comments about how this class works
// This is to avoid repetition and duplication.
#include "DCCTimer.h"
#if defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F411RE)
// Nucleo-64 boards don't have Serial1 defined by default
HardwareSerial Serial1(PB7, PA15); // Rx=PB7, Tx=PA15 -- CN7 pins 17 and 21 - F411RE
// Serial2 is defined to use USART2 by default, but is in fact used as the diag console
// via the debugger on the Nucleo-64. It is therefore unavailable for other DCC-EX uses like WiFi, DFPlayer, etc.
// Let's define Serial6 as an additional serial port (the only other option for the Nucleo-64s)
HardwareSerial Serial6(PA12, PA11); // Rx=PA12, Tx=PA11 -- CN10 pins 12 and 14 - F411RE
#elif defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F446RE)
// Nucleo-64 boards don't have Serial1 defined by default
HardwareSerial Serial1(PA10, PB6); // Rx=PA10 (D2), Tx=PB6 (D10) -- CN10 pins 17 and 9 - F446RE
// Serial2 is defined to use USART2 by default, but is in fact used as the diag console
// via the debugger on the Nucleo-64. It is therefore unavailable for other DCC-EX uses like WiFi, DFPlayer, etc.
#elif defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F412ZG) || defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F429ZI) || defined(ARDUINO_NUCLEO_F446ZE)
// Nucleo-144 boards don't have Serial1 defined by default
HardwareSerial Serial1(PG9, PG14); // Rx=PG9, Tx=PG14 -- D0, D1 - F412ZG/F446ZE
#warning Serial1 not defined
// Experimental code for High Accuracy (HA) DCC Signal mode
// Warning - use of TIM2 and TIM3 can affect the use of analogWrite() function on certain pins,
// which is used by the DC motor types.
// INTERRUPT_CALLBACK interruptHandler=0;
// // Let's use STM32's timer #2 which supports hardware pulse generation on pin D13.
// // Also, timer #3 will do hardware pulses on pin D12. This gives
// // accurate timing, independent of the latency of interrupt handling.
// // We only need to interrupt on one of these (TIM2), the other will just generate
// // pulses.
// HardwareTimer timer(TIM2);
// HardwareTimer timerAux(TIM3);
// static bool tim2ModeHA = false;
// static bool tim3ModeHA = false;
// // Timer IRQ handler
// void Timer_Handler() {
// interruptHandler();
// }
// void DCCTimer::begin(INTERRUPT_CALLBACK callback) {
// interruptHandler=callback;
// noInterrupts();
// // adc_set_sample_rate(ADC_SAMPLETIME_480CYCLES);
// timer.pause();
// timerAux.pause();
// timer.setPrescaleFactor(1);
// timer.attachInterrupt(Timer_Handler);
// timer.refresh();
// timerAux.setPrescaleFactor(1);
// timerAux.setOverflow(DCC_SIGNAL_TIME, MICROSEC_FORMAT);
// timerAux.refresh();
// timer.resume();
// timerAux.resume();
// interrupts();
// }
// bool DCCTimer::isPWMPin(byte pin) {
// // Timer 2 Channel 1 controls pin D13, and Timer3 Channel 1 controls D12.
// // Enable the appropriate timer channel.
// switch (pin) {
// case 12:
// return true;
// case 13:
// return true;
// default:
// return false;
// }
// }
// void DCCTimer::setPWM(byte pin, bool high) {
// // Set the timer so that, at the next counter overflow, the requested
// // pin state is activated automatically before the interrupt code runs.
// // TIM2 is timer, TIM3 is timerAux.
// switch (pin) {
// case 12:
// if (!tim3ModeHA) {
// timerAux.setMode(1, TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE_INACTIVE, D12);
// tim3ModeHA = true;
// }
// if (high)
// TIM3->CCMR1 = (TIM3->CCMR1 & ~TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk) | TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0;
// else
// TIM3->CCMR1 = (TIM3->CCMR1 & ~TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk) | TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1;
// break;
// case 13:
// if (!tim2ModeHA) {
// timer.setMode(1, TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE_INACTIVE, D13);
// tim2ModeHA = true;
// }
// if (high)
// TIM2->CCMR1 = (TIM2->CCMR1 & ~TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk) | TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_0;
// else
// TIM2->CCMR1 = (TIM2->CCMR1 & ~TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_Msk) | TIM_CCMR1_OC1M_1;
// break;
// }
// }
// void DCCTimer::clearPWM() {
// tim2ModeHA = false;
// tim3ModeHA = false;
// }
INTERRUPT_CALLBACK interruptHandler=0;
// Let's use STM32's timer #11 until disabused of this notion
// Timer #11 is used for "servo" library, but as DCC-EX is not using
// this libary, we should be free and clear.
HardwareTimer timer(TIM11);
// Timer IRQ handler
void Timer11_Handler() {
void DCCTimer::begin(INTERRUPT_CALLBACK callback) {
// adc_set_sample_rate(ADC_SAMPLETIME_480CYCLES);
// timer.setOverflow(CLOCK_CYCLES * 2);
bool DCCTimer::isPWMPin(byte pin) {
//TODO: SAMD whilst this call to digitalPinHasPWM will reveal which pins can do PWM,
// there's no support yet for High Accuracy, so for now return false
// return digitalPinHasPWM(pin);
return false;
void DCCTimer::setPWM(byte pin, bool high) {
// TODO: High Accuracy mode is not supported as yet, and may never need to be
(void) pin;
(void) high;
void DCCTimer::clearPWM() {
void DCCTimer::getSimulatedMacAddress(byte mac[6]) {
volatile uint32_t *serno1 = (volatile uint32_t *)0x1FFF7A10;
volatile uint32_t *serno2 = (volatile uint32_t *)0x1FFF7A14;
// volatile uint32_t *serno3 = (volatile uint32_t *)0x1FFF7A18;
volatile uint32_t m1 = *serno1;
volatile uint32_t m2 = *serno2;
mac[0] = m1 >> 8;
mac[1] = m1 >> 0;
mac[2] = m2 >> 24;
mac[3] = m2 >> 16;
mac[4] = m2 >> 8;
mac[5] = m2 >> 0;
volatile int DCCTimer::minimum_free_memory=__INT_MAX__;
// Return low memory value...
int DCCTimer::getMinimumFreeMemory() {
noInterrupts(); // Disable interrupts to get volatile value
int retval = freeMemory();
return retval;
extern "C" char* sbrk(int incr);
int DCCTimer::freeMemory() {
char top;
return (int)(&top - reinterpret_cast<char *>(sbrk(0)));
void DCCTimer::reset() {
while(true) {};
// TODO: may need to use uint32_t on STMF4xx variants with > 16 analog inputs!
uint16_t ADCee::usedpins = 0;
int * ADCee::analogvals = NULL;
uint32_t * analogchans = NULL;
bool adc1configured = false;
int16_t ADCee::ADCmax() {
return 4095;
int ADCee::init(uint8_t pin) {
uint id = pin - A0;
int value = 0;
PinName stmpin = digitalPin[analogInputPin[id]];
uint32_t stmgpio = stmpin / 16; // 16-bits per GPIO port group on STM32
uint32_t adcchan = STM_PIN_CHANNEL(pinmap_function(stmpin, PinMap_ADC)); // find ADC channel (only valid for ADC1!)
GPIO_TypeDef * gpioBase;
// Port config - find which port we're on and power it up
switch(stmgpio) {
case 0x00:
gpioBase = GPIOA;
case 0x01:
gpioBase = GPIOB;
case 0x02:
gpioBase = GPIOC;
// Set pin mux mode to analog input
gpioBase->MODER |= (0b011 << (stmpin << 1)); // Set pin mux to analog mode
// Set the sampling rate for that analog input
if (adcchan < 10)
ADC1->SMPR2 |= (0b111 << (adcchan * 3)); // Channel sampling rate 480 cycles
ADC1->SMPR1 |= (0b111 << ((adcchan - 10) * 3)); // Channel sampling rate 480 cycles
// Read the inital ADC value for this analog input
ADC1->SQR3 = adcchan; // 1st conversion in regular sequence
ADC1->CR2 |= (1 << 30); // Start 1st conversion SWSTART
while(!(ADC1->SR & (1 << 1))); // Wait until conversion is complete
value = ADC1->DR; // Read value from register
if (analogvals == NULL)
analogvals = (int *)calloc(NUM_ADC_INPUTS+1, sizeof(int));
analogchans = (uint32_t *)calloc(NUM_ADC_INPUTS+1, sizeof(uint32_t));
analogvals[id] = value; // Store sampled value
analogchans[id] = adcchan; // Keep track of which ADC channel is used for reading this pin
usedpins |= (1 << id); // This pin is now ready
return value;
* Read function ADCee::read(pin) to get value instead of analogRead(pin)
int ADCee::read(uint8_t pin, bool fromISR) {
uint8_t id = pin - A0;
// Was this pin initialised yet?
if ((usedpins & (1<<id) ) == 0)
return -1023;
// We do not need to check (analogvals == NULL)
// because usedpins would still be 0 in that case
return analogvals[id];
* Scan function that is called from interrupt
#pragma GCC push_options
#pragma GCC optimize ("-O3")
void ADCee::scan() {
static uint id = 0; // id and mask are the same thing but it is faster to
static uint16_t mask = 1; // increment and shift instead to calculate mask from id
static bool waiting = false;
if (waiting) {
// look if we have a result
if (!(ADC1->SR & (1 << 1)))
return; // no result, continue to wait
// found value
analogvals[id] = ADC1->DR;
// advance at least one track
// for scope debug TrackManager::track[1]->setBrake(0);
waiting = false;
mask = mask << 1;
if (id == NUM_ADC_INPUTS+1) {
id = 0;
mask = 1;
if (!waiting) {
if (usedpins == 0) // otherwise we would loop forever
// look for a valid track to sample or until we are around
while (true) {
if (mask & usedpins) {
// start new ADC aquire on id
ADC1->SQR3 = analogchans[id]; //1st conversion in regular sequence
ADC1->CR2 |= (1 << 30); //Start 1st conversion SWSTART
// for scope debug TrackManager::track[1]->setBrake(1);
waiting = true;
mask = mask << 1;
if (id == NUM_ADC_INPUTS+1) {
id = 0;
mask = 1;
#pragma GCC pop_options
void ADCee::begin() {
//ADC1 config sequence
// TODO: currently defaults to ADC1, may need more to handle other members of STM32F4xx family
RCC->APB2ENR |= (1 << 8); //Enable ADC1 clock (Bit8)
// Set ADC prescaler - DIV8 ~ 40ms, DIV6 ~ 30ms, DIV4 ~ 20ms, DIV2 ~ 11ms
ADC->CCR = (0 << 16); // Set prescaler 0=DIV2, 1=DIV4, 2=DIV6, 3=DIV8
ADC1->CR1 &= ~(1 << 8); //SCAN mode disabled (Bit8)
ADC1->CR1 &= ~(3 << 24); //12bit resolution (Bit24,25 0b00)
ADC1->SQR1 = (1 << 20); //Set number of conversions projected (L[3:0] 0b0001) -> 1 conversion
ADC1->CR2 &= ~(1 << 1); //Single conversion
ADC1->CR2 &= ~(1 << 11); //Right alignment of data bits bit12....bit0
ADC1->SQR1 &= ~(0x3FFFFFFF); //Clear whole 1st 30bits in register
ADC1->SQR2 &= ~(0x3FFFFFFF); //Clear whole 1st 30bits in register
ADC1->SQR3 &= ~(0x3FFFFFFF); //Clear whole 1st 30bits in register
ADC1->CR2 |= (1 << 0); // Switch on ADC1