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* © 2023-2024, Paul M. Antoine
* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC-EX API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef io_tca8418_h
#define io_tca8418_h
#include "IODevice.h"
#include "I2CManager.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
#include "FSH.h"
* IODevice subclass for TCA8418 80-key keypad encoder, which we'll treat as 80 available VPINs where
* key down == 1 and key up == 0 by configuring just as an 8x10 keyboard matrix. Users can opt to use
* up to all 80 of the available VPINs for now, allowing memory to be saved if not all events are required.
* The datasheet says:
* The TCA8418 can be configured to support many different configurations of keypad setups.
* All 18 GPIOs for the rows and columns can be used to support up to 80 keys in an 8x10 key pad
* array. Another option is that all 18 GPIOs be used for GPIs to read 18 buttons which are
* not connected in an array. Any combination in between is also acceptable (for example, a
* 3x4 keypad matrix and using the remaining 11 GPIOs as a combination of inputs and outputs).
* With an 8x10 key event matrix, the events are numbered as such:
* C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
* ========================================
* R0| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
* R1| 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
* R2| 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
* R3| 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
* R4| 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
* R5| 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
* R6| 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
* R7| 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
* So if you start with VPIN 300, R0/C0 will be 300, and R7/C9 will be 379.
* HAL declaration for myAutomation.h is:
* HAL(TCA8418, firstVpin, numPins, I2CAddress, interruptPin)
* Where numPins can be 1-80, and interruptPin can be any spare Arduino pin.
* Configure using the following on the main I2C bus:
* HAL(TCA8418, 300, 80, 0x34)
* Use something like this on a multiplexor, and with up to 8 of the 8-way multiplexors you could have 64 different TCA8418 boards:
* HAL(TCA8418, 400, 80, {SubBus_1, 0x34})
* And if needing an Interrupt pin to speed up operations:
* HAL(TCA8418, 300, 80, 0x34, D21)
* Note that using an interrupt pin speeds up button press acquisition considerably (less than a millisecond vs 10-100),
* but even with interrupts enabled the code presently checks every 100ms in case the interrupt pin becomes disconnected.
* Use any available Arduino pin for interrupt monitoring.
class TCA8418 : public IODevice {
static void create(VPIN firstVpin, uint8_t nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, int interruptPin=-1) {
if (checkNoOverlap(firstVpin, nPins, i2cAddress))
new TCA8418(firstVpin, (nPins = (nPins > 80) ? 80 : nPins), i2cAddress, interruptPin);
uint8_t* _digitalInputStates = NULL; // Array of pin states
uint8_t _digitalPinBytes = 0; // Number of bytes in pin state array
uint8_t _numKeyEvents = 0; // Number of outsanding key events waiting for us
unsigned long _lastEventRead = 0;
unsigned long _eventRefresh = 10000UL; // Delay refreshing events for 10ms
const unsigned long _eventRefreshSlow = 100000UL; // Delay refreshing events for 100ms
bool _gpioInterruptsEnabled = false;
uint8_t _inputBuffer[1];
uint8_t _commandBuffer[1];
I2CRB _i2crb;
enum {RDS_IDLE, RDS_EVENT, RDS_KEYCODE}; // Read operation states
uint8_t _readState = RDS_IDLE;
// Constructor
TCA8418(VPIN firstVpin, uint8_t nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, int interruptPin=-1) {
if (nPins > 0)
_firstVpin = firstVpin;
_nPins = nPins;
_I2CAddress = i2cAddress;
_gpioInterruptPin = interruptPin;
void _begin() {
if (I2CManager.exists(_I2CAddress)) {
// Default all GPIO pins to INPUT
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_DIR_1, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_DIR_2, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_DIR_3, 0x00);
// Remove all GPIO pins from events
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPI_EM_1, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPI_EM_2, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPI_EM_3, 0x00);
// Set all pins to FALLING interrupts
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_1, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_2, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_3, 0x00);
// Remove all GPIO pins from interrupts
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_EN_1, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_EN_2, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_GPIO_INT_EN_3, 0x00);
// Set up an 8 x 10 matrix by writing 0xFF to all the row and column configs
// Row config is maximum of 8, and in REG_KP_GPIO_1
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_KP_GPIO_1, 0xFF);
// Column config is maximum of 10, lower 8 bits in REG_KP_GPIO_2, upper in REG_KP_GPIO_3
// Set first 8 columns
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_KP_GPIO_2, 0xFF);
// Turn on cols 9/10
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_KP_GPIO_3, 0x03);
// // Set all pins to Enable Debounce
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_1, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_2, 0x00);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_3, 0x00);
// Let's assume an 8x10 matrix for now, and configure
_digitalPinBytes = (_nPins + 7) / 8;
if ((_digitalInputStates = (byte *)calloc(_digitalPinBytes, 1)) == NULL) {
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C: Unable to alloc %d bytes"), _digitalPinBytes);
// Configure pin used for GPIO extender notification of change (if allocated)
// and configure TCA8418 to produce key event interrupts
if (_gpioInterruptPin >= 0) {
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C: interrupt pin configured on %d"), _gpioInterruptPin);
_gpioInterruptsEnabled = true;
_eventRefresh = _eventRefreshSlow; // Switch to slower manual refreshes in case the INT pin isn't connected!
pinMode(_gpioInterruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_CFG, REG_CFG_KE_IEN);
// Clear any pending interrupts
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_INT_STAT, REG_STAT_K_INT);
#ifdef DIAG_IO
int _read(VPIN vpin) override {
if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED)
return 0;
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
bool result = _digitalInputStates[pin / 8] & (1 << (pin % 8));
return result;
// Main loop, collect both digital and analogue pin states continuously (faster sensor/input reads)
void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override {
if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED) return; // If device failed, return
// Request block is used for key event reads from the TCA8418, which are performed
// on a cyclic basis.
if (_readState != RDS_IDLE) {
if (_i2crb.isBusy()) return; // If I2C operation still in progress, return
uint8_t status = _i2crb.status;
if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK) { // If device request ok, read input data
// First check if we have any key events waiting
if (_readState == RDS_EVENT) {
if ((_numKeyEvents = (_inputBuffer[0] & 0x0F)) != 0) {
// We could read each key event waiting in a synchronous loop, which may prove preferable
// but for now, schedule an async read of the first key event in the queue
_commandBuffer[0] = REG_KEY_EVENT_A;
I2CManager.read(_I2CAddress, _inputBuffer, 1, _commandBuffer, 1, &_i2crb); // non-blocking read
_readState = RDS_KEYCODE; // Shift to reading key events!
else // We found no key events waiting, return to IDLE
_readState = RDS_IDLE;
else {
uint8_t key = _inputBuffer[0] & 0x7F;
bool keyDown = _inputBuffer[0] & 0x80;
// Check for just keypad events
key--; // R0/C0 is key #1, so subtract 1 to create an array offset
// We only want to record key events we're configured for, as we have calloc'd an
// appropriately sized _digitalInputStates array!
if (key < _nPins) {
if (keyDown)
_digitalInputStates[key / 8] |= (1 << (key % 8));
_digitalInputStates[key / 8] &= ~(1 << (key % 8));
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C: key event %d discarded, outside Vpin range"), key);
_numKeyEvents--; // One less key event to get
if (_numKeyEvents != 0)
// DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C: more keys in read event queue, # waiting is: %x"), _numKeyEvents);
// We could read each key event waiting in a synchronous loop, which may prove preferable
// but for now, schedule an async read of the first key event in the queue
_commandBuffer[0] = REG_KEY_EVENT_A;
I2CManager.read(_I2CAddress, _inputBuffer, 1, _commandBuffer, 1, &_i2crb); // non-blocking read
else {
// DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C: no more keys in read event queue"));
// Clear any pending interrupts
I2CManager.write(_I2CAddress, 2, REG_INT_STAT, REG_STAT_K_INT);
_readState = RDS_IDLE; // Shift to IDLE
} else
reportError(status, false); // report eror but don't go offline.
// If we're not doing anything now, check to see if we have an interrupt pin configured and it is low,
// or if our timer has elapsed and we should check anyway in case the interrupt pin is disconnected.
if (_readState == RDS_IDLE) {
if ((_gpioInterruptsEnabled && !digitalRead(_gpioInterruptPin)) ||
((currentMicros - _lastEventRead) > _eventRefresh))
_commandBuffer[0] = REG_KEY_LCK_EC;
I2CManager.read(_I2CAddress, _inputBuffer, 1, _commandBuffer, 1, &_i2crb); // non-blocking read
_lastEventRead = currentMicros;
_readState = RDS_EVENT; // Shift to looking for key events!
// Display device information and status
void _display() override {
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C:%s Vpins %u-%u%S"),
_firstVpin, (_firstVpin+_nPins-1),
_deviceState == DEVSTATE_FAILED ? F(" OFFLINE") : F(""));
if (_gpioInterruptsEnabled)
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C:Interrupt on pin %d"), _gpioInterruptPin);
// Helper function for error handling
void reportError(uint8_t status, bool fail=true) {
DIAG(F("TCA8418 I2C:%s Error:%d (%S)"), _I2CAddress.toString(),
status, I2CManager.getErrorMessage(status));
if (fail)
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
enum tca8418_registers
// REG_RESERVED = 0x00
REG_CFG = 0x01, // Configuration register
REG_INT_STAT = 0x02, // Interrupt status
REG_KEY_LCK_EC = 0x03, // Key lock and event counter
REG_KEY_EVENT_A = 0x04, // Key event register A
REG_KEY_EVENT_B = 0x05, // Key event register B
REG_KEY_EVENT_C = 0x06, // Key event register C
REG_KEY_EVENT_D = 0x07, // Key event register D
REG_KEY_EVENT_E = 0x08, // Key event register E
REG_KEY_EVENT_F = 0x09, // Key event register F
REG_KEY_EVENT_G = 0x0A, // Key event register G
REG_KEY_EVENT_H = 0x0B, // Key event register H
REG_KEY_EVENT_I = 0x0C, // Key event register I
REG_KEY_EVENT_J = 0x0D, // Key event register J
REG_KP_LCK_TIMER = 0x0E, // Keypad lock1 to lock2 timer
REG_UNLOCK_1 = 0x0F, // Unlock register 1
REG_UNLOCK_2 = 0x10, // Unlock register 2
REG_GPIO_INT_STAT_1 = 0x11, // GPIO interrupt status 1
REG_GPIO_INT_STAT_2 = 0x12, // GPIO interrupt status 2
REG_GPIO_INT_STAT_3 = 0x13, // GPIO interrupt status 3
REG_GPIO_DAT_STAT_1 = 0x14, // GPIO data status 1
REG_GPIO_DAT_STAT_2 = 0x15, // GPIO data status 2
REG_GPIO_DAT_STAT_3 = 0x16, // GPIO data status 3
REG_GPIO_DAT_OUT_1 = 0x17, // GPIO data out 1
REG_GPIO_DAT_OUT_2 = 0x18, // GPIO data out 2
REG_GPIO_DAT_OUT_3 = 0x19, // GPIO data out 3
REG_GPIO_INT_EN_1 = 0x1A, // GPIO interrupt enable 1
REG_GPIO_INT_EN_2 = 0x1B, // GPIO interrupt enable 2
REG_GPIO_INT_EN_3 = 0x1C, // GPIO interrupt enable 3
REG_KP_GPIO_1 = 0x1D, // Keypad/GPIO select 1
REG_KP_GPIO_2 = 0x1E, // Keypad/GPIO select 2
REG_KP_GPIO_3 = 0x1F, // Keypad/GPIO select 3
REG_GPI_EM_1 = 0x20, // GPI event mode 1
REG_GPI_EM_2 = 0x21, // GPI event mode 2
REG_GPI_EM_3 = 0x22, // GPI event mode 3
REG_GPIO_DIR_1 = 0x23, // GPIO data direction 1
REG_GPIO_DIR_2 = 0x24, // GPIO data direction 2
REG_GPIO_DIR_3 = 0x25, // GPIO data direction 3
REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_1 = 0x26, // GPIO edge/level detect 1
REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_2 = 0x27, // GPIO edge/level detect 2
REG_GPIO_INT_LVL_3 = 0x28, // GPIO edge/level detect 3
REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_1 = 0x29, // Debounce disable 1
REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_2 = 0x2A, // Debounce disable 2
REG_DEBOUNCE_DIS_3 = 0x2B, // Debounce disable 3
REG_GPIO_PULL_1 = 0x2C, // GPIO pull-up disable 1
REG_GPIO_PULL_2 = 0x2D, // GPIO pull-up disable 2
REG_GPIO_PULL_3 = 0x2E, // GPIO pull-up disable 3
enum tca8418_config_reg_fields
// Config Register #1 fields
REG_CFG_AI = 0x80, // Auto-increment for read/write
REG_CFG_GPI_E_CGF = 0x40, // Event mode config
REG_CFG_OVR_FLOW_M = 0x20, // Overflow mode enable
REG_CFG_INT_CFG = 0x10, // Interrupt config
REG_CFG_OVR_FLOW_IEN = 0x08, // Overflow interrupt enable
REG_CFG_K_LCK_IEN = 0x04, // Keypad lock interrupt enable
REG_CFG_GPI_IEN = 0x02, // GPI interrupt enable
REG_CFG_KE_IEN = 0x01, // Key events interrupt enable
enum tca8418_int_status_fields
// Interrupt Status Register #2 fields
REG_STAT_CAD_INT = 0x10, // Ctrl-alt-del seq status
REG_STAT_OVR_FLOW_INT = 0x08, // Overflow interrupt status
REG_STAT_K_LCK_INT = 0x04, // Key lock interrupt status
REG_STAT_GPI_INT = 0x02, // GPI interrupt status
REG_STAT_K_INT = 0x01, // Key events interrupt status
enum tca8418_lock_ec_fields
// Key Lock Event Count Register #3
REG_LCK_EC_K_LCK_EN = 0x40, // Key lock enable
REG_LCK_EC_LCK_2 = 0x20, // Keypad lock status 2
REG_LCK_EC_LCK_1 = 0x10, // Keypad lock status 1
REG_LCK_EC_KLEC_3 = 0x08, // Key event count bit 3
REG_LCK_EC_KLEC_2 = 0x04, // Key event count bit 2
REG_LCK_EC_KLEC_1 = 0x02, // Key event count bit 1
REG_LCK_EC_KLEC_0 = 0x01, // Key event count bit 0