Prepping for version 4.1
SERVO_SIGNAL(vpin, redpos, amberpos, greenpos)
use RED/AMBER/GREEN as for led signals.
* Automatic ALIAS(name)
and _ in keywords
* EXRAIL FORGET current loco
* Cleanup version.h
* Update version.h (#223)
Rewrite & Updated the 4.0.0 Section
* </KILL ALL> fix
* Incoming LCN turnout throw.
* KILLALL macro
and DIAGNOSTIC messages when KILL command used.
* Rebuild throttle info getters
UNTESTED... create different methods to obtain throttle info without being withrottle specific.
Also implements turnout description of "*" as hidden.
* J command parsing
JA JR JT commands parsed
EXRAIL sets hidden turnout state
HIDDEN description macro
Turnouts hidden flag bit
* Assist notes draft & syntax tweaks
* Throttle notes
* uno memory saver
* JA JR and <t cab>
* Subtle corrections
* Update version.h
* I2C code corrections
Corrections to I2C code:
1) I2CManager_Mega4809.h: Correct bitwise 'and' to logical 'and' - no impact.
2) I2CManager_Wire.h: Ensure that error codes from Wire subsystem are passed back to caller in queueRequest().
* RAG Ifs and cmds
* IF block perf/memory
* Allow negative route ids.
* correct GREEN keyword
* Update version.h
* myFilter auto detect
* Update version.h
* fix weak ref to myFilter
* ACK defaults now 50-2000-20000
* Update version.h
* Improved SIGNALs startup and diagnostics
* Update IO_PCA9685.cpp
* Allow turnout id 0
* Position servo pin used as GPIO
* NoPowerOff LEDS
* CALLBACK parameter optional for Write
Callback parameters are now optional on PROG
* Updated CV read command <R cv>
Equivalent to <V cv 0> uses the verify callback.
Co-authored-by: Asbelos <>
Co-authored-by: Kcsmith0708 <>
Co-authored-by: Neil McKechnie <>
Co-authored-by: Ash-4 <>
The range of accessory decoder addresses for the <a> command is 0-511 in line with the DCC packet contents. The turnout command previously rejected address 0; this has been changed to the same range of addresses can be used by both commands, i.e. address 0-511 and subaddress 0-3. The linear address mapping remains so that linear address 1 is addr/subaddr 1/0; i.e. the first decoder address is not accessible by linear address.
Ensure that the servo, VPIN and LCN turnouts are all initialised to closed if no initial state is provided in the create call or in EEPROM. This applies irrespective of the RCN-213 configuration settings.
Ensure state is saved and restored from EEPROM as expected.
Make constructors for turnouts private. Otherwise, a statically created turnout may be initialising itself before the underlying HAL device has been created. By requiring the create() call be used, there is more control over the timing of the turnout object's creation.
<s> command currently prints the current states for outputs and for sensors, but prints the full configuration of turnouts. This change makes the turnout output consistent, i.e. just <H id state> is output for each turnout. The <T> command still outputs the full turnout definition.
JMRI currently isn't aware of the newer types of turnout in DCC++EX, so when it receives the definitions of turnouts it barfs on them. It still knows a turnout exists, but isn't able to display its full configuration. For DCC Accessory turnouts, the configuration message has changed so that it includes the DCC string (to distinguish them from other types of turnout). To enable current and older versions of JMRI to continue working with DCC turnouts, CS now reports the old and new formats, i.e. <T id addr subaddr state> and <T id DCC addr subadd state>. It currently accepts the first one and ignores the second one, but in the fullness of time it might accept the second one too.
Ensure that the <H> message is sent on the serial USB (to JMRI) whenever the turnout is closed or thrown, even if the request didn't originate on the serial USB.
Turnout class split into a base class for common code and specific subclasses for Servo, DCC, VPIN and LCN turnouts.
Interface further narrowed to reduce direct access to member variables.
Turnout creation command handling has been moved into the DCCEXParser class.
Turnout function and parameter names changed to make the Throw and Close functionality explicit.
Turnout commands <T id C> (close) and <T id T> (throw) added.
On activation, Turnout code was saving entire EEPROM twice, even if EEPROM save was switched off with the <e> command. It's now been changed so that only the tStatus byte is updated, and only if the turnout has previously been saved into EEPROM.
In prep for Wifi siolution, all output functions changed to expect Print class instead of Stream... Can still pass Serial1 etc because Stream extends Print, but this allows for an output-only class extending Print to collect a response buffer for Wifi sending with AT commands.