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* @file DccMQTT.cpp
* @author Gregor Baues
* @brief MQTT protocol controller for DCC-EX. Sets up and maintains the connection to the MQTT broker incl setting up the topics.
* Topics are created specifically for the command station on which the code runs. Manages subsriptions as well as recieving/sending of messages on the different topics.
* @version 0.1
* @date 2020-07-08
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2020
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if __has_include ( "config.h")
#include "config.h"
#warning config.h not found. Using defaults from config.example.h
#include "config.example.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EthernetInterface.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h> // Base (sync) MQTT library
#include <DccMQTT.h>
void DccMQTT::setup()
// IPAddress server(MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS);
// EthernetClient ethClient = ETHNetwork::getServer().available();
// // MQTT connection
// PubSubClient mqttClient(ethClient);
// PubSubClient *DccMQTT::mqClient = &mqttClient;
server = IPAddress(MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS);
// char _csidMsg[64]{'\0'}; //!< string buffer for the serialized message to return
// mqttClient.setServer(server, MQTT_BROKER_PORT); // Initalize MQ broker
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Server ok ..."));
// mqttClient.setCallback(mqttCallback); // Initalize callback function for incomming messages
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Callback set ..."));
// DccMQTT::setDeviceID(); // set the unique device ID to bu used for creating / listening to topic
// /**
// * @todo check for connection failure
// */
// reconnect(); // inital connection as well as reconnects
// DccMQTT::subscribe(); // set up all subscriptionn
// INFO(F("MQTT subscriptons done..."));
// sprintf_P(_csidMsg, csidfmt, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// mqttClient.publish(DccMQTT::topics[ADMIN], _csidMsg); // say hello to the broker and the API who listens to this topic
// /**
// * @todo set the connect status with a retained message on the $connected topic /admin/<csid>/$connected as used in the connect
// *
// */
// mqttDccExParser = p;
// #include <avr/pgmspace.h> // for PROGMEM use
// #include <Diag/DIAG.h> // Diagnostig output to the serial terminal
// #include <Diag/Telemetry/DccTelemetry.h> // Diagnostic/metrics output to MQTT
// #include <ETHNetwork/ETHNetwork.h> // Ethernet setup; todo: abstract this away into a network interface so that we can use WiFi or Ethernet
// #include <Ethernet.h> // Std Ethernet library
// #include <ArduinoUniqueID.h>
// #include <Transport/MQTT/DccMQTT.h> // MQTT Message controller
// #include <Transport/MQTT/DccMQTTProc.h> // MQTT Message processor
// #include <Transport/MQTT/DccMQTTCommandMsg.h> // MQTT Message model
// #include <DCCEXParser.h> // DCC++-EX Parser;; used for pushing JRMI commands directly recieved
// //---------
// // Defines
// //---------
// #define MAXTBUF 50 //!< max length of the buffer for building the topic name ;to be checked
// #define MAXTMSG 120 //!< max length of the messages for a topic ;to be checked PROGMEM ?
// #define MAXTSTR 30 //!< max length of a topic string
// //---------
// // Variables
// //---------
// char topicName[MAXTBUF];
// char topicMessage[MAXTMSG];
// char keyword[MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH];
// void mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length);
// void dccmqttCommandHandler(char *topicName, char *topicMessage);
// bool setMsgParams(int mdix, Parameters p, uint16_t v);
// bool setMsgParamsByObj(int mdix, Parameters p, JsonObject v, bool mandatory);
// bool validateParam(Parameters p, uint16_t v);
// char *getPGMkeyword(const char *keyword);
// // Ethernet connection to the MQTT server
// IPAddress server(MQTT_BROKER_ADDRESS);
// EthernetClient ethClient = ETHNetwork::getServer().available();
// // MQTT connection
// PubSubClient mqttClient(ethClient);
// PubSubClient *DccMQTT::mqClient = &mqttClient;
// char _deviceId[MAXDEVICEID]; //!< string holding the device id
// char *DccMQTT::deviceID = _deviceId; //!< assign device ID to the class member
// char **DccMQTT::topics = new char *[MAXTOPICS]; //!< array of pointesr to the topic
// // Queue setup
// Queue DccMQTT::inComming(sizeof(DccMQTTCommandMsg *), MAXQUEUE, FIFO); //!< incomming messages : struct after preprocessing. type to be defined
// Queue DccMQTT::outGoing(sizeof(DccMQTTCommandMsg *), MAXQUEUE, FIFO); //!< outgoing messages; string in JSON format
// // JSON buffer
// StaticJsonDocument<MAXTMSG> doc;
// // index into the message pool
// uint8_t midx;
// DCCEXParser mqttDccExParser;
// //---------
// // Functions
// //---------
// /**
// * @brief Copies an array to a string; used for generating the unique Arduino ID
// *
// * @param array array containing bytes
// * @param len length of the array
// * @param buffer buffer to which the string will be written; make sure the buffer has appropriate length
// */
// static void array_to_string(byte array[], unsigned int len, char buffer[])
// {
// for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// {
// byte nib1 = (array[i] >> 4) & 0x0F;
// byte nib2 = (array[i] >> 0) & 0x0F;
// buffer[i * 2 + 0] = nib1 < 0xA ? '0' + nib1 : 'A' + nib1 - 0xA;
// buffer[i * 2 + 1] = nib2 < 0xA ? '0' + nib2 : 'A' + nib2 - 0xA;
// }
// buffer[len * 2] = '\0';
// }
// /**
// * @brief Maps a command recieved from the JSON string to the corresponding enum value
// *
// * @param c string containing the command
// * @return Commands enum value from the Command enum
// * @throw Returns an INVALID_C - invalid command for unknown Commands send
// * @see Commands
// */
// Commands resolveCommand(const char *c)
// {
// DBG(F("Resolving Command: %s"), c);
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kRead) == 0)
// return READ;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kWrite) == 0)
// return WRITE;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kPower) == 0)
// return POWER;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kThrottle) == 0)
// return THROTTLE;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kFunction) == 0)
// return FUNCTION;
// return INVALID_C;
// };
// DccTopics resolveTopics(const char *c)
// {
// int i = 0;
// while ((strcmp(c, DccMQTT::topics[i]) != 0))
// {
// i++;
// {
// return INVALID_T;
// }
// }
// return (DccTopics)i;
// }
// /**
// * @brief Maps parameters names recieved from the JSON string to the corresponding enum value
// *
// * @param c string containing the parameter name
// * @return parameters enum value from the Parameter enum
// */
// Parameters resolveParameters(char *c)
// {
// DBG(F("Resolving parameter: %s"), c);
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kCv) == 0)
// return CV;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kValue) == 0)
// return VALUE;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kLocomotive) == 0)
// return LCOCMOTIVE;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kSpeed) == 0)
// return SPEED;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kDirection) == 0)
// return DIRECTION;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kFn) == 0)
// return FN;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kState) == 0)
// return STATE;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kTrack) == 0)
// return TRACK;
// if (strcmp_P(c, _kBit) == 0)
// return BIT;
// return INVALID_P;
// };
// /**
// * @brief Maps Parameters enum values to the corresponding string
// *
// * @param p : Enum value of the Parameter
// * @return const char*
// */
// const char *resolveParameters(Parameters p)
// {
// switch (p)
// {
// case CV:
// return _kCv;
// case VALUE:
// return _kValue;
// return _kLocomotive;
// case SPEED:
// return _kSpeed;
// case DIRECTION:
// return _kDirection;
// case FN:
// return _kFn;
// case STATE:
// return _kState;
// case TRACK:
// return _kTrack;
// case BIT:
// return _kBit;
// case INVALID_P:
// return NULL;
// }
// return NULL;
// }
// /**
// * @brief Callback executed upon reception of a message by the PubSubClient
// *
// * @param topic topic string
// * @param payload serialized content of the message
// * @param length length of the recieved message
// *
// */
// void mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
// {
// topicName[0] = '\0';
// topicMessage[0] = '\0';
// strcpy(topicName, topic);
// strlcpy(topicMessage, (char *)payload, length + 1);
// DccTopics t = resolveTopics(topicName);
// switch (t)
// {
// case CMD_L:
// case CMD_T:
// case CMD_S:
// case CMD_A:
// {
// INFO(F("MQTT Message arrived [%s]: %s"), topicName, topicMessage);
// dccmqttCommandHandler(topicName, topicMessage); // /command topic recieved
// break;
// }
// case JRMI:
// {
// INFO(F("JRMI Message arrived [%s]: %s"), topicName, topicMessage);
// // mqttDccExParser.parse(Serial, (const byte *)topicMessage, 0); // send the message to the DCC parser for handling and return;
// mqttDccExParser.parse(&Serial, (byte *)topicMessage, 0); // send the message to the DCC parser for handling and return;
// return;
// }
// case ADMIN: {
// INFO(F("Admin Message arrived [%s]: %s"), topicName, topicMessage);
// return;
// }
// case TELEMETRY:
// case RESULT:
// case INVALID_T:
// {
// // don't do anything for those
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * @brief Central nervous system. All messages are passed through here parse and a pool item gets build. Syntax and Semantic checks are done here on all commands parameters etc ...
// * All error get printed to Serial for now but will be send over MQ as well in the future for further processing by the client
// *
// * @param topicName : Topic on which the message has been recieved
// * @param topicMessage : Message that has been recieved
// *
// */
// void dccmqttCommandHandler(char *topicName, char *topicMessage)
// {
// DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(doc, topicMessage);
// if (err)
// {
// ERR(F("deserializeJson() failed: %s"), err.c_str());
// ERR(F("Message ignored ..."));
// return;
// }
// JsonObject p;
// if (doc.containsKey("p"))
// {
// p = doc["p"]; // parameters recieved - present in any command recieved the payload may differ though
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("No parameters provided in Message"));
// return;
// }
// midx = DccMQTTCommandMsg::setMsg(resolveCommand(doc["c"]), doc["cid"]);
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams = 0;
// DBG(F("Recieved command: [%d] : cid [%s]"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].cmd, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx]._cid);
// switch (DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].cmd)
// {
// case READ:
// {
// // Mandatory parameters
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, CV, p, true)) // reqd parameter not available; error printing done in setMsgParams
// {
// return;
// }
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// DBG(F("Read: recieved parameter cv: [%d]"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[CV]);
// // Optional parameters
// if (setMsgParamsByObj(midx, BIT, p, false)) // found correct bit parameter if true
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// DBG(F("Read: recieved optional parameter bit: [%d]"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[BIT]);
// }
// break;
// }
// case WRITE:
// {
// // Mandatory parameters
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, CV, p, true))
// return;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, VALUE, p, true))
// return;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams = 2;
// // Optional parameters
// // If loco is present we need the track to be main
// // Writing on Prog doesn't need a loco to be present as there shall be only one loco anyway
// if (setMsgParamsByObj(midx, LCOCMOTIVE, p, false))
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// // verify that track is M
// if (setMsgParamsByObj(midx, TRACK, p, false))
// {
// if (DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[TRACK] == MAIN)
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Track has to be main as Locomotive has been provided "));
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// if (setMsgParamsByObj(midx, BIT, p, false)) // found correct bit parameter if true
// {
// // verify if value is 0 or 1
// uint16_t v = DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[VALUE];
// if (v == 0 || v == 1)
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Value has to be 0 or 1 as bit to be written has been set"));
// return;
// }
// }
// break;
// }
// case POWER:
// {
// // Mandatory parameters
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, TRACK, p, true)) // reqd parameter track not available; error printing done in setMsgParams
// {
// return;
// };
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, STATE, p, true)) // reqd parameter state not available; error printing done in setMsgParams
// {
// return;
// }
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams++;
// DBG(F("Power: recieved parameter track: %d state: %d "), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[TRACK], DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[STATE]);
// break;
// }
// case THROTTLE:
// {
// // Mandatory parameters
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, LCOCMOTIVE, p, true))
// return;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, SPEED, p, true))
// return;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, DIRECTION, p, true))
// return;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams = 3;
// DBG(F("Throttle: recieved parameter locomotive: %d speed: %d direction: %d "), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[LCOCMOTIVE], DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[SPEED], DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[DIRECTION]);
// break;
// }
// case FUNCTION:
// {
// // Mandatory parameters
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, LCOCMOTIVE, p, true))
// return;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, FN, p, true))
// return;
// if (!setMsgParamsByObj(midx, STATE, p, true))
// return;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].nParams = 3;
// break;
// }
// case INVALID_C:
// default:
// {
// ERR(F("Invalid command recieved"));
// return;
// }
// }
// // Note: Do not use the client in the callback to publish, subscribe or
// // unsubscribe as it may cause deadlocks when other things arrive while
// // sending and receiving acknowledgments. Instead, change a global variable,
// // or push to a queue and handle it in the loop after calling `DccMQTT::loop()`
// // enqueue the cmdMsg pool item used for passing the commands
// DccMQTT::pushIn(midx);
// }
// /**
// * @brief Set the parameters in the pool item to be send to the processor
// *
// * @param mdix : Index of the pool item
// * @param p : Parameter to be set
// * @param v : Json object of the parameter value recieved
// * @param mandatory : if the parameter is mandatory
// * @return true
// * @return false the value is 0 return false
// */
// bool setMsgParamsByObj(int mdix, Parameters p, JsonObject v, bool mandatory)
// {
// // This does make two calls deserialzing the parameter; may possibly be optimized
// bool success = true;
// char *kw = getPGMkeyword(resolveParameters(p));
// if (v.containsKey(kw) == false)
// {
// if (mandatory)
// {
// ERR(F("Wrong parameter provided: [%s]"), kw);
// return false;
// }
// else
// {
// INFO(F("Ignoring optional parameter: [%s]"), kw);
// return false;
// }
// }
// switch (p)
// {
// case BIT:
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = v[kw];
// success = validateParam(BIT, v[kw]);
// break;
// }
// case TRACK:
// {
// char tr[2] = {0};
// strncpy(tr, v[kw], 2);
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = tr[0];
// success = validateParam(TRACK, tr[0]);
// break;
// }
// case DIRECTION:
// {
// char tr[2] = {0};
// strncpy(tr, v[kw], 2);
// success = validateParam(DIRECTION, tr[0]);
// if (tr[0] == 'F') {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = 1;
// } else {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = 0;
// }
// break;
// }
// case STATE:
// {
// char st[4] = {0};
// strncpy(st, v[kw], 3);
// /**
// * @todo validate ON/OFF keywords here so that we don't handle any garbage comming in
// *
// */
// DBG(F("State keyword [%s] [%s]"), kw, st);
// if (st[1] == 'N') {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = 1;
// } else {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = 0;
// }
// // DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = v.getMember(kw);
// break;
// }
// case CV:
// case VALUE:
// case SPEED:
// case FN:
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p] = v.getMember(kw);
// break;
// }
// case INVALID_P:
// {
// success = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// DBG(F("Set Parameter [%s] to [%d] [%s]"), kw, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].params[p], success ? "OK" : "FAILED");
// return success;
// };
// /**
// * @brief Validates permitted values for Parameters
// *
// * @param p : Parameter
// * @param v : value to validate for the given Parameter
// * @return true : if value is allowed
// * @return false : false if value is not allowed
// */
// bool validateParam(Parameters p, uint16_t v)
// {
// bool valid;
// switch (p)
// {
// case CV:
// case VALUE:
// case SPEED:
// case FN:
// case STATE:
// case INVALID_P:
// {
// valid = true;
// break;
// }
// case DIRECTION:
// {
// if (v == 'F' || v == 'R')
// {
// valid = true;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Wrong value for direction provided (F or R)"));
// valid = false;
// }
// break;
// }
// case TRACK:
// {
// if (v == MAIN || v == ALL || v == PROG)
// {
// valid = true;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Wrong value for track provided (M or A or P)"));
// valid = false;
// }
// break;
// }
// case BIT:
// {
// if (v >= 0 && v <= 7)
// {
// valid = true;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Wrong parameter value provided for bit (>= 0 and <= 7)"));
// valid = false;
// }
// break;
// }
// }
// DBG(F("Validated parameter:[%s] Value:[%d] [%s]"), getPGMkeyword(resolveParameters(p)), v, valid ? "OK" : "FAILED");
// return valid;
// }
// /**
// * @brief Retrieves a keyword from PROGMEM
// *
// * @param k keyword to retrieve
// * @return char* string copied into SRAM
// */
// char *getPGMkeyword(const char *k)
// {
// strncpy_P(keyword, k, MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH);
// return keyword;
// };
// /**
// * @brief Pushes a message into the the in comming queue; locks the pool item
// *
// * @param midx the index of the message in the pool to be pushed into the queue
// */
// void DccMQTT::pushIn(uint8_t midx)
// {
// static uint32_t msgInCnt = 101;
// if (!DccMQTT::inComming.isFull())
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].msgId = msgInCnt;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].free = false;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].mIdx = midx;
// DccMQTT::inComming.push(&DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].mIdx);
// DBG(F("Enqueued incomming msg[%d] #%d"), midx, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].msgId);
// // DccMQTTCommandMsg::printCmdMsg(&DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx]);
// msgInCnt++;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Dcc incomming message queue is full; Message ignored"));
// }
// }
// /**
// * @brief Pushes a message into the the outgoing queue; locks the pool item;
// *
// * @param midx the index of the message in the pool to be pushed into the queue
// */
// void DccMQTT::pushOut(uint8_t midx)
// {
// static uint32_t msgOutCnt = 501;
// if (!DccMQTT::outGoing.isFull())
// {
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].msgId = msgOutCnt;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].free = false;
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].mIdx = midx;
// DccMQTT::outGoing.push(&DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].mIdx);
// DBG(F("Enqueued outgoing msg #%d"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[midx].msgId);
// msgOutCnt++;
// }
// else
// {
// ERR(F("Dcc outgoing message queue is full; Message ignored"));
// }
// }
// /**
// * @brief pops a message from the the in comming queue; The pool item used is still in use and stays locked
// *
// * @param midx the index of the message in the pool to be poped
// * @return index in the message pool of the message which has been poped; -1 if the queue is empty
// */
// uint8_t DccMQTT::popIn()
// {
// uint8_t i;
// if (!DccMQTT::inComming.isEmpty())
// {
// DccMQTT::inComming.pop(&i);
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i].free = false;
// DBG(F("Dequeued incomming msg #%d, cid: %s"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i].msgId, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i]._cid);
// return i;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// /**
// * @brief pops a message from the the outgoing queue; The pool item used is freed and can be reused
// *
// * @param midx the index of the message in the pool to be poped
// * @return index in the message pool of the message which has been poped; -1 if the queue is empty
// */
// uint8_t DccMQTT::popOut()
// {
// uint8_t i;
// if (!DccMQTT::outGoing.isEmpty())
// {
// DccMQTT::outGoing.pop(&i);
// DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i].free = true;
// DBG(F("Dequeued outgoing msg #%d, cid: %s"), DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i].msgId, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i]._cid);
// // DccMQTTCommandMsg::printCmdMsg(&DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[i]);
// // DccMQTTCommandMsg::printCmdMsgPool();
// return i;
// }
// return -1;
// }
// /**
// * @brief in case we lost the connection to the MQTT broker try to restablish a conection
// *
// */
// static void reconnect()
// {
// DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting ..."));
// while (!mqttClient.connected())
// {
// INFO(F("Attempting MQTT Broker connection..."));
// // Attempt to connect
// char *connectID = new char[40];
// connectID[0] = '\0';
// strcat(connectID,DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// INFO(F("ConnectID: %s %s %s"), connectID, MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD);
// DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Cloud/User) ..."));
// if (mqttClient.connect(connectID, MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD, "$connected", 0, true, "0", 0))
// #else
// DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Cloud) ..."));
// if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID()))
// #endif
// #else
// DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Local/User) ..."));
// if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID(), MQTT_BROKER_USER, MQTT_BROKER_PASSWD))
// #else
// DBG(F("MQTT (re)connecting (Local) ..."));
// if (mqttClient.connect(DccMQTT::getDeviceID()))
// #endif
// #endif
// {
// INFO(F("MQTT broker connected ..."));
// // publish on the $connected topic
// DccMQTT::subscribe(); // required in case of a connection loss to do it again (this causes a mem leak !! of 200bytes each time!!)
// }
// else
// {
// INFO(F("MQTT broker connection failed, rc=%d, trying to reconnect"), mqttClient.state());
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * @brief Test if the mqtt client is connected
// *
// * @return true - connected
// * @return false - not connected
// */
// bool DccMQTT::connected()
// {
// return mqttClient.connected();
// }
// /**
// * @brief builds the topic strings for the intents together with the unique ID and the Ressource letter
// *
// * @param c char for specific chnalle under the intent; if '_' it will not be used
// * @param t index for the topic in the list of topics
// * @return char* of the topic string build
// */
// static char *buildTopicID(char c, DccTopics t)
// {
// char *str = new char[MAXTSTR];
// str[0] = '\0'; // flush the string
// switch (t)
// {
// case RESULT:
// {
// strcat(str, TCMRESROOT); // results channel
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// break;
// }
// case ADMIN:
// {
// strcat(str, ADMROOT); // admin
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// break;
// }
// case TELEMETRY:
// {
// strcat(str, TELEMETRYROOT); // telemetry
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// break;
// }
// {
// strcat(str, DIAGROOT); // diganostics
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// break;
// }
// case JRMI:
// {
// strcat(str, JRMIROOT); // for JRMI formmated input from the JRMI topic
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// break;
// }
// case CMD_L:
// case CMD_A:
// case CMD_T:
// case CMD_S:
// {
// strcat(str, TCMDROOT);
// strcat(str, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// strncat(str, "/", 1);
// strncat(str, &c, 1);
// break;
// }
// case INVALID_T:
// return NULL;
// }
// DccMQTT::topics[t] = str;
// INFO(F("Topic: %s created"), DccMQTT::topics[t]);
// return DccMQTT::topics[t];
// }
// void DccMQTT::printTopics()
// {
// INFO(F("List of subcribed Topics ... "));
// for (int i = 0; i < MAXTOPICS; i++)
// {
// INFO(F("Topic: %s"), DccMQTT::topics[i]);
// }
// }
// void DccMQTT::subscribe()
// {
// static bool subscribed = false;
// if (subscribed == false) // Subscribe for the first time
// {
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('L', CMD_L)); // command/<CSID>/L - Subscription CSID is 18 in length
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('T', CMD_T)); // command/<CSID>/T - Subscription only
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('S', CMD_S)); // command/<CSID>/S - Subscription only
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('A', CMD_A)); // command/<CSID>/A - Subscription only
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('_', RESULT)); // command Response - Publish only
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('_', ADMIN)); // admin - Publish / Subscribe
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('_', DIAGNOSTIC)); // diagnostics - Publish / Subscribe
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('_', TELEMETRY)); // metrics - Publish / Subscribe
// mqttClient.subscribe(buildTopicID('_', JRMI)); // metrics - Publish / Subscribe
// subscribed = true;
// }
// else // already subscribed once so we have the topics stored no need to rebuild them
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < MAXTOPICS; i++)
// {
// mqttClient.subscribe(DccMQTT::topics[i]);
// // mqttClient.subscribe("diag/memory", 0); // to be replaced by telemetry
// }
// }
// }
// void DccMQTT::subscribeT(char *topic)
// {
// mqttClient.subscribe(topic);
// }
// #define PUB_RES_FMT "{\"cid\":\"%s\", \"result\":\"%d\"}"
// PROGMEM const char resfmt[] = {PUB_RES_FMT};
// void DccMQTT::publish()
// {
// char _memMsg[64]{'\0'}; //!< string buffer for the serialized message to return
// if (!DccMQTT::outGoing.isEmpty())
// {
// uint8_t c = DccMQTT::popOut();
// if (c != -1)
// {
// /**
// * @todo check for the length of theoverall response and make sure its smalle than the _memMsg buffer size
// */
// sprintf_P(_memMsg, resfmt, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[c]._cid, DccMQTTCommandMsg::msg[c].result);
// INFO(F("Sending result: %s length: %d"), _memMsg, strlen(_memMsg));
// mqttClient.publish(DccMQTT::topics[RESULT], _memMsg);
// };
// };
// }
// /**
// * @brief Initalizes the MQTT broker connection; subcribes to all reqd topics and sends the deviceID to the broker on the /admin channel
// *
// */
// #define PUB_CSID_FMT "{\"csid\":\"%s\"}"
// PROGMEM const char csidfmt[] = {PUB_CSID_FMT};
// void DccMQTT::setup(DCCEXParser p)
// {
// char _csidMsg[64]{'\0'}; //!< string buffer for the serialized message to return
// mqttClient.setServer(server, MQTT_BROKER_PORT); // Initalize MQ broker
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Server ok ..."));
// mqttClient.setCallback(mqttCallback); // Initalize callback function for incomming messages
// DBG(F("MQTT Client : Callback set ..."));
// DccMQTT::setDeviceID(); // set the unique device ID to bu used for creating / listening to topic
// /**
// * @todo check for connection failure
// */
// reconnect(); // inital connection as well as reconnects
// DccMQTT::subscribe(); // set up all subscriptionn
// INFO(F("MQTT subscriptons done..."));
// sprintf_P(_csidMsg, csidfmt, DccMQTT::getDeviceID());
// mqttClient.publish(DccMQTT::topics[ADMIN], _csidMsg); // say hello to the broker and the API who listens to this topic
// /**
// * @todo set the connect status with a retained message on the $connected topic /admin/<csid>/$connected as used in the connect
// *
// */
// DccTelemetry::setup();
// mqttDccExParser = p;
// }
// void DccMQTT::setDeviceID()
// {
// array_to_string(UniqueID, UniqueIDsize, _deviceId);
// INFO(F("UniqueID: %s"), _deviceId);
// }
// char *DccMQTT::getDeviceID()
// {
// return DccMQTT::deviceID;
// };
// void DccMQTT::loop()
// {
// DccTelemetry::deltaT(1);
// if (!mqttClient.connected())
// {
// reconnect();
// }
// if (!mqttClient.loop())
// {
// ERR(F("mqttClient returned with error; state: %d"), mqttClient.state());
// };
// DccMQTTProc::loop(); //!< give time to the command processor to handle msg ..
// DccMQTT::publish(); //!< publish waiting messages from the outgoing queue
// DccTelemetry::deltaT(1);
// }
// bool DccMQTT::inIsEmpty()
// {
// if (DccMQTT::inComming.isEmpty())
// {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// bool DccMQTT::outIsEmpty()
// {
// if (DccMQTT::outGoing.isEmpty())
// {
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// };
// DccMQTT::DccMQTT()
// {
// // long l = random();
// }
// DccMQTT::~DccMQTT()
// {
// }