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Author: Neil McKechnie <75813993+Neil-McK@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Mon Aug 23 10:05:54 2021 +0100 Merge branch 'EX-RAIL' into ackRetry commit8703248c49
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Aug 22 16:47:38 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY max 255 with fallback to 3 if greater And includes LCD lines for power and ACK diags. commitf5d4522ed7
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Aug 22 16:40:13 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY updated datatypes commit1dbf236697
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Aug 22 16:35:14 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY updated datatypes commitd93584e9a4
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sun Aug 22 13:16:24 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY updated default is 2 retries. commitf58ebac670
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sat Aug 21 16:43:21 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY is 3 or less (default is 1) commit08350b215a
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sat Aug 21 11:55:17 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY LCD display update. lcd(0, F("RETRY %d %d %d %d"), ackManagerCv, ackManagerRetry, ackRetry, ackRetrySum); commit11cd216017
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sat Aug 21 00:54:28 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY ACK retry code added to ackManagerSetup and callback. The default is <D ACK RETRY 1>. For ACK tuning, set retry to zero. Retry count is captured on the LCD display, and lines in the serial monitor. commitb67027a1ed
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sat Aug 21 00:33:01 2021 -0500 ACK RETRY variables added commit34d2ab3543
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Sat Aug 21 00:23:34 2021 -0500 Update DCCEXParser.cpp LCD lines added to display power commands and ACK settings, when updated. Also new command <D ACK RETRY 1>. commit8ca4011cb0
Author: Ash-4 <81280775+Ash-4@users.noreply.github.com> Date: Fri Aug 20 23:58:13 2021 -0500 Update CommandStation-EX.ino Update LCD row number for Ready and Free RAM. commit6571138389
Author: Harald Barth <haba@kth.se> Date: Sun Aug 1 22:08:34 2021 +0200 optimize command parser for size commitc4f659243e
Author: Harald Barth <haba@kth.se> Date: Sun Aug 1 15:07:06 2021 +0200 optimize for loops for size (and speed) commit55b7091d5a
Author: Harald Barth <haba@kth.se> Date: Sun Aug 1 12:45:29 2021 +0200 take less progmem for messages commit6d7c1925b0
Author: Harald Barth <haba@kth.se> Date: Sun Aug 1 11:56:12 2021 +0200 only pragma -O3 critical functions
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* © 2020, Chris Harlow. All rights reserved.
* © 2021, modified by Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Asbelos DCC API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
DCC++ BASE STATION supports Sensor inputs that can be connected to any Arduino Pin
not in use by this program. Sensors can be of any type (infrared, magentic, mechanical...).
The only requirement is that when "activated" the Sensor must force the specified Arduino
Pin LOW (i.e. to ground), and when not activated, this Pin should remain HIGH (e.g. 5V),
or be allowed to float HIGH if use of the Arduino Pin's internal pull-up resistor is specified.
To ensure proper voltage levels, some part of the Sensor circuitry
MUST be tied back to the same ground as used by the Arduino.
The Sensor code below utilises "de-bounce" logic to remove spikes generated by
mechanical switches and transistors. This avoids the need to create smoothing circuitry
for each sensor. You may need to change the parameters through trial and error for your specific sensors.
To have this sketch monitor one or more Arduino pins for sensor triggers, first define/edit/delete
sensor definitions using the following variation of the "S" command:
<S ID PIN PULLUP>: creates a new sensor ID, with specified PIN and PULLUP
if sensor ID already exists, it is updated with specificed PIN and PULLUP
returns: <O> if successful and <X> if unsuccessful (e.g. out of memory)
<S ID>: deletes definition of sensor ID
returns: <O> if successful and <X> if unsuccessful (e.g. ID does not exist)
<S>: lists all defined sensors
returns: <Q ID PIN PULLUP> for each defined sensor or <X> if no sensors defined
ID: the numeric ID (0-32767) of the sensor
PIN: the arduino pin number the sensor is connected to
PULLUP: 1=use internal pull-up resistor for PIN, 0=don't use internal pull-up resistor for PIN
Once all sensors have been properly defined, use the <E> command to store their definitions to EEPROM.
If you later make edits/additions/deletions to the sensor definitions, you must invoke the <E> command if you want those
new definitions updated in the EEPROM. You can also clear everything stored in the EEPROM by invoking the <e> command.
All sensors defined as per above are repeatedly and sequentially checked within the main loop of this sketch.
If a Sensor Pin is found to have transitioned from one state to another, one of the following serial messages are generated:
<Q ID> - for transition of Sensor ID from HIGH state to LOW state (i.e. the sensor is triggered)
<q ID> - for transition of Sensor ID from LOW state to HIGH state (i.e. the sensor is no longer triggered)
Depending on whether the physical sensor is acting as an "event-trigger" or a "detection-sensor," you may
decide to ignore the <q ID> return and only react to <Q ID> triggers.
#include "StringFormatter.h"
#include "Sensors.h"
#include "EEStore.h"
#include "IODevice.h"
// checks a number of defined sensors per entry and prints _changed_ sensor state
// to stream unless stream is NULL in which case only internal
// state is updated. Then advances to next sensor which will
// be checked at next invocation. Each cycle of reading all sensors will
// be initiated no more frequently than the time set by 'cycleInterval' microseconds.
// The list of sensors is divided such that the first part of the list
// contains sensors that support change notification via callback, and the second
// part of the list contains sensors that require cyclic polling. The start of the
// second part of the list is determined from by the 'firstPollSensor' pointer.
void Sensor::checkAll(Print *stream){
uint16_t sensorCount = 0;
// Register the event handler ONCE!
if (!inputChangeCallbackRegistered)
inputChangeCallbackRegistered = true;
if (firstSensor == NULL) return; // No sensors to be scanned
if (readingSensor == NULL) {
// Not currently scanning sensor list
unsigned long thisTime = micros();
if (thisTime - lastReadCycle >= cycleInterval) {
// Required time elapsed since last read cycle started,
// so initiate new scan through the sensor list
readingSensor = firstSensor;
if (firstSensor == firstPollSensor)
pollSignalPhase = true;
pollSignalPhase = false;
lastReadCycle = thisTime;
// Loop until either end of list is encountered or we pause for some reason
bool pause = false;
while (readingSensor != NULL && !pause) {
// Check if we have reached the start of the polled portion of the sensor list.
if (readingSensor == firstPollSensor)
pollSignalPhase = true;
// Where the sensor is attached to a pin, read pin status. For sources such as LCN,
// which don't have an input pin to read, the LCN class calls setState() to update inputState when
// a message is received. The IODevice::read() call returns 1 for active pins (0v) and 0 for inactive (5v).
// Also, on HAL drivers that support change notifications, the driver calls the notification callback
// routine when an input signal change is detected, and this updates the inputState directly,
// so these inputs don't need to be polled here.
VPIN pin = readingSensor->data.pin;
if (pollSignalPhase)
if (pin!=VPIN_NONE) readingSensor->inputState = IODevice::read(pin);
// Check if changed since last time, and process changes.
if (readingSensor->inputState == readingSensor->active) {
// no change
readingSensor->latchDelay = minReadCount; // Reset counter
} else if (readingSensor->latchDelay > 0) {
// change detected, but first decrement delay
} else {
// change validated, act on it.
readingSensor->active = readingSensor->inputState;
readingSensor->latchDelay = minReadCount; // Reset counter
if (stream != NULL) {
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("<%c %d>\n"), readingSensor->active ? 'Q' : 'q', readingSensor->data.snum);
pause = true; // Don't check any more sensors on this entry
// Move to next sensor in list.
readingSensor = readingSensor->nextSensor;
// Currently process max of 16 sensors per entry for polled sensors, and
// 16 per entry for sensors notified by callback.
// Performance measurements taken during development indicate that, with 64 sensors configured
// on 8x 8-pin PCF8574 GPIO expanders, all inputs can be read within 1.4ms (400Mhz I2C bus speed), and a
// full cycle of scanning 64 sensors for changes takes between 1.9 and 3.2 milliseconds.
if (pollSignalPhase) {
if (sensorCount >= 16) pause = true;
} else
if (sensorCount >= 16) pause = true;
} // Sensor::checkAll
// Callback from HAL (IODevice class) when a digital input change is recognised.
// Updates the inputState field, which is subsequently scanned for changes in the checkAll
// method. Ideally the <Q>/<q> message should be sent from here, instead of waiting for
// the checkAll method, but the output stream is not available at this point.
void Sensor::inputChangeCallback(VPIN vpin, int state) {
Sensor *tt;
// This bit is not ideal since it has, potentially, to look through the entire list of
// sensors to find the one that has changed. Ideally this should be improved somehow.
for (tt=firstSensor; tt!=NULL ; tt=tt->nextSensor) {
if (tt->data.pin == vpin) break;
if (tt != NULL) { // Sensor found
tt->inputState = (state != 0);
// prints all sensor states to stream
void Sensor::printAll(Print *stream){
if (stream != NULL) {
for(Sensor * tt=firstSensor;tt!=NULL;tt=tt->nextSensor){
StringFormatter::send(stream, F("<%c %d>\n"), tt->active ? 'Q' : 'q', tt->data.snum);
} // loop over all sensors
} // Sensor::printAll
// Static Function to create/find Sensor object.
Sensor *Sensor::create(int snum, VPIN pin, int pullUp){
Sensor *tt;
if (pin > VPIN_MAX && pin != VPIN_NONE) return NULL;
remove(snum); // Unlink and free any existing sensor with the same id, before creating the new one.
tt = (Sensor *)calloc(1,sizeof(Sensor));
if (!tt) return tt; // memory allocation failure
if (pin == VPIN_NONE || IODevice::hasCallback(pin)) {
// Callback available, or no pin to read, so link sensor on to the start of the list
tt->nextSensor = firstSensor;
firstSensor = tt;
if (lastSensor == NULL) lastSensor = tt; // This is only item in list.
} else {
// No callback, so add to end of list so it's polled.
if (lastSensor != NULL) lastSensor->nextSensor = tt;
lastSensor = tt;
if (!firstSensor) firstSensor = tt;
if (!firstPollSensor) firstPollSensor = tt;
tt->nextSensor = firstSensor;
firstSensor = tt;
tt->data.snum = snum;
tt->data.pin = pin;
tt->data.pullUp = pullUp;
tt->active = 0;
tt->inputState = 0;
tt->latchDelay = minReadCount;
int params[] = {pullUp};
if (pin != VPIN_NONE)
IODevice::configure(pin, IODevice::CONFIGURE_INPUT, 1, params);
// Generally, internal pull-up resistors are not, on their own, sufficient
// for external infrared sensors --- each sensor must have its own 1K external pull-up resistor
return tt;
// Object method to directly change the input state, for sensors such as LCN which are updated
// by means other than by polling an input.
void Sensor::setState(int value) {
// Trigger sensor change to be reported on next checkAll loop.
inputState = (value != 0);
latchDelay = 0; // Don't wait for anti-jitter logic
Sensor* Sensor::get(int n){
Sensor *tt;
for(tt=firstSensor;tt!=NULL && tt->data.snum!=n;tt=tt->nextSensor);
return tt ;
bool Sensor::remove(int n){
Sensor *tt,*pp=NULL;
for(tt=firstSensor;tt!=NULL && tt->data.snum!=n;pp=tt,tt=tt->nextSensor);
if (tt==NULL) return false;
// Unlink the sensor from the list
if (tt==lastSensor)
lastSensor = pp;
if (tt==firstPollSensor)
firstPollSensor = tt->nextSensor;
// Check if the sensor being deleted is the next one to be read. If so,
// make the following one the next one to be read.
if (readingSensor==tt) readingSensor=tt->nextSensor;
return true;
void Sensor::load(){
struct SensorData data;
Sensor *tt;
uint16_t i=EEStore::eeStore->data.nSensors;
tt=create(data.snum, data.pin, data.pullUp);
void Sensor::store(){
Sensor *tt;
Sensor *Sensor::firstSensor=NULL;
Sensor *Sensor::readingSensor=NULL;
unsigned long Sensor::lastReadCycle=0;
Sensor *Sensor::firstPollSensor = NULL;
Sensor *Sensor::lastSensor = NULL;
bool Sensor::pollSignalPhase = false;
bool Sensor::inputChangeCallbackRegistered = false;
#endif |