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Neil McKechnie 0f55835b8b Add RMFT WAITFOR() and SERVO2() commands.
WAITFOR(pin) waits until the corresponding pin is not busy (e.g. has finished moving the servo).  SERVO2(pin, value, ms) moves to the nominated position in a time given in milliseconds by ms.
2021-08-28 17:39:48 +01:00

393 lines
13 KiB

* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC++EX API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "IODevice.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
#include "FSH.h"
#include "IO_MCP23017.h"
#define USE_FAST_IO
// Static methods
// Static functions
// Static method to initialise the IODevice subsystem.
#if !defined(IO_NO_HAL)
// Create any standard device instances that may be required, such as the Arduino pins
// and PCA9685.
void IODevice::begin() {
// Initialise the IO subsystem
ArduinoPins::create(2, NUM_DIGITAL_PINS-2); // Reserve pins for direct access
// Predefine two PCA9685 modules 0x40-0x41
// Allocates 32 pins 100-131
PCA9685::create(100, 16, 0x40);
PCA9685::create(116, 16, 0x41);
// Predefine two MCP23017 module 0x20/0x21
// Allocates 32 pins 164-195
MCP23017::create(164, 16, 0x20);
MCP23017::create(180, 16, 0x21);
// Call the begin() methods of each configured device in turn
for (IODevice *dev=_firstDevice; dev!=NULL; dev = dev->_nextDevice) {
_initPhase = false;
// Overarching static loop() method for the IODevice subsystem. Works through the
// list of installed devices and calls their individual _loop() method.
// Devices may or may not implement this, but if they do it is useful for things like animations
// or flashing LEDs.
// The current value of micros() is passed as a parameter, so the called loop function
// doesn't need to invoke it.
void IODevice::loop() {
unsigned long currentMicros = micros();
// Call every device's loop function in turn, one per entry.
if (!_nextLoopDevice) _nextLoopDevice = _firstDevice;
if (_nextLoopDevice) {
_nextLoopDevice = _nextLoopDevice->_nextDevice;
// Report loop time if diags enabled
#if defined(DIAG_LOOPTIMES)
static unsigned long lastMicros = 0;
static unsigned long maxElapsed = 0;
static unsigned long lastOutputTime = 0;
static unsigned long count = 0;
const unsigned long interval = (unsigned long)5 * 1000 * 1000; // 5 seconds in microsec
unsigned long elapsed = currentMicros - lastMicros;
// Ignore long loop counts while message is still outputting
if (currentMicros - lastOutputTime > 3000UL) {
if (elapsed > maxElapsed) maxElapsed = elapsed;
if (currentMicros - lastOutputTime > interval) {
if (lastOutputTime > 0)
LCD(1,F("Loop=%lus,%lus max"), interval/count, maxElapsed);
maxElapsed = 0;
count = 0;
lastOutputTime = currentMicros;
lastMicros = micros();
// Display a list of all the devices on the diagnostic stream.
void IODevice::DumpAll() {
for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) {
// Determine if the specified vpin is allocated to a device.
bool IODevice::exists(VPIN vpin) {
return findDevice(vpin) != NULL;
// check whether the pin supports notification. If so, then regular _read calls are not required.
bool IODevice::hasCallback(VPIN vpin) {
IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin);
if (!dev) return false;
return dev->_hasCallback(vpin);
// Display (to diagnostics) details of the device.
void IODevice::_display() {
DIAG(F("Unknown device Vpins:%d-%d"), (int)_firstVpin, (int)_firstVpin+_nPins-1);
// Find device associated with nominated Vpin and pass configuration values on to it.
// Return false if not found.
bool IODevice::configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) {
IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin);
if (dev) return dev->_configure(vpin, configType, paramCount, params);
return false;
// Write value to virtual pin(s). If multiple devices are allocated the same pin
// then only the first one found will be used.
void IODevice::write(VPIN vpin, int value) {
IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin);
if (dev) {
dev->_write(vpin, value);
#ifdef DIAG_IO
//DIAG(F("IODevice::write(): Vpin ID %d not found!"), (int)vpin);
// Write analogue value to virtual pin(s). If multiple devices are allocated the same pin
// then only the first one found will be used. Duration is the time that the
// operation is to be performed over (e.g. as an animation) in deciseconds (0-3276 sec)
void IODevice::writeAnalogue(VPIN vpin, int value, uint8_t profile, uint16_t duration) {
IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin);
if (dev) {
dev->_writeAnalogue(vpin, value, profile, duration);
#ifdef DIAG_IO
//DIAG(F("IODevice::writeAnalogue(): Vpin ID %d not found!"), (int)vpin);
// isBusy returns true if the device is currently in an animation of some sort, e.g. is changing
// the output over a period of time.
bool IODevice::isBusy(VPIN vpin) {
IODevice *dev = findDevice(vpin);
if (dev)
return dev->_isBusy(vpin);
return false;
void IODevice::setGPIOInterruptPin(int16_t pinNumber) {
if (pinNumber >= 0)
pinMode(pinNumber, INPUT_PULLUP);
_gpioInterruptPin = pinNumber;
// Private helper function to add a device to the chain of devices.
void IODevice::addDevice(IODevice *newDevice) {
// Link new object to the end of the chain. Thereby, the first devices to be declared/created
// will be located faster by findDevice than those which are created later.
// Ideally declare/create the digital IO pins first, then servos, then more esoteric devices.
IODevice *lastDevice;
if (_firstDevice == 0)
_firstDevice = newDevice;
else {
for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice)
lastDevice = dev;
lastDevice->_nextDevice = newDevice;
newDevice->_nextDevice = 0;
// If the IODevice::begin() method has already been called, initialise device here. If not,
// the device's _begin() method will be called by IODevice::begin().
if (!_initPhase)
// Private helper function to locate a device by VPIN. Returns NULL if not found
IODevice *IODevice::findDevice(VPIN vpin) {
for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) {
if (dev->owns(vpin))
return dev;
return NULL;
// Static data
// Chain of callback blocks (identifying registered callback functions for state changes)
IONotifyCallback *IONotifyCallback::first = 0;
// Start of chain of devices.
IODevice *IODevice::_firstDevice = 0;
// Reference to next device to be called on _loop() method.
IODevice *IODevice::_nextLoopDevice = 0;
// Flag which is reset when IODevice::begin has been called.
bool IODevice::_initPhase = true;
// Instance members
// Method to check whether the id corresponds to this device
bool IODevice::owns(VPIN id) {
return (id >= _firstVpin && id < _firstVpin + _nPins);
// Read value from virtual pin.
int IODevice::read(VPIN vpin) {
for (IODevice *dev = _firstDevice; dev != 0; dev = dev->_nextDevice) {
if (dev->owns(vpin))
return dev->_read(vpin);
#ifdef DIAG_IO
//DIAG(F("IODevice::read(): Vpin %d not found!"), (int)vpin);
return false;
#else // !defined(IO_NO_HAL)
// Minimal implementations of public HAL interface, to support Arduino pin I/O and nothing more.
void IODevice::begin() { DIAG(F("NO HAL CONFIGURED!")); }
bool IODevice::configure(VPIN, ConfigTypeEnum, int, int []) { return true; }
void IODevice::write(VPIN vpin, int value) {
digitalWrite(vpin, value);
pinMode(vpin, OUTPUT);
void IODevice::writeAnalogue(VPIN, int, uint8_t, uint16_t) {}
bool IODevice::isBusy(VPIN) { return false; }
bool IODevice::hasCallback(VPIN) { return false; }
int IODevice::read(VPIN vpin) {
pinMode(vpin, INPUT_PULLUP);
return !digitalRead(vpin); // Return inverted state (5v=0, 0v=1)
void IODevice::loop() {}
void IODevice::DumpAll() {
bool IODevice::exists(VPIN vpin) { return (vpin > 2 && vpin < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS); }
void IODevice::setGPIOInterruptPin(int16_t) {}
// Chain of callback blocks (identifying registered callback functions for state changes)
// Not used in IO_NO_HAL but must be declared.
IONotifyCallback *IONotifyCallback::first = 0;
#endif // IO_NO_HAL
// Constructor
ArduinoPins::ArduinoPins(VPIN firstVpin, int nPins) {
_firstVpin = firstVpin;
_nPins = nPins;
uint8_t arrayLen = (_nPins+7)/8;
_pinPullups = (uint8_t *)calloc(2, arrayLen);
_pinModes = (&_pinPullups[0]) + arrayLen;
for (int i=0; i<arrayLen; i++) {
_pinPullups[i] = 0xff; // default to pullup on, for inputs
_pinModes[i] = 0;
// Device-specific pin configuration. Configure should be called infrequently so simplify
// code by using the standard pinMode function.
bool ArduinoPins::_configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) {
if (configType != CONFIGURE_INPUT) return false;
if (paramCount != 1) return false;
bool pullup = params[0];
int pin = vpin;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("Arduino _configurePullup Pin:%d Val:%d"), pin, pullup);
uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8);
uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8;
_pinModes[index] &= ~mask; // set to input mode
if (pullup) {
_pinPullups[index] |= mask;
pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
} else {
_pinPullups[index] &= ~mask;
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
return true;
// Device-specific write function.
void ArduinoPins::_write(VPIN vpin, int value) {
int pin = vpin;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("Arduino Write Pin:%d Val:%d"), pin, value);
uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8);
uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8;
// First update the output state, then set into write mode if not already.
fastWriteDigital(pin, value);
if (!(_pinModes[index] & mask)) {
// Currently in read mode, change to write mode
_pinModes[index] |= mask;
// Since mode changes should be infrequent, use standard pinMode function
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
// Device-specific read function.
int ArduinoPins::_read(VPIN vpin) {
int pin = vpin;
uint8_t mask = 1 << ((pin-_firstVpin) % 8);
uint8_t index = (pin-_firstVpin) / 8;
if (_pinModes[index] & mask) {
// Currently in write mode, change to read mode
_pinModes[index] &= ~mask;
// Since mode changes should be infrequent, use standard pinMode function
if (_pinPullups[index] & mask)
pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
int value = !fastReadDigital(pin); // Invert (5v=0, 0v=1)
#ifdef DIAG_IO
//DIAG(F("Arduino Read Pin:%d Value:%d"), pin, value);
return value;
void ArduinoPins::_display() {
DIAG(F("Arduino Vpins:%d-%d"), (int)_firstVpin, (int)_firstVpin+_nPins-1);
void ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value) {
#if defined(USE_FAST_IO)
if (pin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return;
uint8_t mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);
volatile uint8_t *outPortAdr = portOutputRegister(port);
if (value)
*outPortAdr |= mask;
*outPortAdr &= ~mask;
digitalWrite(pin, value);
bool ArduinoPins::fastReadDigital(uint8_t pin) {
#if defined(USE_FAST_IO)
if (pin >= NUM_DIGITAL_PINS) return false;
uint8_t mask = digitalPinToBitMask(pin);
uint8_t port = digitalPinToPort(pin);
volatile uint8_t *inPortAdr = portInputRegister(port);
// read input
bool result = (*inPortAdr & mask) != 0;
bool result = digitalRead(pin);
return result;