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synced 2025-03-14 01:53:07 +01:00
Modify mode of measurement so that the driver doesn't loop for long periods waiting for the incoming pulse to complete. Original loop behaviour can be reinstated by adding LOOP option in create call (see comment header in file).
244 lines
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244 lines
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* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC++EX API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The HC-SR04 module has an ultrasonic transmitter (40kHz) and a receiver.
* It is operated through two signal pins. When the transmit pin is set to 1
* for 10us, on the falling edge the transmitter sends a short transmission of
* 8 pulses (like a sonar 'ping'). This is reflected off objects and received
* by the receiver. A pulse is sent on the receive pin whose length is equal
* to the delay between the transmission of the pulse and the detection of
* its echo. The distance of the reflecting object is calculated by halving
* the time (to allow for the out and back distance), then multiplying by the
* speed of sound (assumed to be constant).
* This driver polls the HC-SR04 by sending the trigger pulse and then measuring
* the length of the received pulse. If the calculated distance is less than
* the threshold, the output _state returned by a read() call changes to 1. If
* the distance is greater than the threshold plus a hysteresis margin, the
* output changes to 0. The device also supports readAnalogue(), which returns
* the measured distance in cm, or 32767 if the distance exceeds the
* offThreshold.
* It might be thought that the measurement would be more reliable if interrupts
* were disabled while the pulse is being timed. However, this would affect
* other functions in the CS so the measurement is being performed with
* interrupts enabled. Also, we could use an interrupt pin in the Arduino for
* the timing, but the same consideration applies. In any case, the DCC
* interrupt occurs once every 58us, so any IRC code is much faster than that.
* And 58us corresponds to 1cm in the calculation, so the effect of
* interrupts is negligible.
* Note: The timing accuracy required for measuring the pulse length means that
* the pins have to be direct Arduino pins; GPIO pins on an IO Extender cannot
* provide the required accuracy.
* Example configuration:
* HCSR04::create(23000, 32, 33, 80, 85);
* Where 23000 is the VPIN allocated,
* 32 is the pin connected to the HCSR04 trigger terminal,
* 33 is the pin connected to the HCSR04 echo terminal,
* 80 is the distance in cm below which pin 23000 will be active,
* and 85 is the distance in cm above which pin 23000 will be inactive.
* Alternative configuration, which hogs the processor until the measurement is complete
* (old behaviour, more accurate but higher impact on other CS tasks):
* HCSR04::create(23000, 32, 33, 80, 85, HCSR04::LOOP);
#ifndef IO_HCSR04_H
#define IO_HCSR04_H
#include "IODevice.h"
class HCSR04 : public IODevice {
// pins must be arduino GPIO pins, not extender pins or HAL pins.
int _trigPin = -1;
int _echoPin = -1;
// Thresholds for setting active _state in cm.
uint8_t _onThreshold; // cm
uint8_t _offThreshold; // cm
// Last measured distance in cm.
uint16_t _distance;
// Active=1/inactive=0 _state
uint8_t _value = 0;
// Factor for calculating the distance (cm) from echo time (us).
// Based on a speed of sound of 345 metres/second.
const uint16_t factor = 58; // us/cm
// Limit the time spent looping by dropping out when the expected
// worst case threshold value is greater than an arbitrary value.
const uint16_t maxPermittedLoopTime = 10 * factor; // max in us
unsigned long _startTime = 0;
unsigned long _maxTime = 0;
enum {DORMANT, MEASURING}; // _state values
uint8_t _state = DORMANT;
uint8_t _counter = 0;
uint16_t _options = 0;
enum Options {
LOOP = 1, // Option HCSR04::LOOP reinstates old behaviour, i.e. complete measurement in one loop entry.
// Static create function provides alternative way to create object
static void create(VPIN vpin, int trigPin, int echoPin, uint16_t onThreshold, uint16_t offThreshold, uint16_t options = 0) {
if (checkNoOverlap(vpin))
new HCSR04(vpin, trigPin, echoPin, onThreshold, offThreshold, options);
// Constructor performs static initialisation of the device object
HCSR04 (VPIN vpin, int trigPin, int echoPin, uint16_t onThreshold, uint16_t offThreshold, uint16_t options) {
_firstVpin = vpin;
_nPins = 1;
_trigPin = trigPin;
_echoPin = echoPin;
_onThreshold = onThreshold;
_offThreshold = offThreshold;
_options = options;
// _begin function called to perform dynamic initialisation of the device
void _begin() override {
_state = 0;
pinMode(_trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_echoPin, INPUT);
ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(_trigPin, 0);
#if defined(DIAG_IO)
// _read function - just return _value (calculated in _loop).
int _read(VPIN vpin) override {
(void)vpin; // avoid compiler warning
return _value;
int _readAnalogue(VPIN vpin) override {
(void)vpin; // avoid compiler warning
return _distance;
// _loop function - read HC-SR04 once every 100 milliseconds.
void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override {
unsigned long waitTime;
switch(_state) {
case DORMANT: // Issue pulse
// If receive pin is still set on from previous call, do nothing till next entry.
if (ArduinoPins::fastReadDigital(_echoPin)) return;
// Send 10us pulse to trigger transmitter
ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(_trigPin, 1);
ArduinoPins::fastWriteDigital(_trigPin, 0);
// Wait, with timeout, for echo pin to become set.
// Measured time delay is just under 500us, so
// wait for max of 1000us.
_startTime = micros();
_maxTime = 1000;
while (!ArduinoPins::fastReadDigital(_echoPin)) {
// Not set yet, see if we've timed out.
waitTime = micros() - _startTime;
if (waitTime > _maxTime) {
// Timeout waiting for pulse start, abort the read and start again
_state = DORMANT;
// Echo pulse started, so wait for echo pin to reset, and measure length of pulse
_startTime = micros();
_maxTime = factor * _offThreshold;
_state = MEASURING;
// If maximum measurement time is high, then skip until next loop entry before
// starting to look for pulse end.
// This gives better accuracy at shorter distance thresholds but without extending
// loop execution time for longer thresholds. If LOOP option is set on, then
// the entire measurement will be done in one loop entry, i.e. the code will fall
// through into the measuring phase.
if (!(_options & LOOP) && _maxTime > maxPermittedLoopTime) break;
/* fallthrough */
case MEASURING: // Check if echo pulse has finished
do {
waitTime = micros() - _startTime;
if (!ArduinoPins::fastReadDigital(_echoPin)) {
// Echo pulse completed; check if pulse length is below threshold and if so set value.
if (waitTime <= factor * _onThreshold) {
// Measured time is within the onThreshold, so value is one.
_value = 1;
// If the new distance value is less than the current, use it immediately.
// But if the new distance value is longer, then it may be erroneously long
// (because of extended loop times delays), so apply a delay to distance increases.
uint16_t estimatedDistance = waitTime / factor;
if (estimatedDistance < _distance)
_distance = estimatedDistance;
_distance += 1; // Just increase distance slowly.
_counter = 0;
//DIAG(F("HCSR04: Pulse Len=%l Distance=%d"), waitTime, _distance);
_state = DORMANT;
} else {
// Echo pulse hasn't finished, so check if maximum time has elapsed
// If pulse is too long then set return value to zero,
// and finish without waiting for end of pulse.
if (waitTime > _maxTime) {
// Pulse length longer than maxTime, value is provisionally zero.
// But don't change _value unless provisional value is zero for 10 consecutive measurements
if (_value == 1) {
if (++_counter >= 10) {
_value = 0;
_distance = 32767;
_counter = 0;
_state = DORMANT; // start again
// If there's lots of time remaining before the expected completion time,
// then exit and wait for next loop entry. Otherwise, loop until we finish.
// If option LOOP is set, then we loop until finished anyway.
uint32_t remainingTime = _maxTime - waitTime;
if (!(_options & LOOP) && remainingTime < maxPermittedLoopTime) return;
} while (_state == MEASURING) ;
// Datasheet recommends a wait of at least 60ms between measurement cycles
if (_state == DORMANT)
delayUntil(currentMicros+60000UL); // wait 60ms till next measurement
void _display() override {
DIAG(F("HCSR04 Configured on Vpin:%d TrigPin:%d EchoPin:%d On:%dcm Off:%dcm"),
_firstVpin, _trigPin, _echoPin, _onThreshold, _offThreshold);
#endif //IO_HCSR04_H