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synced 2025-03-14 01:53:07 +01:00
Update I2C addresses of HAL devices to type I2CAddress (to support extended address functions). Cast I2CAddress variables in DIAG calls to (int). Remove uses of max() function (not available on some platforms.
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250 lines
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* © 2021, Neil McKechnie. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of DCC++EX API
* This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with CommandStation. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "IODevice.h"
#include "I2CManager.h"
#include "DIAG.h"
// GPIOBase is defined as a class template. This allows it to be instantiated by
// subclasses with different types, according to the number of pins on the GPIO module.
// For example, GPIOBase<uint8_t> for 8 pins, GPIOBase<uint16_t> for 16 pins etc.
// A module with up to 64 pins can be handled in this way (uint64_t).
template <class T>
class GPIOBase : public IODevice {
// Constructor
GPIOBase(FSH *deviceName, VPIN firstVpin, uint8_t nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, int interruptPin);
// Device-specific initialisation
void _begin() override;
// Device-specific pin configuration function.
bool _configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) override;
// Pin write function.
void _write(VPIN vpin, int value) override;
// Pin read function.
int _read(VPIN vpin) override;
void _display() override;
void _loop(unsigned long currentMicros) override;
// Data fields
// Allocate enough space for all input pins
T _portInputState; // 1=high (inactive), 0=low (activated)
T _portOutputState; // 1 =high, 0=low
T _portMode; // 0=input, 1=output
T _portPullup; // 0=nopullup, 1=pullup
T _portInUse; // 0=not in use, 1=in use
// Target interval between refreshes of each input port
static const int _portTickTime = 4000; // 4ms
// Virtual functions for interfacing with I2C GPIO Device
virtual void _writeGpioPort() = 0;
virtual void _readGpioPort(bool immediate=true) = 0;
virtual void _writePullups() {};
virtual void _writePortModes() {};
virtual void _setupDevice() {};
virtual void _processCompletion(uint8_t status) {
(void)status; // Suppress compiler warning
I2CRB requestBlock;
FSH *_deviceName;
// Because class GPIOBase is a template, the implementation (below) must be contained within the same
// file as the class declaration (above). Otherwise it won't compile!
// Constructor
template <class T>
GPIOBase<T>::GPIOBase(FSH *deviceName, VPIN firstVpin, uint8_t nPins, I2CAddress i2cAddress, int interruptPin) :
IODevice(firstVpin, nPins)
if (_nPins > (int)sizeof(T)*8) _nPins = sizeof(T)*8; // Ensure nPins is consistent with the number of bits in T
_deviceName = deviceName;
_I2CAddress = i2cAddress;
_gpioInterruptPin = interruptPin;
_hasCallback = true;
// Add device to list of devices.
template <class T>
void GPIOBase<T>::_begin() {
// Configure pin used for GPIO extender notification of change (if allocated)
if (_gpioInterruptPin >= 0)
pinMode(_gpioInterruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
if (I2CManager.exists(_I2CAddress)) {
#if defined(DIAG_IO)
_portMode = 0; // default to input mode
_portPullup = -1; // default to pullup enabled
_portInputState = -1;
_portInUse = 0;
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_NORMAL;
} else {
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x Device not detected"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress);
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
// Configuration parameters for inputs:
// params[0]: enable pullup
template <class T>
bool GPIOBase<T>::_configure(VPIN vpin, ConfigTypeEnum configType, int paramCount, int params[]) {
if (configType != CONFIGURE_INPUT) return false;
if (paramCount == 0 || paramCount > 1) return false;
bool pullup = params[0];
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x Config Pin:%d Val:%d"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress, pin, pullup);
uint16_t mask = 1 << pin;
if (pullup)
_portPullup |= mask;
_portPullup &= ~mask;
// Mark that port has been accessed
_portInUse |= mask;
// Set input mode
_portMode &= ~mask;
// Call subclass's virtual function to write to device
// Port change will be notified on next loop entry.
return true;
// Periodically read the input port
template <class T>
void GPIOBase<T>::_loop(unsigned long currentMicros) {
T lastPortStates = _portInputState;
if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_SCANNING && !requestBlock.isBusy()) {
uint8_t status = requestBlock.status;
if (status == I2C_STATUS_OK) {
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_NORMAL;
} else {
_deviceState = DEVSTATE_FAILED;
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x Error:%d %S"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress, status,
// Set unused pin and write mode pin value to 1
_portInputState |= ~_portInUse | _portMode;
// Scan for changes in input states and invoke callback (if present)
T differences = lastPortStates ^ _portInputState;
if (differences && IONotifyCallback::hasCallback()) {
// Scan for differences bit by bit
T mask = 1;
for (int pin=0; pin<_nPins; pin++) {
if (differences & mask) {
// Change detected.
IONotifyCallback::invokeAll(_firstVpin+pin, (_portInputState & mask) == 0);
mask <<= 1;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
if (differences)
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x PortStates:%x"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress, _portInputState);
// Check if interrupt configured. If not, or if it is active (pulled down), then
// initiate a scan.
if (_gpioInterruptPin < 0 || !digitalRead(_gpioInterruptPin)) {
// TODO: Could suppress reads if there are no pins configured as inputs!
// Read input
if (_deviceState == DEVSTATE_NORMAL) {
_readGpioPort(false); // Initiate non-blocking read
// Delay next entry until tick elapsed.
delayUntil(currentMicros + _portTickTime);
template <class T>
void GPIOBase<T>::_display() {
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x Configured on Vpins:%d-%d %S"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress,
_firstVpin, _firstVpin+_nPins-1, (_deviceState==DEVSTATE_FAILED) ? F("OFFLINE") : F(""));
template <class T>
void GPIOBase<T>::_write(VPIN vpin, int value) {
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
T mask = 1 << pin;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x Write Pin:%d Val:%d"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress, pin, value);
// Set port mode output if currently not output mode
if (!(_portMode & mask)) {
_portInUse |= mask;
_portMode |= mask;
// Update port output state
if (value)
_portOutputState |= mask;
_portOutputState &= ~mask;
// Call subclass's virtual function to write to device.
return _writeGpioPort();
template <class T>
int GPIOBase<T>::_read(VPIN vpin) {
int pin = vpin - _firstVpin;
T mask = 1 << pin;
// Set port mode to input if currently output or first use
if ((_portMode | ~_portInUse) & mask) {
_portMode &= ~mask;
_portInUse |= mask;
// Port won't have been read yet, so read it now.
// Set unused pin and write mode pin value to 1
_portInputState |= ~_portInUse | _portMode;
#ifdef DIAG_IO
DIAG(F("%S I2C:x%x PortStates:%x"), _deviceName, (int)_I2CAddress, _portInputState);
return (_portInputState & mask) ? 0 : 1; // Invert state (5v=0, 0v=1)