# -*- python -*- # ex: set filetype=python: from buildbot.plugins import * from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS from buildbot.process.properties import Property # This is a sample buildmaster config file. It must be installed as # 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory. # This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use # a shorter alias to save typing. c = BuildmasterConfig = {} ####### WORKERS # The 'workers' list defines the set of recognized workers. Each element is # a Worker object, specifying a unique worker name and password. The same # worker name and password must be configured on the worker. #c['workers'] = [worker.Worker("worker", "work3rP@ss!")] c['workers'] = [ worker.DockerLatentWorker('f26', 'work3rP@ss!', docker_host='unix:///var/run/docker.sock', image='buildbot-worker:26', hostconfig={'cap_add': ['SYS_ADMIN']}), worker.DockerLatentWorker('f27', 'work3rP@ss!', docker_host='unix:///var/run/docker.sock', image='buildbot-worker:27', hostconfig={'cap_add': ['SYS_ADMIN'], 'security_opt': ['apparmor=unconfined']}), ] # 'protocols' contains information about protocols which master will use for # communicating with workers. You must define at least 'port' option that workers # could connect to your master with this protocol. # 'port' must match the value configured into the workers (with their # --master option) c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': 9989}} ####### CHANGESOURCES # the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out # about source code changes. Here we point to the buildbot version of a python hello-world project. c['change_source'] = [] # FIXME # c['change_source'].append(changes.GitPoller( # 'git://github.com/buildbot/hello-world.git', # workdir='gitpoller-workdir', branch='master', # pollinterval=300)) # ####### SCHEDULERS # Configure the Schedulers, which decide how to react to incoming changes. In this # case, just kick off a 'qgis' build c['schedulers'] = [] # FIXME # c['schedulers'].append(schedulers.SingleBranchScheduler( # name="all", # change_filter=util.ChangeFilter(branch='master'), # treeStableTimer=None, # builderNames=["qgis"])) c['schedulers'].append(schedulers.ForceScheduler( name="Force_QGIS", builderNames=["qgis"])) c['schedulers'].append(schedulers.ForceScheduler( name="Force_QGIS_DNF_F26", builderNames=["qgis_dnf_f26"])) c['schedulers'].append(schedulers.ForceScheduler( name="Force_QGIS_DNF_F27", builderNames=["qgis_dnf_f27"])) ####### BUILDERS # The 'builders' list defines the Builders, which tell Buildbot how to perform a build: # what steps, and which workers can execute them. Note that any particular build will # only take place on one worker. def rpm_name(rc, stdout, stderr): return stdout.split()[3] qgis_factory = util.BuildFactory() qgis_factory.addStep(steps.Git(repourl=Property('repository', 'git://github.com/qgis/qgis.git'), mode='full', method='clobber', shallow=True, name="Clone")) qgis_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["./buildrpms.sh", "-s", "-u"], workdir="build/rpm", name="Build SRPM", env={"_MOCK_OLD_CHROOT": "true"})) qgis_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command="ls", workdir="build/rpm/result", name="List artifacts")) qgis_factory.addStep(steps.SetPropertyFromCommand(command="ls qgis*.src.rpm", property="srpm", workdir="build/rpm/result", name="Get artifacts")) qgis_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["copr-cli", "build", "qgis-testing", util.Interpolate("%(prop:srpm)s")], workdir="build/rpm/result", timeout=28800, name="Build on COPR")) qgis_install_factory = util.BuildFactory() qgis_install_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["/usr/bin/sudo", "dnf", "copr", "enable", "-y", "dani/qgis-testing"], name="Add COPR")) qgis_install_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["/usr/bin/sudo", "dnf", "install", "--refresh", "-y", "qgis", "python3-qgis", "qgis-server", "qgis-grass"], name="Run DNF")) qgis_install_factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=["/usr/bin/qgis", "--help"], name="Run QGIS", decodeRC={0:SUCCESS, 2:SUCCESS})) # th_factory = util.BuildFactory() # dummy c['builders'] = [] c['builders'].append( util.BuilderConfig(name="qgis", workernames=["f27"], factory=qgis_factory)) c['builders'].append( util.BuilderConfig(name="qgis_dnf_f26", workernames=["f26"], factory=qgis_install_factory)) c['builders'].append( util.BuilderConfig(name="qgis_dnf_f27", workernames=["f27"], factory=qgis_install_factory)) ####### BUILDBOT SERVICES # 'services' is a list of BuildbotService items like reporter targets. The # status of each build will be pushed to these targets. buildbot/reporters/*.py # has a variety to choose from, like IRC bots. c['services'] = [] ####### PROJECT IDENTITY # the 'title' string will appear at the top of this buildbot installation's # home pages (linked to the 'titleURL'). c['title'] = "Build Server" c['titleURL'] = "https://build.server" # the 'buildbotURL' string should point to the location where the buildbot's # internal web server is visible. This typically uses the port number set in # the 'www' entry below, but with an externally-visible host name which the # buildbot cannot figure out without some help. c['buildbotURL'] = "https://build.server" # minimalistic config to activate new web UI c['www'] = dict(port=8010, plugins=dict(waterfall_view={}, console_view={}, grid_view={})) c['www']['authz'] = util.Authz( allowRules = [ util.AnyControlEndpointMatcher(role="admins", defaultDeny=True), util.AnyEndpointMatcher(role="admins", defaultDeny=False), # if future Buildbot implement new control, we are safe with this last rule ], roleMatchers = [ util.RolesFromUsername(roles=['admins'], usernames=['']) ] ) c['www']['auth'] = util.UserPasswordAuth([('','')]) ####### DB URL c['db'] = { # This specifies what database buildbot uses to store its state. You can leave # this at its default for all but the largest installations. 'db_url' : "sqlite:///state.sqlite", }