- cleaning up patch
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,27 +1,311 @@
Index: /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip
diff -ruN qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsfeature.sip qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsfeature.sip
--- qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsfeature.sip 2008-07-08 10:03:09.000000000 -0400
--- /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip (revision 9605)
+++ qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsfeature.sip 2008-12-22 13:19:15.000000000 -0500
+++ /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip (revision 9629)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@
typedef QVector< QVector< QVector<QgsPoint> > > QgsMultiPolygon;
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
- typedef unsigned int size_t;
class QgsGeometry
//! Constructor
@@ -53,5 +54,4 @@
QgsFeature(int id = 0, QString typeName = "" );
static QgsGeometry* fromRect(const QgsRectangle& rect) /Factory/;
diff -ruN qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip
- typedef unsigned int size_t;
--- qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip 2008-06-03 10:15:34.000000000 -0400
+++ qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip 2008-12-22 13:19:15.000000000 -0500
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
Index: /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsfeature.sip
/** a collection of QgsPolygons that share a common collection of attributes */
typedef QVector< QVector< QVector<QgsPoint> > > QgsMultiPolygon;
--- /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsfeature.sip (revision 9506)
+++ /trunk/qgis/python/core/qgsfeature.sip (revision 9629)
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
@@ -9,6 +9,4 @@
class QgsGeometry
- typedef unsigned int size_t;
@@ -52,7 +53,6 @@
/** construct geometry from a rectangle */
//! Constructor
static QgsGeometry* fromRect(const QgsRect& rect) /Factory/;
QgsFeature(int id = 0, QString typeName = "" );
- typedef unsigned int size_t;
diff -ruN qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip.orig qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip.orig
--- qgis_0.11.0/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip.orig 1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ qgis_0.11.0-new/python/core/qgsgeometry.sip.orig 2008-06-03 10:15:34.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/** polyline is just a list of points */
+typedef QVector<QgsPoint> QgsPolyline;
+/** polygon: first item of the list is outer ring, inner rings (if any) start from second item */
+typedef QVector< QVector<QgsPoint> > QgsPolygon;
+/** a collection of QgsPoints that share a common collection of attributes */
+typedef QVector<QgsPoint> QgsMultiPoint;
+/** a collection of QgsPolylines that share a common collection of attributes */
+typedef QVector< QVector<QgsPoint> > QgsMultiPolyline;
+/** a collection of QgsPolygons that share a common collection of attributes */
+typedef QVector< QVector< QVector<QgsPoint> > > QgsMultiPolygon;
+class QgsGeometry
+#include <qgsgeometry.h>
+ public:
+ //! Constructor
+ QgsGeometry();
+ /** copy constructor will prompt a deep copy of the object */
+ QgsGeometry( const QgsGeometry & );
+ //! Destructor
+ ~QgsGeometry();
+ /** static method that creates geometry from WKT */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromWkt(QString wkt) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a point */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromPoint(const QgsPoint& point) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a multipoint */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromMultiPoint(const QgsMultiPoint& multipoint) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a polyline */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromPolyline(const QgsPolyline& polyline) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a multipolyline*/
+ static QgsGeometry* fromMultiPolyline(const QgsMultiPolyline& multiline) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a polygon */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromPolygon(const QgsPolygon& polygon) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a multipolygon */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromMultiPolygon(const QgsMultiPolygon& multipoly) /Factory/;
+ /** construct geometry from a rectangle */
+ static QgsGeometry* fromRect(const QgsRect& rect) /Factory/;
+ typedef unsigned int size_t;
+ /**
+ Set the geometry, feeding in the buffer containing OGC Well-Known Binary and the buffer's length.
+ This class will take ownership of the buffer.
+ */
+ void setWkbAndOwnership(unsigned char * wkb /Array/, size_t length /ArraySize/);
+ // create copy of Python's string and pass it to setWkbAndOwnership()
+ unsigned char * copy = new unsigned char[a1];
+ memcpy(copy, a0, a1);
+ sipCpp->setWkbAndOwnership(copy, a1);
+ /**
+ Returns the buffer containing this geometry in WKB format.
+ You may wish to use in conjunction with wkbSize().
+ */
+ unsigned char * wkbBuffer();
+ /**
+ Returns the size of the WKB in wkbBuffer().
+ */
+ size_t wkbSize();
+ /** Returns type of wkb (point / linestring / polygon etc.) */
+ QGis::WKBTYPE wkbType();
+ /** Returns type of the vector */
+ QGis::VectorType vectorType();
+ /** Returns true if wkb of the geometry is of WKBMulti* type */
+ bool isMultipart();
+ /**
+ Set the geometry, feeding in a geometry in GEOS format.
+ */
+ // TODO: unsupported class... would be possible to use PyGEOS?
+ //void setGeos(geos::Geometry* geos);
+ double distance(QgsGeometry& geom);
+ /**
+ Returns the vertex closest to the given point
+ (and also vertex index, squared distance and indexes of the vertices before/after)
+ */
+ QgsPoint closestVertex(const QgsPoint& point, int& atVertex /Out/, int& beforeVertex /Out/, int& afterVertex /Out/, double& sqrDist /Out/);
+ /**
+ Returns the indexes of the vertices before and after the given vertex index.
+ This function takes into account the following factors:
+ 1. If the given vertex index is at the end of a linestring,
+ the adjacent index will be -1 (for "no adjacent vertex")
+ 2. If the given vertex index is at the end of a linear ring
+ (such as in a polygon), the adjacent index will take into
+ account the first vertex is equal to the last vertex (and will
+ skip equal vertex positions).
+ */
+ void adjacentVerticies(int atVertex, int& beforeVertex /Out/, int& afterVertex /Out/);
+ /** Insert a new vertex before the given vertex index,
+ * ring and item (first number is index 0)
+ * If the requested vertex number (beforeVertex.back()) is greater
+ * than the last actual vertex on the requested ring and item,
+ * it is assumed that the vertex is to be appended instead of inserted.
+ * Returns FALSE if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex
+ * on this geometry (including if this geometry is a Point).
+ * It is up to the caller to distinguish between
+ * these error conditions. (Or maybe we add another method to this
+ * object to help make the distinction?)
+ */
+ bool insertVertexBefore(double x, double y, int beforeVertex);
+ /** Moves the vertex at the given position number,
+ * ring and item (first number is index 0)
+ * to the given coordinates.
+ * Returns FALSE if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex
+ * on this geometry
+ */
+ bool moveVertexAt(double x, double y, int atVertex);
+ /** Deletes the vertex at the given position number,
+ * ring and item (first number is index 0)
+ * Returns FALSE if atVertex does not correspond to a valid vertex
+ * on this geometry (including if this geometry is a Point),
+ * or if the number of remaining verticies in the linestring
+ * would be less than two.
+ * It is up to the caller to distinguish between
+ * these error conditions. (Or maybe we add another method to this
+ * object to help make the distinction?)
+ */
+ bool deleteVertexAt(int atVertex);
+ /**
+ * Returns coordinates of a vertex.
+ * @param atVertex index of the vertex
+ * @return Coordinates of the vertex or QgsPoint(0,0) on error
+ */
+ QgsPoint vertexAt(int atVertex);
+ /**
+ Returns the squared cartesian distance between the given point
+ to the given vertex index*/
+ double sqrDistToVertexAt(QgsPoint& point /In/, int atVertex);
+ /**
+ * Searches for the the closest vertex in this geometry to the given point.
+ * @param point Specifiest the point for search
+ * @param atVertex Receives index of the closest vertex
+ * @return The squared cartesian distance is also returned in sqrDist, negative number on error
+ */
+ double closestVertexWithContext(const QgsPoint& point, int& atVertex /Out/);
+ /**
+ * Searches for the closest segment of geometry to the given point
+ * @param point Specifies the point for search
+ * @param minDistPoint Receives the nearest point on the segment
+ * @param beforeVertex Receives index of the vertex before the closest segment
+ * @return The squared cartesian distance is also returned in sqrDist, negative number on error
+ */
+ double closestSegmentWithContext(const QgsPoint& point, QgsPoint& minDistPoint /Out/, int& beforeVertex /Out/);
+ /**Adds a new ring to this geometry. This makes only sense for polygon and multipolygons.
+ @return 0 in case of success (ring added), 1 problem with geometry type, 2 ring not closed, \
+ 3 ring is not valid geometry, 4 ring not disjoint with existing rings, 5 no polygon found which contained the ring*/
+ int addRing(const QList<QgsPoint>& ring);
+ /**Adds a new island polygon to a multipolygon feature
+ @return 0 in case of success, 1 if not a multipolygon, 2 if ring is not a valid geometry, 3 if new polygon ring \
+not disjoint with existing polygons of the feature*/
+ int addIsland(const QList<QgsPoint>& ring);
+ /**Translate this geometry by dx, dy
+ @return 0 in case of success*/
+ int translate(double dx, double dy);
+ /**Splits this geometry according to a given line. Note that the geometry is only splitted once. If there are several intersections
+ between geometry and splitLine, only the first one is considered.
+ @param splitLine the line that splits the geometry
+ @param newGeometrys OUT: list of new geometries that have been created with the split
+ @return 0 in case of success, which means the geometry has been split in two parts, \
+ 1 if line intersects multiple times but only one split could be done, \
+ 2 if intersection too complicated to proceed (several polygon intersections), \ \
+ else other error*/
+ int splitGeometry(const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, QList<QgsGeometry*>& newGeometries);
+ /**Changes this geometry such that it does not intersect the other geometry
+ @param other geometry that should not be intersect
+ @return 0 in case of success*/
+ int makeDifference(QgsGeometry* other);
+ /**Returns the bounding box of this feature*/
+ QgsRect boundingBox();
+ /** Test for intersection with a rectangle (uses GEOS) */
+ bool intersects(const QgsRect& r);
+ /** Test for intersection with a geoemetry (uses GEOS) */
+ bool intersects(QgsGeometry* geometry);
+ /** Test for containment of a point (uses GEOS) */
+ bool contains(QgsPoint* p);
+ /** Returns a buffer region around this geometry having the given width and with a specified number
+ of segments used to approximate curves */
+ QgsGeometry* buffer(double distance, int segments) /Factory/;
+ /** Returns the smallest convex polygon that contains all the points in the geometry. */
+ QgsGeometry* convexHull() /Factory/;
+ /** Returns a geometry representing the points shared by this geometry and other. */
+ QgsGeometry* intersection(QgsGeometry* geometry) /Factory/;
+ /** Returns a geometry representing all the points in this geometry and other. */
+ QgsGeometry* Union(QgsGeometry* geometry) /Factory/;
+ /** Returns a geometry representing the points making up this geometry that do not make up other. */
+ QgsGeometry* difference(QgsGeometry* geometry) /Factory/;
+ /** Returns a Geometry representing the points making up this Geometry that do not make up other. */
+ QgsGeometry* symDifference(QgsGeometry* geometry) /Factory/;
+ /**Creates a geos geometry from this features geometry. Note, that the returned object needs to be deleted*/
+ // TODO: unsupported class... would be possible to use PyGEOS?
+ //geos::Geometry* geosGeometry() const;
+ /** Exports the geometry to mWkt
+ @return true in case of success and false else
+ */
+ QString exportToWkt();
+ /* Accessor functions for getting geometry data */
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a point
+ if wkbType is WKBPoint, otherwise returns [0,0] */
+ QgsPoint asPoint();
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a polyline
+ if wkbType is WKBLineString, otherwise an empty list */
+ QgsPolyline asPolyline();
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a polygon
+ if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list */
+ QgsPolygon asPolygon();
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a polygon
+ if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list */
+ QgsMultiPoint asMultiPoint();
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a polygon
+ if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list */
+ QgsMultiPolyline asMultiPolyline();
+ /** return contents of the geometry as a polygon
+ if wkbType is WKBPolygon, otherwise an empty list */
+ QgsMultiPolygon asMultiPolygon();
+}; // class QgsGeometry
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name: qgis
Name: qgis
Version: 0.11.0
Version: 0.11.0
Release: 7%{?dist}
Release: 8%{?dist}
Summary: A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
Summary: A user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System
Group: Applications/Engineering
Group: Applications/Engineering
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