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* © 2022-2023 Paul M. Antoine
* © 2021 Fred Decker
* © 2020-2023 Harald Barth
* (c) 2020 Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2021 Fred Decker. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2020 Harald Barth. All rights reserved.
* (c) 2020 Anthony W - Dayton. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of CommandStation-EX
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef MotorDrivers_h
#define MotorDrivers_h
#include <Arduino.h>
// It will be overwritten if the library is updated.
// This file contains configurations for known/supported motor shields.
// A configuration defined by macro here can be used in your sketch.
// A custom hardware setup will require your sketch to create MotorDriver instances
// similar to those defined here, WITHOUT editing this file. You can put your
// custom defines in config.h.
#ifndef UNUSED_PIN // sync define with the one in MotorDriver.h
#define UNUSED_PIN 255 // inside uint8_t
// The MotorDriver definition is:
// MotorDriver(byte power_pin, byte signal_pin, byte signal_pin2, int8_t brake_pin, byte current_pin,
// float senseFactor, unsigned int tripMilliamps, byte faultPin);
// power_pin: Turns the board on/off. Often called ENABLE or PWM on the shield
// signal_pin: Where the DCC signal goes in. Often called DIR on the shield
// signal_pin2: Inverse of signal_pin. A few shields need this as well, can be replace by hardware inverter
// brake_pin: When tuned on, brake is set - output shortened (*)
// current_pin: Current sense voltage pin from shield to ADC
// senseFactor: Relation between volts on current_pin and actual output current
// tripMilliamps: Short circuit trip limit in milliampere, max 32767 (32.767A)
// faultPin: Some shields have a pin to to report a fault condition to the uCPU. High when fault occurs
// (*) If the brake_pin is negative that means the sense
// of the brake pin on the motor bridge is inverted
// (HIGH == release brake)
// Arduino STANDARD Motor Shield, used on different architectures:
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD) || defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32)
// Standard Motor Shield definition for 3v3 processors (other than the ESP32)
// Setup for SAMD21 Sparkfun DEV board MUST use Arduino Motor Shield R3 (MUST be R3
// for 3v3 compatibility!!) senseFactor for 3.3v systems is 1.95 as calculated when using
// 10-bit A/D samples, and for 12-bit samples it's more like 0.488, but we probably need
// to tweak both these
new MotorDriver(3, 12, UNUSED_PIN, 9, A0, 0.488, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, 8, A1, 0.488, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// EX 8874 based shield connected to a 3V3 system with 12-bit (4096) ADC
#define EX8874_SHIELD F("EX8874"), \
new MotorDriver( 3, 12, UNUSED_PIN, 9, A0, 1.27, 5000, A4), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, 8, A1, 1.27, 5000, A5)
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
// STANDARD shield on an ESPDUINO-32 (ESP32 in Uno form factor). The shield must be eiter the
// 3.3V compatible R3 version or it has to be modified to not supply more than 3.3V to the
// analog inputs. Here we use analog inputs A2 and A3 as A0 and A1 are wired in a way so that
// they are not useable at the same time as WiFi (what a bummer). The numbers below are the
// actual GPIO numbers. In comments the numbers the pins have on an Uno.
new MotorDriver(25/* 3*/, 19/*12*/, UNUSED_PIN, 13/*9*/, 35/*A2*/, 0.70, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(23/*11*/, 18/*13*/, UNUSED_PIN, 12/*8*/, 34/*A3*/, 0.70, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// EX 8874 based shield connected to a 3.3V system (like ESP32) and 12bit (4096) ADC
// numbers are GPIO numbers. comments are UNO form factor shield pin numbers
#define EX8874_SHIELD F("EX8874"),\
new MotorDriver(25/* 3*/, 19/*12*/, UNUSED_PIN, 13/*9*/, 35/*A2*/, 1.27, 5000, 36 /*A4*/), \
new MotorDriver(23/*11*/, 18/*13*/, UNUSED_PIN, 12/*8*/, 34/*A3*/, 1.27, 5000, 39 /*A5*/)
// STANDARD shield on any Arduino Uno or Mega compatible with the original specification.
new MotorDriver(3, 12, UNUSED_PIN, 9, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, 8, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
new MotorDriver(-9 , 12, UNUSED_PIN, -3, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(-8 , 13, UNUSED_PIN,-11, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// EX 8874 based shield connected to a 5V system (like Arduino) and 10bit (1024) ADC
#define EX8874_SHIELD F("EX8874"), \
new MotorDriver( 3, 12, UNUSED_PIN, 9, A0, 5.08, 5000, A4), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, 8, A1, 5.08, 5000, A5)
// Pololu Motor Shield
new MotorDriver( 9, 7, UNUSED_PIN, -4, A0, 18, 3000, 12), \
new MotorDriver(10, 8, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 18, 3000, 12)
// Actually, on the Pololu MC33926 shield the enable lines are tied together on pin 4 and the
// pins 9 and 10 work as "inverted brake" but as we turn on and off the tracks individually
// via the power pins we above use 9 and 10 as power pins and 4 as "inverted brake" which in this
// version of the code always will be high. That means this config is not usable for generating
// a railcom cuotout in the future. For that one must wire the second ^D2 to pin 2 and define
// the motor driver like this:
// new MotorDriver(4, 7, UNUSED_PIN, -9, A0, 18, 3000, 12)
// new MotorDriver(2, 8, UNUSED_PIN, -10, A1, 18, 3000, 12)
// See Pololu dial_mc33926_shield_schematic.pdf and truth table on page 17 of the MC33926 data sheet.
// Pololu Dual TB9051FTG Motor Shield
// This is the shield without modifications. Unfortunately the TB9051FTG driver chip on
// the shield makes short delays when direction is switched. That means that the chip
// can NOT provide a standard conformant DCC signal independent how hard we try. If your
// Decoders tolerate that signal, use it by all mean but it is not recommended. Without
// modifications it uses the following pins below which means no HA waveform and no
// RailCom on an Arduino Mega 2560 but the DCC signal is broken anyway.
#define POLOLU_TB9051FTG F("POLOLU_TB9051FTG"), \
new MotorDriver(2, 7, UNUSED_PIN, -9, A0, 10, 2500, 6), \
new MotorDriver(4, 8, UNUSED_PIN, -10, A1, 10, 2500, 12)
// Firebox Mk1
#define FIREBOX_MK1 F("FIREBOX_MK1"), \
new MotorDriver(3, 6, 7, UNUSED_PIN, A5, 9.766, 5500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(4, 8, 9, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 5.00, 1000, UNUSED_PIN)
// Firebox Mk1S
new MotorDriver(24, 21, 22, 25, 23, 9.766, 5500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(30, 27, 28, 31, 29, 5.00, 1000, UNUSED_PIN)
// FunduMoto Motor Shield
new MotorDriver(10, 12, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// IBT_2 Motor Board for Main and Arduino Motor Shield for Prog
new MotorDriver(4, 5, 6, UNUSED_PIN, A5, 41.54, 5000, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// YFROBOT Motor Shield (V3.1)
new MotorDriver(5, 4, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(6, 7, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// Makeblock ORION UNO like sized board with integrated motor driver
// This is like an Uno with H-bridge and RJ12 contacts instead of pin rows.
// No current sense. Barrel connector max 12V, Vmotor max 15V. 1.1A polyfuse as output protection.
// Main is marked M1 and near RJ12 #5
// Prog is marked M2 and near RJ12 #4
// For details see
// http://docs.makeblock.com/diy-platform/en/electronic-modules/main-control-boards/makeblock-orion.html
new MotorDriver(6, 7, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, 1.0, 1100, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(5, 4, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, 1.0, 1100, UNUSED_PIN)
// This is an example how to setup a motor shield definition for a motor shield connected
// to an NANO EVERY board. You have to make the connectons from the shield to the board
// as in this example or adjust the values yourself.
new MotorDriver(5, 6, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN),\
new MotorDriver(9, 10, UNUSED_PIN, UNUSED_PIN, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)
// This is an example how to stack two standard motor shields. The upper shield
// needs pins 3 8 9 11 12 13 A0 A1 disconnected from the lower shield and
// jumpered instead like this: 2-3 6-8 7-9 4-13 5-11 10-12 A0-A4 A1-A5
// Pin assigment table:
// 2 Enable C jumpered
// 3 Enable A direct
// 4 Dir D jumpered
// 5 Enable D jumpered
// 6 Brake D jumpered
// 7 Brake C jumpered
// 8 Brake B direct
// 9 Brake A direct
// 10 Dir C jumpered
// 11 Enable B direct
// 12 Dir A direct
// 13 Dir B direct
// A0 Sense A direct
// A1 Sense B direct
// A4 Sense C jumpered
// A5 Sense D jumpered
new MotorDriver( 3, 12, UNUSED_PIN, 9, A0, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver(11, 13, UNUSED_PIN, 8, A1, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver( 2, 10, UNUSED_PIN, 7, A4, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN), \
new MotorDriver( 5, 4, UNUSED_PIN, 6, A5, 2.99, 1500, UNUSED_PIN)